• By -


The Queen was very beautiful in that color!!!


I get so ticked off by the ‘modernizing’ the monarchy nonsense. This woman — was absolutely groundbreaking. No modernizing to be done - she did it before it was ‘cool.’


She really was Superwoman. ![gif](giphy|xFS4WZVCXuiloiBIcW)


Everyone reacts the same when their horse is coming in first!


I saw this on Twitter a week ago, and it is so true! https://preview.redd.it/6xmadhm0ifad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5287a4db4cf5c61411e2c08b9266579983f8cb7a


Hey now, Elizabeth I had a damn good run as well!


Yes, she did - there have been some amazing Queens. But this just references the more modern era of the last 200 years.


I was about to say the same. The monarchy has been modernizing since it began, perhaps never as extensively as during the reigns of Elizabeths.




Awesome fact. Two amazing women!!!


Add to that Queen Anne. Her achievements are so overlooked in favour of her miscarriages - almost 20. She was proactive in the Act of Union for example.


While Catherine won’t be the head of state, her calming influence will be felt strongly during the KW5 period.


And Princess Charlotte. I can see her surpassing even her mother's popularity!


Well, Rachel failed to comprehend that modernizing =/= using royal status for personal financial gain As did Harold


She confused modernising with monetising!!


Very good word-mongering!


She does struggle, doesn’t she!


Sure, some modernizing - look at how much tech has up'd the visibility of the BRF (IG, twitter/x - probably FBk, but don't know b/c haven't been on it in years). AND, I personally would like the L.o.S. ranking to be much less important - ie: ask Lady Gabriella and Lord Freddy (who has an amazing wife - who'd help him, and the monarchy too!) to become "working royals".. both would be fabulous - though unfortunately, they are now in the low #50's of the LoS. But other than these 2 modernization things, I **hope a lot stays when W. ascends.**


Lady Gabriella would be amazing. Can you imagine Lady Sophie as a working royal? She would be perfection. She is so modest and accommodating in her interviews. And funny! She is tall and elegant. For those unfamiliar with her and who also like Jane Austen, she plays an amazing Lady Susan in the Sanditon mini-series. That’s how I’d picture her on the balcony and at ceremonies.


"I get so ticked off by the '~~modernising~~' 'monetising' the monarchy nonsense" FIXED.


Yep! That’s it!!!


Yeah well Meghan is just too ignorant to comprehend what the actual legacy of the Queen was/is.  She’s stupid


She’s such a rock star. One of a kind!


She was fantastic in her bright bold ensembles - loved her style - more people young and old should opt for bright colors instead of dismal black on black - everything dark and bland.


Wouldn't you love to have one of her hats? I know I would love one. A pink one or a purple one.


My wish would be one of her Hermes scarf.


I'd be her leica camera😆


❤️ Indupitably!


Her hats were the absolute best. I love hats and hers were always amazing. I would love to see a website just devoted to the hats of QE II. I love the shape, style, and the colors, everything.


I loved that her reasoning for bright colors is because she knew people came to see the queen so she made sure to stand out so that they could.


She was beautiful in any colour!


*She was beautiful in any colour!* Agree!


The Queen was beautiful 😍 She is so missed in Cold Britain


She was certainly a beautiful person. And she's missed here in the States as well.




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God save the King! x - American sinner


Agreed - another American sinner.


RF-supportive ‘Merican checking in!


Hear, Hear!! -fellow American sinner! 🇺🇲


Ditto from another American.


This made me laugh so hard! As a Brit in the US, everyone thinks my accent is ‘darling’ but I still hide on the 4th 😀


It’s my favorite holiday meme. I’ve said it before on this sub - but US/England/UK are the crazy cousins who got super pissy with each other, made a scene at a holiday dinner …. Felt bad about it after & don’t talk about it. We’re besties now & that’s all that matters! 😂😂


"Two countries, divided by a common language"/s


My Southern accent gets me the same treatment in the UK. At least we balance one another out! ❤️


Imho, just like in the UK, dialects here vary from region to region, state to state. Tomato, potato and praline come quickly to mind, lol. People actually argue with each other how those 3 words should be pronounced. It's our differences that make life fun.


Don't get me started on 'scone'...


Don't forget "pecans."


LOL! I once had a student (I'm in the Philadelphia area) who had recently moved from just north of Boston, where the stereotypical accent is pronounced Another teacher referred her to our Speech Therapist for evaluation because she "can't say the r sound." As a young nursing student, my instructor from North Carolina asked to pass her a "pin." I looked about for one, then told her I would be right back. When I returned with a bandage pin, she was already writing in the patient's chart with a pen. She was highly annoyed and could not understand my confusion.


Lol if it helps any, as an American I can say that like 75% of people don't remember Independence day was about leaving Britain. Just that it's the start of America. Lol.  Lets be real... We don't even care ... We just wanna blow things up and party 😂


We are always down to blow some s**t up! My ‘patriotic’ neighbors started a day early in fact. Hahha 🥴🥴🥴


Mine started weeks ago and I am not even mad at it lol 


100% accurate. To many of our inhabitants the meanings of most holidays are lost and have sadly morphed into drinking-eating-weeklong sales-parties and one other variable such as pyrotechnics or evergreen trees or football. ![gif](giphy|d7vbmoGrHfmuc)


Your accent is ‘soooo cute!’ I’m sure. Haha


Embrace it. Don your red coat & sip tea whilst telling the colonial rebels things would have been better had they stayed.


I'm American, born and raised. I too hide on the 4th. LOL


She really was lovely and way ahead of her time. Much love and togetherness as well to our sinners across the pond. Also, have fun at work tomorrow! 🤣❤️ https://preview.redd.it/rr1ne6ve4fad1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72fa16f56ccc6665727149bd241177037c73579


I believe they vote tomorrow!


Yes! I’ll be watching for the results!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (not related much, but in my neck of the woods here in the US of A, I’m listening to the police/fire scanner, where everybody plays the “was that fireworks or gunshots” game. (Life pro-tip: if you ever want to shoot somebody, do it on July Fourth. I AM SURE IT WAS JUST FIREWORKS SIR lol.)


Oh lord — I worked in TV news for a long time & had to sit by the scanners. I still have dreams about 10 codes & will forever remember the ‘key’ ones we had to pay attention to. Haha


The Ohio State Patrol communicates almost exclusively in 10-codes. It’s impossible to understand, like its own language, and they say it all so fast. Except for one thing, they replace “copy” with “okay”. Like, jumble of 10-codes followed by a casual “okay” lol.


Omg the timing…I just heard a high speed chase on I70 in Ohio. From when the officer first tried to stop the guy to where they stopped him with spike strips was only two or three minutes at most, even with him getting off the interstate and running 120mph on a two-lane, 40 mph zone. In a busy area. The first spikes couldn’t get set up in time but the next officer down the road was able to deploy. They got him, amazingly nobody got hurt, even the suspect (wouldn’t hurt my feelings if he had gotten a bit roughed up for resisting). Those officers kicked ass on this stop and arrest, it could have ended very badly. That stretch is not suitable for 120mph lol. Plus they used real words and not 10-codes for this!


Yikes! I’m not sure there are many stretches suitable for 12mph. Haha p


![gif](giphy|U1mAK94N12VBrYDfR9|downsized) On a side note, I guess Yankee Doodle Doofus and his gold digger wife will allow their kids to have their customary July 4th photo op. The Harkle’s only celebrate the 4th to rub it in the king’s nose, due to the historical significance.


Aye rub it in yankee doodles lol ❤️


Queen Elizabeth II was serving in the British military, during WWII, when FDR was president. She became queen when Harry Truman was president. She represented the Commonwealth through the Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, GW Bush, Obama, Trump and part of Biden's administrations. She was well seasoned, respected and capable of her position right up to her death. The idea that MeMe believed she could just float in on a cloud of narcissism, entitlement and greed to take control of the British Crown and protocol is delusional and completely beyond bizarre. MeMe is sooooo F\*cked up in the head...JHC !! edit- punctuation


Really, that’s 5150 territory in CA. I just wish the dam would break on that _____. Living for it. Being closely related to a narc sister, protected by our narc mother, just one time I wish they would get their come uppance. Grr




Yep yep - that’s true. But we’re good now & the closest of allies! (Thankfully)


Today: just saying your two children are LOS royals doesn’t make it true (declaring it wouldn’t make it true either)


![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY) As a Texan first (6 generations), with British roots…I’ll never be separated from my people’s country really. Still have mad love for the British Isles and her (my) people. Oh, QE2…I miss you so much.


Well said! That’s the case with many of us. We also have family members who fought side by side during WWI & WWII. England has always been our closest ally. And who doesn’t admire British pomp & pageantry? I cannot understand why some UKers want to abolish the most distinctive aspect of their national identity. They‘d just be a dull, average European country no one cares about without the tradition and beauty. Of course, all this would end if Harry were to take the throne.




OH NO!!! NOT THE CORGIS!!!:I would roll around playing with them and forget what I was supposed to be doing.


I asked on my change.org comment why some Americans who pride themselves on their independence, still swoon over a Prince? Happy 4th sinners!


My swooning is not nation dependent ;)


Exactly!! Swooning is borderless!


https://preview.redd.it/9trzt6lw7fad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f014fd8581cfd17a89668c67784e5f212e0c0d Just kidding. God save the King and much love to the incredible British sinners. 🇺🇸❤️🇬🇧🇺🇸❤️👑🤴


https://preview.redd.it/bql9aluobfad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7094acda066251a1284de1f87147271ea62404f Lmao


I am in Australia so will celebrate for you us sinners:)


I'm Mexican but happy day to y'all!


We love our southern neighbors, too!


The grifters usually make it a point to be seen celebrating Independence Day from the shackles of English tyranny. In short, they think they're owning the BRF. It's Madame's ham-fisted way of saying, see, we declared our independence too. Did you notice how much we don't need you? Well, did you? Why aren't you paying attention and responding?


This is fucking hilarious!!! I'm a treasonous traitor!!! Ed: the "f" word autocorrected


We totally are — (as Americans) but thankfully it’s all water under the bridge & we are BFF allies. Haha


PPoW make me wish I wasn't a traitor tho! I would serve them as my King & Queen


It would be amazing to have someone/people we could all get behind.


Yes, America is so divided now. Nothing unites us. The Royal Family unites the British.


Yeah. We really are. It’s awful & a shame. I don’t mean that politically speaking, and I think there’s plenty of blame to go around. But, I would suspect the majority of American sinners would likely agree. I’m not saying one side is right and another is wrong - only that we are being pretty awful to each other right now. 💔 I honestly don’t even believe that it’s entirely our own fault, because I personally believe there are likely outside forces seeping in … and that is not helping. Also, that it’s probably happening in the same way in other countries. It’s been a rough few years for us all — the world really with COVID. I look forward to the day when we find a way back. (Edited for my wacky southern voice-to-text grammar. lol)


Me too. Will and Kate will make an amazing king and queen.


I agree. It seems like the UK has a pretty good system going on these days.


Absolutely loved 'cousins separated by the metric system'. I was in primary school when it was announced we must all learn/convert to the metric system or be left behind by the rest of the world. We all know that worked out, although President Carter somewhat tried 📏


We are America. We do not use the metric system, so no one else should either. It is weird to us. God bless President Carter - honestly though. ❤️


My dad (Aussie) always called the UK and the US ‘two people divided by a common language.’


It’s so true. We love you guys, too - but we have a short attention span & our global view — is stunted at times. 😂


![gif](giphy|3ov9jNzt9SRTaH06SA) You’ll be back


We’ll see how the next four years go. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


My favorite character from Hamilton. The song was great.


As an Aussie, I’d like to wish our American friends happy 4th of July! Hopefully one day my country will be a republic, and we’ll still have a soft spot for the BRF, but I’ll still only have a hard spot for the F***ing Grifters of Montedeceito, (as I saw another Sinner call it!)😂🇺🇸🇦🇺🇬🇧


Okay, I laughed.


Because IT IS very funny - she’s so cute & sweet.


"Happy Treason Day, Harry and Meghan!" 👋


I miss this lady everyday. Happy Independence Day to all American sinner’s. You won Independence but never lost respect for this lady. I respect you all. 🇬🇧🇬🇧


About the bling in the photo: That brooch QEII is wearing is an important piece of jewelry. It's one of Queen Victoria's Diamond Bow Brooches, which Victoria designated as "Heirlooms of the Crown". https://www.thecourtjeweller.com/2017/02/sundays-with-victoria-diamond-bow.html


This American can’t wait to see the end of ‘British Royal Tyranny’ a second time! 🤣 Happy Fourth!!


We needed a Patrick Henry to warn us about Harold.  🐎 


I admittedly thought I was a ‘stupid’ American & didn’t know who you were talking about. Haha


I knew they meant Revere, but saw the emoji and thought of the jockey!!


I did! But as an immigrant, I loved studying about the revolution. 


That’s awesome! Most American-born kids are disinterested and require our history to be shoved down their throats. It really is an intriguing story! I’m glad you're here, and I hope you were able to celebrate today! ETA, I hope that you were able to weave your personal family background (like practices and foods) into your July 4th celebration, if you so chose!


Two of my favorite “history“ memories are knowing that Crispus Attucks was the first to die in the revolution (my US history lecturer in college gave me the stink eye for blurting out the answer) and directing tourists to the Ford Theater in Washington DC. I had never been there myself, was standing facing the boarding house where Lincoln was taken, and simply turned around and told the tourists that the theatre was right behind us. Oh, absolutely, I may bleed red, white and blue, but I’m 43% (😉 ) a citizen of the world. Yes, I love the food and music from my country. When I went away to school waaaaaay before Amazon, my dad used to send me care packages with food not available where I studied.


Welcome! And happy July 4th fellow American! 🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️


Very clever!


Not so clever: I meant Paul Revere!!  


My brain failed me too- saw the horse emoji and took me to another person entirely!


I think Patrick Henry was the patriot who is credited with saying, “Give me liberty or give me death!” (I may be wrong again!)


I’m not asking my brain who Patrick Henry is. I won’t be humiliated twice!




I wonder what the history is between the UK being the colonial enemy to Americans loving everything British in a relatively short time. I guess the colonial Americans were largely British themselves instead of the British imposing rule on another people, and that is probably a large part of the story. But it does seem like an oddity how much love Americans have for their former colonial overlords.


I think it’s more a silly joke at this point. Americans 100% had differences with our British ‘cousins’ but we are each others’ biggest ally now & I would argue the entire free world … is safer as a result of that bond. ☺️☺️


Things got a little touchy there in 1812-1814, again in the 1860s, but we Americans adore British writers like dear Mr. Dickens, and we thought Queen Vic was the bee's knees--probably why we sent so many heiresses over there to marry aristocrats who needed a spot of cash, and by Lusitania we were solid.


Queen Vic made the decision to not side with the Confederacy in 1860. Came as a huge surprise to The Confederacy.


That is really interesting!!!!


You can read it about in actual history books if you'd like, but it is also mentioned in Gone With The Wind. The book not the movie. Scarlett has been told that England is going to help the Confederacy and she believes it. Rhett tells her, no, Queen Victoria is a Christian woman who will not help slavery. Great scene.


Love that - I love the Gone with the Wind film, but have never made it through the book. I also have the audiobook, but I swear I think it’s like 18 hours long. Lol. There are several interesting tidbits — regarding the film production & after its release regarding segregation issues, which is ironic, considering the Civil War aspect of the plot. I remember reading somewhere, the Clark Gable basically forced the studio to desegregate the set or he was going to walk off. Which I thought was really cool. I’m living in the south and I am a proud southerner, but it still blows my mind that this kind of thing happened in the last 100 years. It’s just unimaginable to me.


Oh totally — a little touch & go for sure. But, the US military will swoop into action like the Avengers if anyone messes with our ‘BFF’ and vice versa. Haha


I still maintain that we were *so* British that the Empire could no longer contain us. 🥂


We Britished out so hard - we needed a new continent.


Prince Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, the future Edward VII, and eldest son of Queen Victoria made a hugely successful trip to New York around 1860. He was young, handsome and charming. That is usually considered when when public perception and attitudes towards the UK changed. Then during the Gilted Age, a number of American heiresses married into the British aristocracy. They were the celebrities of the age and got a lot of press, and anglomania was born.


Britain also invests quite heavily in its ‘cultural exports’ - the UK economy is not that big in relative terms, but everyone recognises the palaces, the parades, the royals, James Bond, etc. etc. It allows the UK to punch above its weight on the world stage. South Korea openly and deliberately copied the UK with its own ‘cultural export’ strategy, starting with dedicating 1% of spending to culture and recently increasing it to 2%. It’s why everyone these days knows K-pop idols, Korean skincare and Korean foods. It’s policy.


A lot of colonials thought they were British. It was Massachusetts that were the rebels and had to convince the other colonies to fight. New York didn't want to and were actually happy with still being a colony and had no problem with King George III. After the war ended, the newly independent United States resumed trade with Britain.


Well, King George was crazy. Maybe that is why New York liked him. /s


I posted here about a National Park flying the Union Jack at events because it depicted life here “in the colonies” before the Revolutionary War. Also, I think while we Yanks appreciate our Republic we do have a fascination for British Royalty: the beautiful, historic castles, the pomp and ceremony. After all, for many Americans it is their heritage. 🇺🇸🇬🇧


Me toooo!!!


💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 She was a great Queen. This message she sent to overseas has-been and gold-digger grifter. Traitors, losers, boooo, boooo, boohoo. Don't go away mad Haz, just go away.




Cheers to that awful ‘situation’ we don’t need to discuss again. Y’all get attacked?? We’ve got you & vice versa!


Thank you, my relatives left the mother country and fought in what is now Tennessee.


I’m in Tennessee!!!!


I have always wanted to visit. It looks beautiful.


It’s great. Our state is REALLY long — but my side - we have the Appalachian mountains, which is actually the same mountain range as the Scottish Highlands - which is WILD. There is a decent Scottish history here … as well — immigrants from way back - before it was even a state, which I think is really sweet .. how that happened. They felt at home here. ❤️. Our mountains aren’t HUGE like the Rockies - but they are way older. I legit cannot imagine living somewhere — where you don’t see hills/mountains. We have Nashville in the middle part & Memphis — to the west. Dolly Parton is our queen. ❤️❤️❤️ If you ever visit - I would HIGHLY recommend Asheville, which is in North Carolina. It’s just across the state line - National Park. It focuses a little more on the beauty … of the area & Biltmore Estate is also there — which has a SUPER interesting history. It’s tied to the Vanderbilt family & is the largest privately owned home in the US. BUT - my fave tidbit is — they took possession of & secretly hid/protected a decent amount of America’s artwork during WWII. The government pulled it out of Washington, et - and secretly shipped it to NC … so it would be safe. Rembrandts, the whole nine yards. Hid it away all away in a little town in NC … just in case the worst happened. Biltmore secretly built special rooms & everything for it. So cool.




Have a wonderful 4th July, to all our American friends, and happy General Election Day to us all in the UK. We'll all be too preoccupied to give even a passing though to the dastardly duo today!


Thank you! I think those two will do the usual and drag some children and strange looking security staff out for a parade! Happy Fourth of July 🇺🇸 everyone!


![gif](giphy|Ez01FtPZuFYVa) I have British roots, but they were transplanted here in America back in Colonial times. So while I have a soft spot in my heart for UK and the Commonwealth, I’ll be enjoying my “bonkers” First Amendment right to Free Speech.


OMG YOU JUST CROSSED A LINE WITH THE METRIC SYSTEM!!!!! (Lol, love you OP and fellow sinners) (…but Imperial all the way 😉👍)


We refuse to follow this system. The entire rest of the world is wrong. We expect you all to agree with us. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


*sarcasm font* well said, Imperial Sinner! *moar sarcasm font* expectations were made to be unmet




they gave us an inch and we took a mile.


And we’ll be taking that ‘mile’ forever!!!!


Weren't you the second country to adopt decimal currency?


I will admit I wasn’t the biggest royal family supporter—I didn’t watch will or Harry’s wedding because I didn’t give AF—but the way Harry (and Meghan as well) trashed his family has made me an ardent royalist.


Makes me laugh to think that Harold and TW have managed to unite Americans and Brits everywhere. Thank goodness we Brits realise that Markle isn't a typical American and you Americans realise Harold isn't typical of British people in any shape or form. 😂


LOLOLOLOL from America! Proud to be of mostly British blood and to be born American.


Happy 4th July to all American sinners I'll think of you as I drink my morning cup of tea. Cheers!


I did PR for a National Park and living history museum in Virginia that recreated how colonists lived and worked just prior to the American Revolution. At events we flew the Union Jack. 🇺🇸🇬🇧


What a cute picture of the late Queen!


Hey- Canada here!👋 We had a special day here a couple of days ago too! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 Happy 4th of July to our American neighbours 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Happy 4th of July to my Wonderful Sinners Family from Canada! 🇨🇦 You are my first thing I read in the morning to get my day going in the right direction! ![gif](giphy|plUTJQbOO1PPoFImdu)


From Alexandria, VA, home of George Washington, I remind people what Mr. Washington said when he was urged to become King of the newly freed colonies: "I did not defeat George III to become George I." In a "sweet nod" to George Washington, Alexandria will celebrate its 275th Birthday with fireworks on July 13. Our Town Crier (yes, we do have a Town Crier) will announce the event throughout the city.




Happy election day to those in the UK.






LOL I'm Canadian and a very proud Anglophile, and that just makes me laugh. I know there are parts of the web where this would NOT be appreciated. Obviously, Americans here have a great sense of humour. I'm so happy to be a small part of this community! (ETA: Happy Fourth of July to the U.S.!)




Happy July 4th to all who celebrate it, wherever you are


Thanks for the well wishes 😂 Kinda wish we had settled as part of the Commonwealth; I’d love to be able to move around to different countries.


Happy 4th to every American excluding Meghan on her high horse Markle and Dopy Doria


Wouldn't it be SO GRAND if the DUCHEBAGS OF SUCKASS .... instead of flying and waving an American flag they would fly a WHITE flag and give in to their their selfish self absorbtion.... They say it takes less muscles to smile than frown... ![gif](giphy|Fl4yQMcK3kAaQ)


Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙


https://preview.redd.it/ake508v1zhad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e6c96e0e6e0bb42ff3703fa2f718d44c501727 😁 I miss the Queen. She was a force of nature.


If the Queen had been running England, we never would have gotten our independence.


No shade to our lovely neighbours to the South, but this is why I love being Canadian. King Charles III is still out King and we are on the metric system. 


Plus Tim Horton.


Plus, you’re all so dang nice!


Awww 🥰 Thank you 🌹


It’s so true. I joked around about it, from a dry humor standpoint, but when Canada shut down the border specifically to Americans during COVID… I was like, ‘OH HELL guys. We’ve really done it now. Canada doesn’t even want us!!! Hope everyone is happy. The Canadians don’t even like us now!!!’m 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This brings to mind July 6, 1976, America's Bicentennial. Sixteen year-old me, in cut-off shorts and tank top, went to see the Queen visit the City of Brotherly Love. She gave a most gracious and meaningful speech that acknowledged both the lessons of freedom the UK learned from the American Revolution while emphasizing the "shared principles of the Magna Carta that guide our nations today." This ordinarily unimpressed teenager got a bit choked up!


I love it. She was just so great. And all seriousness, I don’t mean to make light of the events surrounding the birth of America. And in the grand scheme of things, it’s pretty crazy because it really wasn’t that long ago. We are such a baby country. That said, I really struggle with anything less than an appreciation for the friendship that we have now as countries. I know bad stuff happened, but look it all the wonderful things, between the two world wars, all of that. We are better ‘together’ — from a global standpoint. IMO


I fully agree. Perhaps all the more so because my grandfather was from Birmingham and family still lives in the UK.


We are 100% ‘family’ on the global scale. IMO. We have a tied history - we share the same values. America doesn’t have a monarchy, but it’s not like the UK version of monarchy is the same as say, North Korea. There are elections, et. We’re basically the same … in my ‘dumb’ American opinion. Ha.


agreed! one of my closest friends is British. every other year, one of us crosses the pond - except for the f’ing covid years!


This is what I’m doing today (4th July) It’s our General Election. I’ll be at the polling station early for voting https://preview.redd.it/d0gthq0nfgad1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ef39f502129a67812c67e87bc3fc452b815ad5


The Memes in this post are killing me!!! Lol


Murica!!!! 😂😂😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Flowers 🌷 ![gif](giphy|49M1JQPy7RhD2)


Happy treason day folks!!!! ![gif](giphy|LCVU9TNXchVg7Yd3qx|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/m1a3u9kjrmad1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca2f64b7ab063763d550f5f803c1f614108734b 😁




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God bless "Mericuh" and the working Royals!!


My mother was British n she never let us forget it. Cut my teeth on "Hail, Britannia ". It was fun to see my parent faux- bicker on the 4th.


Lol. Well we got your prince now so we can call it even.


Hopefully go somewhere and get booed! 😂