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So she sets up her own panels, with her own branding, and gets someone to interview her about her subject of choice...all to give the appearance of importance to people who are not paying attention. This woman is the living embodiment of smoke and mirrors.




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The whole Nigerian trip was embarrassingly amateur and provincial.


I was watching the short video by The Royal Grift, I think, of H&M in Nigeria being presented with necklaces. She barged forwards uninvited and got his necklace which she then had to take off so it could be presented to H (& no scintilla of embarrassment from her, naturally).  But it occurred to me later how very *amateur* the whole thing was. The necklaces were in the sort of small, flimsy, blue plastic bag that you get at a corner shop. And the man presenting the necklaces kept this little bag on his left wrist while putting the necklaces on each of them so the bag was right in their faces! It was kind of sweetly hopeless & not at all regal. Markle just looked furious throughout.


This whole ordeal made me think it was put together specifically to feed MM's ego. I imagine her people calling their contacts in Nigeria and going: Meghan wants a royal treatment. Can you guys think of something real quick? Anything will do as long as she feels special.


Her assistant probably uses your last sentence 5 times a day.




So true. And how embarrassing! Though since she is a sociopath of sorts, she’ll never see it that way.


And vulgar


It was a discount version of a royal tour.


I had to work with these kind of people all through my career. They talk and talk and talk. And accomplish nothing.


How did you stand it without murdering one of them? Or leaving and going to live in a cabin in the woods?


Because I needed my paycheck. Btw the latter sounds wonderful.


I never really looked that closely. Good find! I also didn't look closely enough to see the AW emblem (or I just blocked it out when I saw her outfit at arrival). So certainly not something that was set up FOR them but BY them (and she still didn't get a good reception).


Even the Giants of Africa basketball “event” on this Nigeria trip had t-shirts with Archewell branding. That’s a perfectly respectable charity and if Masai Ujiri (head of the organization) showed up with them in that bs Archewell crap, it means Archewell paid for the event and undoubtedly gave a donation. They must be in so much financial trouble. All they do is spend. What’s the income source?


She looks like she’s going to fall out of her seat, she’s leaning so far forward to be noticed. What a Clowny McClownface.


From my understanding, she’s petite, so probably the armchair was swallowing her 🤣


Yeah, she's "little" 😂


Petite? You mean Ozempiced


Her only leadership role is leading Sparry by the nose.


Among other body parts. 🤭


Well, she already has (what’s left of) his balls in her purse 👜 so…


So was this for the Invictus games benefit or for AW? maybe they used invictus money for their personal expenses. Nothing is right with these two


I think that was a mistake of the organizers in Nigeria, their English is great but not their first language. The West Africans that I know pronounce even plural women as "womAn". And the whole trip was an improvised wannabe royal tour with half empty rooms and paid extras.


This was an Archewell sponsored event. It’s branded with their logo, so they likely would have provided the signage.


English IS their first language. They have their own accent, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to spell or proper grammar. I talk to the kid I sponsor, his family and his school all the time and I don’t have any issues.


I heard one of my Nigerian friends talking on the phone in her native language, but about a quarter of it was in English. I asked her why and she explained that their language is so inco.plete that they use English to fill it in. Whether that's true or not, I don't know own. But she spoke English as well as I do, probably better.


Well, we all know there is only one woman in Meghan Markle´s mind./s


Oh yes! How she sat on that stage complimenting herself being beautiful, courageous, brave and resilient was so tone deaf and cringey. She really is the only leading woman in her mind, for sure.


Exactly. SHE made the sign with the word “woman.”  Then the Nigerian contingent corrected it when they made the other sign over the stage. 😂😂


Didn’t realise that this Women in Leadership event had links to Arsewipes - so a bought event, not something put on by the host country in her honour. Pathetic.


Me neither! So lame she was “invited” to an event she basically hosted....in her own honor. It’s is ridiculous! 😂


Could she be dressed any more inappropriately.


This gets my goat every single time. It is plainly disrespectful and ludicrous to turn up in a Summer's garden party dress at a 'women in leadership' event. Bare shoulders, bare decolletage ánd bare arms is the epitome of distasteful. I recall Harry telling her 'she can make anything look chic' lol - which would be Catherine, actually. Mediocre Meghan has the Sadim touch, as Tudor calls it, anything she wears ends up looking vulgar and yuck.


Hang on a mo! An AW-arranged event during an Ingriftus trip. So who funded it?


None of the Nigerian women expose themselves like M does. Take a social cue you hag!


Its incredibly creepy how much she looks like Omid in so many of the Nigerian pictures (the right side photo for example).


If this was in collaboration with Archewell, somebody goofed up.


Reminds me of when the IG Sussex Royal account made a grammatical error and wrote, “Each time a women (sic) stands up for herself…” What’s interesting is that it later came out that Meghan was often handling the IG account personally. https://au.news.yahoo.com/lifestyle/prince-harry-and-meghan-markles-maya-angelou-quote-typo-on-instagram-213922121.html


Well, the "freakish" part is correct.


But wasn’t the trip supposed to be about Invictus??? Something stinks and it ain’t Harry.


To be fair, she wasn't the one who organised the event, so it might not have occured to her to care. Also, I don't think highly of any organisation that would throw in their lot with the couple, so this isn't unexpected.


I really am of the mind that the so called invitation by General Christopher Musa while they were at the IG Germany did not happen at all. I do not believe that General Christopher Musa was there at all, because the Delegates were led/ Headed by Mohammed Badaru Abubakar MON a Nigerian politician who has served as the defence minister of Nigeria since 21 August 2023, previous to that he was the governor of Jigawa State from 2015 to 2023. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGesGvvmH/ On their return to Nigeria they were welcomed back by Nigerian Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa, who was represented by Rear Admiral Abdullahi Ibrahim Dewu. https://x.com/voiceofnigeria/status/1704130082431000856 So there you have it the merching duplitious lying camera whoring grifters are no where recorded meeting General Christopher Musa during the IG in Germany.


this is a great find.


That's because the "woman" in leadership in Nigeria is Meghan. 🙄


Sidenote, what does Archewell foundation do exactly? I think that’s the million dollar question


The woman wearing the blue headscarf repeatedly contradicted and corrected M during this panel discussion. Markle was spewing out platitudes and speaking in a condescending tone and the women in the audience were not pleased.