• By -


You are right. Look at how she behaved at her first Trooping the colour. Talking and turning her head on the balcony like she was networking at a cocktail party at Soho House...


Rachel was acting like a spoiled D-list actress who hit the jack pot. Her manners were impeccably rude and tone deaf to the atmosphere around her, not caring about anything or everything happening around her. And also trying to hog the center of the Buckingham Palace balcony and not letting other royals walk on. Not to mention that Rachel's first year on the balcony was in 2017 and she got a special invitation to stay there even though she was Haz's girlfriend, a privilege that no boyfriend/girlfriend got to enjoy before they married into the BRF.


She hogged that royal balcony like she was on the stage at that USO event.


M could never behave, she might miss the next trick.


And they did this because they were racists. Truly, we know they only did this because she was playing the race card. And Hanky is looking back now and seeing this. And he’s trapped there with his two little kiddos. He’s pretending we don’t know 😂 they’re not Meh ….oh Hankypants


I think that was her 2nd ToC. The first was when she was wearing the pink hat and dress, immortalized by South Park.


Yep, baring her shoulders. Breaking the rules, of course.


Snickering when someone falls, or experiences some kind of trip up.


Ya know, C's got spectacular shoulders - and whatever proper outfit she wears, can always tell this! Yes, the skin exposed is slight - but 'less is more' and the effect is always magnificent!! (It's amazing what 2-3" of fabric on the sides could have improved..#SMH, that T.W. is that dim + warped!)


And taking the cape off to show the white sleeves. The gloves and hat were bad too. I did love the way Andrew and Anne got near HMTLQ so megalomaniac wouldn’t be in any photo with her. She kept talking to herself which I think she does when she is ignored


That talking to herself, alone, is what proves she's nuts.


That’s to show that she’s being engaged with by others and is happily chatting back to them. As an Ultra-Narc she can never allow herself to be seen to be at a disadvantage, i.e. by not being spoken to at a social gathering. Sadly for her she does not have the self-awareness to know that this pretended interaction just makes her look pathetic.


I think the turning round moment was the RAF centenary, the same year. If she's wearing a Dior dress.


If that what we’re calling it now? /s


"Networking" 🤣 with Weinstein


Net*working* on her knees.


She did and she *still* didn't get anywhere. Freakish lack of talent.


She's still notworking


MM would not fit in because she's like a kid who throws a tantrum to be at the adults table. She doesn't have the restraint to dress or behave with decorum. It's not just that Mehgan isn't fit for high society. She's not fit for decent society. This isn't about knowing which knife to use. It's about knowing to not stick a knife into someone when their back is turned.


Harry told her to shut up and she got pissed. Looked like she was going to cry, but it was just her blink.


Making googly eyes at William, death stare for Catherine and HMTLQ, having to stand near someone (Prince Andrew) that you probably did all sorts of things on a yacht together ALLEGEDLY - Wow - those two were determined not to meet eye contact. Perhaps she wondered why the Queen’s butler was on the balcony with them??! Sure Jan… The last tiny ounce of ball material shown by Harry (perhaps the only ounce) was tell her off for not facing the crowd and the fly past.


This woman cannot listen, She is incapable of having a meaningful easy conversation. Her mask slips constanty, she can't hide her boredom and dislikes. SHe is a diplomatic disaster! Royal duties require mostly one thing - LISTEN to other people's stories and struggles and DO NOT talk about yourself....Show interest, constantly learn, pay attention, don't ever be dismissive, don't ever showcase status.... She is a nobody who believes herself to be the greatest somebody. https://preview.redd.it/vezq1ps40jad1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=688e41e895f52a9be63d161e5277ad5bffb5ce3e


>She is a nobody who believes herself to be the greatest somebody. Indeed! This is a woman who somehow thought it would be as empowering to write messages on bananas for sex workers. Because she recalled hearing how it was done for kids for their school lunches. 🙄


If that was a SNL sketch it might be funny. Real life not so much.


Apparently sex workers stick together.


Your comment could be interpreted two ways, LOL!


One doesn't learn by talking. One learns by listening....which makes MeMe one of the most exceedingly stupid people on earth. If they can put a man on the moon, why can't they put Hazno & MeMe there ???


Dream on, as Guest Speaker would say…


It would work. All you need is a red carpet and the sound of cameras clicking. A big mirror and her collection of ill-fitting clothes.


Catching flies again ![gif](giphy|h5bu0WckXBWmaOAjrP|downsized)


She has no grace, finesse, empathy or compassion (in its truest form) to paraphrase the Bard: All the world’s her stage And in her mind she’s the only player Others have their entrances and exits But she has the spotlight which slowly but surely burns her to ashes


It's fascinating isn't it? It should be simple. Listen to people and be interested. Apparently not for Rachel and her ilk. I had an ex friend who was like that. It was like taking to someone under water when I spoke. She didn't care.


I was thinking about Princess Catherine. She’s always ladylike, always displays perfect manners while being spontaneous at the same time, whether she’s wearing a tiara on her head or has a tennis racket in her hand. Mughan is never ladylike, always louche and slutty. Sticking her tongue out at garden parties. Her famous boredom. Pulling her top down off her shoulders to display herself more fully. https://preview.redd.it/2ghwvkfz1jad1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a5551b380b3f3ec5a5456282db9c6cd8dcd6db5




So stupid for a 40 year old


Never in my life have I seen something like this.


Pulling Harry away when he's in the middle of a conversation.


That’s an ugly picture of her. There are pictures where Meghan is quite pretty with a pleasant smile. She should refrain from weird facial expressions such as sticking out her tongue. It does nothing for her.


She does it because she thinks it makes her look approachable and unstuffy, like she's saying "I might be a princess, but I'm cute and funny, I don't take myself seriously, I'm just me" If she was 4 years old, maybe, but not a middle aged woman sticking her tongue out. It's not cutesy or playful, it's sad and pathetic. 


Not a good look for the perimenopausal.


Imagine how it'll look when she's 50 in 3 years time.






In more ways than one 😆


I find the pulling down of.clothes or.opening her shirt the most troubling, because it reminds me irresistibly of those senile old folks, usually women, in senior citizens'homes who, in their dementia do just that. They start to strip off clothes in public. To me it goes beyond even batshit crazy in Meghan's case; it almost suggests that there is somethjng physically going wrong in her brain analogous to, for example, the spreading of prions (deformed proteins) in the brain that is characteristic of neurodegenerative diseases like dementia.


Omg, my grandmother would sit on the front porch, take her dress off, turn it inside out and put it back on.


That's exactly what I mean. Most of Meghan's compulsive, reflexive bad behaviour strikes me similarly ... Asif there is not even a rationalisation by her to defy and be oppositionally defiant, but as if she's doing it without thinking about it or consciously intending it. A s if the behaviour impulse controls her, not the other way around.


AND She is always seeking to be the center of attention - by wearing a dress that is not in the protocol colors so she will stand out ( like Bette Davis in Jezebel), or moving into a position she should not be for the photos, or eye *ingg the camera at a formal reception, or doing a dance, or any of the other things that disrupt a civil and protocol-filled affair of importance for other important people. One way or another, she is always trying to make it about her.


And I don't think she will ever learn to behave better. Just look at the cringey video from that appearance in their recent trip to Nigeria. They were standing lined up on a stage. It was a ceremony (not a cocktail party). The hosts were presenting Harry with gifts. My understanding was that this was to welcome him and show respect. They handed him something (clothing) and then went to place a necklace on him. But before they could bestow their necklace on Harry, MM literally elbowed her way in front of Harry so that the guy placed the necklace on her. But the necklace was to be given to HARRY, not her. Her gifts and necklace were to be given as soon as they had given Harry's to him. But she couldn't stand there and let him get the limelight first. That was just so nutso! IIRC she turned what should have been a pleasant welcoming ceremony into a sh\*tshow. I don't have time to go find the clip, but didn't she have to take off Harry's necklace, so that she could then receive hers?


A great video from Nigeria. Up there with the gate crashing at the investiture anniversary.


That was painful. Something is seriously wrong with her and I genuinely don't understand why she does this. I cannot believe that cretin was allowed to marry into the family. What a disaster.


Multiple Cluster B personality disorders and possibly bipolar. You can medicate bipolar, but Cluster B? Forget about it. It’s not treatable in any practical way and therapy doesn’t work. She’s dangerously batshit crazy and delulu. ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


I will never understand why Harry went along with that. Surely he couldn't have believed he could just bull his way into the ceremony.


Harry´s wife probably told him they had a right to be there.


I wonder if she said that no one would have the nerve to eject them. She may have believed it herself; she has gatecrashed.


She gatecrashes peoples’ weddings so that was probably nothing to her.


The [clip](https://youtu.be/hojs136uSrU?si=mjIGWyLZHKH_fheF) is so embarrassing. Her actions constantly reveal her narcissism. She cannot act like a normal human and be patient. She's honestly mentally unwell and it's embarrassing to watch.


I'm loving the plastic grocery bag in front her face 🤣


Yes, she had to. This is my number 1 cringe moment of hers, with a soupcon of lunacy,


Yes; she stupidly had to relinquish the necklace intended for him, as it was much longer - she she was obliged to remove it and then her version was presented. She's still a five year old: "That's *mine*!", jumping up and down. Not much difference from that 5 year old birthday party where she was ordering the little girls about.


I’m uncomfortable just thinking about that video. It’s really not just that she can’t fit in royal society/high society/A list events…she can’t fit into regular society. Children could understand what to do in that situation. I’ve received an award in my industry, somehow nobody on the stage was confused with what to do even though we weren’t told ahead of time. I’ve watched military awards being given and military promotions and none of them seemed confused about how to proceed. Like she really just can’t even human.


I need to see this video


I can picture this entire thing, even though I haven't seen it and didn't know about it. Omg.


One source is a video on the Real Housewives Recap YT channel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q88exOEyuU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q88exOEyuU)


Thank you, I just looked it up. That seated guy is so appalled at what is going on, and Meghan is blocking even her hosts. Aside from the total rudeness, she took away the beauty of things like this, the decorum, the visual impression, etc. by just standing with her back to everyone.


Was she given two necklaces? She took Harry's and then took it off and then took her own?


>One way or another, she is always trying to make it about her. Surely not! https://preview.redd.it/y1p7kzga2jad1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=96fae42953e173f0d822981b8582cac24d466448 /s 😏


The guard looks like the actual Main Character in this shot. He's stunning!


Meghan Markle is NEVER the first person you notice in a photo. She does not have IT. But the guard certainly does.


He's a stud! 😍 He seriously should look into becoming a model.


He really commands the space


I still say that guard is there to make sure she doesn't steal the tableware.






Oh lord, I hope that man can translate his 'career' as Meghan's body guard into something in Hollywood! Lol. What karma would that be for the ridiculous one? And he is a very good looking man who shines, even all covered up like that.


OMG STOP you are all killing me with these 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh lord she'll HATE if he becomes the new IT guy of Hollywood. She will demand credit.


Captain Nigeria! 😁


I’ll take two, please…😉


And then there's the horse in the red dress.


We are watching her implosion in real time 🤣


It looks like she's just about to be surprised by a strippergram.




That bodyguard of hers in the pic is damned good looking though. So maybe this one time I'm a tiny bit jealous of Raytch, LOL!


Imho, that is because Meghan Markle is a totally unremarkable person, who is furthermore not photogenic. In a group picture she is never the one you notice first. Hence, she has to do something to stand out.


As far as Meghan is concerned, everything *is* about her. When she does things to get attention it is because attention is her right. Why doesn’t everyone *see* her, *notice* her, *praise* her? She needs to help people see her importance.


She thinks being daring makes her more attractive so she's always looking to do something others would never do.




I (sort of) understand hating or thinking certain rules and protocols are stupid. And resenting being a grown woman being told what to wear and where to go. Except she was an actress and did that for a living. She was used to being 'directed' and playing a part. The biggest thing for me though is you have to know the rules in order to break them. Like when it was suggested that she wear a hat as the Queen was wearing one. It wasn't just about being matchy-matchy, the wind was wild and Megs constantly had her hair in her face the whole event. Or the thing about dark nail polish (which she almost never wears now btw) is because it looks terrible the second it chips vs neutrals which aren't as easily noticed. These rules were developed over decades to HELP the royal on their visit. Not just to be controlling or petty. They learned the hard way and shared the knowledge with the rest of the family. But Megs never has logic to her actions so she couldn't comprehend that people were trying to set her up for success.


Or, if you don't like "stuffy" rules, don't marry into the British Royal Family.


Exactly. She is the snotty American who takes issue with protocol. She is an embarrassment and does not reflect American sensibilities. By the time you slide into middle age like her, you understand duty and authority. She disrespects any authority. And she has no concept of duty. She is the creation of the me, me, me environment in which she was hatched. She is an empty vessel. What a waste of a life.


Or marry in but choose to continue living your life and not take on official duties. Catherine waited for years before taking on the public role. Continue to just be a person and not a working royal and all those rule disappear because you're not 'on duty' so to speak. But wise decisions have never been her strong suit.


This is 100% why William and Catherine stayed unmarried for so long. Once they married they knew it would be royal engagements and baby watch time 24/7. If he was not the heir to the throne they would have married a lot sooner. This gave them the time to enjoy their 20's. They married at 28 and 29. Great time to really settle in and start expanding their family.


It’s ALL ABOUT CONTROL for the narcissist. It doesn’t matter if it makes good sense, or if it’s even a practical issue. SHE and only SHE is in charge. You know…like a 2 year old, who if you say wear the blue sweater today please…they will always stomp their feet and say “NO…I want the white”. 


She was also given the choice to carry on with her wildly lucrative career, in fact encouraged to do so. Yet opted not to.


And there was a slight precedent with the actress Sophie Winkleman marrying Freddie Windsor the Duke of Kent’s son. She continued acting after their marriage and the family is fine with it, she conducts herself properly and there is no fuss.


Both The Queen and "Pa" let both hazBEEN and T.W. know several times, that she could carry on acting. This has been well-documented. By the way, I loooooooove Sophie Winkleman!


So do I, always wondered if she drew off of TW for her character Isobelle Humboldt on the Apollo Episode of Endeavour. The character was a terrible mother and wife. Season 6 episode 2.


Ok, here's my admission: have never seen her act.. (and yeah, know she was on American Sitcom '2 + half men' for years).. I read a column she wrote about a car accident and the kindness of KC sending her meals every day for 2-3 months and QE encouraging her to use BuckHouse pool for rehab.. and liked her sooooo much, just from that(!!).. that got me poking around YouTube to find talk show interviews. So, yes - imagine she is a fantastic actress (or at least, my gut says so --- and I'd bet on it).. but really just like HER! And have always liked Freddy - seems so positive all the time.. and even had a little p.r. crisis (ie: drug thing) and handled admirably - admitted it, apologized, promised his mother and by extension all others that this wouldn't happen again - wouldn't go near a drug every again, and hasn't. (\*THE OPPOSITE of hazBEEN, who only lies about his drug use). As well, their 2 daughters seem lovely too! But, now that you've cited Endeavor, will check-it-out. THANKS!


Well Endeavour is an amazing show all by itself, the prequel to Inspector Morse. Interestingly there is a spin-off of Morse after that show that focuses on his DS Robbie Lewis. All three are amazing, so many great British Actors in all three series. Sophie is also in an episode of Lewis, I think the first season first episode as Regan Peverill. All three shows I believe stream on Amazon Prime or BritBox. If you get a chance give them a try. She is a good actress.


Because her d-list career was coming to an end. She knew Suits was phasing her out, hence her trip to UK to look for a rich husband. MeGain went after a couple other Brits-sports stars-before Harry but they turned her down.


When Ashley Cole is discerning….😂


If she had continued acting would she have received a title?


Sure. Harry got the title when he married. As his wife Meghan Markle has a title. The question is, however, if she would have had any acting offers? She was written out of Suits and 38 years old.


She could have done live theatre, I suspect a brand new Duchess would have been a great draw. Obviously it would be hard work and require talent. She wasn't interested in that though.


MM would fail at live theatre. Acting live on stage is a team effort. MM is incapable of being a team player. It's always and only about her.


It was the lucrative career part that was missing.


Hahahaha. Because there was no "wildly lucrative career".


Everybody but Harry knew that.


Bingo! She even said as much either on Oprah or the NF show, can’t remember. “I’m an actress, just show me where to stand, tell me what to say, and I’ll do it. It’s what I do.” (Paraphrased) But she couldn’t or wouldn’t execute it in real life.


>you have to know the rules in order to break them Excellent point, one I'd never before considered.


Following protocol and rules is the same thing as following rules at any regular job. In a corporate setting, you also follow rules like Teams meeting decorum, being professional, not interrupting or raising your voice. Meghan Markle hasn’t had an actual job in her life (other than giving bjs and yachting with rich old men) to understand tht protocol is a job just like any other job. She only needed to follow these rules during her public duties and could’ve relaxed when alone with her family. She’s dumb as a rock.


She had no idea that working for The Firm is a job. This is the family business, not just a celebrity walkabout. They have a regular schedule and things they have to do. Yes, it's a very different job, but it is a job.


well said!


But it's not just dressing down when she should be dressed up (aka stuffy). It's also dressing UP when she should be dressed down. Like that Oscar de la Renta black and white bird dress she wore in Australia. I quite honestly loved this dress and it looked great on her. But...look at what the others are wearing when she is wearing it. It's more of a dressy business style event, not a full ball gown with tulle. Even when she looks great, often it's still not appropriate somehow. She's DETERMINED to be the only one doing xx thing or wearing yy clothes when everyone else is doing/wearing zz. She WILL stand out, but she seems to be the only one who can't see she stands out for all the wrong reasons. She seems to have a desire to be defiant just...to be defiant. Even when it actively works against her and her goals.


The bird dress was one of just two outfits of hers that I quite liked, the other one being the yellow sleeveless dress. That’s it, all two of them.


Yeah, writing the line 'even when she looks great' pained me. I do think there were more looks of hers that I liked/didn't mind than just two...but I know I'd have to look a while to find them and I'm not saying there are more good looks than fingers I have! That yellow dress is definitely one of them.


I just googled that dress. Yeah, it's lovely. She looks nice in it too, no awkward photos...but yes, always needs to stand out. I knew a narc that deliberately undressed (linen high-end beach clothes for formal events that specified the dress code) a few times. When no compliments came, they stopped doing it.


I used to wonder about the over the top, ostentatious dresses and couldn’t understand what she was doing until someone told me that she dresses as if for the red carpet because she never actually had any big red carpet moments as an actress because she wasn’t successful enough and so she has been making up for that ever since joining the RF. The fact that these clothes were also so eye-wateringly expensive and usually by Dior, Givenchy, Chanel etc (and of course NEVER by British designers, insultingly, another massive red flag) added to the red carpet vibe that she was trying to achieve.


She has no idea who the British designers are. She wants the ones that American know.


Remember that Megsy didn't have etiquette classes... AH but she did!! Only she didn't learn anything.


You can not add knowledge to the mind already overflowing with delusional I mean authentic no I mean she is a fucking narcissist and a fucking idiot - a real 2 f-er 


She is too gutter, and too stupid to realise it. She thinks she is cute, funny and appealing…she is not. She is fake, false, crass and boring.


How does it go 'you can take the girl out of the ghetto....


Except Megvil has never visited a ghetto in her life.


Where I'm from the saying is you can pull up a weed, but you can't shake all the dirt from its roots.


As to how to behave in a public/ceremonial occasion - IMO it's not even that she's a grifter. It's that she has absolutely no ability to take instructions, follow protocol, or even read the social cues in a situation. You don't have to be rich, well-connected, or a trust fund baby to do any of those things. You just have to know what your role is and how to perform it. People of modest means, from modest backgrounds, do it all the time. For example, a British royal state banquet is essentially a scripted public performance for those at the head table. There's an order to the seating, to the speeches and toasts, and I assume to the entrances and exits from the event. For those down at the "lower" tables, I assume the evening's program has been explained (if not documented in a card or something at their seat). I can't even visualize the way Meghan would behave at the head table, but I believe it would be horrible, based on all the evidence of her behavior so far. We saw her cringeworthy lurching around, during some of her public appearances prior to Megxit. * Walking in front of HMTQ * Not wearing a hat so her hair was blowing all over in the wind. * Shoving Harry around so she could walk in front of him. * Practically leaping over seats so that she and Harry would walk out of an event in front of Edward & Sophie (although of course E&S would have politely waited for H&M to step in front of them, so there was no need for that). * When she and H arrived late for an event, as the audience was applauding at the end of a musical number, her preening because she assumed they were clapping for her arrival. I can't imagine her behavior in a private setting with the rich and powerful, if that's how she acts in public.


I LOVE that video when they think the audience is clapping for them. It's brilliant 👏


And she wore a red dress to that event, despite it being a total no-no to wear red if your husband is in his dress uniform, as Ginge was. She'd have been told that. Wear any colour but red. But Minge being Minge, that would have instantly triggered her weirdly defiant personality disorder, whatever it is (I call it Grossly Spoilt Kid Who Never Had Their Bum Skelped When They Needed It) hence the scarlet dress.


There's a very strict hierarchy when it comes to state banquest-the most senior female walks in with the most senior male on the opposing team, so Charles would have escorted the Japanese Empress, and Camilla was escorted by the Japanese Emperor. Then William would have escorted the oldest Japanese princess, and Catherine the oldest Japanese prince (or husband of senior princess), and so on, matching up BRF by hierarchy with the visitors, working all the way down. So you'd have a lower ranking royal like Duchess of Gloucester might be escorted by the Japanese ambassador, and the UK prime minister might have escorted the Empress' senior lady in waiting. There's huge books on all this stuff, it is really tightly scripted and protocol driven. 


That used to be true in upper.class (and even upper middle class) formal dinners. Not just royalty.


Yes, there's long established rules of protocol and etiquette, but do you think MM would have followed them? She'd have been angry about her rank, and I can see her trying to jump the queue or elbow her way up the line to get a more prestigious partner to escort her, or she would have clung onto Harry's hand and refused to be seated away from him. She'd have tried to justify it by saying this was old-fashioned and she was trying to modernise the Royal family. She'd have been a nightmare. 


Agreed! Apparently she and Harry stopped being invited to dinners at his friends, because they insisted on being seated together at dinner table, which, of course is not tradition.


She can't even have the decorum to stand at attention. Case in point... she's at a hockey game in Canada. The national anthem is being sung by an autistic girl. Harry is standing at attention but Meghan gets this smirk on her face and looks at her body guard. Classless. She's on the balcony at BP and the national anthem starts. Harry has to tell her twice to turn around and face forward. These are basic things that any decent person knows but not self absorbed Meghan Another unrelated example is during Trooping the Colors ( I think that was the event), a guard either fainted or fell off their horse. You can see the horror in Catherine's face but the giggling in Meghans


To me these actions scream extreme insecurity. She is constantly looking for validation and recognition as well as looking at what others are doing to mimick them. Self confident people can stand on their own and sing an anthem or just simply pay attention.


The three Wales children were exemplary in their standing to attention for the National Anthem and acknowledging the King when in procession. They also had fun.


Her giggling about someone’s missfortune. She is unbelieveably evil & trashy.. I lost words


I didn't know about the hockey game, but yes, I agree about the "basic decorum" idea. That video of her ignoring the poor woman talking about her dead child...you wouldn't even do that in a regular conversation, let alone, in front of cameras, and on a royal visit. In my community, a woman's son unexpectedly died very young last year. I didn't know her enough to reach out to her, but it was such a horrific and tragic death she must have assumed I heard. When I saw her recently at a large luncheon, we talked about our younger children, who attend the same school. Bravely, unemotionally, and in context, she referred to her older son's death and brought it back to the regular conversation we were having again. Just for that one mention, I was SO afraid of saying and doing the wrong thing, of not making enough eye contact, of making too much, of not acknowledging the death per se (did she just want the conversation to continue, as she was just talking normally about something else?) etc. I am so at a loss about this terrible, terrible Meghan.


You're empathetic. That's the difference. I doubt Raytch has EVER displayed the kind of thought and consideration you did in that conversation.


Yes! She is so low class, but also, as we can clearly see in these instances, a really mean and nasty individual. Just want to add the superior smirk she directed at Catherine during the one and only ‘Fab Four’ mental health forum with the then Cambridges. Catherine was v pregnant and stumbled a bit over her words: Rachel was at pains to convey, with her little secret smile, that she found Catherine’s lack of fluency amusing and of course inferior to her own oratorical skills.


>her little secret smile, that she found Catherine’s lack of fluency amusing and of course inferior to her own oratorical skills. This is 13-year-old Mean Girl behavior, which seems to be MM's emotional level.


I saw that giggling at \[a.\] The Nat. Anthem, and worse, \[b.\] giggling at the poor little girl singing - no one, and especially not a brave youngster with a disability(!!!) deserves such disrespect. **What a BinT!** ***What a "female dog"!!*** Can't stand T.W.!🤮


I'd imagine for big events like this, there's bound to be a lot of standing about making polite conversation. I don't think a royal life would be all that easy-you have to be constantly 'on,' you can't have a duvet day, you can't decide to have a mental health day off. You've got to always be a representative of the Crown, pleasant to everyone, calm, measured, dignified but approachable, polite but engaging, involved and interested but not demanding or overbearing-you've got to let others shine.  Markle simply isn't capable of any of that. She can't feign interest in people who aren't in a position to give her anything of value. She's not interested in people for their sake, only in what they can do for her. She's rude, demanding, dismissive and lazy. Her followers pretend it's the directness and confidence of an American, she isn't a shy and retiring Brit. But that's absolutely nothing to do with it-any American I've met have all been polite and welcoming, and understand etiquette.  She would have detested state banquets, mostly because royal hierarchy would always have her entering the room after Camilla and Catherine, and when William takes over, Charlotte takes precedence as senior lady, as would George and Louis' wives. So that's a never ending reminder of her rank and she would hate it. She'd have to walk in accompanying the deputy prime minister or someone, never the biggest cheese, just a lower ranking person, because Catherine would be walking in with emporors and kings, while William escorts empresses and queens. So she'd end up sitting next to someone she'd think of as unimportant, and just sit there glaring at Catherine, unable to make conversation. Can you imagine a 3 hour long state banquet trying to make small talk with her? It would be a nightmare. 


Spot on, Markle only pretends to care about people when they can something for her. She's vile. The royal really messed up allowing this horrible person to marry in. This is why you do not throw the baby out with the bathwater for the sake of "modernizing". There is a reason for tradition and vetting. It is to protect them as much as it is to protect ill suited people entering into such high profile positions and causing diplomatic scandals.


Let me just refer to the Lion King premiere and hustling Bob Iger for work.


You are correct in your assumptions regarding her demeanor. She just makes sure she is "off" a bit and that gets her attention from the media. The media who really helped create this monster makes money from the clicks. It doesn't make money for HER, but it does give her publicity daily. It's all a big grift. The "charity" game is huge. Look at the admin fees of the Tilman grift. Almost 200 thousand dollars for the administrator alone! Some charity eh?


Scandelous they take that amount for salaries from a Charity. Absolutely shocking.


Around 16:00, the royals and other dignitaries process in, and none of the married couples are paired together. Meghan would have insisted on walking in with Harry and holding his hand.


Lolo’s milieu is flash trash - she’d fit in at functions where the dress code is tasteful skank; the drink’s overpriced champagne; and people are loud and shrill to convince themselves that they’re having a good time.


Cheap fizzy wine with some squashed strawberries to reduce the sourness is her drink. 


That's where the tart was comfortable and where she should have remained. She was not fit for any high profile or dignified role, despite feeling entitled to it.


Agree with everything except a soft disagree on ruining Harrys life, he is fallible here, he has not helped the situation from day one, he has had the attitude what Meghan wants Meghan gets, he was clearly acting Jack the Whack and showing off, then it all went downhill. I do think she gaslighted him etc but he is a big boy so it’s his fault too. She would look like a dog turd amongst diamonds in a classy affair.


Thank you. If Harry had even a tiny amount of decency he would never have married Meghan Markle. We are talking adults here. If people don´t want to be abused - leave.


She was out of depth from the very beginning. Had she put an effort to learn the ropes of the senior royal job ( it is a real job), she would have been there at the state banquet for the Emperor and Empress of Japan, and many other state banquets. But she came with a grifter attitude, laziness and a Hollywood vision of what is a princess. She cowardly run away (or worse, was sacked by the late Queen) and returned to what she really was: a lower middle class influencer with the ambition to sell dog biscuits, jam and table cloth.


I do believe she and haznoballs were sacked. I’m reading lady C’s revised book The Real Diana. Oh my the parallels and repeated behaviors between Meghan and Diana. Unfortunately, it’s Diana’s faults Meghan has. I’m hoping to post here a list comparing the two.


Please do, it is an interesting topic.


Yes, please do!!


Sophie and Catherine were both well out of their depth too. And neither of them were used to appearing in public, seeing themselves on film, making public speeches etc. Meghan's humanitarianism may have been fake, but she did give speeches and was used to appearing in public, but Sophie and Catherine were in at the deep end. And they didn't get the help that was offered to Meghan, she was definitely given preferential treatment. But they both listened to advice,  learned about their roles, allowed themselves to be guided (like HMTQ gave Catherine lessons), and paid attention. Meghan isn't capable of that, and had no insight anyway. 


But more than any woman to marry in, Catherine had a good idea of what she was getting into. The long dating time gave her an advantage.


I don't think that MM and her Palace training aides had a clue as to how far out of her depth she was. It's not that she had never been exposed to conventional social norms in her home, schools, and work, It's that they'd never become "second nature" (natural) to her. She's managed to live for over thirty years without having been adequately reprimanded for her unacceptable behaviors. Thus, not learning and continuing on with inappropriateness. That includes a failure in an ability to '"read a room." Gaves her a quality of being socially autistic. The Palace aides approached MM as if she possessed a reasonable level of conventional social skills and thought their task was merely to upgrade those to royal standards. Her rejection of their instructions may not have been defiance as much as it was her lack of comprehension. People learn coping strategies early on when being instructed in tasks are beyond them and their sense of self worth prevents them from acknowledging to themselves and instructors that they can't do it. Coming coping strategies are defiance, rejection, boredom, "I already know that," and dismissal of the task as having any importance.


You know, the more I think about it...I don't think they were sacked. I think they Queen demanded a DNA test on little Arch and she ran to Canada with him. She couldn't go back without the testing being done, so she created this whole sideshow. Everything they do is to make us look here instead of looking there. Even this Lillibet name. According to the birth certificate that's been dredged up, there is a Diana Mary born, but not a Lillibet. So did they just tell the Queen they named her that, just to dig the knife in deeper? This woman is so twisted and bent, and nothing they do makes any sense.


I agree on Diana Mary aka Lilibet and also the possibility of an enquiry on Archie. She has probably reasons to keep the invisikids...invisible.


As good a theory as any since we don't really know. But I think if the BRF wanted DNA they would have a legal right to do so and have had it done. I've come around to them bring told no more trips until TW takes her lessons seriously or their being sacked.


Probably would have shown up in a geisha outfit, or even worse a sumo wrestler.


Real Housewives sounds perfect for her. I have managed to never watch an episode but from what I’ve heard it seems like her level.


Those women will tear her to shreds. She couldn't even cope with Mariah calling her a diva on that podcast. ![gif](giphy|YoWppwALYPKLrO85Hc|downsized)


Agree! And they uncover everything from your past and scandals. That's why she probably won't do it. Plus there are no NDA's and Bravo cast members cannot sue each other or Bravo.


I know. Wouldn’t it be great to watch them do it?


i always said that she was a diplomatic disaster waiting to happen


Yep. A disaster looking for a place to happen.


What is so noticeable is that not a single wife is hanging onto her husband, pushing him forward or pulling him back when she demands an introduction. No one is stepping between 2 people in the middle of shaking hands leaving them in shock so much so that they do not let go. Harry had to have been massively embarrassed. I would have been. Someone needs to send Megan to an etiquette class and tape her mouth shut so the teacher can get thru to her


Narc behavior. Then when it doesn’t work, and they can’t figure out why people are repulsed, they double down and get more animated and manic. I have a cousin who literally appeared at a function last night to which he was NFI. So busy- talking, laughing, trying to suck people in. We (the family) all cringed, left, and talked about it for hours. It will repeat again soon.


I’m starting to believe every family has one.


I never did. But truly, you can see it in their eyes. Being selfish or even manipulative doesn’t make you a narcissist. The chronic hysteria or peaks and valleys is what confirms it.


It gives me so much pleasure to know she will NEVER attend something like that in her pathetic life 🤣 ![gif](giphy|xT5LMShL1AohdxXHiw)


You are exactly right. There are only two ways to fit in with high society or aristocrats. One is to be raised as one so you carry yourself properly in all situations, the second is to be humble enough to be teachable. Princess Catherine spent years learning. It was to her advantage she was raised with qualities like compassion, empathy & giving. She is a natural because at her core she is a good person. I think the family knew very early MeMe was unsuitable. They watched her walk in front of Harry, speak first, shove him aside to be in front as if everyone was gathered for her & only her. Then her contemptible behavior with HMQE. In some ways the monarchy was saved the day she left cause she surely would have blown it up from the inside.


Yep, the day they left for North America, the RF must have breathed a sigh of relief--the trash took itself out.


She would be a complete embarrassment for the RF in any situation. I can't even imagine them trying to deal with her. Harry is not much better. Good riddance. Forever.


Inelegant is definitely a good descriptor for her. She also doesn't seem to have good body awareness, and I don't mean dressing to fit her body appropriately (which is a separate problem). Her arms and legs are always doing unusual things that I can't quite understand.


Meghan was SO trashy and inappropriate even at the US Open...what in the world would she do at an event like this that would involve interacting in different ways with different people? Yuck.


I think the biggest error Meghan committed is that she let those positive and optimistic compliments earlier in her monarchy stint get into her head. She truly believed that she alone can change the monarchy, she’s the person who will and can transition the monarchy to the modern era, she’s the rock star of the monarchy, the game changer, etc etc etc.


No kidding


I didn't realize this had happened, and it's great to see King Charles up to doing this. I agree...Meghan, omg. The thing is that some people (and I am one of them) are kind of naturally awkward and are not meant, as much as others are, for roles like this. However, I would be extremely humble and go for all the protocol help, etc. to get as good as I possibly could. Catherine for example, who was never awkward like me, has gotten way better at how well she is around the public, especially in terms of public speaking. I would be terrified of making a mistake if I married into a family with a ton of protocol, and would do everything I could to learn. It's not for everyone, and if it sounds stuffy and you want to "modernize" and "hit the ground running" this life is not for you. Idiot.


She would be completely out of her depth and feel self-conscious and stupid. She doesn't know anything about etiquette and refused to learn.


She's as common as muck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


She doesn’t fit in because she’s crass and lacks manners.


The royal family must be so happy that she's no longer around.


That was a really interesting video! Markle can’t cosplay money because she’s gauche, touchy feely and wildly inappropriate. Real money could never.


0 class, people at any level of society can have natural class She has none whatsoever, but the irony is the thinks she is the classiest person in the world She has natural trash vibe that comes internally from her


Catherine went to school with the nobility and wealthy. Roachel went to an ok private school where doctors and lawyers send their kids. Watching Carole be shunned by the old money taught Catherine a lot n


Meghan is the type to use the word “classy” with a straight face and that’s all you need to know where she fits into society. “Elegant” and “graceful” are the polished terms. “Classy” is the tacky term “She’s very graceful.” Or, “She is dressed so very elegantly.” Not, “look how classy she is.” 🤢


What's funny is, Kate got a lot of backlash and snide comments from Will's upper crust friends in the beginning, it's been widely reported. Can you imagine what they'd think of MeMe? Especially with him asking everyone "Isn't she exactly like my mother?". Um, no Harry. She's not.


![gif](giphy|OolR7mJeV9VrN20S7D|downsized) The hat and wig made me think of Madame.


The Royals really dodged a bullet regarding Meghan not ever attending a state reception. I certainly can imagine how awful she would have behaved. "Oh, Harry, tell the Emperor I do voiceovers," she prompts before elbowing him out of the way.


Her dress sense is AWFUL


Agree, OP. She doesn't have the grace and poise to allow others to shine.


She can't read social cues nor pays attention to a briefing. I am sure new members of the royal family are taught how to conduct themselves in public but she cannot help herself. I get being socially awkward. People can understand it and for many, it's endearing when they have their moments but with Meghan? You just know she's only there for the pictures and what she can get out of the people she meets.


She feels she doesn’t need to conform. She is better than that (or so she thinks).


Also, Meghan can't concentrate for two minutes. She is never paying attention, listening, she has the attention span of a two year old. Looking, lurching, swivelling, chattering, seal clapping. Searching for the camera, or a rich guy to eye F...


**except she thinks she can**.... and has built that illusion b/c during her yachting days, did hangwith reaaaaaaallllllllly rich men (tho a different type of money).


In her head, state dinner is just a networking event for her to grift on.