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Another Harkle scam to keep King Charles in a choke hold. That's how I see it.




I could care less about Harry and his mental crisis - he has been given more chances and more support than regular common folk. If he has a severe crisis (of his own making) then I will not shed a tear for whatever happens.


I think MM plan is more to do with the optics ( she wouldn’t actually care about anything that happened to H) , she would create the narrative that “they” pushed him over the edge , she was the only one who had tried to support him, oh and probably shed mention Dorito in that too. So many don’t really know the real MM so half the world would believe it .


Let's not forget that MeMe was on the verge of suicide one day, yet managed to show up at an event the same evening with eyeballs looking for cameras. Anything is possible.


"with eyeballs looking for cameras." That's our Saint!


And had taken herself off to get a fresh spray tan. If you are really in crisis you can function.


I've had some rough times and ended up twice in hospital after suicide attempts. Frankly I don't believe her simply because suicide is frigging exhausting. Even if you're just thinking about it it takes alot out of you emotionally as we are wired to survive even if the pain this too great. It's a pretty draining experience. (And I'm fine now)


I'm glad you added the part about being fine now!


Such bullshit from henry the bald.  Somehow he always seemed to recover in time to help the wretched meghan markle Duchess of chlamydia troll whatever royal news was threatening her imaginary dominance of the royals. You should get better writers harry. Your bullshit is boring.


I'm reminded of the recent Nicole Simpson documentary on Lifetime. During the infamous Bronco chase, the media speculated OJ was going to unalive himself based on his good-bye letter. All her friends said they were rolling their eyes as it played out because OJ was too arrogant and self-absorbed to actually go through with it. I imagine the Harkles are the same. It's just another tool in the box they drag out to manipulate. 


Recover just in time to receive his Tillman award.


Same here. I don't believe this one bit. Is he throwing tantrums and threatening to divulge info for not getting his way? Yes. Is he using substances, as per usual,Yes. To be having any breakdowns he'd have to feel some sort of remorse for what he's put his family through and I don't believe that is the case given that just this past Dec their mouthpiece named his father and sister-in-law as "racists". But him doing what he did in Canada, Jamaica and Nigeria just gives us a glimpse of how his vendetta against his family is still going strong.


He could be having breakdowns because nobody, anywhere kisses his ass 24/7 like he thought was his "birthright" regardless of where he was or what he did. Now he has to pay a lot of money for those 24/7 ass kissings. That's gotta be disorienting lol.


Time for Haz to pucker up and start kissing some California ass. Those bills aren't gonna pay themselves. No ones ass can be worse than kissing the douchess's


He could be having highs and lows, because that is what years of substance abuse will do to your brain chemistry.  First thing he should do is get sober so he can deal with his other demons. 


He could be having highs and lows because it runs in the Spencer family. Diana did the same


None of his stoopid plans and threats have worked. This is the last hurrah. The king needs to let this ridiculous claim fall on deaf ears. His second son needs to be shelved away in his archives of distant memories. KC111 has better things to make use of his time.


Could be....the King and the next Queen have cancer, so how can they up that...well Harry keeps having near death experiences...It is quite psychotic due to drugs and alcohol and not getting his way.


He is always well enough to pick up awards.


his breakdowns are not coming from his family or his past, but rather, how things did not turn out the way he thought they would in the NOW. I am not sure what his long term goals were, but he burnt bridges, and he thought he would come out on top. That is not happening. On top of the cancer diagnoses, and his feeling out of control, oh he for sure had breakdowns. He loves his highs, but his lows, he cannot live with himself.


I think Harry's unbalanced and needs rehab, real therapy, and probably a medical regimen to get some of his problems under control, but it's likely he and Megs are histrionic as well, and "syuicide" is a tool they've used for emotional exploitation.


Also have to consider his total loss of support systems and complete dependence on Meghan Markle, as manipulated by her. This isn't totally farfetched that he could have breakdowns.


If they divorce, my guess is Meghan would write about the breakdowns. She will be vicious.


Yeah. Let her. If she was a vicious as we think she can be, it would just make the world more sympathetic to Lord Dumbsharton.


Wasn’t there the rumour early in their marriage that she took him off his medication(s)?


I don't know that one, but I do remember there was a 'report' that he went to hospital by ambulance some time ago. With the constant barrage of lies and BS from these people's PR, you need some evidence to believe anything 😂


I remember that recent-ish rumour


I can’t speak for anyone else but when I had 1 nervous breakdown I was hospitalised for 14 weeks. This involved one on one therapy with my psychiatrist, weekly appointments with my psychologist, daily group therapy and a change of meds, also getting me out of the toxic situation I was in was the biggest positive thing I could do. I was eventually diagnosed with complex PTSD because of my job (police), 4 months later I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer which had me back on the cliff face but my psychiatrist is phenomenal and I had family support. Harry has no friend or family support because the harpy isolated him from everyone, from what I can see his therapy has been inadequate to say the least and he wouldn’t be out and about to be seen for PR. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if mentally he is in a precarious position but ffs HE has the money and the connections to get him out of that toxic situation into treatment! Sitting around the house all day smoking pot or eating mushrooms is of no help to him and his wife shows no interest in forcing the issue. I certainly wouldn’t have been able to afford 14 weeks of private in patient hospitalisation if it wasn’t work related. If he has had 3 breakdowns then I sympathise but ffs get off your arse and do something! Call your father and tell him you have hit rock bottom, want to leave the harpy and return to the UK and you need help, he WILL help you. Stay high in dirty clothes that reek of weed, booze and sweat as you continue to get high in a toxic environment then you are on your own. I will believe this gossip IF I see him on a plane with multiple suitcases and divorce documents served!


I hope your health has improved!


I agree 100%. A stint in a very good rehab. Preferably court ordered so he has no option to sign himself out until they say he's better. Get him off the substance abuse, stabilise him with the medication and therapy he needs, and some group work to open his eyes to the fact that his biggest problem in life is the ILBW.


His core problem is a severe personality disorder and that is extremely difficult to get under control. Just like Diana, he had a world of help offered to him and disregarded it.


Yep. Manipulation.


I agree--- this is manipulation, pure and simple.


Yep. Clawed fingers wrote those breakdown tales


In it's finest calligraphy.






You wouldn't be alone in wondering, 'what's the catch?'


Manipulation at its best


this. it's like the parent or lover who coincidentally gets sick whenever their kid or partner has to do something. it's manipulation, imo. eta: i acknowledge Harry may have some mental health issues, but this story is not it. it's sus.


Harry and Meghan in my opinion are both candidates for Cluster B Personality Disorders. I hope there are no children in their custody for their kids sake. Emotionally, mentally and physically It is like being thrown into a washing machine 24 hours a day.


> Emotionally, mentally and physically It is like being thrown into a washing machine 24 hours a day. That's an excellent analogy! I don't feel pity for Harry, but if those kids exist, my heart goes out to them.


Harry is incapable of stable emotions in my opinion, he is very unwell. The problem, from my understanding, is people who have these array of disorders, they can rapidly switch moods, and they also believe there is nothing wrong with themselves. At the root is a delusional disordered way of thinking. It can be extremely dangerous for any children in these situations.


Harry likely has Borderline Personality Disorder, which is the perfect foil / worst possible combination with Meghan's Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The narc partner craves the one person #1 fan club a BPD provides; the BPD's constant need for attention (good or bad) is always answered by the volatile narc. Everyone around them suffers, including themselves. 


This was published by a sugar https://preview.redd.it/e5c7xmjpgkad1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fceba9c0a0b82759df72cb0724e1ffa3d9ea430 The BRF did cut off Harry. There is no communication with him. What the BRF has not done is attack Harry. But after years and years and years of dealing with its instability, the BRF does not want that problem in its ranks. They are not going to attack Harry as he deserves, but they are not going to move for him, because he knows perfectly well his condition, he does not want to accept it, and Megsy does not help him either. I don't doubt that the BRF is worried about Harry, but they are not going to move for him, because doing so puts everyone at risk.


>but they are not going to move for him, because doing so puts everyone at risk. 100% This is THE problem. Any attempt at softening or being open towards the Sussex's, you can bet they'll come back with the angle. "Well, if you're worried about me, you'll let me do... x, y, z." Or, there could be a risk to the RF's rep if they say protect him with his legal issues. 😩


Whatever the BRF's position, they are going to be criticized, so the best position is to do nothing. What happens to Harry will be Harry's wife's problem, because she is now his family. And of course, it's from Better Up, doesn't Better Up care about its executives? And about Invictus, doesn't Invictus care about the mental health of its sponsor? And it's Harry's own problem, didn't he say he has a psychiatrist on speed dial? He's not from the BRF, they already had enough helping him.


What is a nervous breakdown?  Maybe it was true that he WAS taken by ambulance but to the Nut house and not an ER? 


It's hard to know. But consider that having a paranoid attack, as a result of marijuana, would be considered a nervous breakdown that could require an ambulance. I have seen it live and direct, someone have one of those crises, it is ugly. Also having a panic attack, especially when you have a low tolerance for frustration, is a nervous breakdown. I know, I've seen them too. And Harry is prone to all that. Also, of course, to tantrums, but to that type of crisis too.


A family member of mine has had one. We live in the USA, so things may be treated a little differently. My family member was evaluated in the ER and then transported by ambulance to the psychiatric hospital.


How was this person not sued for libel by all 4 people they said were trying to "kill Harry"?


Because it's complete bullshit!!!! Not the bipolar Harry thing, because Harry is even enough for a doctoral thesis by some psychiatrist. But the rest is total bullshit. And the BRF is not going to be suing for bullshit. They are not Harry


Note: Lady C also hinted at schizophrenia, based on his paranoia.


Let’s face it, he is doing more than pot


nobody is attacking Harry, and honestly, I think that is what he wanted, the attack. He wanted to be an agent of change, and all that happened was that he isolated himself.


This would be believable but the onslaught continues. Harry did go to Jamaica, then Whistler, then Nigeria. He has not said one word to stop the very vicious conspiracy theories against Catherine. I do think Harry is unstable. The RF may be on standby to ship him out and get him some help but before they can do that Harry needs to want to be helped.


Absolutely. They cannot do a retrieval special ops type exercise and grab him. He has to want it.


In psychiatry we always say: As a family you can go around in circles with a patient family member, but when that person keeps standing still in the middle, not wanting to help themselves, you have got to stop circling and enabling around them. You cannot help someone, who does not want to help themselves. It's heart breaking for some families. Some parents and children try for years and eventually break down them selves because they cannot take it any longer. The BRF obviously has stopped moving around Harry, and it is now time for Harry to take action himself. As he should. But first he has to accept the fact that he needs help, which narcs will never do, because according to narcs there is nothing wrong with them.


The case of Pierce Brosnan, one of his sons is a drug addict, more than 20 years ago. Brosnan did everything he put in, the son didn't want to improve, and Brosnan had to abandon him. The whole family abandoned that son, because as Brosnan put it, "He knows how to get out, he just doesn't want to." And someone like that drags everyone down with him, which isn't fair. Harry would drag everyone down his hole with him if he could.


As someone who has a very close loved one who has struggled with addiction, the hardest and most heartbreaking thing I have learned is that there's absolutely nothing I can do to help him until he's ready. It's also been a freeing thing to learn.




It’s very painful to watch a loved one self destruct.


That ship has sailed. There's only a husk of an asshole left where Harry was once standing.  Even if they managed to get him back, they'll find he's not the same little MFer that left them. Old Harry is dead. They need to start dealing with new a-hole Harry.


This is a variation on the reconciliation stories. There are no reconciliation stories that can be believed. It all comes from the Sussex camp and the palace just continue to ignore them. It’s to muddy the water, they gain sympathy votes as the RF are either seen as weak for thinking about reconciling or they are bullies and harsh because they stand firm and ignore. These stories deflect from the court cases and the current award fiasco.


Yes. The reconciliation story is still there, sort of. The angle is different. Instead of a place of: * Harry demands an apology. * Harry knows he won't get an apology, but is willing to forgive. * Harry is so desperately sad. ^(Therefore, the RF are typical in their cold and callous way, turning their backs on him when he is at his weakest. So much for Prince William and Catherine's mental health work.) Yet, we have this too: (From the DE)😩😩🤪 As you say, it's all deflection from courtroom drama. https://preview.redd.it/h3zspawcmkad1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=08023d4c5f9c1122d352bae9cb1dc895dfe24648


The BRF has every right not to "hash things through" with her. She's not their daughter. This idea that the Harkles must be seen as a unit is total nonsense. No doubt in my mind that Harold has a permanent offer of help if he returns to London alone to receive it.


Exactly. The RF knows who runs that show. I think King Charles would offer Harry some help if he was serious about a divorce with Meghan and so far I don't see this happening. I don't doubt the nervous breakdowns and I do believe e few people that Harry communicates with in the UK talks to online folks. Anyone can tell the man that existed prior to 2018 is no more. He has been transformed in every facet i.e. physically, emotionally, psychologically, etc.... at times just by looking at his eyes it is so obvious he is grappling with mental illnesses... I do think Harry is the true child of Diana. He had everything to have a great life but it had to be his destiny... i do fear he will suffer the same fate as his mother...


The RF is not going to sit down with her as you cannot negotiate with a terrorist! She reigns hell down on anyone who does not do what she says, and that includes every single member of the RF!


No negotiating with a narc. It's YOUR fault! Not theirs! They've never done anything wrong!




It still comes down to her wanting her apology, her wanting the spotlight and attention. She wants to be higher in rank and acknowledged for the royal she is🙄. Worded differently but same old song & dance, she wants an apology and to be half in/out.


Omg she doesn't feel "hurt". She wants to negotiate for the upper hand. After every nasty thing she has done to them! Screw her.


The polling stations in the UK closed almost an hour ago. Tomorrow we will get the result of the general election, it’s predicted to be Labour who don’t support the royal family with the Leader of that party being quoted as standing against having a royal family at all. Harry is not going to do well with them. The two acts to remove titles did not get beyond the first reading in Parliament. Could another Act be brought forward with the weight of a more senior politician behind it, that would have a better chance for going as far as it becoming law and in record time. Harry may need to take more care and not rock the boat so much. The RF show in Public as a united, close and supportive family. William is close to his cousins, could his future plans to bring some if not all of them forward to take on duties and spread the workload. The Wales children are growing up. I hope and pray that they all find love early and then go on to have huge families.


They may win a majority but owing to thr voting system it is likely to be on a quite reduced percentage of the vote, only about 36 to 37%. This is less than Labour has poled when in opposition. There is no public mandate to attack the RF whatsoever (the percentage voting for Tories and Reform will exceed Labour’s share of the vote) is and Labour aren’t stupid enough to pick that as another battle. It is not a manifesto commitment. However, they may be inclined to assist with sorting out LOS problems (although I can see them insisting on changing the “of the body” requirement as a quid pro quo). All in all it will not be a high priority.


Meghan would be gleeful if the RF agreed to sit down and talk things over. Meghan would agree not to leak anything to the media, but she would. This meeting would not end well.


Yeah this is totally gonna happen! NOT.


Ooooh Harry is unstable... So what??!!! Not unstable enough to grift in Nigeria and buy a Pat Tillman award. I don't believe he's unstable, he's just bitter and mad that everyone can see what a failure he really is.


Harry is just an out of control BRAT imo. He probably still behaves like a little kid who throws himself on the floor kicking and crying when he doesn't get his way or throwing/smashing things or screaming at the top of his lungs. Add a drug addiction to that.....his craziness is seen as a nervous breakdown. But, it's not. It's just a brat meltdown. Maybe this is why the RF doesn't act on his behalf. He's doing what he always does......so, FO while you're at it. lol


Yeah. Harry is definitely a brat. Drugg addiction and a bad marriage thrown into the mix and tou ger exactly what we are seeing. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ)


And we are just back to square 1 again. This is as old as the dishwasher story, and I don´t believe a word of it. Both Harry and Meghan Markle claim to be experts on mental health and give speeches etc. on the subject. If they had issues (which they both have, but don´t recognise) they both know lots of experts to contact. But maybe they know something is up and are trying to get in ahead of it?


As per Spare we know Harry's choice of expert is rather \*coughs\* interesting, to say the least. 🍄 🤮 He wanted William to partake in this re*gime, a*nd yet his brother wisely, said no. Harry and Meghan can preach to us all they like, yet they are the two of the sickest ones around, imho.


Mayerling was one of the biggest royal scandals of the late 1800s. Austrian empire's Crown Prince Rudolph, then in his thirties and married, was discovered killed in his hunting lodge, Mayerling. Also shot to death, was his teenage mistress, Baroness Mary Vetsera. It's been deemed a pact between the two lovers. The young lady was killed first, and the prince much later turned his gun, on himself. It was covered up by the Austrian imperial house, first as heart attack, and no one else involved. The Austrian imperial family got dispensation to give their son a Catholic burial on the grounds that Rudolph was not in his right mind at time of death. Meanwhile, the girl was secretly buried. Some of the controversy is speculation that Rudolph, seen as a "progressive" when compared to his father, Emperor Franz Joseph, was actually assassinated. This was the twilight of the Habsburg dynasty.


Oops i also posted about this, cant find it , but added that if the RF is really worried about a repeat of the Mayerling incident then I think Harry is sicker than we, or at least I , have been thinking. It sounds as if they have seen more unstable behaviour than I have imagined.


Thank you forthe explanation


As someone once caught in the web of a narcissist, I have no sympathy, nor pity for him. I got out of my situation, at serious threats to my mental health. I still struggle at times. But frankly, if he was too dumb to see her toxicity, that's on him. If he's too afraid to leave, that's on him. If he thinks this is normal life, that's also on him. He got himself into this mess, and he can get himself out. He walked in voluntarily, unlike people with narc parents. If he faces consequences, he can bear it, be strong, admit mistakes, and apologize to those he's hurt. Grovel, even. You may think I'm being harsh, but I have been through wicked evil times. Not only am I now surviving, but I am thriving. I am living a peaceful life for the first time ever. Step up, Harry. Do the right thing. Or maybe this tea is actually a plant from one or both of them. I wouldn't be shocked.


As a survivor of narc abuse myself I totally agree with you.


Congratulations! It's not an easy thing to do, but it's necessary.


Harry is 40 years old and responsible for his own actions.


I like your point that he is an adult, not a child born to a narc parent. I escaped on my own as a very young adult with no resources. Certainly a prince can figure his way out.


Well, he is a dim bulb. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink) But congratulations! So many narc victims stay because they're fearful of what lies beyond and also what damage the narc can do. But it's a risk that needs to be taken for the good of oneself. It is truly the time to be selfish. Sadly, it took me decades to go no-contact with my mother, but far less time to take my 6yo son and leave my narc first husband. The abuse level was rising and I feared for my child's safety more than my own. Yes, some of us who are victims of narc parents tend to be drawn to other narcs because it's what we're used to. Fortunately, the discussions about narcissism are far more open in today's world. So, there is more hope and help available now than a few years ago.


Nervous breakdowns after betraying your family on the world stage? That's sometimes referred to as "consequences".


Agree. Whilst Harry may have mental health battles, this sounds like just another ploy to play the victim.


I feel absolutely nothing reading this. I wouldn’t wish those issues on anyone, but the damage Harry has done to his family is (IMO) irreparable. There is nothing stopping him from getting himself help. He’s a middle-aged father. Grow up already. It’s so tired at this point, especially as he endlessly preaches to the entire world and has quite literally *hijacked* the subject of mental health itself, for profit.


I don’t know if I even believe it to begin with. His actions are extremely calculated. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is more fodder to guilt the RF into breaking no contact, or to spin public opinion.


I get the Mayerling reference (though I was thinking more Brynn Hartman) but I still don't think the RF are supporting them in any way due to the nastiness and heartache they caused BOTH of their families. Throwing money at them isn't going to resolve his issues with drugs and mental instability. No Nuts can't be helped unless he really wants it, and he's had plenty of opportunities but pissed them away. He got himself in this position and shit all over everyone and everything for Table 12, and needs to take some accountability but absolutely refuses to do so. Sometimes it's for the best to cut off all support to a troublesome and vexatious person for the sake of your own well being. I'm sick of this dumb Prince and his stupid wife. FAFO, Harkles. Let the chips fall where they may


Agree 💯


i don't feel sorry for harry...he didn't feel sorry for the pain he caused or the pain of many others, like the Baka people.


The thing is what productive thing has he done over here in the US? I know he is window dressing on some boards. I’m not sure what meaningful input he has on Invictus. He’s played some polo (yawn) and traveled to some events and concerts. That’s it. If he focused on something meaningful and productive that took up a good part of his time and yielded results maybe he would feel better. It has to beat lounging around that ridiculous McMansion. What a waste.


If things had gone their way and the world had bowed at there feet and lifted them to greatness while turning their back on the Royal family after the Oprah interview they would have preened around and been so smug. I seriously think they can’t believe it didn’t go that way.


How many times do these two middle aged people collapse on the floor sobbing. He is a C-Suite exec for a mental health company. He has done numerous interviews and podcasts talking about his treatment with top therapists. They have kids, they have money. They need to get it together for their toddlers and can't expect Harry's father to rescue them. What can he do except give them more money. What they need Charles for is the clout that comes with being part of the BRF.


I do believe he is having nervous breakdowns. Having been gaslit and betraying your caring family and all your friends, and seeing what a mess his life is in now, I imagine that he wakes up at nights screaming. I would. But the theory that he is trying to manipulate his family and/or media opinion with this is also plausible. If you lie about everything, that's how everything you say/do will be interpreted. What a sad life. But it's hard to feel sorry for someone when he's the one who so thoroughly threw his own life away, despite his brother warning him as best as he could.


This is sickening and unsurprising. Harry and Meghan are emotional terrorists! Once they learn the utility of such a cruel and manipulative threat like this, they find their family is quickly conditioned to cautiously tiptoe upon eggshells and doing all they can to avoid upsetting them so that the chaos-makers grow even more empowered. It’s a very potent threat so they will hold this sword of Damocles over them forever.. if the family allows it. Although grey-rocking/going no-contact is the hardest thing to do, it’s really the way forward for all.


“Emotional terrorists” - 🙌


Whether true or not, one of the karmic costs they're paying is people no longer empathize with them, feel for them, wish them well. Mental illness is serious business that has taken and destroyed lives and families. It is yet another serious topic that they manipulated and opportunized (her suicidal ideation, H's lack of mental health support). And they wreak havoc on the mental health of those in their employ or journalists who wouldn't play their game. I have zero trust in this story. Even if it were true... why care about H? He does enough caring about himself -- he certainly doesn't need us.


"Why care about H?" Good question. I have never really like him. However, I wouldn't want to see him do anything stupid as suicide. It is difficult for me to unpick how much of this has been driven by his narc wife and how much of this is Harry and his latent feelings towards his brother, and position in life. What would happen if he did divorce and came back to the UK? 😟


LIke I said.. i could truly care less about H -- except for one thing: the damage he does to other people, the privilege he enjoys in the US (that you and I don't) and his ability to avoid the tax percentages that you and I have to pay. All this while he shits on the precepts of our Constitution. I care more about suicide rates among veterans suffering from PTSD -- it is truly alarming. I care more about people in dire need of mental health resources but can' afford them. I care more about family members who lost a loved one, guilt stricken that they didn't see the signs, or couldn't afford to get them help. I believe this might be the first time in my life where my heart is stone cold about another human being. Stone cold. Zero empathy. He'll have to pay his karmic debt sooner or later-- however that manifests




It’s gotten to the point where I don’t believe anything about these two. While this could be believable, there have been so many lies, smoke and mirrors, that I can’t see the wood through the trees.


Many families have a Harry in them. It's up to the immediate family to decide what to do with him personally. I do not feel sorry for him one bit. We as voyeurs of the train wreck that he is should also grey rock him. However we can voice our displeasure of Harry's attempt to censor Americans by calling and emailing our local representatives and and also detail all of his other sketchy shenanigans like taking money from charities, avoiding US taxes, using the poor and veterans for his own gain, pushing WEF and WHO ideals here in America, not being transparent in his Visa status etc. Harry is a grown adult and has more resources at his disposal than anyone on the planet. If he needs help he can get it. If he doesn't want it, so be it.


Even serial killers can have breakdowns. Do we get them what they want? No. Harry and Meghan are once again trying to pass off accountability - this has been their problem since day 1. Fix your character issues and stop crying and whining. 


No one is talking about giving Harry or Meghan “what they want” because Harry might be suicidal/homicidal. I think Harry should be locked up (away from Meghan) for his own protection.


No pity for either of them. They are emotional terrorists and this is their latest attempt to hold the BRF hostage.


Allegedly no one cares. Allegedly Meghan wrote this story and put it out so she can get sympathy from the Royal Family and get back in "allegedly". Allegedly Meghan is evil.


You mean to me tell me she wants to get back in with the racists? Would you want to reconcile with racists even if it’s your own family member? How can the sugars not see that they have been lied to all along?


Never happened. They would have milked it. Also, a tantrum is not a nervous breakdown.


Threatening to harm one's self is a complete narcisstic move. Most people who commit suicide dont advertise it before!


That’s right, they DO it.


Personally, I think if anything, she's gonna off him and make it look like an overdose.


Yeah, I’ve totally thought this was gonna happen.


i second that sentiment. she will give him the tools to go over the edge


omg that makes so much sense, and not something I'd previously considered. Until now. She'd just love the attention she'd get (by some) being the "grieving widow" of a prince. Undoubtedly she'd get away with it, too.


Yep. She & the kiddies (if they exist) would get to walk behind the coffin, all eyes would be on her, she'd get allllll of the sympathy, etc.


She would totally single white female Jackie Kennedy optics with her children at Harry’s funeral. Well, she will hire a couple of random stand in children with veils on to stop anyone making out their features, just like the pap photos taken with a potato camera. We know her better than she knows herself


She would not want the kiddies to take attention from her. And she probably doesn’t realize that Harry would not have a funeral like Diana’s. Otherwise, I agree.


IF that happened Meghan Markle would be ripped to shreads for causing that.


She controls him %100. They could make him emperor of the universe, give him all the money in the world, surround him with bare chested Men he can fondle, all the A-listed doing his bidding and she will squash every ounce of joy, every bit of a pleasure, every drop of contentment out of him with a word, a touch, a glance, a stare. He has to save himself but he won't. He needs mummy 2.0 and her approval. Never gonna happy. He enjoys his self-pity parties, whining, and spewing hatred to others esp. happy people getting on with their life, doing the best they can. Polite, appreciate everyday people sicken him. Breathing his air, sharing space and resources on his planet. Who do they think they are. I see this one as the Seinfeld character Elaine dated strutting around saying "I'm the wiz, and nobody beats me". Didn't take much for that guy to get out of his funk and return to his public image. Ep. 5 season 9 LOL.


She probably fantasizes about it. I don't think she'd ever get away with it. He's such an arrogant piece of work, as out of touch with reality he is, I don't think you really could sell him as suicidal. Perhaps these blinds are intended to set that narrative up but it's still wholly unbelievable. He literally believes himself to be God's gift to the world. Any meltdowns Harry is having is because he's not getting what he wants/can't land satisfactory revenge on those he thinks have smited him.


Threatening suicide is the ultimate emotional manipulation.


Yep it is. My mother would do this weekly when I was a child. Never did an attempt though, just the emotional blackmail.


My brother died of suicide. Never gave anyone a clue he would do so.


My husband's mom would drive him and hos brother to the bridge and tell them she was going to jump. He was like 8 yrs old. She's super surprised now that he went no contact 🤷‍♀️


I'm sorry you had to go through that!


My mom stopped saying that when I replied “ that’s on you alone then”


Because it's true. No one is responsible for someone else's suicide.


Agree but I also think this X post is just BS. Harry rates himself as 'God's gift' to the world. I very much doubt he's inclined to suicidal thinking.


Sounds like a thing narcs do.


Yep. It's a control issue.


Yes, one thing a narcissist won’t do is commit suicide, they love themselves too much. But they will do anything to get attention.


I can see that being true of Meghan, but I fear for Harry. Just because he monetises his mental health issues doesnt mean, in his case, that they are not real, or dangerous.


I can believe that he would od but I don't believe he is or has ever been tempted to actually off himself. I believe he would threaten it to get his way or to get attention or to get out of something but I don't believe he would ever take himself out of this world. He shows too many abusive and entitled tendencies to make that believable to me. I do believe that he is a very abysmally stupid drug addled spoiled man who gets easily emotionally disregulated and pitches fits when he feels maligned or disregarded.


No, I don't believe it. This is more manipulation.


I don't know, but even if true, I don't have one ounce of sympathy for him. This is the path HE chose.


Royal family better not let these 2 near any of the Wales. They better learn from the Nepalese royal family massacre where the crown prince killed the whole family because of a woman.


I think that the Harkles are extremely narcissistic that they can only see the world from their POV, which is that they are the victims of the big bad bully RF. They don’t have empathy, conscience, compunction and other human emotions that normal people have for their family that took care of them. So, he does not feel regret, is probably still vengeful and happy to have landed his attacks on his father, step mother, SIL, brother. Not exactly having nervous breakdowns or suicidal, but gleefully counting the millions that he made from Netflix and his memoir. She, on the other hand, is not regretful either, probably waiting for that plane crash still!!


This rumour has been knocking around for a while now. It seems plausible. His behaviour is not that of a sane man. If you have to leave behind your family/friends/country for your wife. She’s not the one. Love truly is blind in this relationship.


We know that’s not true, they are using those “breakdowns” to keep a hold on the king.


At some point you have to allow people to be responsible for their own well-being. I learned this the hard way. A close relative emotionally blackmailed our entire extended family into dancing to her tune by threatening to self-harm. She is still with us, and she is no longer doing that, but if the entire family were still walking on eggshells and sacrificing our physical/mental/emotional health to “protect” her, we would still be in her power. It was just awful manipulation in her case, thank God, but even if she’d unalived herself, we simply could not go on that way any longer. This is a horrible thing to have admitted , and I feel horrible saying it. But we were all putting our own spouses and children at a lower priority because of that dynamic. At some point they will have to call his bluff and either get him some in-patient medical treatment, or learn that he is using the worst possible threats to manipulate people who care(d) about him. He sure as hell won’t get support from that wife of his. ETA: This was over a period of around fifteen years that we worried ourselves sick. Not just "Oh? Are you going to do that? Tough." I tried to say it in a way that implied it wasn't just a bunch of heartless people involved . . . it was a bunch of people who loved this person and cared whether she hurt herself, but who could not continue to put EVERYTHING ELSE IN THEIR LIVES on the back burner every time she made these threats.


In my mind I question what ethical, responsible, competent health professional cannot see what the rest of the world sees? Have they lost their standard of care due to his title & money? Is he not being diagnosed + treated because he is not going to appointments? Every single thing they do or say is a lie or jackassery, every single thing is abnormal. It questions if a Dr. is involved?????


You can’t force someone into treatment unless there are very clear circumstances. Threats to life (e.g telling someone you are thinking of killing yourself or someone else) is one of the few circumstances where a medical professional, paramedic or police officer can hold you for treatment for 24hrs in order to get the patient assessed. Without saying the magic words or having a court order a person is free to refuse help no matter how sick they are.


Typical pity narc play. Haz was never sweet. Take your chances rf and move on. This doesn't excuse their evil behavior. They need more money. Boo hoo


All veterans deserve better and Harry needs to step down in order to save what’s left of Invictus. I personally don‘t give a rat‘s ass about Harry’s mental, physical, or psychological health/illness. I don’t care if he indulges in drugs. What is pressing is the care he is providing for “his” children or is this all ”top secret”? What‘s King Charles to do, let Harry sleep at the foot of his bed? The message warning is dripping in manipulation and imagination.


They are running out of money and are global laughingstock when they thought they would be global superstars. Of course H is the one to have these breakdowns, only way to hold the RF after all those lies and dirt and filthy rumors, the non ending fresh hells designed to cause destruction and ruination to reputations and lives. They took their best shot now they need to be told by KC3 - sink or swim. 


Harry was always mentally fragile and a suicide risk. I’ve long feared that Meghan will discard him after he has nothing material left to give her and he will punch his own ticket. I think it will be a car accident with the car driven by him. Hopefully he doesn’t take anyone else out with him.


In my experience, people who actually commit suicide do not talk about it directly. They drop subtle hints that are only picked up later. But people who want attention and like to manipulate others, never shut up about killing themselves to stress-out their family members. Both types need psychological help. One for depression, and the other for narcissism.


At some point, mental illness or not, you have to grow up, deal with your realities and accept the consequences. They can leak all the poor, pitiful me stories they want and manifest Megsy getting to be prom queen but I’m not buying any of it. The lies, drama, accusations are all on them…they created the mess so go grab your Hermes throw, drop to the floor and sob. Not my problem


I hate to sound uncharitable, but as the old Travis Tritt song said, “Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares.” 


EXACTLY!! I can believe he’s had a breakdown. All of the drugs he uses and then his mental health seems to be a mess. But, deal with life. Suck it up and move forward. As long as he wants to be a permanent victim, there’s no hope.


I don't believe this at all. This is just bad PR being pushed out. This is using mental health as a manipulative tool. Harry has the financial resources and knows he has mental health resources. It is time for tough love and let him get up on his own two feet. That means getting the help he needs on his own, and if he is unhappy in his marriage- then he needs to problem solve. Done are the days of being rescued.


Don’t be naive. The Sussex duo is now trying to blackmail. Either Charles welcome us with open arms or we claim breakdowns, suicide attempts on him for ignoring us.


Meghan Markle has issued these threaths before.


The real Mayerling incident was worse than plain suicide. It was murder-suicide, covered up as best a possible at the time. Criwn Orince Rudolf, 30 "was found dead" with his 17 year old lover. The Hapsburgs were an inbred bunch, the combination with his mother Empress Elisabetta's (Sisi) congenital madness (she was a Wittlesbach, cousin to Mad King Ludwig II) was just too much. Some lurid history reading in that bunch.


Mayerling is the place where Crown Prince Rudolf of the Austro-Hungaria Empire, heir to his father the Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, killed himself and his 17 year old lover, a baroness Vetsera. They were found inI think 1889. He was increasingly unstable, promiscuous, had infected his wife with syphilis, was alcoholic and a drug abuser (morphine I think). If the BRF is seriously afraid of Harry doing a Mayerljng then he is in heven worse shape than I had imagined.


A total load of tosh. And more to the point if it were at all true it sounds like the responsibility of *his* wife and the family he chose not to defame and attack. It also sounds, if true, that any of his employers/business associates are taking a real risk by having him as any sort of face for mental health. 


okay, i acknowledge he's had breakdowns, per these reports, but at the same time, i don't believe it. he hasn't changed one bit and he also still lets his wife slag the BRF. stop hijacking and weaponizing mental health to grift. there are a lot of people who are truly suffering. eta 1: also, the answer to their problem is easy: WORK (and not grift). find something to care about. study and humbly learn from experts. but no. they wanted everything handed to them on a silver platter, including undeserved adulation. eta 2: with their millions (and probably KCIII and PW's support, if they had behaved), they actually need not work. maybe some pet projects here and there. but no. they wanted to be freaking billionaires, president and first man, and emperor and empress etceta etcera. they burned almost everything down cos of their greed.


What’s happening in 2025???


No worries, Einstein. No pity for these two bozos.


Harry has been an alcoholic and drug addict for more than half his life. It is to be expected he will have psychotic episodes, or euphemistically called nervous breakdowns. He lives with a drug dealer, has her as the nanny and advisor....The survival of the Monarchy is much more important than that of a coke and weed head, treacherous princeling in exile. Harry is a hopeless cause.....Pray to St Jude. Group Hug for Harry.


To hell with poor wittle Hawwy. I have no sympathy for that alcohol and drug addled twunt. He made his bed so he can grow tf up, get help, which he doesn’t want, and try to take responsibility for his poor choices.


I think that social media chatter has deteriorated to the point that nothing can be taken without some level of salt. Anyone can make any claim and there is no proof except “I have a friend/heard chatter”. Everything needs a critical thinking lens. My concern is that this sub may not always do this and be more of the problem instead of remaining true to our snarky purpose.


He hasn’t been out of sight for long enough to recover from one let alone three breakdowns. So it’s either false tea or false info from the Harkles. He’s jetted around the world, abandoned his kids (with their permission) to write Waaaagh, accepted awards, lectured people on the environment without any trace of irony, pilfered charity money, became a chimpo, realised his unconscious bias, been to numerous trial hearings, ignored the Africa parks scandal, purposely tried the lives of his sick father and sister in law awful by not discrediting the racism rumours, tweaked at least 3 sets of male nipples, played polo around the world and had lunches with studio heads. That’s just a few of the things he’s down during these 3 breakdowns.


Exactly! I don't believe the allegations. If they came from anywhere they came from Roachel as another sympathy angle she is working.


I don't know whether this person is making this up, but it's totally believable to me that Harry is unstable. In fact I thought that if Megan left him he might off himself and suspected that his family might think so too. Do I feel sorry for him? Somewhat, since he is a fellow human being, but that's the extent of it. He got himself into this trouble and has done many many horrible things to the people who loved him and to his country. You reap what you sow, I guess.


Rachel is setting up the last stage of the relationship. Crying for help for her mentally unstable husband. Call up Carherine becos King n Heir won't listen to her. Kate, help me, you love Harry, you are suffering, but so is your dear brother. Harry ODs. Rachel cries that BRF didn't help Harry out and killed him. Boohoo. Dowager duchess.


Fortunately, Meghan does not have direct access to the Princess of Wales. She can call or text or e-mail, but there is staff screening communications, especially now that she is ill. Meghan will use anything she can to assert her power, but I am not sure that advertising that Harry is unstable will serve her goals in the long run. It won’t improve her status and, except for the hypothetical tell-all book, it isn’t going to give her much money because she probably already controls and is spending everything Harry can access.


no coming back for haz imo


"...as a way for the public to forgive them".... just apologize, jeez.  Everybody loves a great comeback. What's not loved is the redundancy of desperate reinvention. 


You know what? I don't actually care. Call it universal payback for the crap he's done to others. So what if the RF feel scared he'll hurt himself, that's their genetic prerogative. All he has done is besmirch and lie if sympathy is thin on the ground oh well.


Three breakdowns? I’d say BetterUp need a new Chief Impact Officer. Harry’s clearly not making much of an “Impact” on helping others with their mental health


But after Oprah he went on with publishing Spare? He’s a man child who can’t stand being ignored


At this age, **”your mental health is your own responsibility”**


I couldn’t care less about his mental state. He doesn’t care about mine so 🤷🏿‍♀️


If anything happens to Harry it’s his doing. King Charles is not responsible for bad choices his adult son makes.


He's been threatening to hurt himself for years. The RF are used to it. I do agree that their brand is shit and the harkles are spiraling. Her stink food show better be amazing because they will literally be out of money. I doubt it will be anything special. How is mog going to compete with the hundreds of well known hosts/chefs bringing the quality content in an effortless way. It's an already saturated area. All the guests will be repped by WME.


harry are you ok?


Two words to KC3: radical acceptance. They are going to do what they are going to do.


Harry's mental health is suffering but I thought he wrote about getting mental help and it was readily available to him? It sounds like more manipulation from the Sussex camp.


“She’s fainted, or dead, I thought. So much the better. Far better that she should be dead than lingering a burden and a misery-maker to all about her.” - Wuthering Heights, Nelly Dean about Catherine Earnshaw. Sorry if this is harsh, but it’s exactly how I feel about Harry the Horrid.


Sorry, but this sounds fake. Combination of folie a deux and personality disorder does not necessarily mean mental breakdown. For mental breakdown, there would have to be some understanding of the reality of their situation, which neither seem to possess. Plus, aren't they busy making jam, filming cooking/polo shows and buying awards? Not really the behavior I'd expect in people experiencing mental breakdowns.


"Expect to be fed a load of nonsense" I wouldn't expect otherwise.


Not interested.. He made his bed, now he can bloody well lay in it... Elder abuser


The end of their relationship could be approaching. I've always thought Megsy would play the mental health card. Even if this story disappears quickly, it is still out there that Harry needs saving and has his issues and demons. So, is the stage being set for Harry's full-blown mental health crisis? That could be her way out; then she can play the concerned and worried wife, who now fears for her and the children's safety and has been going it alone as the RF will not help.


The only way H gets out there with sanity left is the King sending MI6 or courtiers to extract him and put him on a plane to UK and blocks all TW calls. Like similar to the Katie Holmes move. He is in a drug induced haze and trauma bonded with the Diana trauma to TW. She meanwhile keeps digging at his trauma wounds that he keeps getting a mental breakdown. Seriously the constant drama around them is more than daytime soap operas. It’s like watching daily episodes of Days of our lives.


It’s easy to believe that Harry is unstable, but if it were true everyone would know about it. If he didn’t get the big sausage or stubbed his toe, they make a victim story out of it. They would be milking it for all its worth.


I would think that if H legitimately had just one nervous breakdown TRF would have him ‘hospitalized’ (in a nice state institution) which would kill several birds with one stone


Sorry. Do not threaten s\* to me. My late husband tried that a time or two. I will not be held hostage by anyone. You want to do that to yourself? Go ahead. I will not lift a finger to stop you. (No, that is not how he died. He had brain cancer, which I believe was responsible for his behavior toward the end.)


For those where the King is head of state yes. Personally I think they’ll leave the A and L problem alone as too much of a hot potato to deal with. Once William’s children get married and have their own children the remote possibility just gets even more remote. In practical terms the all the “Sussex” line is completely unacceptable in the UK. This isn’t like importing the Hanoverians in the 18th century. It wouldn’t be tolerated.