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Hyo is more powerful but shishiba is a better fighter and assassin Shishiba mid-high diff since no order member is a push over


How do you visualize him winning.


https://preview.redd.it/yzlj1zrjzwqc1.jpeg?width=1481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8be1661be1144ac4e1aaecaadb61e0c9655cbd3 Hammer time


Bro we have seen him take rail gun shots to the skull twice and continue fighting until he got hit by six speed boat propellers (yes i counted) and still continued fighting until he drowned.


Weapons scale to the user


there’s no such thing as mid or low diffing a order memeber unless your name is takamura. high/ext always, unless you wanna say gaku is pure order level then I guess you’re correct? 


I think Hyo did better against Kuma while having a bigger disadvantage, whereas Shishiba only one due to her ability getting turned off. Before I had Shishiba comfortably stronger, but now I think Hyo high to extreme diffs


https://preview.redd.it/h277i1efsxqc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702a08f12f520c70295b13c61218b03d5f4fa9b1 Shishiba was messing her up offscreen and it is very evident that he’s a better fighter than Kumanomi. Most hits she landed was when Shishiba was worrying about someone else and he even deflected those attacks. Whereas Kumanomi landed clean attacks that weren’t cheap shots in the beginning of the fight against Hyo. I wouldn’t say Hyo did better than Shishiba against Kumanomi


Well first off, Kumanomi had a much bigger environmental advantage against Hyo since he literally had the whole city to use against him whereas she wasn't as given as much of versatile area against Shishiba in the museum, with that being said, it gave Kumanomi a much bigger advantage to her magnetic ability against Hyo Secondly, both Shishiba and Hyo were both messing her up. We see when Hyo actually wore his brass knuckles, he started to drastically overwhelm Kumanomi with his speed and strength, and only lost because Hyo was focused on protecting others. The only hit Kuma tagged Hyo was that punch he did on his chest when he was getting pulled that did 0 damage to him and I assume he just didn't care about it since he knows it won't effect him. Kumanomi can tag Shishiba as done in the latest chap how he sent him flying with her punch, and that was without any disturbance. I think both Shishiba and Hyo are relative (if not equals) in speed with Hyo's overwhelming Strength and Durability giving him the advantage (Also, if you don't mind, can you drop your cord so we can talk abt other topics such as this?)


Bro i agree but i don't think this sub is gonna agree 😭😭😭


I'm willing to discuss lol


Like i don't see how Shishiba can put him down and the strength gap is so wide its kinda bs, Hyo ripps though Kumanomi's metal defense meanwhile... Shishiba is having problems and thinking its difficult, while hyo is just finding it interesting and counters her fighting style on the fly.


Tbf, Shishiba did state a few times that he doesn't think Kumanomi is all that, and that she is just begging for attention. In speed Hyo and Shishiba are relative with Hyo just being physically much stronger, so he'd just overwhelm Shishiba. Kuma also had a greater area advantage against Hyo than Shishiba too


We need more biq feats from Shishiba that shows that he can overcome Hyos physical and defensive advantage


https://preview.redd.it/dl5r123xtzqc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cae19c9275ba5445dbf1d028914222b798b1c56 This is one of the most impressive battle iq feats in the manga. Shishiba can also combat Hyo’s physicality with his combat and speed. Shishiba high diffs


That is a good biq feat but won’t help him in this matchup


It shows that he has the adaptability to deal with Hyo


Shishiba High-Extreme diffs Because Shishiba is faster, has better battle IQ and has better combat skills. Of course, Hyo's punches can put Shishiba in very bad situations, but only if they land. Shishiba is the character who can keep his calmness the best in the series, and he will always be vigilant when fighting against Hyo. Unlike Kumanomi, he will take care to dodge the attacks which he cannot block or tank, and his reaction speed allows him to do this. And also one of Shishiba's most important trump cards is that once his opponent is caught off guard, can use the opportunity in the most efficient and good way. The moment Kumanomi let her guard down, he immediately executed combos that would finish off her and Reaper without even thinking for a second. He defeated Yotsumura in the same way, and this was how he delivered the finishing blow to Yotsumura. In other words, Shishiba knows very well how to attack at the right moment, and when he makes the finishing blows, he can make full use of the opportunity and deliver lethal attacks one after another. Unlike Hyo, Shishiba is better at landing finishing attacks. Hyo surprised Kumanomi more than once at unexpected moments and landed powerful punches on her weak areas such as her abdomen, but none of them were enough to make Kumanomi lose consciousness except the last one. In other words, while Shishiba will avoid Hyo's attacks throughout the battle with his speed and agility, he will observe the situation he is in with his Battle IQ. and when he catches the right moment, he can attack one of Hyo's weak points with the pointy part of his hammer, make her lose his guard for a moment, and then perform a combo of finishing blows. But he beats Hyo High-Extreme diff because of Hyo's durability and physical strength. It will give Shishiba a very difficult time and make it difficult for him to find the right moment for the finishing blow.


One problem he's not faster at all he's relative to Kumanomi who is Hyo is relative to, also your underestimating how much it takes to kill hyo. BUT i am starting to see the vision if he gets the the eyes he might win.


Even if he has the same speed as Hyo, that doesn't mean he will let his attacks touch him, if Hyo makes an attack at "A" speed, Shishiba can also dodge that attack at "A" speed. It's about who can better maintain their calmness and patience during the fight and analyze it better. In battles where both sides are at the same speed, the side that can catch the right moment and make the attack is advantageous. Although Hyo is superior in terms of physical stats such as strength, endurance and durability, and is equal in speed, he is not superior enough to establish an absolute advantage that cannot make Shishiba analyze the fight sufficiently.


To put the strength gap in perspective remember when Shishiba hit her metal arm and did no damage. Hyo hit her metal shield and blow straight through it, and i hit knock out kumanomi (dead ass they gassed her up from waking not tanking just getting up from Hyos attack). If shishia gets hit twice...maybe three times at the most he loses, i can she Shishiba winning at extreme diff but i can see Hyo High diffing him. Also Hiruma no selling an of gaurd attack from Shishiba puts a bad tast in my mouth.


My vote goes to shishiba winning


Can you explain how you think he wins.


Tbh with you, I think shishiba is the better fighter with a shadow of a doubt and I think he just lands hits in vital spots before being too damaged to continue fighting I believe it would be an extreme diff, but I think shishiba would take it probably 7/10 times


Hyo got shot twice in the head and still kept going. I don’t think “vitals” apply to him


Shishiba high diff hyo might be physically stronger but shishiba is a smarter and better fighter. Not saying hyo isn’t a good fighter.


Hyo isn't gonna be fazed by much in this fight, after the beating he endured from Kuma I think we can safely say he'd eat Shishiba's attacks and put him on his ass. He'd take serious damage though, and shishiba can absolutely keep up with him, so it's difficult to say how long the fight would last. Hyo's got a lot of advantages over him in terms of AP and durability, I just can't see shishiba winning.


When reading your comment I realized how to describe what this fight is like. It's like a dark Souls boss fight but they only have one life, no heals, the poss damage is bs and they never fought them before.


Shishiba should consistently be the winner. We see him being able to hold his own against Kumanomi and Haruma at the same time. He then proceeds to run the ones with Kumanomi and beats her ass, even Carolina Reaper mentions it lmao. This Shishiba should have been more tired/weakened due to the fact that he just got done having to deal with two order level threats with just one hammer and still ran the fade and cooked her. Haruma is said to have strength similar to Hyo and Shishiba mid-diffs Yotsumura. Lets compare them in both instances with Kumanomi. What's impressive about Hyo is that he was able to hold his own and most likely beat her if it weren't for civilians. She is also at an advantage due to the whole city itself being her arsenal. So if you want to say shes nerfed for some reason against Shishiba then go ahead but it shouldn't be the case since she can still pull out her strongest attack(coil gun) and use whatever around her to her advantage(as we saw with the samurai arm). It isn't like her speed or strength has decreased and if anything should be more determined to do her best since she wants to go save Uzuki and just saw Gaku damm near dead lmao. Thats like putting Sakamoto in a room full of random stuff against her, it just isn't fair and puts him at an advantage. So Hyo had to deal with this and still put up a good fight. He also adapts quickly and is able to take a direct punch from her and not be fazed. He can also react to her coil gun decently but not as well as Shishiba. His strength and durability is the best in the series and it's something to look out for. What kinda fucks him up is his skill/talent and the way he thinks that he needs to work much harder to even reach and stand side by side with the rest of the order. Compare that to Shishiba who is basically the opposite since his skill and talent are what carries him. This is an important factor since skill is such an important thing in Sakamoto Days and is a deciding factor to most fights. When we see Shishiba fight Kumanomi for the second time in the most recent chapter. We see Shishiba struggle with her and only land a critical hit because of the fault of Carolina Reaper. BUT Amane does have a full dialogue about it and right when bro is done, Shishiba strikes. So idk its a little weird because you can say she was caught off guard or think that Shishiba was too fast for her to react in time since he notices her magnetic powers stop working but doesn't attack once Amane is done yapping. Overall, this fight isn't consistent from what we have seen so far and if you want to take it literally then Shishiba would probably lose to Hyo. Though consistently he should beat up Hyo pretty bad, but it'd take a while just due to Hyo's immense durability/strength. Once there's an opening, Shishiba is immediately going to be on it and will land critical blows. We also tend to forget how well he did against Yotsumura who was previously the second strongest Order member. This same threat was able to scrap with Nagumo and Shishiba at the sametime. Shishiba tells the gang that if they don't take him seriously that they will die, and after Shishiba beats him Nagumo tells him how impressed he is. Even after being injured and tired we see him and Nagumo about to throw down, showing just how confident he was in taking him out. His potential/skill is one of the best we have seen in the series and it's the whole reason why Yotsumura even decided to recruit him into the order. He even thinks that if he changed his mindset he would be at a higher rank by now but bro is too lazy lmao.


I don't get it why he keep using only hammer?


You mind sharing your cord? We can talk abt this topic there, you have some interesting points ☺️


Don't do it to em cuz. He agreed it ain't worth it.


We can exchange cord, I'm curious to hear your takes on other topics


I never heard exchange chord before so... is it a reddit thing.


I think shishiba takes it, high diff but takes it shishiba relies on much more then strength, while still being extremely strong. He has very good sense of combat and is calm and clear about the job. Hyo is basically just strong doesnt really show much in fight with kuma in terms of amazing strategy. And loses to someone who shishiba essentially 2v1 against


assuming their both 100% trying to kill each other, id give it to Shishiba extreme diff. Hyo has the durability and strength of a monster meaning NO ONE in the verse can take too many hits before being out for the count and he can also take a lot of punishment but he is not unhurt-able. He himself says he trained hard to make up for his lack of skill so Shishiba should outclass him seeing as he was taught by one of the greatest Japanese assassins and later on bested him in a fight. He was also holding off Kumanomi and Haruma by himself for a time. Also in the most recent fight Shishiba is quick on his feet, acting pretty much instantly as Kuma's power stops working and he has an opening. Shishiba ALSO was ready to go at it with Nagumo after his Yotsumura fight, though I think he would've lost I dont see Shishiba overestimating himself and think he coulda gave Nagumo a good fight. I DEFINITELY see Shishiba being heavily injured after this tho (probably lose a whole arm or something crazy like that)


Hyo wins way to much brute strength and durability even if shishiba lands a all or nothing neck slash hyo is just gotta enter overtime mode and kill him before he dies of blood loss since he’s inhuman


Shishiba high to extreme diff. Beating Yotsumura who was the orders number 2 at one point is no small feat and hes doing pretty good against Kumanomi, probably wouldve beat her if he had someone covering him as well as Hyo did. Shishiba is like 3 or 4 in the current order members, right after Nagumo and Takamura


Shishiba strongest member of the order after takamura


Bro what? Nagumo is literally stated to be rivaling the strongest spot of the order (which is basically Takamura) Shishiba has done nothing to be given the 2nd strongest spot, his feats aren't even better than Hyo's


Beating yotsumura and fighting 3 of slur gang (kuma alone is stronger than gaku) and still people believe that nagumo is stronger than him


Kumanomi is NOT stronger than Gaku wtf


Bro he was fighting 3 of them


We don't know if he was fighting against also Reaper or not but Kumanomi and Haruma wasn't trying either. Kumanomi started to get serious after witnessing Gaku's situation and Haruma didn't go all out in the whole manga because of his sports obsessions. He was chill when Kumanomi and him fighting against Shishiba. of course Shishiba can beat them high diff in 1 vs 1 and it's still an impressive feat to fight against 2 or 3 members of slur gang but it's not something Nagumo can't do.


Nagumo went extreme diff with gaku and even said that he was his strongest opponent there in no way he can fight haruma and kuma and reaper together


Yotsumura wasn't in his prime and he wasn't even in current top 10 while Gaku is clearly in top 10


Nagumo extreme diffs Shishiba


So beating an old retired assassin is impressive now? Why does that get him above Nagumo? Also you can never prove Kuma is stronger than Gaku, especially when Gaku has been complimented numerous times to be extremely strong and skilled by the author himself. I'll say it again, Nagumo is literally stated to be the second strongest order member by slur himself, on top of the fact that Nagumo was ranked S level threat whereas Shishiba was ranked A level, the narrative just further points to Nagumo being the stronger order member than Shishiba. Shishiba in fact not even stronger than Hyo since he only beat her when her ability wore down, whereas Hyo (while having a bigger disadvantage due to the setting of the battle) was beating her up and only lost because he had to protect civilians


Gaku's slurs right hand and he gets a lot of narrative hype, you really think he's weaker than the two new characters introduced to make the gang more threatening? Nagumo was LITERALLY STATED IN THE MANGA TO BE THE SECOND STRONGEST ORDER MEMBER, Shishiba literally cannot be stronger. Gaku was physically overwhelming Nagumo too, that's how strong he is


Not disagreeing with you but I feel like Nagumo being physically overwhelmed makes sense, hes more of a tricky fighter than brute force. What is more impressive is his statement about Gaku maybe being the strongest he ever fought putting him above even Hyo narratively


That's the thing, gaku and nagumo both get glazed so much by the narrative that it'd be ridiculous to put them below the other fighters of a similar level


Oh of course, it's clear that Nagumo is either the strongest or second strongest in the order and so far I'd say top 3 in the series overall. But his strengths do not lie with pure force like Hyo if that makes sense. Kinda like how Sakamoto would probably lose to Rion if it's no weapons or tools around but wins otherwise m


>But his strengths do not lie with pure force like Hyo if that makes sense. Kinda like how Sakamoto would probably lose to Rion if it's no weapons or tools around but wins otherwise m I'd still say his speed is top tier though, hyo's got raw power but doesn't seem as fast or agile. Takamura's obviously top of the order so I think Nagumo's firmly above every character in the 'order' tier (if that exists, only characters who might be too much are Asaki and slur, though we'll see)


Yeah, Hyo definitely couldnt hang with Nagumo under any circumstance unless they're in a situation with no weapons or clothes. Takamura is funny because I don't think he leads the order in anything necessarily but his destructive capability is so wild that it just crushes everyone else. Kamihate is also weird as we have so much statements of how deadly he is but I don't know how he measures up to other order top tiers


>Kamihate is also weird as we have so much statements of how deadly he is but I don't know how he measures up to other order top tiers Issue with him is that everyone seems more than capable of dodging or otherwise intercepting bullets. He's gotta be a more gimmicky fighter to be dangerous I reckon, perhaps something similar to Nagumo where he has tricks up his sleeve


Who stated that gaku is slur right hand


Basic reading comprehension? He trusts gaku, always has him by his side, asks him to deal with enemies like takamura and Asaki, he's obviously a big deal even within slurs group. You not gonna address the fact that nagumo is literally stated to be second strongest in the order and gaku was overwhelming the man?


Bro you are just stating by yourself. Nobody said that


Nagumo isn't losing to shishiba lol https://preview.redd.it/ojjjewcx2yqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50324507ac725534f8ea8c0f80043507e1b4f256


You mean a out of his prime Yotsumora, who has hasn't been fighting in years because he's been in hiding. Haruma that ignored his attacks (when he was of guard), and only managed to hit both kumanomi and caraliner ripper when they off guard. Wait till the fights over before glazing.


Where did you get the stats?


Oh I made them I made stats for all the order members and constantly update them as new chapters come out.


Oh they're great. I was wondering if they came from a databook or something


You thinking they may have come from a databook is thd biggest compliment i could have ever gotten thanks. 😄


Ahaha you are welcome.


Do you agree with them or should I change something?


Shishiba high-extreme diff




I explained it in my comment


That's a lowball for Shishiba's speed. He's like a good 9 and his instinct is out of the league when he fought Mrm Yotsumura


Every order members about the same speed, so most are 8.


Hell nah, look at Kindaka toying with the trio and arguably still the fastest in the verse. And he's an Order member, but ye that aside I'd still argue that Shishiba and Nagumo are faster than Hyo and slightly on Sakamoto. (Since he was still like he's 30% from around ch. 30? and I think he's half his strength now) Shishiba is bitching Kumanomi and Carolina rn and actually perspective blitz the both of them. I mean Hyo was bitching Kumanomi as well if it weren't for the civilians but ye u get my point.


Kindaka on his state sheet broke the scale, Shishiba only out did them when they were both distracted. So i can't give it to them, but i do get what your saying. Each number is their own tier them having the same number doesn't mean they're the same speed, it means they're relative in Speed. (I don't think either can blize the other.) Search "stats of all order members" and you will see my mind set. ps a few stats are out dated. My speculation on Sakamoto right now he's at 100% of his old power, but what's nerfing him is his no killing rule.


Where you get that stats?


I made them.


Sushibar clears


Sushibar vs Jogoat would be a fight to see.



