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Yes, but she ain't the only one Nagumo still haven't gotten over Akao's death Shishiba gives Mr yotsumura a 50/50 chance of dying/living by throwing him in the river instead of just making sure he's dead Sakamoto does very good at this, and instead feeling more guilt over the possible fact that later on will happen anyway if he stayed on the order Sakamoto swallowed up his pride and quit, which Hyp pointed out


Tbf, nagumo is the walking definition of a hypocrite. When he was first introduced, he said he hates deception even when his main skill is camouflage.


I don't see her talking in the second page.


The conversation started from Heisuke asking how the Order can be so cold towards Hyo's death since they(Osaragi included) were saying he was just too weak. If she really disagreed she wouldn't have said that.


No order disagreed with him otherwise they wouldn’t have that panel there


Mr. Shishiba is talking about assassins in general about their job and what they do, Osaragi included.


Shishiba is stating his opinion, and i dont see osaragi agreeing with him


She did


When ? She has just a basic face expression


Na she verbally agreed. Reread the conversation.


So why would they show both her and nagumo chilling while birdbrain has a reaction, the panel exists for a reason


She could also just have heard him say this 100 times and understanda his POV


Lol Nagumo quite literally got angry over Rion's death, his silence is him disagreeing, thus Osaragi's silence being disagreeing too. Shishiba is also lying too, he doesn't believe that for a second. Look at the way he treat Kumanomi in battle, and how he felt about Yotsumura even after he defeated him.


But like Mr. Shishiba said Osaragi kills people and is now getting emotional about Mr. Shishiba getting hurt.


Yes Mr Shishiba said it, not osaragi, it was just his opinion


How about yours?


I dont think she is a hypocrite bc she never stated anything regarding of how to feel when you partner dies


Mkay 👍


To be fair, those were Shishiba's thoughts, I don't think we got a panel or dialogue where Osaragi agreed with him (correct me if i'm wrong). And if anything, it just proves that actions speak louder than words. Shishiba can say all he wants that people shouldn't get sensitive when someone close to you dies, but they're all human and they all have emotions. They are clearly more than just assassins.


Agreed 👍


1. No she wasn’t the one that said that 2. No, she probably planned on killing everyone in that room anyway because she’s Osaragi and missed all the development hiding in the bathroom


1. Mr. Shishiba is referring to assassins in general, what their job is and what they do, Osaragi included. 2. That's not what's important, it's how Osaragi is reacting.


We know this isn’t how all order members are though (what shishiba is referring to). We watch hyo die right after this because he’s too nice. The same reason Shishiba is bleeding out. So even if he’s saying it, not everyone in the car has to agree 100%. And obviously none of them do. If anything it’s foreshadowing this happening to him, Hyo and Nagumo too.


They said that the reason Hyo died was because he was weak, Osaragi was the one who said it. Although Nagumo believed it was because he was too nice as you said.


I think thats the point of The Order. They havent come to the same realisation as Sakamoto. Sakamoto needed Aoi spelling it out for him to realise that everyone has someone that's looking out for them and loves them. So everyone unnesscarily killing each other like their lives dont matter is wrong. The Order try their best to not care but they do. And thats why I think the World of Assassins will be disbanded EoS.




Osaragi's hands are magnetically attracted to young weak necks https://preview.redd.it/vxmoqhpd62uc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2107f3cada07fa3451f51485f025ced61d6bf1f9


That sounds really fucking bad.


Osaragi on the watch list rn


I think this panel speaks so much more words then what shishiba actually said. These are the teachings of yotsumura, who was a cold hearted killer, killed his own wife without hesitation. Shishiba is trying to pass on the teachings of a man he deeply respected. Shishiba and almost all of the other top assassins are truly compassionate. Sakamoto: gave up everything for his family Shin: gives it up to save a man he respected Nagumo: still is not over akao death Shishiba: basically let yotsumura go without confirming the death, as well as very quickly willing to give up his like to protect amane Osagiri: this panel Satoda: willing to do anything to protect her students Kindaka: gives uzuki the antidote and dies because of it And it goes on and on


Kindaka is still alive just in a coma. Otherwise great Analysis fr!


Oh wait true


Bold of you to think she was paying any attention in that moment


Hehe you're right.


They're all hypocrites. I think they all just handle loved ones deaths differently. For nagumo he needs closure, shishiba seemed like he just wanted to atone, Osa might just be the type to want revenge(can maybe throw Nagumo in there too). None of them really seem to care about finding meaning but i like that they're still human and not just killing machines


Me too


Devil's advocate, if someone attacked your ally in battle you would likely also retaliate


Osaragi is airhead which is cute when it is she. I'm not shipper at all but I don't mind if she likes Shishiba (even if she don't understand it yet) their relationship is one of gems in this manga (+nagumo with this couple)


I want to ship them, but I need some sort of indication before I do so.


humanizes the character, yes. most of order if not all of them are. theres an internal struggle when someone you respect, admire, or are close to is involved.


they all are hypocrites. shishiba chose not to kill confirm yotsumura, osaragi obviously cares about shishiba and look at nagumos face. bro is still hurting from rion's disappearance


The second page isn't a fact that anyone follows. Everyone in this manga has something that they care about and act irrationally towards, just like real life. The pint of what Shishiba is saying imo is that you can't let everything get to you, pick what you want to protect


And Hyo just wasn't huh. Damn, sucks to be my boy Hyo.


Well she loves him so who cares let's go yandere mode activated


All of them are thats a part of their characters


she does what she wants leave her alone


They’re all hypocrites. They all change their tunes on death when it comes down to a friend or family member. That’s the irony of Shishiba saying that Heisuke


Osaragi didn’t say it Shishiba did.


Well sakamoto days main theme is family Like how sakmoto family is one that is compromised of people who have left it all behind and are content with who they are now Orphanage gang works like Phantom troupe they might be many but they are equal a single organism While order is like my family


Yes, everyone dgaf lol