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Thanks for what you do, you deserve to be paid way more


Agree. At least twice. It blows my mind seeing all these tech job salaries and then first responders are paid a fraction of that.


The average American makes less than 40k a year but I agree they need more And all these tech job posts are probably fake


Idk if the tech posts are fake, they just represent a subset of the population. Reddit tends to cater to those who are in STEM who care greatly about maximizing their TC. Most people don’t make these numbers in general.


They fake I’m sure


Must be nice being so inconceivably ignorant in the age of information and technology


Humans have always been in a age of information and technology you bird brain lol


No they haven’t you illiterate fuck, arguably it started in the 1970s and ended in 2020 and now it’s considered the age of IOT.


Humans only been using technology and information for 50 years ? lol oh ok bird brain


Lmao humans didn’t even have agriculture for practically our whole existence… This is all a blip in the time frame that Homo sapiens have been around (about 300 thousand years). You’ve got to be a troll


Lmao agriculture developed 12,000 years ago stone tools nearly 2,000,000 years ago and also humans aren’t the only species to use agriculture


I’m not the one who thinks every household is raking in 120 k a year lol


No one said that, literally no one has stated that in this thread. Those salaries you see posted by tech are legitimate. I make just under 200k myself lmao 2 years of experience no college


lol you some loser on Reddit


Said the loser on Reddit


What a naive thing to say!


Be humble


Where are you getting that < $40k annually figure?


The United States Census Bureau


Weird. That’s significantly less than the US Bureau of Labor statistics.


Person. Not household.




Nah it’s not


That’s the average salary not income


That’s the nominal gdp per capita not medium income


That is also a mean figure not a median




Yeah, I know there’s a difference. The figure I see is what goingback2back posted below, which is a significant difference from $40k.


Yeah that’s 40 k


Also just google average American income like it’s that simple. It’s 37,585 as of 2022.


“Like it’s that simple.” Yeah, exactly what I did and came up with $59,384.


Then maybe don’t be snarky about acting like “why don’t you just Google this term, it’s simple” while using those terms interchangeably.


most tech people don't make that much. Its just the top 10% that make that.


You all don’t get paid nearly enough.


TBF, this is the lowest paid firefighter I have EVER seen.


Might be in an income tax free state or in a VLCOL area. Also some firefighters get municipal benefits like no money down mortgages, or even like half paid mortgages. My town has something like that, where they will actually pay for 30% of the homes value, provided you continue working for the FD


OP is in one of the most expensive areas of the US




This is a very normal wage here in Florida for firefighters. Actually higher than most around me.


Ever been to South Carolina lol?


Firefighters are volunteer based in many areas of the country.


Look at California firefighter salaries/pensions and tell me that with a straight face


He saw the same one story that everyone else did. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/san-ramon-california-firefighters-making-up-to-400k/


Firefighters in Cali are pulling in 300k


With a fuck ton of overtime. I work in SOCAL and barely get to see my family because I have to work so much to pay rent


The cost of living is so high there that it makes sense. By the time you’re taxed there, you aren’t left with much in most cities in California. Although this sounds more reasonable for a job where your life is in danger every time you answer the phone.


We have firefighters living in AZ , flying to CA to work 2 weeks then go home. Dude made 600k


Damn my brother in law is a firefighter for Fairfax county and I think they start them around $65k. He's been in for about 10 years and makes around double that now.


You are also talking about the highest concentration of millionaires in the country lol.


Yea, I think they're among the highest paid in the country. He has a guy on his squad that drives from Pittsburgh (approx 4 hours), because the pay is worth it. I was more saying that, because the OP stated that they were in Northern VA... crazy that they could be in Loudon/Prince William etc making half the money for the same work.


Fair, everyone has a different meaning for Nova. Below PWC you are out to me but I hear people near Richmond claim nova. Anything south of Woodbridge might be geographically nova but not financially. Woodbridge barely makes the cut to me.


Haha funny you say that. I grew up in PWC, but have been in Boston since 2011. My sister and BIL still live in PWC and work for Fairfax County. It’s definitely a different vibe between PWC and Tysons area. Their govt employees are paid well. Regarding the Woodbridge comment you’re being an elitist asshole after accusing Fairfax people of being millionaires. Without giving away too much, several members of the family are making between $150-200k living between Woodbridge and Fredericksburg.


I guess, but to ignore the average home in Woodbridge being 400-500k where that’ll not even get you a townhouse in the areas of Fairfax, arlington, Alexandria etc. 150k is like 50k in 2000 in this area. Idk if you’ve been back since 2011 but it’s not the same at all. Some of my clients have $150,000 roof projects. It’s a different type of wealth. I’m desensitized from any car under $400,000 because of the roads. Also the Fairfax comment isn’t an elitist comment, it’s the facts of the nature. No opinion was given. People live in Woodbridge and Fredricksburg because they cannot afford the same lifestyle further north - that’s more of the opinion but also basic math. I’m by no means shitting on them, but to say it’s the same is bizarre and clearly out of touch with reality. Show me a singular $5m+ home in Woodbridge. I can name multiple roads in Fairfax where $5m is the cheap house.


My brother is a firefighter makes like 90k


Yeah in Vienna ppl madd $$$$$$




Yeah it’s sad, and politicians get triple and a subscription to insider information.


We need to pay the tech gurus $400,000 for making it possible for us to watch reels and be fed algorithm content of smol tty goth girls.


Jealous. All I get on my algorithm is blue chew ads


Strong work, Brother! Get your education (college and Fire Officer certs ) and move up


Nice. The good middle class job.


Depending on the geographical area. Mid-west USA, sure. NYC and its tristate area, just above poverty.


Friend of mine made 180k last year in NYC as a firefighter (I’m sure that includes his overtime) but top pay is over 6 figures in 5 years… definitely above poverty level..


That's what I mean. Making 62k in NYC is barely above poverty.


I definitely misinterpreted that to be “good middle class job except in NY” heh. Not just this guys salary.


This is so skewed yea he might have made 180 before taxes, and worked overtime every fucking day that’s no way to live. They abuse you and your body but hey you’re a hero atleast! Thank you for your service and thank you for thanking me for my service brother!


65k is still a struggle for a living wave in the mid-west now, especially if you have a spouse and/or kids.


I agree.


A career with a high stress, high mortality/injury rate shouldn’t be lower middle class pay


This is borderline unlivable in NOVA. Such a disgrace. Need to pay firefighters more.


Ahh so normal people do post on here. Getting over all the tech/finance bros humble bragging with their 300K+ salaries. OP deserves a hell of a lot more $$ than yall.


I'm confused I thought firefighters got paid a lot more. Think my friend who's only 30 makes like 150k+ Edit: I should add my friend barely does any OT. He told me it's common to make 200k-400k for his coworkers.


Your buddy is full of shit 😂


It's similar to what I've heard from other firefighters here. Apparently it has to do with location a lot, like many jobs


It’s very easy to make 50k in overtime alone if it’s plentiful… 250k? Idk about that lol


$20-$50K is pretty reasonable with OT, but there are a few people who work almost 7 days a week and are pulling insane salaries. $300K+ in just OT wages. Not sure how they do it, it takes years off your life.


No, it depends on where you live. You can make $150k as an engineer in the SF baby area and easily double that with OT since they’re all understaffed.


It's really interesting to see such wide ranges here based on location. I know location matters a lot, but some places paying more than 5 times as much as others seems crazy. I live in a fairly expensive area (eastern MA) and in 2020 (the last year my town seems to have posted the annual report online) the lowest paid fire fighter made 62k and the highest made 97k, averaging 77k. The higher ranks make significantly more though.


It's very location dependant. I have two buddies that work a fire house in the Silicon Valley area and they both make $350k+. California has some insanely high paid fire fighters in the rich coastal areas. But then you go inland and it's not even close to the same.


I grew up with a kid who became a firefighter in 2016 in California. He’s making a little more than 210k a year plus about 72k in benefits.


Yep, my buddies both did the cal fire grind and worked houses in Sacramento area for a decade before they were able to get into a bay area house. I was in shock when they showed me their total pay. Was like why the fuck did I get an engineering degree. That said, they're both monsters and exactly the dudes you'd want coming to save you. I couldn't be that.




I couldn't agree with you more. Why morons would make a comment like yours before doing a simple Google search makes me scratch my head. Here you go: https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/search/?q=Fire+fighter


That’s awesome, hit up some overtime though for sure, my dad is a retired firefighter and he was pulling 80k+ a year in the late 90’s. Maybe it’s way different now, plus he worked in NorCal so maybe that’s the difference too. I wish I had followed his path, benefits are amazing and the schedules are awesome


you guys are underpaid, i sit on my ass all day not risking my life and saving people. You should be making more than me


Way underpaid for the work you do. Thanks for your service, hero.


Nice job man, a 7k rise last year is great!


This is somewhere in the south.


No it’s not.


You aren’t paid enough for how dangerous the job is. Thank you for providing such a necessary service.


Props on the normal salary


U need to get that overtime sir or lateral to a better paying department…but it’s relative to where you live. In so cal that’s super low


Gotta try for one of the high end California fire houses: https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/2022/oakland/brett-anthony-moore/


Keep grinding!


What site is this


Thank you for your service


Honestly, thank you for what you do. You guys put your lives on the line daily. It's a thankless job. Hats off to you!


Damn brother I 30yom was a firefighter for 8years in Fla, ended up leaving right where you’re at due to just working my ass off and not getting paid shit. As a contract medic now I make 80k + and sleep in my own bed everyday, loved being a firefighter but hated how I couldn’t survive on that salary after killing my mind and body. Hope they give you a raise brother, even the 90% of that pension isn’t enough for me to stay 30 years!


Yall need to be paid more


Criminally underpaid.


Where do you guys get this data? Are you compiling it yourself or is it available through the IRS somewhere?


Definitely not in NYC


Firefighters, nurses and teachers deserve all the money.


Whattup NOVA!


Nice to see someone post an average wage. Lots of high end wages, at least compared to mine. Assuming most of your years of pay are as a firefighter you might be able to be paid more. My old job hired firefighters all the time at higher wages.


We’re you a mate in 2017 with Trader Joe’s? That’s a big jump from 2016!


Fuck. My first year as a high school teacher I was making 72. You deserve to be paid so much more for what you do.


Do people get this from IRS or something? How can I get mine?




This gotta be the ACFD.




$60k when covid first hit and was unknown is insane. Front line workers facing that uncertainty should have been paid couple hundred k for hazard pay then.


I’m in falls church I’ll buy ya a beer!


Thanks for sharing! I heard in nova, it was very common for fire fighters to go over six figure.. I guess this isn’t true?? Are you pulling over time? What is your schedule alike?


How do you generate this report?


Come to Oregon. My buddies brother in law has been a firefighter for 15 years, makes 145k a year, works 10 days a month and started his own construction business with all his time off lol


pretty sure over here in Jersey they get a 5k- 10k raise every year since it’s so dense


Hey brother, sister who no problem take him from a bank or whatever it’s that’s OK but that man is sick and the illness and I’m I don’t agree with it. I would be like my parents someone taking it from them. I wouldn’t do it.


And I agree 100% this world so screwed up all we can do is look out for ourselves and our government screwed up really bad but we got it back so now I don’t know I have no problem honestly no problem but they don’t mess with.


My uncle retired from fire department as a fire chief for captain, and he has a very nice retirement, but he also put his life online and we forget that the difference between our generation generation before and before we were taught how to work kids today don’t wanna work. I don’t know how to work because they’re too lazy.


Meanwhile some guy runs around and throws a ball and gets more money in one year 100 people can spend in their lifetimes combined.


Because people pay to go see it to be entertained.. I agree it’s ridiculous but the onlookers share the blame


meanwhile i sit on my ass all day “listening” to meetings on teams and make more. meanwhile This guy is risking his life, saving people, being a hero.


I wish you were paid a CS Salary and vice versa.




Well, I can get behind that. I just don't think me busting my ass working for 1.3y* (typo) with 50h weeks in Chemical R&D in semiconductor metrology for 85k should be paid 50k less than a junior developer. And I sure as fucking hell don't think a fireman should be paid less than an entry level CS associate, with the amount of hazards they have to navigate. I graduated Chem/ChemE Bachelor's from Madison, WI. My first job in Chemistry paid me 48k. I legitimately don't think that was even on the list for the CS bros out here, y'all in cushy chairs coding while I was toughing it out, all sweaty in a hazmat suit. Though yes, recruiters should be paid 40~80k based on COL or at least paid like sales - by commission. (80k bc living on 90k in nyc is already fucking hard).


The fire fighters protecting the CS guys are getting paid fat https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/2022/oakland/brett-anthony-moore/


The fire fighters protecting the CS guys are getting paid fat https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/2022/oakland/brett-anthony-moore/


lol if that were the case reddit, and basically every modern app/website + chat gpt would not exist.


I can live without AI. I can’t live if my shit catches on fire


u can just not do something stupid to avoid it catching on fire. all fires are easily preventable.


You can also do things with AI. I think that might be the stronger argument. You can also do without the internet. Some might even argue life is better that way, but I disagree to some extent. Fires. You can’t prevent a spark. You can’t prevent heat waves. You can’t prevent people like you who think fires are 100% preventable.


$63K to ride around in a big red truck and go to the grocery store. Not bad at all


I run 10-15 calls a shift and run all night long lol.