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I think most if not all hikes near SLC are going to be relatively safe traveling solo. There is always a risk traveling solo. But my favorite is bells canyon falls. Sick views of the valley. It’s an easy hike which leads to a cool waterfall and view. Always people up there


lol this is not an easy hike… but a really great hike if you like a leg day


Define safe please. Difficulty? Or like 'i don't want to get mugged'?


I did the living room today, there was lots of us singles out there.


Not a hike really but I’m cleaning up the Jordan River Parkway Trail. I use a grabber and 5 gallon bucket. Good exercise, beautiful trail and good reason to be there too! I do it as a hobby so there’s no commitment or anything. Just a thought!


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Safe as in not challenging?


I used to hike solo and my favorite spot was Timp Cave. The views are incredible (even without touring the cave) and there are rangers on the trail in case something happens. I was always more paranoid about twisting an ankle than being attacked, but either way on the Timp Cave trail someone would be there to hear my hypothetical cries for help.


Ensign peak


Donut falls. Always fairly busy.


Difficult as in I shouldn’t have to worry about being robbed, or being killed by a wild animal 😂


You shouldn’t have to worry about either of those on any hiking trail in Utah.


Correct. I mean, the thought has crossed my mind. Especially when listening to true crime podcasts while hiking solo. But then I’m like, if someone wants to attack someone, they’re not putting on their hiking boots, packing their water and whatever other gear, hiking up into the mountains on a well used public trail system, hoping they’ll find a good solo target to rob, who happens to be carrying cash and jewelry, and that no one, or their dog is going to happen to pass by on the trail while they do the deed. On any given day, I can usually hear people chatting all along the trail. You’d have to be an idiot to attack someone on a public trail. I don’t know, maybe someone is stupid enough to try it. But what a dumb place to try and commit a crime.


I hike solo almost exclusively and I have only been in one sketchy situation in many years. Anything up around the U, Emigration Canyon, Millcreek - all good. The Living Room is pretty much always populated if you like others being around. Keep pepper or bear spray with you if it makes you feel safer. Obviously, hide your valuables in your car and don’t try to pet a moose or a snake. Happy hiking!


Your car might get broken into if you leave stuff in it, but I hike alone 90% of the time and never felt unsafe on an actual trail. Well, once, when faced with a panicked running moose, but I wasn’t alone.