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I reach for beer I like, doesn’t matter if it’s local or not. You’re going to get a billion different answers, but as far as local breweries go, Saltfire, T.F., and Epic consistently have the best beers imo


Thanks! Yeah I’m moreso curious just because I always try to shop smaller brands or local businesses if I can - BUT my all time favorite has always been a cider from Belgium 😂. So I get it. Just wanted to get consensus on if it mattered to people here, or if it was better to get a mix.


I agree except for salt fire, they are kind of mid t.f is always a great seller I would say 2row over salt fire, last place I worked feeling hazy was the best selling beer for like 4 years in a row


Gotta have feeling hazy


The actual best, I do miss the bottles tho


Yea, I ageee that everyone will have their options on which local beer is better than others. However, my general rule is stay far away from big brand beer in general. It’s not very good and it supports mostly evil corpos and orgs. Definitely stock local in general. Also, completely selfish side note, ever since I can back from Mexico I have been Jonesing for Bohemia Clara and Bohemia Oscura (not to be confused with local brand Bohemian). I can’t find that brand anywhere and it’s the best Mexican beer I’ve ever had! I’ll buy it out regularly!


Always looking for more cider options! But I prefer local (unita is one of my faves)


Yup. Though Helper has really caught my eye lately.


I would say definitely stock up on all the local stuff but I would still make sure to at least have one of the main staples and it’s light beer equivalent like Miller/Coors/Bud. Definitely a portion of population who will only drink macro brewery light beer.


I’m broke. I always go cheapest 😂


That’s fair. I assumed that would be the case but I figured it would be better to hear it from others than be potentially biased.


Miller/coors/bud all taste like fermented asshole. I enjoy light Mexican beers.  I’ve tried local options in the many places I’ve lived but I simply do not drink enough to be able to conclude preferences of local beers. 


I’m the manager of a gas station and it’s best to get a mixture of both. I would imagine you will be working with Carlson, M&M, and General Distributing who are the beer distributors for Salt Lake area. Listen to them they know what sells in best.


Please just have at least one lager or pilsner for people like me who are sick of the IPAs. Local is nice but I'll drink a Coors banquet over an IPA.


Solid, good feedback thank you!


The market is clearly saturated with IPAs despite what people here say. The downtown liquor store for instance had maybe 4 options that weren’t IPAs this week! I think they should focus more on drinkability and fresh taste with flavor, vs this race to the bottom on acidic heavy IPAs. It’s overdone.


Been going through the local Pilsner options but I keep coming back to Coors Banquer. It’s so good. And those squat bottles are a delight.


Thank you for that validation! It's maddening! I did find that I like "juicy" IPAs tho. Worth a try if you have to pick between that and a Coors Banquet


I do like some IPAs, seriously, but they're everywhere all the time, and most really aren't that great. And most of the time I don't want one, I just want a nice malty mild beer that has a balanced profile.


Local my go to - TF, Offset, 2Row, Level Crossing. Others out of area Melvin, Mother Earth, Revision


Perfection thanks. I haven’t tried Melvin but multiple people have mentioned it, I’m glad I asked.


Melvin is amazing


If I have the option, I’ll go TF Ferda ipa every single time


I like to try others, but I think that is the best.




Kiitos Blonde every time.


I look for local first; Red Rock, 2Row, TF, Shades, Level Crossing, etc. If there is a unique, high-point from Belgium or Germany, I might try that instead. Then, macros from out of state; Lagunitas, Melvin, etc. Bud, Natty, and other piss waters when there isn't anything else available.


I'm not a beer person but my spouse almost always chooses local on tap when getting a beer. On the rare occasion I get a beer it's Uintah or Bohemian, or a Stinger from The Hive but that's not beer.


Always local. The smaller the better. Keep beer local.


I fuck with the vernal brewery beers hard. They got a really good amber(allosaurus) and red ale(rigor mortis) that I scoop up any time I see it


For a good cheap beer, I go Montucky Cold Snacks all day.


Go truly local only. TF, Offset, Fisher would be my top priority. Actually try to stock small releases from each. I’m shocked places aren’t attempting to carry the latest TF or Offset hazy for example. Don’t get macro beer. A fisher cerveza and TF Keller will please that customer while being way better and local.


No Proper? They even have great burgers


I love Proper, they’re just not on the list I received from the supplier. I’ll ask, though, because I also enjoy Proper.


I like proper as a whole but honestly their beer is not good - compared to these other local places.


It’s been years since I’ve had Proper beer, tbh. I really like their food though so that could be clouding my opinion 😂 thank you for the feedback.


I find proper beer to be weirdly salty, not a big fan


The Lake Effect? Yeah that's a weird one with the salt, but I love it.


They distribute through Carlson and are currently one of the most popular breweries in the state. My Carlson rep and the area manager are always boasting about there’s beers!! My uncle owns three 7-11s and Proper beer variety pack and their spiked iced tea variety pack are one of our top movers.


You're only working with one supplier?


It’s a small shop, and while I’m currently looking at other suppliers as well I’m currently just working with the one :)


Have a survey for your customers. This is going to be the best way to understand. Your customers may not be craft beer drinkers. Hell they may even not be drinkers.


There’s a decent overlap with our customers + drinkers. We’ve been asking and getting responses, but given the shop is so new, the data won’t be great until we’ve got at least 6ish months of data. So while it’s subject to change, I wanted to see what the overall consensus was (even if the people of Reddit won’t be in the shop :))


Coors tall boys then lol


Uinta 801 is a staple. Otherwise I’m choosing Modelo or Stella.


Bohemian, Epic, Uinta, and Roha are top of my list. I'll also go for some standards like blue moon, shock top, Kona big wave and similar. That being said, even though I despise both, there's reasons bars *always* serve bud and Pabst blue ribbon.


That’s true. I kinda wanted to avoid Pabst/bud/etc but figured I wouldn’t be able to/it wouldn’t be wise haha. I haven’t had ROHA before tbh, is there a favorite in your opinion?


Pub Beer by ten barrel brewing (white cans) is a solid cheap option.  It became my go to for a while when I was being cheap.  


Shambo is my favorite of theirs. I really don't like most IPAs, but that one's good. My wife loves IPAs so that's a good one for both of us to enjoy.


I always go for local, but price is a factor, too.


Also true. Although I’d rather have nothing than pabst buuuuut 😂 I get it.


Love TF. I usually go for local beers if I can. Support local!


You mention that you're a small business but are you a restaurant or a convenience store (or other)? If you're a retailer selling me a 12 pack than I'm going to be inclined to grab the generic but if you're a restaurant and I only want one or two with a meal I'll probably treat myself to something a bit more unique.


More niche ‘Other’, not convenience or restaurant. Good question, I should have clarified!


Roger. Well 'Other' is still vague. Are you serving the alcohol on premises or are you selling take home booze? As I understand if you're serving on premises you can serve high alcohol content but if you're selling stuff to take home then you have a pretty low ABV limit in Utah. If it's the take home retail limit then stick to mostly the generics but if you're serving in house then feel free to have some of the higher point beers stocked.


It is, it’s a Vape shop. I know a lot of people aren’t fond and I wanted opinions on beer only :) And I don’t think any of the ones around me offer beer, so I wasn’t sure if I’d be doxing myself. (I’ve had a weirdo redditer send me a fb message before after figuring out who I was, so I’m likely overly cautious now.) It *is* take home and not serve on premesis, but the beer listed is all approved brands/%.


If you don't ask your clientele directly, it would be an ideal to do a rough breakdown of your demographic ages (tough without digital orders, but that introduces another factor altogether), avg spend, etc - from that data you could extrapolate what those demographics in Utah might consume.


I’ve been asking and taking notes, I should have mentioned that. They’re pretty mixed with a heavy preference for Uintah. So I’ll obviously be ordering Uintah, but wanted more opinions as well. Demographic - most of our customers are within a 15 mile radius of Draper, a few drive from SLC or Lehi, but mostly Draper/Sandy/midvale. Age 21-66, but the bulk fall into 22-45 age range. 70/30 male - female ratio. (But we just opened end of May, and haven’t even had our sign board up yet, this is all word of mouth so the data isn’t as reliable as it would be 6 months down the road.)






I think Shades has some nice beers!


Gotta have Ferda on the menu


In Utah? Local. In texas where I'm at for work? Big brand.


Does Texas not have good local beer? I’ve only been there for short stints so I can’t say I really paid attention


Depends if you consider Shiner local or big brand! I lived in Austin before moving here and some of the breweries in central Texas were solid.


Of the choices you listed I tend to go for Uinta, Saltfire, and Epic


We always get local beers, regardless of which state we are in. TF is our favorite local brewery by far. Practically every beer they make is delicious. But in all honesty, most of our local breweries are good. In my extended group of friends, I don't know anyone that drinks macrobrews anymore. We are in the 30-50 age group. I suspect the macro people are 20's and 50+ age group. I guess it depends on what crowd you want. You could always do local beer with a bud and coors on tab. Edit: imported beers from Germany are my personal favorite. My brothers as well. Being from Utah, I forget that that's an option. Lol.


Ugh my all time fave drink is a cider type drink from Belgium so I totally get it. I’m in my early 30s, and most of our customers are 20-40s with a few (older) outliers. Good to remember and consider, thank you!


Majority local. I like to hit the liquor store every payday to stock up so I can have a beer with dinner.


If I'm at the grocery store I'll grab a Uinta, they're my favorite local craft. My single favorite local beer, however, is the elephino from Red Rock. It's the best IPA.


Bohemian ! Shop Local


Something local, every single time. Same when I travel, I want something local wherever I'm at.


I ask for a pale on draft and am usually cool with whatever they give me.


Honestly same, that’s why I’m asking others 😂 pale or blonde is it for me. Thanks for the feedback u/treefuxxer


Fat Tire!!!! I’ve been having a tough time finding it, though.


I’m looking for local/regional before big name brand every time. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and Mother Earth with their Cali Creamin’ Ale is so damn good. But I also love the Kiitos Coffee Cream Ale, Squatters Full Suspension among other local brews.


I haven’t tried cali creamin’ but it sounds bomb. Ty for the feedback!


Kiitos, roha and bewilder have been my go to beers for locals lately


Definitely local beers.


If I’m trying to get blasted and send it mood - squatter IPA 9% very affordable at like $12 six pack. If I’m camping then I’m bringing miller lite to cut through the day. If I’m feeling rich I get redrock. If im super rich or I’ve been drinking before I get to the liquor store then I may buy that pink elephant beer from Belgium.


I enjoy local beer in moderation, mostly because of its price compared to big brewery beer.


If I’m out at the bar for instance I typically try not to order any brand that I am familiar with (Modelo, Coors, Budweiser/Light), and try to look for names that would indicate it is either not an IPA, or maybe if it’s an ale. I’ve found recently that I enjoy some darker beers with coffee-ish notes tho.


Local, but some national brands or imports are pretty good too.


Sierra is good, I like a variety of styles , I prefer something independent but big brand have good stuff too, like I think blue moon did a coffee beer that was good and even for a fun mix natural light had a strawberry lemonade beer that's like a good hot day drink


Local. There are so many great options locally that don’t really cost any more than comparable quality “big brand”.


FWIW, Montucky Cold Snacks can't really be considered regional, nor 'small' any longer since: 1) they recently received a significant (yet undisclosed) investment from the behemoth wine brand/patent Company EJ GALLO And 2) they were contract brewed in Wisconsin anyway. [vinepair: what EJ Gallo investment in Montucky Cold Snacks means](https://vinepair.com/articles/hop-take-gallo-montucky-cold-snacks-investment/)


The closest to the source, the better the beer.


T.F is easily the best local brewery


Virtually always aim for local unless there isn't something I want (i.e. I'm in the mood for a hoppy pils and all they have are IPAs), and then I work my way out to the non-local ones on your list that I like better.


Always good local when available. I definitely bias my restaurant choice to those that serve local.


Yeah, beer I like over local/not-local. I’m a Pilsner guy, I’ll buy local when I see em but I usually go for imported just because they’re the best pilsners. The real question you might wanna ask is what style of beer people prefer- but given that local breweries reallllly focus on IPAs I suspect that’s the answer you’ll get.


I drink a lot of Templin Family beer, but I usually drink inside the brewery. Their lagers are top notch and it’s hard to find a comparable lager in the city. At home I drink Miller High Life by the 30 pack if I’m not drinking my own home brew. I’ve been on a whiskey kick recently, so I haven’t been having as much beer, but I still enjoy local whiskies by High West, Sugar House, Outlaw, and Beehive.


I’ve found some of my favorite local beers from knowing it’s local and enjoying the packaging / art. Uinta, wasatch, and redrock come to mind. The other way I’ve found great local beer is if the brewery food is 🔥🔥🔥, and then I’ll take my friends and they’ll most likely be fans too. And if you need kitchen staff, I have experience and am looking for a second evening job, preferably 4 to midnight. Shoot me a pm 🤙


Local, or if not local, something out of the ordinary.


I always buy local


I'm fond of micro-brewery beers, and not just the locals. I don't much care for some of the big brands. I've enjoyed most the names you've got listed there.


Any type of Hefe I'm down for. Bohemian has a delicious one that has bubblegum banana and clove... sounds weird but it's delish


Shades has great beer, if you can overlook the ridiculous/ugly AI art on their cans.


If I have money to spare I’ll buy local. I love uinta and red rock beers particularly. A modelo or coors does hit the spot when I buy non local.


I used to get growlers from Uinta for football every weekend. But I haven’t had a local beer there or from any of the newer places that I liked more than a Coors Light honestly. If you guys have any recommendations for a light clean Pilsner that has a chance at being better, please let me know.


For what it’s worth, Pacifico announced they were giving a portion of their proceeds this summer to a trail building non-profit in Park City. However, I haven’t seen any of the “specially branded” cans that were mentioned in the promo.


Local. Hands down.


Local. Uinta. Lots of people in the thread say TF, but their beers are expensive to begin with and who wants to pay $12 for a single canned beer at a restaurant. Not me.


I go towards a less known brand. Uinta is good. Montucky is a better alternative to bud. Kona is ok. I personally dislike press seltzers, my go to seltzer is Snow Melt or white claw or vizzy. I suggest carrying some imported Mexican beer as well. Pacifico, negra modelo, victoria, etc.


30 f, I always go for local. I'm a taste over quantity person any day. Paulaner radlers are my favorite. I can't handle a yeasty beer or the sugar of a Mike's. My entire family leans towards local brews too.


When the time is right can you tell us where so we can support a small business?


Haha you’re very kind to ask. It’s a vape/smoke shop, which was why I hadn’t mentioned it, as it’s definitely more niche and I totally respect that it’s just not for everyone. Located in draper, it’s called Urban Smokes. It’s technically my husband and his friends business, I just am in marketing and advertising, and am helping them refill the shop. (Right now it’s got more ‘convenience’ items alongside smoke/vape, but I’m switching it out with more locally offered goods. Also looking for ‘consigners’ to have local goods in shop, so they’d display their items and the shop would take a 20% display fee. Utah requires the bulk of items in shop can’t be related to nicotine, in any way (including glass etc) so I’m helping them revamp with local offerings because shopping local/small is important to me.


I like to go with Michelob unless I'm feeling adventurous. Depends how much I'm planning to spend that night and how much food/room I'm planning to have for consuming beer lol


As a general rule of thumb, most local businesses tend to try to support local. If I were you, I'd go local. That being said, you always need some bud light or coors light on hand for the simple folk who won't drink anything but. Some people like what they are used to.


Local beer every time if it's available. That goes for here as well as when I travel.


I like a cold NA beer option for when I don’t wanna drink. If I had the option of warm NA beer and cold regular beer I’m gonna choose a cold one prob


My fav beer selection at a gas station is the chevron on 600 n and 300 w. They always have so many options compared to Lees/711/Maverick


I have managed a chain restaurant with a bar in Salt Lake Valley before. We had 8 taps. 5 were dedicated to macros because that’s all some old people drink. The younger crowd was more into local and craft. 2 taps were pretty standard local beers, probably cut throat and an IPA (if I remember correctly). The last tap was a seasonal that got changed out quarterly. Our bar made bank


I'm late to this party, and I certainly don't represent anyone but myself, but I personally go for a local beer everywhere I go. I personally can't stand any of the big domestics, but I know a lot of people who won't drink anything else. When you do start picking locals, try to have a mix of types of beers. I notice some places just load up a bunch of different local IPAs, which I'm sure is wonderful for for people who love IPAs, but sometimes I want a red or a hef! Also, consider Proper in your list of locals.


Local always by default. Red Rock, Kiitos, Proper, the list goes on. Big brand only when it’s the only option, and usually go for something like Kona or Corona.


Beer drinker here, we are blessed with an excellent variety of great local beers. I personally prefer having a good high point 6%+ 16oz IPA. I suggest putting one of these or similar on the menu Ferda by TF, Revenge by Proper, or Chasing Ghosts by Epic. If you keep the price reasonable people will come back.




Ugh I wish. I lived in Oregon and Vegas for a while and it’s wild moving back and not being able to buy at least wine wherever. Whomp whomp.




Always local if possible


Local first, unique second, price third






I don’t like beer very much. I like wine and liquor / cocktails. I always try beer if I go to a pub style restaurant or if I’m out with friends and beer is the vibe. I think I’ve tried something from most, if not all the local breweries. That said I’ve never had a beer I didn’t actually enjoy from TF (Templin Family) Brewing here in Salt Lake. They are awesome.


Local beer every time.


Hard to beat an ice Corona with a lime for me


Local beer unless I’m already drinking and have to walk to the corner for a nightcap


I always go for local


I reach for Salt Lake Breweries. Fishers Lager or Uinta 801. If I don't feel rich enough for those I take a break from beer.


Saltfire is so good.


Local beer every time, unless it's out. Then, any beer that ABInbev or Molson Coors don't have ownership of.




what’s your preferred big brand? I like local, but I also am really only reaching for pale or blonde so they’re not hoppy


I may get downvoted, but no matter where I might be, I know what to expect with a Sierra Nevada.




Beer is gay. Real men drink their own piss and nothing else.


Fellas…. Is it… gay to drink beer? …. Seems kinda opposite imo