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You are SO right. When I first saw that video she was in with sam, I really did want to like her. I knew vaguely that he'd been in a toxic relationship and I was happy that he seemed to be with someone else now and that he was moving on but something about shan's attitude just really rubbed me the wrong way. Idk how to express it but she sort of came across like she thought she was so much better than everyone else??? Also the way they both shade sheila on twitter is SO immature. Giving very much teenage drama when sam's almost 30???


FR! And i don’t think that vibe we got about her feeling better than people is wrong, considering she was posting shit like “you can’t compete take a hint”. The way she talks about her looks, her relationships, sex, and other people really is like what a immature high schooler would say. I cant stand it


HIGH SCHOOLER IS SO ACCURATE!! sam and shan are literally giving the same energy me and my ex were BACK WHEN WE WERE 15!!


I legit made a comment about exactly this in a different thread.... She from the first few seconds of popping into one of his videos, I was just so so uncomfortable with her vibes. Her overtly sexual mannerisms or behavior, it's just not for me. I don't wanna disrespect or anything as this may clearly be a me problem. And no not just the way she dresses, I couldn't care less. Just not my cup of tea. And that's completely fine...... But then her overal vibe, she... I don't know I can't put my finger on it. Again I dont want to sound mean or one of those girls because she feels like she's got something to prove, she openly drags his ex through the mud, for what? She doesn't even know this woman, how is she not mortified that she has an active part on shitting on his ex?..... I would be SO bothered that my partner is still (seemingly) so obsessed with her existence... AND THEN JOIN HIM?????? I get that he is upset by how things ended, she cheated. But to take this road, and technically flex someone new over the internet to.. Again, what? I don't know. I loved his content, concrete, straight to the point. Kind.. Idk what happened man, I hope he snaps out of it. I definitely don't feel like this woman is with him for the right reasons, it's either not fair to her, or him. The fact that she feels in competition with someone who should be out of his life, but isn't... All forms of weird and embarrassing. Maybe they're perfect for each other............ And again, I mean no disrespect, just adding my own two cents on how this all comes off to me, and probably others.


Same! It was like she was constantly checking herself out in the camera and doing some weird act. Nothing about it seemed natural to me. It seemed like she was trying really hard to appear sexy for the camera. And i definitely agree with feeling like she’s with him for the wrong reasons. I find it so strange that as soon as she started dating him, she instantly showed up constantly on the channel. Even changing the whole entire podcast to add her in it. And even in the podcast it seems like Sam barley gets a word in now, it’s mostly just HER talking. I could be wrong but it’s so weird to me. It makes me wonder if the audience and views Sam has is one of the biggest reasons she with him right now. Again, could be totally wrong, but i can’t get that thought out of my head


Yeah exactly this, I'm always afraid it comes off as prude or judgemental from me but.. In her case, she comes off as really insecure and for that I feel kind of bad for her, that or.. Extremely full of herself but I don't know. It usually stems from some insecurity but, I'm not one to assume, I don't know her. All I know is, I don't vibe with her vibe. Status: does not pass the vibe check lol. I really really wonder how they got to be a thing, complete sidenote. Either way, going into a relationship while still not healed over your previous relationship. Oof, not it. I haven't checked the podcast out yet, mostly because it's... Yeah, the both of them. And as much as I wanted to support Sam (before I knew of all the stuff he's been doing and saying on twitter etc) I just didn't like his gf lol. For a while I truly struggled with myself a little wondering if I'm truly a girls girl for.. Yknow, feeling the way I do about her. But, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks that. Also my boyfriends face upon hearing her and seeing her is also kind of all the information I need to know lol. (not a look of lust just... Disgust and confusion) I don't know. Personally, I've been in that phase. And I truly hope it's just that, that she's not a horrible person where her only personality consists of her sensuality, oh.. And bullying others. I really hope that's not the case. But, at the same time I'm kind of being a dumbass for giving them passes for 'having a phase' .. They are FULL GROWN adults, and don't act like it in the slightest. I do believe his audience is at least a -factor- in why she is with him. I'm completely on board in believing they love each other, but I I don't know if that's all it is...


She is BAD ENERGY! Bad vibes! Rude! Rude rude!


Sam was one of my favorite YouTubers/content creators but I’ve only watched one video of his in the past 2 years. I still occasionally check up on his socials but he’s changed and it’s really thrown me off. Idk much about what happened with Sheila, but if they’re constantly dissing her that’s kinda foul