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I actually thought a whole ago that Sam might be decent enough to acknowledge what he has done is wrong, and apologise and do better moving forward. Instead he has remained a POS and backed himself into a corner with his idiot of a girlfriend. I'm so disappointed in him. I think he saw the title of the video and jumped to conclusions (as demonstrated in his follow up tweet), but because he is a liar, wants to maintain a false narrative (as seen in his 3rd tweet) How embarassing and pathetic for him. Off topic but did you see a tweet he made the other day, about how someone apparently wants him to apologise for being friends with a TERF 7 years ago? I thought the tweet was so dumb, because he claims she wasn't a TERF back then. I've been around on trans twitter and YouTube for 12+ years and she (Arielle Scarcella) absolutely was a TERF back then. Many of us were warning Sam about it when he got cosy with her online.


Yeah Arielle has been a TERF since 2017 (most def before too, just watch the 'subtle' TERF talking points) when her, StormRyan, Kalvin Garrah and Miss london used to all do videos together. I remember all of them talking about "transtrenders" and making transmedicalist talking points. You can literally look at her youtuber descriptions back in 2019 she tags Sam. Ex: her video titled "I've Been Lying About My Gender Identity" Not really 7 years ago huh


In that video they literally praise Jamie for acknowledging his white privilege and speaking about it openly with his wife Shaaba. They actually used him as an example of a good ally. Sam is just salty he got criticized I bet.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking! His name is literally in the title of the video but he wants to talk about Jamie? I think he’s scrambling lol


What is his issue? Noticing and talking about white privilege isn't and should not be a bad thing considering it's a prevalent issue. It leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that Sam had to nerve to get mad at two POC queer people talking about white privilege/their experience with it and actually spin it around to say they're bashing and saying that Jammi isn't great. Nowhere in their video did they say that, they said Jammi has a privilege his girlfriend can't ever experience because she is brown. Idk to turn that around to say that's insinuating that he isn't a good person is.. well... a very privileged take. To also say Leo and Willy are "desperate" is a crazy take as well. He has major anger issue it seems, he really needs to take classes to manage this better.


He is such a liar I can’t believe that


Lol Leo and Willy are the first to be bold enough to call him out and now he’s huffing and puffing stalking their content trying to find something to complain about. Another whiny white guy