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Little to no bugs.


SD natives really don't get this...when my friends from the East Coast come out, they are amazed at the lack of creepy crawlers and flying things.


I'm a native, but worked on the east coast a bunch in the last couple of years. Couldn't believe how uncomfortable I was in certain places, on top of humidity.


Yep didn't get this reference lol!


East coaster here and we just visited - we were shocked at the lack of bugs! It was amazing!!!! Hard to sit outside, in the humidity, with all of the mosquitos and other creepy crawlers!


Yep, whenever I watch those House Hunter type shows and the RE Agent is going on about the "Screened in Porch" I'm like that's a big nope for me. Scratch another area off the list.


People say this, but I don’t understand… are all the bugs only at my house for some reason? I have an exterminator come monthly to keep the spiders, mosquitoes. Flies, ants etc under control. Very comparable level of bugs to what I experienced on the east coast


Judging by that one sentence. Yes, they all seem to be at your place.


Ended our four month, four continent backpacking trip here in OB seven years ago, never left.


Besides San Diego, what place would have need your #2?


I don't really know. To make a long story short, my wife got diagnosed with MS; *I* freaked out and said "we need to do stuff now!". We sold our furniture and rented out our house in NJ, knowing we didn't want to go back there; she can't handle the weather since the MS. We went to Europe, Tanzania, Thailand, Japan with no agenda and had the trip of a lifetime. When we had enough we decided to go check out SD because we knew So Cal had the climate she needs. Got an Airbnb in OB just randomly, and have been in OB since. We've recently been discussing southern Spain as an alternative, because I don't *really* want to buy a million dollar beach shack. Luckily our rent is reasonable thanks to great landlords.


It was nice to wake up to all the comments. I wrote this post half asleep on my couch after a pleasant day, slightly unconventional: Woke up having to drop off my car to a new mechanic I saw had rave reviews in National City. I don't live near that part of town and it was in the opposite direction of work, but I gave it a shot. Shout out to Alex of Value Auto Repair!! He was so kind and responsive. Ubered to work, nice driver. My office is in UTC mall, met with a friend for coffee, said hello to my mall friends. After work I was going to play pickleball for the first time but the court was full! Still got to meet new people and make lunch time plans to play. Ubered back to NC, nice driver we chatted it up. Got my car. Drove to OB, felt like a long day and wrote this post, didn't involve the beach but I will change that today.


Don't let the grouches get to you. As a Navy brat, I lived all over the US and when I came to SDSU for school, I called my parents 3 days after moving in to the dorms and told them I'd never leave San Diego. Here I am 30+ years later and love every minute of it. There are lots of nice places on this planet, but I wouldn't live in any of them as they all have things that are non-starters for me. Make good decisions, budget your money wisely (yes, you may have to miss out on some fun things) and remember you don't have to shovel fucking snow to go to work!!!!


I needed this post today. We moved away when I was 10. I’ve wanted to go back forever and I finally move back next weekend! The nerves of leaving my home of the past 20 years were starting to set in. I know I won’t regret it and it helps hearing from others that don’t.


Welcome back!


When we visited OB I felt like the parking was impossible. We parked in a lot for an insane price lol. Where do you find parking?!


If i drive I park a little ways from the beach - street parking in neighborhoods. Never needed to park in a paid lot. I also live a 25 min walk to the water.


Thanks! Good to know! We were trying to park too close. We went to It’s Raw Poke Shop and Mike’s Taco Club! YUM! I now dream of the Poke!


Oh yea you're in the thick of it! Love those places, I go to OB coffee which is right there too. But I work out of there sometimes and don't want to deal with temp parking, so I'll find a neighborhood spot or go a few streets down and I'll always find parking. But if I'm visiting I get why I'd want to park close


As long as you can afford it, it's perfect ❤️


Very true, I feel lucky that in this phase in my life I can


I moved here when I was 31 and was alone and single. I highly recommend fitness related groups to meet people if you ever feel like expanding your social circle. Now happily married with a boy that keeps me up all night 🤣🤣


Nice congrats!! Yes looking forward to meeting someone who also wants to stay 😊


Greatest city, in the greatest state, in the greatest country on Earth. Feeing extremely fortunate to be able to call this place home. :)


It really is… I’ve lived all over the world. There is nothing like sweet home San Diego. 🏝️


I was born and raised here. I have left three times and come back every single time.


I've never lived outside of California, I've visited many countries and different states. My job relocated me here. Funny enough, I told my recruiter this place would be a stepping stone to applying for a team in Europe and moving there. But after 6 months I had a realization I don't want to be anywhere else.


Going anywhere else will definitely put things into perspective. I always feel overwhelmingly happy when the plane begins its descent into downtown SD. Have a great weekend!


Same feeling when landing, opposite departing - even on vacation lol!


Yep. I literally think San Diego is in the running for the best place on earth. It would get my vote


On the greatest planet 🌎 so far too !


greatest country on earth? lol


Yep, this is a positivity post.


The united states isnt even top 5 in education or healthcare wdym? or are you just pretending that those issues aren't a thing? We also incarcerate more people than any other country on the globe.


At risk of veering off-topic for this sub, our healthcare and education (especially higher) are among the best in the world. Healthcare access and insurance are the real problems in those areas, but the providers are better than anywhere, and the problems of equitable access are solvable because they’re largely political and organizational. I could see arguments for some other countries being best in the world- Canada, some European countries, Japan, Singapore. All of them, like the US, attract huge numbers of immigrants because of the wealth of opportunities they provide. For me, the diversity and insane range of ways to live within the US makes it stand apart. You can live in a cabin in Alaska or a ranch in Texas or a Honolulu highrise and still be living the American experience Anyway, just putting out positive energy in this post. I know it’s vogue to hate on America on Reddit (while earning more than most people in most parts of the world could ever dream of) but that’s probably best done on a different type of post haha


yeah i was talking about the healthcare and policy. our public education is definitely not some of the best in the world. when I talk about things that are great about a country I'm not talking about things that are great that only certain people can afford I'm talking about what does the country do for the people and as far as I'm concerned America doesn't do shit comparatively speaking they let politics and money and greed get in the way of peoples well-being and fair equitable education. The fact that we have so much resources to provide this and don't make it more sad but yes


Some people just ruin the fun.


some people are gleefully ignorant


Or some people are well aware of the problems in the US and choose not to be a downer in a positive post. Must suck to be you.


If you can afford San Diego and live comfortably, it means capitalism has probably worked for you and then yeah, I can see the USA being the greatest country on earth for that reason.


Made capitalism work for you *


using the word great is still subjective and in this scenario also narrow minded. The USA is no where near the greatest country on earth. we don't rank in education, healthcare etc etc its terrible. Anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant. Not saying that I hate America but c'mon


Some extremely deluded people in this thread. I guess it’s representative of San Diego in that sense.


right. we all love san diego but nowhere is perfect


Yeah I know. Which is why it's only the greatest if youre a capitalist or somehow greatly benefited from it. That's all I'm saying. I don't think the USA is the greatest when talking about countries that care about 99% of its citizens.


yeah I got you I was just lamenting about how ignorant people can be lol I live comfortably in San Diego and I still don't think it's the greatest country on earth. I love San Diego and I will never live anywhere else in the US.


Yeah man. Haven’t you heard about our healthcare, education and infrastructure? But, it’s warm in SD. So 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 😂




Greatest state hardly LOL the rest yeah sure.


I need to read and reread this, as well as others’ feel-good comments. Just moved here for a new job that doesn’t start til Sept, don’t know a single soul, 40M and single, POC. I know the tip is to join some intramural clubs, find a church, and maybe join a gym. But any exercise should go to my marathon training for Nov in NYC, which I have historically done solo. Can’t get an auto loan until my first pay stub, so no car yet. Feeling major ennui, but I’ll trudge on! (Also I’m broke from the move and lost my bitcoin usb $$$.) Hello, SD world!


Welcome! My church is Parkhill out of Liberty Station, that is where I have found the bulk of my community. Luckily I have family all over SoCal. My brother is coming to hang with me over the weekend \*insert happy dance\* Love VOLO to get into sports


Sounds good. Think I'll try a dress this winter too.


You'll look so pretty!


Born and raised here and moved around since getting married 30+ years ago. Finally found our way back home and couldn't be happier. People who bitch about San Diego either haven't gone anywhere else or forgotten what it's like in the real world. Or, it's also possible that they've stumbled onto one of the few things that San Diego does poorly, like SDGE or baseball.


To be fair we were in the playoffs twice in the last 3 years




2020 hardly counts in many fan's minds.


Quick counterpoint: As a single man in my 20s San Diego was the best place ever. As a married man with 3 kids looking at retiring by 55, San Diego was a terrible place. It’s all about perspective.


Yes, Im speaking from a single lady perspective.


Enjoy it while you can!


Spot on.


So sad. Hope you can find a place to live happily


It’s not sad at all. I loved my time in SD, but my family was ready for a change. I don’t fault anyone for loving San Diego. However, not everyone WANTS to live there.


>baseball. Even in baseball..the experience at Petco compared to other ballparks is incredible. We moved here 5 years ago and it continues to be one of the best baseball stadiums I've been too (I've now done 13 stadiums, want to fill out the book) I think Oracle in SF is close tie.


Me too


I really love it here too. I wish I could stay but it looks like I'll be moving soon with my SO somewhere cheaper so we can save money and someday buy a house :(


Rent is extraordinary...I get it.


I came out here to visit an online friend for just a few weeks. It's now been 12 years. My mother still isn't over it. However, she finally came to visit me this past May. Said the hardest part of the trip was leaving, and not just because it was leaving me but because she loved it here so much. Wish she could retire here.


This one's a keeper, Welcome Home.


Thanks for this positivity amongst the complaints about how expensive everything is. I budget, eat cheaply, and choose to drive a beater car to afford SD COL. It's worth it to me because new cars are stupid, eat out only once a week is healthier, and being frugal seems like a good lifestyle choice to live in this beautiful place. I am happy here as well💜😍


I came down for school and left in 2020 due to covid. I moved right back a few months later. Though I am not from SD. San Diego is my home. The people, weather, food, and vibe is perfect. I appreciate San Diego for making me feel like I am supposed to be here. I am blessed to be here.


My family has lived in SD for at least five generations. I frequently thank my ancestors and God that I'm lucky enough to call SD home.


Agreed! I lived here 10 years ago, moved away for work and came back to retire. No place else on Earth compares... Cept maybe Tijuana. 🤣


I love it here too. I could never live anywhere else. San Diego is truly America’s finest city


I'm moving to SD from Buffalo in 2 weeks. This post really helped me feel less anxious. Thank you




We just visited and I didn’t want to leave!!! Beautiful weather, fantastic views, no bugs/mosquitos (as someone else mentioned!!) - we cannot wait to go back. HOWEVER, I am not sure how anyone affords the gas! I thought paying $3.89 was high lol


Is this an advertisement for something?


I decorated my apartment real as well, it’s my favorite color!