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Nice. TIL of Angelou's.


God, they're amazing. You'll never go back to La Vic's again.


This 1000%. I think I've spent enough money there to keep them open for a month.


Seriously love that spot


curious, what do you get there? I usually order Loco moco burrito. Just until last year it was $6.45 for a huge burrito, such a steal. Now it's like $8 or more Q_Q


I can't think of anything specific, I change up my order a lot. But what I can reccomend is that i always place my order, then go around the corner to ISO have a beer, then go back and pick up my order.


I mean honestly once you're over the age of 22 I don't think you go back to La Vic's anyway, haha. Its basically only there for people who are downtown and drunk after midnight.


Don’t let people know about Angelou’s! It’s my secret spot haha Good people, glad they are getting recognition though.


Imo the superior food and sauce (of the orange sauce taquerias)


Completely agree. I've known this for years. I wrote one of their first yelp reviews about a decade ago (5 stars!)




My preference as well, but it seems La Vics changed theirs AGAIN (my best guess is within the last year). Right now I'm really digging it. La Vics newer version almost has a slightly creamy salsa verde/orange sauce flavor now. Not as good as they were 10 years ago though, but better then the straight vegan version they went to 6 or 7 years ago. That one drove me away, this one I'll actually be buying again. But in the end I'm way to into Angelous non vegan sauce. Way too peanut heavy in the vegan one.


Oh great, here we go. "La Victoria is garbage for drunk college students" "Orange sauce is just garlic aioli" "There is no REAL Mexican food downtown, you have to go to ______" and on and on


I don't mind those debates... they result in me learning new places to try!


...on all my meals


Are pop tarts a meal?


Not gonna lie probably half of it just ends up in my mouth in passing. Shit today I was chasing every bite of an apple with them both


Do these taste anything like iguanas orange sauce? Their door dash link doesn’t work anymore and I need my fix lmao.


Iguanas is its own different type of orange sauce. Really smokey because of some odd ingredients that I was told by a buddy who may or may not still work there. Either way, not garlicy enough for me, but if anything Angelous would be closest, but not all that terribly close.


No, the difference is that these two sauces taste good.


Lmao my thoughts exactly


Lmao this. Iguanas orange sauce tastes like disappointment


lolz dang


Get an Angelou's burrito and use La Vic sauce on it.


Angelous is better than La Vics by a longshot and there is no debate to be had here. La vics is absolutely inedible without the sauce, angelous is at least tolerable. With the green sauce angelous chorizo is objectively the best in San Jose.


Wouldn't say inedible, but any place on the planet that serves carnitas and its just bland simmered pork without, at a minimum, being crispy grilled/fried is a damned sacrilege.


That’s your opinion, though. I’m not the only one who prefers La Vic’s to Angelou’s and it’s okay if people like me feel that way. The world isn't going to burn to the ground because I like one taqueria over another. I prefer an Iguana's burrito over La Vic's, but I prefer La Vic's sauce over Angelou's sauce by a country mile *and that's okay.*


seriously, the way people talk about La Vic's here makes it seem like McDonalds. I have tried other places people suggested for good burritos and still like La Vic more


How much are the bottles now? ​


Angelous was in the $8.50 range, La Vics in the $6.50 range


Angelou's for the sauce. Iguanas for the actual burritos and food. La Vic's never did it for me...felt like it relied on the orange sauce too much.


Metro Balderas is my vote for actual food.. their cabeza and tripas is too good to pass up whenever im down town


If you go on Fri, Sat, Sun night, they have a "trompo" outdoors. Best Al pastor, in San Jose.


Thanks for the tip!


I'll have to give them a try. I love innards. Tongue, tripe, intestines, stomach...mmmm yes please.


Metro is great. It's much like my grandmonster's cooking, and she was great too.




Iguanas is so good


And, although this might be a unpopular opinion, I like their sauce. Very smoky flavor


I went to iguanas once and got nacho fries and I gotta say they were the worst nacho fries I have ever had


On my burritos, Angelous. But for stuff like pizza, La Vics


Try Secret Aardvark next time you have pizza. Amazing hot sauce...also goes well on eggs.


Thanks for the suggestion haha I usually use it for wings but never tried it on pizza


Omg yes. Secret Aardvark changed pizza forever for me.


Has anyone else heard that Angelou's was started by a disgruntled La Vic's family member?




I heard it from a friend but it could all be bullshit, my friends tend to be untrustworthy degenerates.


Angelou’s obviously


La Vics sauce has been garbage for years. They made it vegan friendly in 2012ish and it just totally murdered it. It's not even orange anymore :(


And it expires/ goes bad within days




I still think Los Pericos has the best orange sauce.


Surprised this is the first anyone's posted this. That shits pretty good.


La Vic’s mother fucker. I love the chili relleno super burrito with orange sauce.


Just like your name. That place is trash. Take look at their kitchen too next time you are there. Roaches


Every restaurant has roaches and mice.




All restaurants have roaches for your information from mcdonalds to high end french restaurants. look it up


La Vic is complete trash. Over hyped garbage.


What battle? Angelou's is actually good. Not weak burritos with overhyped sauce. People don't actually like La Vic's, it's just that San Jose has so little to offer that people cling on to anything local. It's sad.


Angelou's easy.


Super taqueria


I’ll rather go to iguanas for sauce and food




Wasn't a huge fan of their sauce to begin with just flavor wise, then even less so when I got an inside tip on ingredients. Foods still decent, I just rarely use their sauce now.


my dude, you can't just drop that bomb and leave


Mayo is one, and thats not a deal breaker, its the emulsifier for the rest of everything. Most other orange sauces use a ton of oil, only difference here is some added egg, which is egg. My biggest issue is.......the store bought bbq sauce that is added to it. It is store bought mayo and store bought bbq sauce based. No, he didnt tell me brands (*wouldnt* tell me I should say), but thats where I really draw the line. Also, he wouldnt tell me anymore ingredients, but he said their are quite a few more he wouldnt mention. Ill take mayo, all the adobo sauces most orange sauce taquerias use, blackened tomatoes, oil, or any number of the different places secrets, but when most of this one is made up from store bought, pre-mixed ingredients like some basic bbq sauce and store mayo, Im WAY off that. Not to mention I was never a fan of their sauce to begin with, makes sense now: I dont like bbq sauce, never have. So yeah, Im an internet stranger, so take that for what you will. Although the inside tip was from a buddy who was a shift manager at the time, had already been there for a couple years and Ive known him for 16-18 (something like that at this point) years. He may still work there, not sure, havent talked in a while. The conversation was kind of in passing as well, not like I was trying to crack some code, he saw I wasnt eating it and asked why. He said theres maybe something in it I dont like, and he knew right away. Is what it is, but Ill take my other sauces thanks, more for everyone else! Edit: Ill will note I do still prefer their food to La Vics though, but if Im going best of all worlds its an easy Angelou's for me.


Yup. Iguanas for the food, La Vic’s for the sauce. Only have had Angelou’s one or twice


I stopped going there when they left hair in my food 3 times in a row and I'm not exaggerating. 3 times in a row. I'm usually generous and give places another chance when stuff like that happens but 3 times. I'm done with that place for a long time.


The battle is going to be between your ass and the toilet.


This stuff messes with your guts? That sucks


Adelitas needs orange sauce


Iguanas >


I'll have to check out Angelou's. A family member of mine goes to SJSU and was always raving about it. I tried it and was sort of "meh" about it. Basically what is mentioned here: it's not that great without the sauce. Slightly OT: is there good parking nearby?


If you after 6 the meters are free and there's parking between 2nd and 3rd and in front of the park. Angelou's is where it's at.


Angelou's has better food. La Vic's has better sauce. This is why you buy a bottle of la Vic's and then head over to Angelou's for your burrito.


¿por qué no podemos tener ambos


Dos salsas. Dos manos. COINCIDENCIA?


El Abuelo orange sauce. It's really hot though.


Slightly OT, but on the topic of orange sauces.... anyone know what the sauce is that the Vietnamese fusion grill Flambe uses? I've never been to their restaurant, but I love getting their sliders at the Campbell farmer's market.


Iguanas since it's actually spicy


My gf and I got a bottle of la vics sauce and it was pale orange(gross) and way peppery. I think we got a bad batch


La Vic's sauce is better. Also not sure why La Vic's burritos get a ton of hate, as a San Jose native I've tried most places that people consider "way better" but I still prefer La Vic's lol. Only ones I also think are also good are Eduardo's, the taqueria in the liquor store near SAP center, and La Costa.


Which liquor store?


Its called Imperio Taqueria, its in the liquor store right in front of the San Fernando vta light rail stop


The liquor store is called Delmas market if it's the one I'm thinking of. It's on the corner of Delmas and San Fernando.


Appreciate it. I'm always looking to up my burrito experiences.


just a heads up, if you go its cash only




Their burrito gets hate BECAUSE it is garbage. Their sauce is mediocre, covering shit with bland sauce doesn't help.




Yesssss why are people tripping off this sauce they could buy at Safeway?!


Spartan tacos


La Victoria, everything else is a cheap imitation.


Iguanas > Rosalenas > La Vics > Angelou's.


Carnitas El Rincon you don't even need sauce .


Not the debate here. Wouldn't put orange sauce on the cabeza tacos I had a few blocks away from the Malecon in La Paz, BCS either. Apples and orange sauce


Are we just comparing orange sauces? If so, La Vic. Hands down. If we're comparing food... Well then.


Has anyone tried the Orange Sauce in Iguanas ? It’s really good on Burritos


La Vic is equivalent to trash. It's pretty damn disgusting. Angelou's is much better


Gimmick vs. gimmick