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One of the things I like about this area is that we are driveable to bigger cities a so you can experience those amenities without having to live in a big city. Detroit is about an hour and we go there for concerts and sporting events. Super easy to get to. Shopping in Port Huron is better than here. I can find deals even with the exchange. London is close if you need a bigger hospital or specialists. The job market is tough. I commute to London for work a few days a week and work from home the remaining days. I’m raising kids here and I really like the family aspect of this area. I can’t speak to the concerns you have of being a young single person. From the outside looking in, it seems people have babies young. So you may meet people your age with children already. I think I see it this way because when I lived in a bigger city, people had babies when they were older. I was stunned when I moved back to this area how young parents were when they started having kids. I was an “old mom” by this cities standards because I had my first kid at 30, but was a “young mom” in my previous city. The areas outside of Sarnia may be worth looking at if you have a car. Brights Grove, Camlachie is really growing, Corunna, etc.


And Detroit pro sports, other than the Lions, is quite affordable.


Excellent point about people starting families younger, I remember being so shocked that people my age had 2-3 kids when I last visited.


Sarnia is great if you're looking to settle down with a family.


Healthcare and tradies, basically.


I grew up here, spent 40 years in the Toronto area, moved back here 2 years ago. Smartest thing I ever did. No traffic, beautiful beaches and waterfront, can ride my bike anywhere (5 streets in the whole city I won't ride). Yeah, it's a small town with small town politics, but I can live with that. Generally tolerant. Shopping for some things is tough, but Amazon delivers. Housing is more costly than it used to be, but you can still get a nice house for 500k. I find people really friendly. As someone else said, happy to answer specifics.


Always find it hilarious when I see people complaining about “rush hour” in Sarnia.


In the 2 years I've been back, I've sat through a extra red light once. Once. Near Christmas out by Walmart. Once.


You have a huge advantage when you live in sarnia. Most people that live here forget that. You have a gorgeous lake to swim in learn how to boat or dive into the depths. IT'S A BOARDER TOWN!! Shopping for goods and services or even wanting a fate night at a restaurant that's not offered here you can find just over the bridge. That goes for any entertainment as well. Detroit is an hour an a bit away where you can see an NHL game for a fraction of the cost or any other pro sport...as well as concerts. As much as we may complain about the cost of living...it is still way cheaper than most cities in southern Ontario or major cities in Canada. Overall it is a clean city with relatively low crime rates as compared to most. I've been all across this continent for work and pleasure but I still haven't found a city that offers what sarnia does. Whether you walk bike or drive most things are accessible in 15 minute commute.


Spent almost an entire year in Sarnia when I was 11 and it was hands down one of the best years ever and I constantly think back to it so I know exactly how you feel. It's a shame I couldn't keep in touch with the friends I made at Johnson Memorial that year.


What year were you at JMS? :)


I honestly can't remember the year it was late 90s though, in a split grade 5/6 class and I believe Mr.Ball was the teacher. I'm guessing 97 since I remember buying base set pokemon at the 7/11 on Wellington which is apparently a mobile now


As someone whos just moved back after 8 or 9 years (a 20y/o now,,) , I absolutely adore it here. I dont have much knowledge of fun spots or bars since i work all nights, but the nature alone was a big draw for me to move back, same with the weather (though im still re-adapting to the heat since i lived up north for a good while). I can absolutely agree and relate to having the most amazing memories from here (i will admit that they may also be because of all my extended family being here :> ). Search for jobs in your field if you do plan to move back, preferably see if you can do online interviews beforehand to secure a job here first :P


Like you said mostly the classic small town cons, there is the waste plant that causes a sewage smell every now and then but lets be real Sarnia always has a smell with the plants we all just get used to it. Outside of that its really hard to say without knowing more about you in particular. for me as an example enjoying things like TCGs and other "nerd/geek" things Sarnia is basically a desert. However if your somebody who enjoys things like going to the beach or fishing or other water adjacent activities I'm sure Sarnia is great. If its higher education you desire Lambton is good at a few things but for most stuff your better served elsewhere. Ultimately it really comes down to your individual preferences


>things like TCGs and other "nerd/geek" things Sarnia is basically a desert. Depending on your crowd, Future Pastimes, District Beta, and The Cave all have a scene for this type of stuff.


Yes but comparatively to something like London only an hour away, or Vancouver where they are currently located Sarnia doesn't even register. You can find a community for anything anywhere but in terms of size etc we will never compare. I mean one of our LGS doesn't even sell basic lands for MTG its that small of a scene


An example here, I have a buddy who recently got into MTG and future passtimes in particular charged him 25 dollars for 40 basic lands in varying condition. That is the kind of absurd price gouging you can only get in small communities that take advantage of new players when you can literally get hundreds of lands for only slightly more on amazon


That hasn't been my experience, but fair enough.


Even better is when the guy also tried to unironically tell my friend "Nobody sells basic lands anymore because they are hard to find and are actually more valuable now than most cards" to justify it


I took a quick look at your profile to try and get a better idea. Seeing as your a dog owner and assuming you would look to bring your pet(s) with you, Sarnia while improving isn't all that dog friendly. I'm not sure if it's changed but I know that for the longest time you couldn't have your dog on the beach, the only dog park I'm familiar with is honestly kind of crappy though I do believe there is a second better one however I don't own pets I've just accompanied friends on a few outings. Veterinarian access is improving with Sarnia aimed to finally get an after hours emergency vet this fall. If you have any other more focused questions I would be happy to try and answer them.


Dog parks are not dog friendly 


Disagree. It’s very dog friendly. I don’t take my dog to dog parks so can’t comment on that but there are many beautiful walk options - along the river and Canaterra are both great.


Consider our ridiculous cancer rates (bc of the plants) before making your decision but other than that the water is really nice


This is an underrated comment. Many of my parents friends have died of rare cancers and even my spouse has a rare cancer. The treatment is not available in Sarnia for the complex cancers, need to go to larger regional hospitals and that just adds another tiring experience when dealing with cancer. We loved growing up in Sarnia with the beaches and sailing, but made a decision to move for work and more importantly our health.


This is an excellent point - almost every family member I have that stayed in Sarnia passed from cancer. Interesting con to consider and one I wouldn’t have thought of so thank you!


I moved to Sarnia from London 2.5 years ago and I love it. Slower pace, no busy traffic, beautiful water, beaches and parks. I work in mental health/addictions and the problem here is no different than any other city. I live downtown not far from rainbow park and have yet to have any issues aside from my vehicle being broken into, but that was my fault for accidentally leaving it unlocked. Sarnia is one of the cheapest cities in the country to purchase a home. The market here is great compared to other cities. Plus it’s nice being near the boarder. The biggest benzene polluter in chemical valley, Ineos, announced that it will be shutting down by 2026 - this is a win in my opinion, but I know many will disagree with me. As housing continues to become more and more unattainable I believe we will see an influx of young working professionals and families in Sarnia. :)


I find it odd you blame yourself for not locking your door. It's like saying "someone broke into my house, robbed me blind but I forgot to lock my door, soooo..."


I just wanted to include that as it likely wouldn’t have happened had my doors been locked. I doubt they would have smashed my windows or anything like that


I moved here and moved to the south end 5 years ago , walking downtown or near rainbow park there’s a lot of junkies (not only found in this area). You always have the good and bad of a city . Although I’m hating where I am right now . I’m hoping the city gets ahold of the drug epidemic and homeless , cause it can be such a beautiful town !


This isn't a Sarnia specific problem. Every city in North America is dealing with this.


It's been smelly. The beach is awesome. Apparently jobs and housing are hard to get from what I hear. How's things out there?


Obscenely expensive and the people are cold, very American if that makes sense. But incredible views and beaches!


Why is this experience getting downvotes?


As an American living in Canada, don’t be a dickhead. I can say that there are rude people everywhere. Especially in this thread obviously.


Poor choice of words I suppose, I didn’t mean Americans are “dickheads”, just that the social culture (in work, dating, sports, peers) is much more similar to what I’ve experienced in the US than the Canadian east coast. Aloof ≠ dickheads.


No worries. I agree with you which is why I find it wildly ironic that everyone in Ontario views the US negatively when they don’t realize how similar they are in almost every way. The only difference is the names, Trudeau and Biden.


I think it really depends what field of work you are in. If you can afford to live in the North end. Wayless homeless and drugs in the North. Younger ones I know live in Camlachie and Brights Grove. Those are small and not sure what the dating scene would be like in Sarnia. People often have their friends from childhood but lots of young new people go to Lambton college.


Nowhere else to be than Sarnia in the summertime, bridge fries, live music, the beach, all the friends come out of hibernation or come home for a week or so. Makes the boring months more manageable when I know there’s so many things to do.


I agree, the problems are everywhere. But the OP was asking specifically about Sarnia. My point was that it's not the same as it was when we all grew up here. At least back then, there were a few places for kids/teens to go. Now there isn't. I dont have a problem with anyone, I'm just sharing the things I've heard. I would have to agree with the Sarnhole title.


I mention it only as its a stark contrast to what the OP would remember. As for food, you need to travel more. The food here is not great, and it is pricey. Finding a place to live, forget about it. And it doesn't matter about other places, we're talking about Sarnia. You can't tell me that you are used to seeing junkies walking down the streets and leaving their paraphernalia all about is normal for here. ITS NOT, and I dont care what Toronto or any other big city is like. Because we've never been the same as them. It's apples to oranges.


I agree. I literally have no recollection of homeless people around Sarnia 20 years ago. Seeing homeless freaked me out in TO as a kid. Now, we have 300 of them living in a local park Anyone who says this has been an ongoing thing is high. This is a relatively new development. Rent prices? Cost of living? I don't know.


there are between 30 and 40 living in rainbow park.


Yeesh. Really? Okay. Apologies for a gross exaggeration.


I love the nature stuff: trails, parks, water. There's a lot of clubs and activities for a wide range of interests, and great day-tripping distance from lots more stuff. Job market is about as shitty as everywhere right now. I can't imagine living in a landlocked city again..


Moved here from windsor and never went back. Sarnia is much easier to get around and traffic is so much better


From what I've seen its great but there are sirens (Police, Ambulance, etc) at least once a day so keep that in mind


It the same, moved back worse than when I left in 2006.


Apparently, my comment was removed for "being a dick"..... Not sure how sharing my personal experience of living here for 40 years is being a dick. My main point was, sarnia is great if you're retired. There is nothing for kids or teens to do here.


I would have to say it was removed for the racism, which I will not repeat.


Racism....hardly. If I can go to Little Italy in every major city, little India is not racist!


Renting prices are same as Toronto prices now, my best friend has a two bedroom apartment downtown Toronto for the same as my two bedroom in central Sarnia lol.. It's the main reason I want to move away from Sarnia but I'm stuck in a building like many of my neighbours because of locked in rent prices. Lived here my whole 38 years. Very much a retirement city, not sure why someone would say good place for a family there's literally nothing here for kids like this women would remember at her age. Im a single mom for 16 years in central Sarnia and the past 5 years has made Sarnia do a turn for the worst, there's a huge addiction/homeless problem. All the fun businesses fail. My kids have witnessed gangbangs, fatal overdoses, and violent crimes from our backyard, it's like living in a warzone. The nearby parks I used to bring my teenagers to are full of rust and needles and I've told the city workers and they told me it's not their problem. As someone who grew up here it has made it more unsafe than usual for me and my kids particularly because all the addicts and homeless are people I know. As of recently my cat was even stolen and sold on Facebook market for cash (dont worry I was the one who stole him back). It's unfortunately in my experience becoming unlivable. And forget accessibility if you have a stroller, wheel chair or any accessibility issues.


The oil and gas fed community you left, is withering and dying like the plants around it. It’s a retirement community, treat it as such and you’re fine. Don’t come here if you don’t have the means to survive;unless you enjoy a fentanyl death.




Perhaps you're not looking hard enough. There are lots of parks and organized sports for kids. Many families I know with young kids are busy most nights of the week taking kids to soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, swimming lessons, dance, baseball, cheer, etc. there was even a Glee theatre production put on with elementary-aged kids just last week.


No I think he’s just racist and bigoted towards homeless people and addicts


I've definitely not, I think the situation is horrific and there is not near enough being done about it. I live very close to an elementary school and walk my dogs through and around there daily. I find un capped needles regularly, in the grass, in the sand under the jungle gym. Its absolutely out of hand. Addicts dont need to be dicks. Clean up after yourselves.


You too. I’m not saying there isn’t a problem. Just most people who complain about the problem I hear also complaining about stuff like decriminalization or safe needle deposit boxes.


I don't know what the solution is. My only experience with syringes if giving my dog insulin. I made sure every needle was capped and returned to the vets office for disposal. I'm not a rocket scientist, but I knew enough not to leave them willy nilly all over town. I can't imagine leaving a used needle especially one that a human has used (diseases) in a playground for toddlers. Other cities/countries don't have these problems, maybe we need to start very seriously looking into how they handled it. I would also like the very complacent mayor replaced. I think that might be a good start.


Other countries and cities indeed do have these problems. It’s called people don’t have money and can’t afford things. Other places that have dealt well with their unhoused population, Medicine Hat? They have every homeless person an apartment for free no strings attached. Also it’s just tough to see judgement towards these people and not compassion. It could be any one of us in different circumstances, they didn’t ask for this and being rude about the needle thing isn’t going to help. You had a dog and a home and a vet and money for insulin, of course you have the resources to make sure you clean up properly, these people are struggling deeply and they don’t need judgement


Drug addicts aren't idiots! If you can manage to find a vein, you can mange to find the cap to a needle. I have compassion. What I dont have is patience for nonsense or that excuse. You can shoot up anywhere, don't pick a park! It's really that simple.


You dont have compassion though. Fundamentally that is what youre message is about. They are in dire straights, they are experiencing a lot of difficulty because society has failed them. I was almost homeless last year, it can happen to anyone and you have absolutely no idea how addiction works if you think these things. They arent idiots but they are marginalized and suffering and they need resources and support to get out of this situation but all isee here is judging and shaming while trying to just pay lip service to a hollow compassion


It's true, not everyone is white anymore. Not sure why that's an issue. >There is 0 things to do here, the food is awful Nonsense. There is plenty to do and there are quite a few great restaurants. >there are junkies and needles in the streets Spend a little time in any other city in North America, and you'll see this isn't a Sarnia exclusive problem.


Unfortunately the problems you describe are everywhere. From Toronto to Kitchener to Sudbury to Red Deer. Compared to Toronto, this is bliss. And yeah, if you've got a problem with people that aren't white, you're going to have issues. But you do you.


Your post/comment has been removed for breaking rule 1: Don't be a dick


How is sharing my personal experience being a dick?


Small town? Sarnia is a city that didn't get the memo with a mayor stuck in the 70's. Sarnia is like the butthole to windsors balls of ontario with point peelee being the Provinces tiny willy. Anyway keep living your best life


Can you give me an example of a policy the mayor enacted that you are unhappy with?


Lemme put it this way. Sarnia has a reputation that reaches all the way to windsor and it isn't a reputation of being a great place to move to. Listen don't go getting offended I'm sure you love your little wierd city. I grew up in the middle of nowhere I get it. But if sarnia disappeared tommorow the only thing ontario would notice is the fuel price. I've lived their and I drive through for work from time to time. You went all in on urban sprawl, your downtown core is pointless and you arguably have 2 with 1 being mainly walmart and superstore. You have a waterfront? Windsor has a bigger one. You have beaches point peelee exists. Nothing sarnia has isn't outdone by Windsor or London. Sarnia doesn't even have a costco. It's also far from everywhere that actually does have things going on. Love your city for what it is but what its not worth moving back to if you leave. Side note whoever thought the open sewer treatment plant was a good idea is an idiot half of sarnia smells awful. I grew up almost next to a treatment plant and you never smelt nothing.


That’s an interesting perspective, I always thought Windsor was a horrid nightmare. I’ve worked downtown quite a bit on civil construction jobs and witnessed some pretty disturbing things. Sarnia may have a significant homeless problem but it doesn’t even scrape the surface of Windsor. As somebody who isn’t from either city without a biased opinion, I would say Sarnia is night and day better than Windsor. But hey, what do I know.


Ive lived many places and I wouldn't put windsor or sarnia on the settle down list. Different reasons. Windsor at least has things to do.


Ohh god me neither, but I’m the type where I’d only be happy with my neighbours if they were at a minimum of 10km from me, so maybe I’m not the best example hahaha.


Wanna start a village with me you can have that 30 acreas and wayyyyyy over here I'll take the other 30 XD


I’m down but you’re taking the heat when we get accused of starting a cult! Lmao


The church of the flying spaghetti monster shall reign for 10000 years. May you be touched by his noodley appendage


May he bless all those who wear their spaghetti strainer hats. I think we’d get along IRL hahaha


I moved from Windsor to sarnia because I found Windsor to be awful to live in. So you don't actually have an answer to my question though? And you are not actually from sarnia and don't live here?


I don't get the appeal of Windsor personally, last time I checked it has more problems then Sarnia. It does have a nice view of Detroit at least