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You should be able to figure out why it's gone up from looking at the tax bill and comparing it to previous ones. Only 1 of 2 things (or both) can change. The tax rate increases pretty much every year (you can see the breakdown [here](https://www.sarnia.ca/living-here/my-taxes/tax-rates/). The other variable is the assessed value of your property. If it has gone up, then that will also cause an increase in your taxes. Edit: Looking at the numbers, the rate increased 4.6% from 2023 to 2024 and your bill increased 12%, so your property must have been reassessed at a higher value. If that's the case and you disagree, the[ MPAC website](https://www.mpac.ca/en/UnderstandingYourAssessment) is probably the place to start your research.


The only actual answer in the thread. The rest is pointless bitching.


Given OPs lack of a response to any of the comments, I'm guessing that I misinterpreted and it was meant more as a rhetorical question to start discussion around taxes.


Yeah, OP just wanted to complain. And you're almost certainly right, they've been hit with an MPAC reassessment, meaning they've been underpaying relative to others for a while.


How else do you think we have these pristine roads in Sarnia?


Plank road is fine lol. .


Getting there!


Take my upvote 😜


😆 sarnhole(s)


More than roads get covered by taxes.. enough about the roads which in general aren't even that bad..perhaps it's your car that might need attention ?


Roads here in point Edward aren’t bad. Roads in sarnia? Yeah I wouldn’t complain if they got fixed.


Are you even serious?


I think they are... but then again it's hard to tell sarcasm vs stupidity these days so I'm not sure which one they are


10%+ increases to the police for two years straight plus other costs the city has.


Yeah those bastards should not get a single increase


Clearly no one pays attention to city/county council when they consider/pass budgets. We have wonderful and under appreciated sources of news in this city that lay it all out. IMO more people need to keep up on current events.


If anyone in this entire thread would watch House of Commons for ONE day.... you would have known MONTHS ago that taxes on homes and STILL TO COME taxes are being added. Wait until they start measuring your yard for the new "drainage system upgrade" crap. Just wait man. Seriously.


This has literally nothing to do with municipal property taxes. Learn how the levels of government function.


It's ridiculous how Canada is being frauded in everyway. It is insane. For no reason.


Taxes always go up. Do you think that the city is trying to just quietly rip your family off?


Based Conservative.


Taxes go up every year. City of Sarnia needs money to run amenities. If you have any ideas on how to decrease taxes, go to the town hall. For all the amenities we get, we actually don't pay enough taxes. That's why our roads are in bad condition and the town looks run down. My taxes went up $100 dollars. I pay $2,900 for the year, but I live in Sherwood. I have friends who pay close to $10,000 in taxes to live in Rapids.


As a non home owner, these sound like fairly reasonable tax amounts for properties in those areas.


Amenities? No idea where you think you live, but it's not Sarnia.


It goes up every single year. Tax rates increase and property assessment values increase


For a chunk of that increase you can thank Doug Ford. Doug Ford got rid of development fees for new home construction to supposedly help lower the cost of buying a new home. Problem is all the infrastructure that the development fees help pay for are still needed and it has to be paid by someone and this case its being paid for by already existing home owners. Municipalities warned this would happen but Doug didn't care. He can say he's making homes more affordable knowing full well municipalities will have to increase taxes. Municipalities will get the full blame because people forget or didn't understand the impact of the legislation.




No they did not. Unless she built a new house, there’s 0 chance her taxes went up that much.




So her MPAC assessment went up, and she’s been paying criminally low taxes previously - got it.




It’s disingenuous to act like her taxes all of a sudden just increased by 2.5x. The reason was her property was reassessed to a realistic value.


We just bought our first house so I’m new to paying property tax but not new to tax increases. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.


ya taxes be taxing .. i pay $70 a year cause i live across the road from a bus stop i have never used.


Property values were re-assessed and annual increase from City/County


Increased taxes for increased shitty roads and no park or lawn maintenance. Yay. Noticed the same.


Ditto, paying month to month tjo. Last December they said come end of June my monthly may go down 20 or so dollars. My month to month this month is now 47 dollars more. Not a huge issue in cost just don't appreciate workers at city hall blatantly lie about the cost.


Welcome to Sarnia


We have to support the encampment some how




It was mentioned in the city council meeting today about how much this encampment is costing the city/ tax payers and is an actual reason for the tax hike. Do you even realize how much resources are being spent on this place daily? It's absurd. People have the right to be upset about it. Police, social workers, city workers are there daily. They have now hired a company to come in with full body suits and siv through each and every piece of garbage that goes into the dumpster (also paid by taxpayers) they also agreed to put up fencing, we are now going to pay for their Porta potties, pay for their lighting (which will most likely be run by generators, and will probably hire security guards (also payed by us) and when I mean security guards it's the ones you see in the dollar stores that can't and won't actually do shit all. It's insane to me how much money is being spent on this when our shelters are barely at 20% capacity.


The tax rate was decided last year during budget approval process, there’s no such thing as a mid year rate hike. The rate for next year will be decided in the fall during the budget process. All this information is available on the city website, educate yourself.


Give them all apartments


I drive everywhere, everyday around town, I've been to many cities so in comparison yes I am serious