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I'm lived in the South End for 10 years. It's fine. Lock your bike and your car doors, otherwise there is nothing to worry about.


I live in the north end and also have to do this. Theft is rampant everywhere.


I live around the block from Tecumseh the area is fine like someone said make sure your vehicle is locked and stuff is locked up I also recommend getting cameras because we did find some weirdo in our backyard which our dogs alerted us to but you’re gunna find problems no matter where you move here it’s not just stemmed to one area anymore


Grew up there my whole life great place


if you have kids, it's an amazing area.


I grew up around that area. it was usually quiet, with good neighbours and families.


Yep grew up in that area as well went to Johnston M, It was usualy a very quiet place. As others have mentioned keep things locked and be smart what you leave outside or layimg around. I think the key to living im the South or any part of the city really is just to mind yoir own business; but again this is just my opinion.


generally yeah. keep your nose out of peoples shit as long as there's no safety risk and it doesnt involve you, keep your stuff locked up, and you're good.


Love the south side!! Beautiful treed streets. Lots of character homes. Huge backyards!!! I came from Edmonton so the crime prevention stuff has been true for me my whole life. There are sketchy people everywhere. Don’t let people dissuade you from coming south. Do some research! I think Kathleen Ave isn’t great (I see it come up a lot in court)


I live near from that park. Nice enough area. Anyone telling you scary things about it is fear mongering imo. It’s not without its problems but safe and quiet. Nice things around. The market on 5 corners is great


>Anyone telling you scary things about it is fear mongering It's mostly people that don't live in these neighbourhoods imagining that it's scary.


North end is just further from everything.


The park area is far enough away from downtown where you shouldn’t see many homeless/tweakers. Not saying they aren’t there. Fairly safe area, just need to keep everything locked and out of sight, don’t recommend walking late at night alone. Plus the market on Ontario street is a walk away (wed and sat mornings).


>don’t recommend walking late at night alone It's perfectly safe to walk alone at night.


For many women, safety is a concern regardless of where they live. Walking alone at night for women means added risks. Sad truth.


I take long walks at literal all hours of the night. Once I had someone talk to me in the street that worried me but he eventually left me alone.


Sometimes. I've had some bad encounters late at night, I've been chased by someone right by P.E mcgibbin, been threatened to be stabbed and just downright yelled at by groups of crackheads. While im literally minding my own business. So I wouldn't personally recommend walking out that late. But what do you expect walking around at 2 AM. Lol


Well I've never experienced any of that and I walk alone at night most nights, but I'm sure personal experience varies.


Very rarely does much happen around the school from what I see


Nice area…


It's fine but the cost of renting is absurd.