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Sleep ten hours a night every night. Turn your phone off at 9 pm, lie down in bed, and just count sheep. You need a fresh brain more than anything.


Okey man imma do that from now on.. tysmm


At least until the test, haha.  Good luck!


Yep.. any other thing I can do to prep my brain so that my score can go from 1550 to 1600??? Wud really appreciate some last minute prep tips..


You've prepared for the last ten years - The most impactful things you can do at this point are making your mind and body work right. Eat big healthy meals, spend time outside looking at trees, have nice conversations with other humans in person.


Okey.. (basically touch grass 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) I will touch that grass for now.. but if there's literally anything else I can do to get a better score, I will do it............but yh what u say makes sense.. imma disconnect for a while


Watch YouTube videos they might give you some good tricks.


Do u recommend any channels that might help me last minute


I don't have any specific ones but just search up tips and you should get videos.


Bro what’s your English strategy. I find practice test 6 really hard 😩😩😩. I’m good at all the grammar. Please what should I do for the reading I got a 640 but I was cooked on the inference and graph questions. How do you manage time. Do you start from the grammar part or go in order? Thanks


Ok mod1 I start from writing, and attempt reading later, mod 2 I do reading first n then writing... It works for me but everyone is diff so try diff techniques out n find which one fits u.. and soon coz we have only two more days left


Wow. A weird but plausible strategy.


1550 in pt6? That’s crazy, it was extremely stupid and difficult otherwise.


I got 1590 - how difficult the paper is doesn't affect your score. The SAT is scaled. And yes, it was a deadly paper, ahhhh.


if you lack focus then i would recommend chugging atleast 3liters of coke before every test and then burping in every corner of the room this worked for me and i got a 1630


Bro got a 1630... 💀 Teach me ur arts mate,except for the coke.. 💀