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Why do I need to use all of it? I just use what I need.


I need to use all of it.


But you don't. One of the highest causes of burnout in this game is people solving forwards and forcing the use of all materials "just because." Pick your target, solve backwards. Mine and supply needed amount.


> Pick your target, solve backwards. Once this mindset clicked, it dramatically changed the way I approach building.


This saves me SO much time


Ha. I was mostly joking. I definitely have a goal in mind (10 Turbo Motors) for all the resources but it just seems (to me) like a waste of perfectly good Pure nodes. I dunno, I'm definitely overthinking it. I can always delete and expand later when I feel like it.


Yeah you could add an overflow where all the excess is send to and awesome sink. When u need to expand you can use the remaining first. U can also use signs to make known how much surplus you have


That's the right way to think about it. Top down (end product in mind). I see exactly where you are. It's a good starting spot but requires fluids to be pumped up hill if you build there except for a small nearby pond. It is an excellent starting spot, but also gets very small very quickly in the scale of this game. Each turbo motor produced requires iron, coal, oil, water, copper, bauxite, and quartz as raw material nodes. This assumes you attempt it via megafactory rather than smaller, specialized ones with logistics to bring together the turbo motor parts. I would move minerals toward fluids, not try to pump fluids uphill to the minerals. One of the traps I see players get into is thinking about how to convert all raw materials into next level parts rather than how much they need to meet demand of that resource. Like IRL, supply does not produce demand, and nobody builds their real-life factory to make the volumes necessary for demand they won't have until far in the future. It would be interesting if the game penalized overproduction by it costing something to have a factory or machines at idle, or devalued the parts somehow, but it isn't an economic simulator.


Working backwards is the true goal!


This also greatly helps with belt math. No need to manifold when you know exactly how much you’re going to use and can plan the machine counts and belt distribution accordingly.


But this is not a growth mindset. In order to expand you have to completely rebuild. At least with manifolds you can just add foundations and insert more manifolds


Every node gets a maxed out mk3 miner. Whatever isn’t used to produce the final product is either diverted to low tier item production for train stock, or overflowed to a sink. There is no future expansion of nodes when you utilized 100% of the node. This is why it’s easier to work backwards. You can spend some time calculating what you need every step of the line and use the remaining items for basic supplies. Manifold all you want, but they’re a solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist.


The problem exists if you are on your first playthrough and are playing and learning organically versus looking things up.


I like the approach of building “modules”, it helps mitigate some of the burnout. At least until you realize you need a third pure quartz node and you *really* don’t want to haul it from that damn cave, but it’s the closest source.


Been playing for 5 years. Have never needed burnout mitigation as I've never felt burnout 🤷‍♂️ But if modules help you, module the crap out of everything.




I try to do this... I really do. But my brain keeps jumping a step ahead. Me: Ah - a couple iron deposits, I can set up reinforced iron plates here. Brain: We just got that new alternate for stitched iron plates, is there copper? Me: Yeah - right over there! Brain: Awesome! We can do modular frames, too! Me: That would be good... but... Brain: And we can start heavy modular frames with those! Me: But I need steel pipes for those... there's no coal nearby. Brain: Sure there is, it's only 6482m away. You're all by yourself on this planet. It's not like you've got a social life to attend to. Stop whining and belt that tasty coal in to make some steel. Besides, you can zipline back on the power lines you'll need to build for the miner. You like ziplining... Me: But I just wanted to make reinforced iron plates... Brain: THE FACTORY MUST GROW! ME: Yes... factory... must... grow... Brain: Now let's discuss nuclear pasta.


This does not sound like you're trying to do it at all, because it begins with "iron deposits, can set up RIPs" so from the outset you're still solving forwards because you're looking at the iron first. Solving backwards would have been "I am going to make RIPs, let me find iron" and you don't care what else is around it, because you're not looking at ores to thinking about products. You're looking at products and then finding what they need.


I guess having to explain the joke means it was a bad one to begin with... 🤷 There has to be a certain amount of forward thinking. In this case, I want RIPs, but I end up thinking what those will be used for, and so on, and so on. You're not wrong. It just sometimes gets difficult to draw the line on a mid-level item's production rate when you know you have 3 or 4 other, more complex items to get into production.


This is how I burnt myself out and didn't play the game for a year


dont go to the dune desert then...


You're right, you don't have enough room to use all of it there. But you do have enough room for a train station or a belt highway, and the Rocky Desert just west of you has a lot of wide-open space.


There's always room vertically, I love building multi-level factories


Mine is 8 story. I don’t know how high it is though. Build a mega factory. I just need to figure out how to design things and make it look cool


I think my issue with the Rocky Desert is the lack of water near the center, where it's best to build. I want to run Pure recipes and having the water nearby makes it so much easier. You think it's just a matter of refining all the materials on the spot and then training it to different spots?


what the heck is a megafactory without a mega water pipeline cluster running up the middle? i look at that like an opportunity for more amazingly satisfactory layout designs. get a big ol pipe legion going. the bigger the better


I've got all of the oil nodes on the map manifolded into a whole Keystone XL oil pipeline running back to a desert oil factory through a long ass bridge I built with the big 8x8x8 framing. Doubles as my railway as well. It looks so industrial with the train running along the top of the pipes. It's my favorite thing I've built so far in the game.


I've got something like that in mind for the northern canyon already, already building a basic highway at its top level that branches off to pick up nodes at west end, east end is my route to the big desert later and I've got the north oil fields ready and waiting to be tapped :D


That’s awesome, can you post some pics please?


I recommend using Alloy recipes rather than pure - take copper, for example. Making Copper ingots with Alloy instead of pure gives you a maximum output of 57,720/min when utilizing all nodes on the map. In addition, making that quantity requires 578 Foundries (approx 159000 m\^2 or a 50x50 grid of foundations) whereas Pure would require 1540 Refineries (approx 616000 m\^2 or 4x the area). On top of that, Alloy would use 10GW for all of that, Pure would use 46. Your total gain from taking up 4x the space, 4.6x the power, and adding liquid to the mix is 14,430 copper per minute, or about 25% more ingots per ore. Perhaps pure recipes would make sense for Caterium - maybe even quartz. But even then, unless you're minmaxing the entire map, it's probably more power- and space-efficient to use non-Pure options. My one exception to this recommendation is concrete - Wet Concrete has a high enough production rate that it becomes a viable option. Sure, you're using a big, hulking beast of a refinery, but it gets more concrete per limestone (2x the base recipe), and produces more per refinery than 5 constructors. Bonus, the numbers are nice (Pure Iron has 35/min ore in and 65/min ingots out... ew) TL;DR: Your game, your factory, your rules. I personally don't like pure recipes due to the space usage, the power draw, and the general refinery spam that late-game becomes anyway. If you like refineries, go for it. And post some screenshots for us to admire :D


Yeah, this is a good write-up that I needed. I always thought to use the Alloy recipes but never did the math to see if Pure was actually better, just kinda assumed it was. The refinery space is definitely was keeps me from using them a ton for ingot recipes, they're just way too large. The power draw never bothered me. Either way, I set a goal in mind and I'll get started on it tomorrow. I'll definitely post some pictures but don't expect it to be the best. I build flat.


Pure Copper is better from an only-output-matters perspective, since you get 2.5 ingots per ore compared to Copper Alloy's 2. Unless you're planning to get ridiculous with nuclear pasta, it's not really worth the extra space and power though.


I'm not one for max resources, so for me it's more about convenience. If I have water nearby, the Pure recipes are quite attractive, though if I do have copper and iron in the same place I'd go with copper alloy anyway because foundries are easier to fit in snugly.


The right answer is any answer that works.


Running Piping was the biggest source of burnout for me. I switched to fluid teleporters and have been having a lot more fun


My main base is right there and I'm using all of the resources. It took a while to get it looking right, but I rule the world from the top of my 7 story glass and concrete masterpiece.


Reading this thread I was like… why people so obsessed with materials? I know this game throws so damn much stuff at you everywhere you go that it is indeed overwhelming at times,but leaving unused mats is hardly a problem. Then I realised I was reading r/satisfactory and not r/starfield. Oops.


Somebody still remembers Starfield. The only good thing from Starfield I got is that it brought me back into Elite: Dangerous, which is still a fantastic game


Yep. I love E:D, I backed the Kickstarter and joined in from around the time of the Alpha. my current gaming rig is still completely built sround it. I even bought a VR headset. I went off to Dual Universe for about three years but when that game fell through, went back to E:D for my space fix.


It's still true for satisfactory, though.


And suddenly it won’t be enough.


That's the crazy part. No matter how big I build, it'll only get bigger.


only if your pc grows with it


Hey! That's my spot! I built there! It is a good spot. My spot is getting pretty full by now, and I still have an entire iron node right in the middle not doing anything. I guess to answer your question ya just take what you need as you need it.


It's my usual starting location.


heres the deal. adapt. i get overwhelmed incredibly easy. it has taken me 500 hrs but i finally reached phase 4. i like to go slow. fiddle around in the sandbox. learn. grow. what may take someone an hour in game may take me 3 cuz i am extremely picky. i am also 100% max efficiency focused. once u get the hang of your recipes and knowing what YOU want to do and not what the game tells you to do it becomes less overwhelming. this i feel is mainly because u can focus on doing things u enjoy versus making equipment u will only use for progression. my stuff i send to space doesn't have dedicated factories. once it's sent to space i never make it again. but i mass produce the components of the space parts and then at my storage make a temp factory for an individual space part


Stop making car parks and start making buildings, you don't need to tear out belts, you upgrade them in place, there's more than enough room to place a long building east to west inline with the two copper nodes, the building can have as many floors as you like, make each floor four walls high (I don't have refineries in this building), I've never needed more than five floors to finish phase 4


Totally off topic, but I really appreciate the first sentence. 😅 I am a guy myself, but I still think that this was an easy way to include many peeps on and off the gender spectrum :) On topic: I have iron MK2 miners that I didn't even connect to electricity because I have an overhead of screws, plates, and other iron mats. Ficsit doesn't micromanage you, so feel free to use whatever amount of miners you think is right :)


Am I the only one who thinks that "guys" is already a gender neutral expression?


Guys is gender neutral with dude and dudette being gendered in my brain


I just have to say I’m going to be saying guys/gals/nbs all the time now. I can’t believe I don’t see this super simple yet inclusive phrase more. Thank you kind factory worker. *lifts ficsit mug in respect*


I tend to use "folks" in this situation, you sound like an old person but it's a lot less clunky than a bunch of slashes. Y'all serves the same purpose if you want a little southern flair.


Maxing out biomes or utilizing all resources is actually quite simple: first, you handle the mathematical part conscientiously, accurately, and in detail. Then, you build a prototype of the smallest possible setup, or a single level. In parallel, you find a suitable and, most importantly, sufficiently spacious location for your construction project. And finally: dedication. Without perseverance, you won’t succeed. Projects that use a lot of resources (or even all resources in a biome) require a lot of time. I sometimes work on a project for an entire year.


I think differently. I try to use as little resources as possible while still hitting my target production numbers. At least until I get to phase 4. *Then* I start building unnecessarily large projects for fun. Because why would I do that earlier, without the best miners, the best belts and the best recipes? I'd just be wasting time, space and resources


I tend to build for phase 4 before i have it unlocked. It isn't a good use of time, but it makes it to go back in and rebuild later


Depends on how you tackle phase 4. In my playthroughs I need to mine almost every biome, though only a few nodes need mk 3 miners. One region is nowhere near enough. Rebuilding early factories is normal in Satisfactory. However, once you have the recipes you want to use, you can just extend the factories using those. One good reason for unlocking as many recipes as possible early, before the next tier. Then all you need do is upgrade the belts feeding those factories, rather than the belts inside.


Blueprints help. After unlocking them you're basically building factories at least 8x and up to about 20x faster.


I bumped into this thinking early on, I 'solved' it (I think) by leaving doors open for myself. Yes, at mk3 belts I only need so many smelters to fully tap a mk2 mine but I know that I will need double the capacity for mk3 mines and faster belts so I left room to expand and didn't finish the walls etc. Part of my solution was breaking the factory up into smaller nodes each with a planned avenue for expansion so each mine has its own smelter built above it, each component produced has a floor to itself with space to extend lines (eg iron plates and rods come in at 2:1 in terms of constructors so 1 floor of plates means 2 floors of rods and I've planned for that). That is of course just my current solution, it might change, I might rip it all down and do something different, I might write the place off as a supply depot and go elsewhere, who knows, is why I love this game :)


Make such setup that when you get upgraded bets still every machine will work. Create factories that can use mk5 belt speeds but turn of few machines to balance everything, when you get mk5 belts then upgrade belts and turn on those machines.


Omg thats my favourite spot - love building factories there


You don't, that's the point. You can easily finish the game with a couple of pure nodes of each resource.


I built a big fucking room. The put some rooms on top of it and then some more. Then I added some more rooms and it was enough.


That's more or less what I've decided on. Big squares that lead up to more big squares.


I knew exactly where you were talking about just from the resources you mentioned lmao You don't need to use all of that .-.


Yeah, I came to the conclusion last night that I wasn't ready for all that hassle and just set up the foundations for a 10/m Modular Engine factory just to get started.


I just build what is necessary to get all the tech. And then i build the real factory


It's not time to tap them all Just relax, take it easy You're Phase 3, that's your fault There's so much you have to know Build platforms, settle down If you want, you can belt them Look at me, I am old But I'm happy I was once like you are now And I know that it's not easy To be calm, when you found some new resources But take your time, think a lot I think of every node you got For you will still be here tomorrow, but your base may not.


Everything I don't use I pump into the AWESOME Sink.


Easy. Skip the tear down step. Use a set of nodes at mk1. Unlock mk2. Use a new set of nodes. Repeat through mk5.


We don't.


Trying to nail the exact production rates is exhausting. Just tap them all and merge into one or two common headers. Then later you can just upgrade in place.


I tech to the highest belts as fast as possible, it makes planning so much easier. I also make factories that are easily expandable, ideally using blueprints. One floor that produces X number of an item and when I need more, I add a second floor on top to double capacity. Then a third, etc.


One step at a time, my friend. I also take notes to measure my resource usage and make sure I have my ratios at least close


i second the comments of just using what you need. with the rest of it just craft up and into a sink, my rocky desert base makes basic space elevator parts and the leftovers go into basic building materials -> modular frames -> sink. i try not to think abt efficiency, just pretty factories teehee


Just use what you need to get to the next step. I also recommend going high instead of wide with your factories to help with space. At the end of the game if you want those trophies that cost 1000 tickets or whatever you're going to need ALOT more resources then you think.


Im making computers right now at a rate of 1 per hour sooooooo idk if i would be able to help you


That particular location is one of the better ones for a megafac, producing almost everything under one roof. Once you are able to, use the blueprint designer and think modular. As you rise through the tiers upgrade only the belts that you need to (the core beltwork) and duplicate those parts of your factories you have to. Use only the resources you need. With some planning you will be able to design a set of modules that you redesign and replace with more capable modules as you progress. For instance, a first generation module might have 4 constructors, be fully load balanced and be fitted with tier 1 and 2 belts. You could later replace that with a similar size module but with 8 constructors, with the 4 added constructors on a mezzanine and the beltwork upgraded to tier 2, 3 and 4. In the endgame an entire second identical layer (or multiple) could be placed on top of the existing layer to boost production even further. If your factory's production later becomes an ingredient for higher tier production belt, truck or rail that production to a newer factory.


It is pretty easy actually. You just link all the resources in your surrounding towards your main base and because you have been playing this game for 5k hours you already internally memorized the locations and purity of the notes. You forward the ores from the belts towards the production chains that you need and there you go. All resources from the desert in one handy location and you can rock this world.


Put a gigantic tower factory there, layer 1to 4 making ingots and base ressources higher layers composite materials, outside of the area big energy factory otherwise you cannot use everything


Is it bad that I knew where the location was just from the description because it's my favorite starting location? To answer how you use it all, you'll get there eventually. For example, in the early phases, just 2 pure iron nodes do a lot of the work, and you don't really need to start using everything until about phases 5-6. Build slow, and you'll find that with time not only are you using it all, but you need to expand and use more! There's another area in the rocky desert by the lake with 3 pure iron nodes, 1 pure copper node and 2 pure limestone nodes, and I always find myself going there to produce MOAR THINGS! Because that starting area? It's excellent, but not nearly enough when you are building BIG! In short, don't worry about using it all immediately. Just be safe in the knowledge that with enough time, you will not only use it all, but need even more.


For me it's simple: Overflow ticket production Get the most out of every node, then sacrifice whatever you don't need to the A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Sink. Preferably, automate it so you *must* have overflow in order to create tickets


Don't forget to look up when searching for more room for activities.


When you’re on T4 belts, start building and planning as if you have T5 belts. Things will still work, albeit slower than designed, and as soon as you unlock T5 you can go upgrade all the belts to maximize the factories.


Pls share a screenshot of the map. Where exactly is the place you are talking about.


I think it's very interesting how players have the same moves/styles. In my current game I have the exact same quartz setup. Two miners on the edge of the mountain, with a ramp to port all the iron down. Pretty neat. To answer your question, I don't recommend using *all* the nodes. I have a massive factory built between the single pure coal node, and the single pure iron node with the two pure coals next to it. That factory produces pretty much everything from phase 3. The next step is to locate a different area, and start a new one for the items I don't have yet. I don't need to max out the nodes I'm currently using, since the map is ginormous and there's resources everywhere.


I ended up deleting this entire thing and making an all new factory. I posted the completed version a couple of days ago. The next one is gonna be 3 Adaptive Control Units/m bur my power is out from a huge storm that blew through, so it's on hold.


3/min? Sounds like hell. I haven't even begun to think about that yet. Motors and HMFs had me stressing lol. Good luck on it though, it'll be a project.


One thing I learned that absolutely saved me some pain was using the Steel Rotor alt for making motors. Just make an absolutely massive factory for Steel Pipes and Wire and make all the Motors you need.


Right, I forget about the alt blueprints. Haven't found them all yet