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I'm gonna focus more on building pretty, not just functional. Also I wanna get to trains (didn't get that far yet)


I'm going to make beautiful, tight and modular AF blueprints for any occasion.


Tight and beatiful is difficult to combine though, usually makes outer walls much bigger.


I made a bunch of tight fitting modular buildings with the blue print thing. I ignored making it mathematically perfect, and it was a slow build, but once you have it, you just grab the materials and slap together a bunch of modular factories that aren't lined up and just connect the raw resources then slap other misaligned modular factories on top then connect the outputs to the inputs. I only kept my main giga factory nice and organized and clean (with spaghetti layers in between the floors) to make it easier to find stuff and keep everything is organized. But when I needed to expand, I'd just slap down a bunch of modular factories in the wild and make some parts and connect it to my drone network.


Just a warning. Making things look nice can take a while. I swear it takes me like an hour or two to plan and build a functional building but when I spice it up it takes like an additional 5 hours lol. But it’s quite satisfying in my opinion.


Trains are awesome bro. My problem is that I’ve just unlocked trains and many other things for the first time on my current factory, and I don’t really want to start again


My only gripe with trains is that you can't unload & load from the same station. I'd love to avoid the choice of dead-legging my trains 50% of the time, or having to build a separate station just so they can load up after a delivery.


You can if you are clever about it. One wagon load, one unload. You can set platforms individually. With the wait until full load or unload command you can prevent cargo mixing now.


Oh, I know. Just would rather do the same operation with three cars instead of six.


Oddly enough, for me once you hit trains (and the requirements afterwards) is usually when my factory starts becoming more spaghetti like. I hope to have more patience in this section of the game to avoid that on release haha.


This is exactly the case for me too. Wrapping up space elevator tier 3 is when it all starts to go sideways


My only goal is to reach trains and drones so I can have some insane mini bases all over the map that are in a perfectly interconnected web of transportation and logistics…and I’ve only ever made it to like tier 3- so my plan for 1.0 is to just take it slow and finally see them through in full, no matter what.


I'm going exactly the other way. I have a much nicer PC since my last play thru. I think I can go much further with the spaghetti before I start encountering issues.


I always make it right to trains and give up because making trains look nice and be functional feels super wonky and takes an extradinary amount of time. Additionally, you dont have the tools like the hover pack to make it easier.


Full replay from the start, 100% legit, no giving myself alt recipes or MAM unlocks. I've done a new save for each update, but my last one with no shortcuts was Update 5. Looking forward to chilling out and doing the full game from scratch.


Same. But first, upgrading my computer to handle the full capacity of the game and finally incorporating lights in the designs


Same, still using a 1660 might bump to a 4070 (minus the lights. My PC is built to be quiet and inobtrusive. (didn't even connect the HDD activity LED))


Oh, I meant lights in game (finally lumen). Currently using a laptop, so I'll probably build a complete new computer instead of trying to reuse parts from my old rig. But surely RGB are things I don't even bother to plug in


Ohhhhhhh. Misread. 100% this!


How this game runs confuses me. I use a 3060 but I crash frequently.


Do you mean no alt recipes or MAM unlocks at all? Or you're just not going to cheat them in? I assumed the latter. Because I really wouldn't consider those things inherently not-legit.


Yeah, I just won't cheat them in.


What kind of cheating? Do you edit the save file? Or just hard drive save scumming?


Probably mods


It’s a setting now under advanced when creating a new save. You can choose to have all alt recipes.


I'll probably play satisfactory


Everything that I said that I'll fix later, I'll fix.


But maybe later


And keep track with to-do lists in game so I don't forget!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) same


everything that i said that i’ll fix later, i’ll leave behind and start a new save


Wait on 1.1 and make 20 posts about it


Should I wait for the DLC or 1.2? I don’t want to have to rebuild all my factories…


Depends! Does the toilet dlc come with a bidet?


That's in 1.3. Better to wait.


1.1? I'm waiting for the new map


god i'd love a new map


Good plan. Meanwhile, do you have any thoughts on which alternate recipe I should pick...


Start over again, with the focus being on distributed manufactoring with a centralized logistic hub. Should also focus a bit more on design than my current save


I finally did this on the most recent update. I have a single train on a sky track that runs a giant loop around the entire world collecting everything along the way, and then when it gets back to the warehouse it does a massive component drop that runs into a sorter that gets everything into their respective storage bins. It completely changed the game for me. It's amazing to be able to just walk in the warehouse and get whatever I need whenever I need it all in one place. Problem is, it took so much work to set all this up I kind of burned out and stopped playing lol. So on update 1.0 the plan is to just set up for this as best I can from the start.


I plan to get a complex logistic network so hopefully I can get very high efficiency. So double track, multiple trains, and more a giant circle with multiple paths to the middle (hub). Then I send stuff from the hub to the manufacturing aswell. I expect it to be a lot since I want to load balance it. sadly no logistic are getting introduced in 1.0 to have categories of train stations and being able to turn them on/off. That is what I actually want a pull system so I don't have too load balance. Not quite sure what I need to do to get it working well, but will probably work out in the end. If I was to do it with the balance that is today, probably a single global copper manufacturing plant with refinery spam


Fresh game, and put more effort into making actual buildings instead of just bare foundations with machines plopped on top.


Get stoned, build an awful factory, repeat.


I DO NOT want to start a new save. I know that all of the "I've restarted 37 times" people are going to do it, and that seems to be the impression that Snutt got from the posts here. But I don't want to. I may start a second save for the story, not sure. It'll probably depend on how easy it is to roll back with the save editor.


I plan on playing again. It's been fun watching you guys, but I've taken a 1.5 year or longer break.


Yeah me too. I beat all the even numbered updates I think. Skipped the odd ones. 1.0 is even again so let's go


Fresh new start


Don't want to take the chance I might sequence-break a story element or miss some interesting change to the early game experience.


To properly experience the story, I'm going to start a new save. I currently really want to try and make solarpunk style towers in the forest, like xisuma's hermitcraft season 7 base, but it will depend on if there's any really nice new decorative pieces. Failing that, I'm tempted to do a very silly swamp start and build a new hive city, building on my discoveries when I last tried that in the dune desert. I might also pick up my dune desert hive city again.




I'll play the game!


I'm going to start a new game. I'm going to start in the desert and build thousands of foundations and build an incredibly large "FLAT" factory floor over the desert and connect it to an initial coal power plant on the coast to give myself unlimited water expansion. I want to plan a city block style layout with streets for automated vehicles for delivery, a train route and primary station for bringing in outside resources and have a sub-layer for conveyers and infrastructure so the topside can be visually decluttered and have nice looking buildings.


Play Satisfactory


wait 3 months until they fix all bugs, crashes etc. then leave my job and play


Play the game again. It's been a while since I last touched it (U5, with brief fiddling around in U6)


I'm definitely starting fresh. Whenever me and my friends start playing again, we always make a fresh save.




New save Full spaghetti 🍝 No foundation I want to live my nightmare


As I have no idea what the situation will be, I will decide what to dow when it drops. There are for now 4 possible things I can do, depending on what 1.0 will be like. * Keep playing U8 and never go to 1.0 * Play U8 till mods that I need are upgraded * Start playing 1.0 immediately * Stop playing and never play again I am not making decisions without having all the information. That will only be available when it drops. And for now I never have let an update stop me from playing, so I have no idea why I would change that.


I'm going to pick up my current save and see what's what. I've got a lot of WIP items that I feel like utd be a waste to not use, but I'm sure I'll start a new game in short order.


When is it expected to drop? My computer couldn't handle nuclear. I plan to buy a computer and start a new one to finish it. I was in the process of making a tower that made every refined component. I still want to finish that too.


I've got a save I've been working on to get through early game so that I can enjoy later tiers in 1.0. Ive set a rule that I can't proceed with HMFs, until 1.0, and in the meantime am just having a great time decorating and fine tuning everything else. It's a lot of fun to focus on overpowering my early game and making it beautiful!


I startet doing early Game they don't Change Recipes of Tier 1-4 right ?


Play the game with a fresh start.


I've not played since like...0.6 I think, even then I didn't get super far but loved what I played and decided to wait for 1.0! Can't wait!!!


I'm going to embrace the madness of 100% efficiency.


I’m going to try to play two worlds at once but we will see how long I can keep it up. I have too much left to do in my current 600 hour build to give up on it. But also I want to experience 1.0 from the beginning.


I'm going to start a gigafactory, attempt to use the entire maps nodes and consolidate like a maniac.


See if there is anything new in nuclear that will help for the next step. Fixing my broken nuclear setup before my batteries drain. Build out whatever they added in for the new ores. Hopefully one of which is a teleporter. IF they implemented teleporting I might start a new save with the goal of turboing to it. I feel like my entire factory design would change if there was a vanilla teleporter. I didnt start using the modded one until VERY late in my playthrough.


I’m going to start new and make it to steel products get busy and forget about it for a year and repeat the process.


Definitely a new save. I stopped partially thru T4 due to a PC issue, and while it's getting fixed I'm not sure if I'll wait or not. Depends on if they drop a date


Mods....plain and shrimple


New game all the way. In terms of style, probably the same as I do now with multi-building factories for the main projects like computers and HMF. But I’m also interested in doing everything through blueprints. A whole building in one blueprint taking raw resources and outputting final products


I will end what I started. That’s all I’m waiting for. And then probably restart in case i missed some changes and storyline


I have done a fresh save every update. Haven't played since about a month after update 8 dropped. I am looking forward to starting the adventures so over again!


Never actually finished passed trains. We have a "Server PC" i plan to host with my brother where we will finally beat the game. 1 rule; If you.shut down production; you can't get off until you've restarted production.


I couldn't imagine redoing the dozens of hours it took to amass the resources I have now. If the save file gets upgraded, I'll just tear down what I have and rebuild it cleaner.


I'll probably be too old to play video games by then


Start a new 4 player game with some friends and devise deliciously devilish traps I can spring on them while also rushing to trains as quick as possible.


Only once before did I set up a production line for EVERYTHING in the game and get all the collectibles from the AWESOME shop, back in update 5. I finally "ended" the game by letting all my storage (as much as possible anyway) fill up so everything just stopped on its own. And thus, a factory complex spawning 4 major locations all over the map and dozens of small ones, all converging to make the big, complex items of the time, felt done. It was... Satisfactory. 1.0, I'll do it all over again, only bigger and better, with years of knowledge and experience to guide me.


Fresh save, but I will mod for early trains.


Watch my computer cry while it struggles.


I was thinking play the game. Shake things up a little.


I'm scared that, as with many other sandbox games, I'll get bored before reaching new content. 😅


Have they given a date yet?


This time for real for real imma make it through the space elevator (assuming it is still there at 1.0) and I swear I need to use the trains. But yeah new savefile new me xD


Same save (the 120 hr one not my hell on earth 700 hour plus save), more building, more fun.


Finally die happy


Oh start fresh and play until it starts to feel like a real job when it gets super complex. Same old thing for me.


Adapt my current factory. First rework the nuclear power plant because of a recipe change. Would like to not lose main power... Then rework any other changes in the seeder factory. Then continue to 200 ADS per min.


My biggest plan is to actually be able to read the Satisfactory sub without 9 out of 10 posts being about 1.0.


I’m planning to continue my correct save. I am trying to automate everything that I unlock the ability to automate, and I’m trying to challenge myself by building with design in mind too. So far I have built all of the components to complete Phase 2 (the Smart Plating, Versatile Framework, and Automated Wiring), but I won’t launch the space elevator until I automate the various ammunition and nobelisk types and rebuild all of my factories to look nicer. This has resulted in me putting almost 150 hours into a world that hasn’t even unlocked oil yet, but I’m enjoying myself. I doubt I’ll finish Phase 3 before 1.0 drops, so I’m content to just continue the same world.


I'll wait until my preferred mods get updated, then start over


Finish the game and start fresh  I have been makeing planes for half a year now  Thetnim excited to try 


I'll start from the begin, but now with good knowledge of how things works. From the start I'll make a good railroad infrastructure, keep the factories electrical systems isolated and build a huge mall in the center of the map like I did in my current game (and it was the best thing I ever did)


Pushing for Endgame fast, hoping there are some nicer endgame buildings for storage and fun. ;-)


Playing again from the beginning. It has been a couple years at this point. Think I'll try solo instead of multiplayer this time. Maybe solo. Maybe.


Im starting a completely new save, with T1 processing @ source, T2 processing in a regional depot factory then T3 + final stage assembly into the central city. I've planned skyscrapers for assembly buildings, nothing in the open again. Trains between depots only not everywhere, using drones properly for low volume item shipping. Power i'll cobble together as i will be adding one megaprint - a 1TW power plant.


Fresh save, vanilla no spiders. Stingers are there for another demographic so I do not feel bad about turning em off. Usually I unlock the shop and skip to coal, but not for this playthrough.


Call a friend I have not spoken with in a long while and ask if we can plan a time for playing. We used to play back in 0.6 looking forward to it


Start at the beginning, with unlocks and maybe peaceful enemies. New starting location for sure, which is likely desert. I already played a megafactory to completion, so I want my next play through to be the opposite. Many tiny micro factories with no central storage. Part of my brain wants to go extreme micro factory and give each one its own dedicated power supply, but I think that’s too far and I’m likely to use trains to transport parts anyway, so I’m not really convinced it makes sense.


Make something to eat, go out for a walk, suck in nature as good as i can..... before i mutate to a cellar troll, staying indoor for probably 2 weeks at once, playing satisfactory only.


I think it has to do with what’s in 1.0. I don’t yet know what they’re adding. But I think starting over is definitely the most logical.


Take a week off work and play the game until my eyes bleed. I’ve been holding off playing since pipes came out.


Starting new playthrough, planning on a map wide city with modular inner city roads connecting the skyscrapers, and highways connecting different portions of the map. Everything will be walkable and beautiful (hopefully) During the wait I've been making tons of city assets in the form of blueprints that I'll import to the save file. Can't wait!


I'll restart.


I'll restart.


I took a break an after update 7, mostly to play BG3. I just started a new save, mostly to try out new ideas. Once 1.0 drops, I’ll start a new save.  1400 hours in, and I’ve never gotten nuclear power up and running. Gotta change that. 


We'll be starting over and spacing things out a lot more for future expansion, including planning in space for stations and hypertubes, plus a proper power grid. Our current save started years ago so is a mix of multiple update patches. Really looking forward to it. 


Cry as all of my 100% vein usage setups suddenly fail one way or another due to recipe changes. Unless EVERY change is a reduction ONLY. Then I can just expand. Once a single thing requires more of X effectual raw one way or another, I will probably have to redo everything I have ever built just to facilitate that. Heavens forbid Turbo Blend Fuel and it optimal compliments is touched in any upward way. I may have to cheat or fully restart the game if that breaks.  Even if the math end up overall cheaper, I have zero means to maintain power to facilitate said change.


I started a no build cost run to play around with before 1.0 comes out, having way more fun this way than in normal. Not having to backtrack across the whole map to get more supplies for every build has been great.


My plan is to play the game. :-)


I will probably start a new, multiplayer game with my wife. Up until now her laptop was not strong enough to run Satisfactory so we were playing separately on my PC


Play the game. Havent played in ages. There are so many games, that i just don't have time to play incomplete games anymore. I hope there is a good campaign. Hopefully they add stargate and more planets as dlc.


I will NOT restart a new save and will rather adapt my save to the changes. :-)


I'm going to make a modular megafacrory. The principle will be that you have a box like a hige container with every ressources i have on conveyors with a bin at the end and a storage room. This way, i will build every factory like a line of constructors building iron plates or anything and if i need more i just place more constructors. As it will all be manifolds, it will only take what it needs. It'll be great.


I finally completed the final space elevator parts right before they announced 1.0 was coming this year. I had restarted every time a major update was released with never completing until then. I turned off the game and have been playing other games since then. I'm excited to restart for 1.0 and enjoy it.


The LORE!!!


Every update i start a new save. 1.0 wont be different. Feel like i really need to start from the beginning to actually experience the changes they add to the game. Ill probably make a main save that i can play slowly over time but i also really like making premade maps and adding a big train loop around the map so i can branch off it for remote factories. Im excited though, i havent played in 6 months cause i dont wanna burn myself out before 1.0


Restart a new save and enjoy the story and all the content, use my experience to make some good factories maybe play with friends


I’m gonna start from first And make the most efficient and aesthetic factory This will be my third play through.


Might not even play it tbh .. depends how much new content there is I guess


I've been avoiding satisfactory for ages. Tolerence break, lol. But I also just got a new computer with all the fixings... So that might break my will.


Exactly the same as OP. New game. Start slow, enjoy the journey, appreciate the story.


Starting a new save for sure. I want to rush trains and then build a map spanning, aesthetically pleasing rail network so that when I expand to a new area all my power and materials transport problems are solved. As part of that I want to build a basic materials factory somewhere with a bunch of specific parts trains that I can then request easily from a station at new bases to deliver cart loads of whatever materials I need. Trains seem fun and useful but I've never really learned how they work beyond point to point two way trains.


Take a day off work, play all day on a new save, than wait for 1.1 ☺️


Current plans are to check out the VR mod, and try to get into the trains stage without getting overwhelmed with trying to figure out where/how I want to distribute stuff (which is why I dropped my first save).


I haven't decided 100% what I want to do. One part wants to drop in one of my 100% finished and check out all the story stuff and I want start fresh. Most likely I will start fresh. It will be slow because my wife will want to be part of it for the story.


Find some other older people to play with :D I'm going to build nuclear and finish the space elevator this time for sure! >This time I want to try and lay out my belts in a way that I don't want to hide I cant hide things from myself so walls dont mitigate a result I dont like :D My definition of spaget is anything too useful to tear down but something I hate. For example I remember building a factory with an extra empty floor by accident. Yuck! I feel like I've figured out how to scratch my own itch well enough that a completing the game is now possible to my satisfaction.


Getting a new PC


Wait, I stopped playing in 2019 because my gpu fried and I haven’t been able to afford a new gaming rig. Are we STILL in early access?


Probably edit my save and delete everything except the hard drives. I'm not looking forward to running around the map looking for them again


load the game


Same. Will make fresh start. My changes to usual play will be: 1. Different start location. 2. Advanced options on because I dislike finding same Hard Drives for like 10+ times I start new game. So each time I will achieve newer Tier and finish hub delivery they will auto unlock. Also peaceful animals. 3. Pretty base, I will try to make nice looking stuff from start because cleanup later on can be hard depending on size. 4. Finishing story. 5. Using all Uranium resource for power instead of just 1.


The spaghetti will get you at some point


Start dedicated serv with 6 friends. Cant wait 😭


Ask here if I should restart my factory or uninstall the update and keep going from there 🤷‍♂️


Got my server up and running last week. Dedicated server for our friendgroup, and starting anew all together once 1.0 hits.


I’m so worried. I’ve got 52 hours played, and I’m very unhappy with my factory. Like, I have oil, but it’s a long way from home base, so I set up a tube to take me to/from the oil deposit, but that’s clearly unsustainable. I know I need to burn it all down and start fresh, but I’m almost certain I’ll make all the same mistakes I made with my current factory.


>I used to make closed conveyor belt boxes full of spaghetti. This time I want to try and lay out my belts in a way that I don't want to hide. I used to only build that way as well. Been watching Kinstruction build his Super Star Destroyer factory where you see several belts side by side full of items, and it looks so good. Now I want my factories to have "exhibits" where I can watch the items flow.


Start a new save, and actually do nuclear this time


Yeah I will probably go full vanilla. Already got more hours into the game than any other....be time to start fresh and enjoy that story mode for sure....might even do an all meep meep squad for all transport for the memes lol.... Imagine everywhere you look....only tiny factory cars as far as the eye can see....it will be glorious 😂😂


Yup. I do that every update.


When I want to start fresh, I clear the start zone, reset the hard drives, reset all milestones. Then I don't touch anything I built before until phase 3 finish. It is quite fair, saves time and also adds some goals to the gameplay. After that everything becomes available as usual. Probably will do the same.


I actually want to build on a grid to grid basis, so each element takes its own grid, belts get at least 1 full grid box, etc... I want to see how the 1 to 1 ratio actually runs down manifolds to see if they look gorgeous vs not. I want to see what the differences will be with 1.0 before I even touch it, then I wont have the expectation set.


New save start in the grass fields than go from there. Make lots of pretty factories too.


Definitely starting new so theres no hiccups with any of the changes. Like others have said im gonna focus less on blasting through the progress and set myself up for the upgrades instead of feeling like i need to tear everything down to make stuff look/work better.


I sure start a fresh game, but mainly for the story. I can't let go of my main game, I've spent too much hours on it. And I intend to make a ton of blueprints and rush the blueprint generator.


Fresh build, more planned out infrastructure, actually put trains into use. I have kept starting over when I get to unlock trains due to unhappy with the designs I had had so far.


Similar here. Take my time, go at my own pace, enjoy the story and work on aesthetically pleasing factories! I've recently upgraded to a new rig so want to take full advantage of lumen aswell.


Start fresh with friends and watch them quit one by one


Fresh start. No changes, as such. Just follow through on the full version of my master plan, possibly modified to reflect options that didn't exist until 1.0. I have gotten close, but never gone all the way. Time to get it done. For FICSIT!


Figure out what those damn somersloops are for


Fresh start from scratch. I stopped playing after the xmas 2023 event, i’d rather just come back and start new anyway rather than relearn stuff i unlocked


I will be looking for a group to experience it with. I don’t find the SP experience fun anymore.


Gonna start a new save, like most others here. But this time, there won't be big power plants to power the whole world. There will be big fuel refinery or refineries, then the fuel will be distributed by train - each factory will contain a power station to power itself. The fuel refineries will be powered by coal. Nuclear power plant powered by fuel, the uranium fuel rods used to power plutonium production. Plutonium fuel rods used to power project assembly parts (or whatever it becomes in 1.0). I'm also considering an additional change, that if a part has alternate recipes, then the vanilla recipe can't be used past a starter factory.


i'm starting a new save on a new world type (i've only played the first one) other than that the exact opposite of yours i usually went for efficiency and some looks but this time im planning on putting all my effort to efficiency rather than looks as i love the feeling when you can perfectly decipher a complex spaghetti mess and see that it works perfectly


New Save + Trains + More Trains + Explosions then more Trains


I'm gonna build an iterator




Start a new game ;)


I'm also gonna do the same, fresh save, fresh outlook, fresh factories with style and substance alike.


Full tiers playthrough, and try to figure out the SAM ore and other components we don't know about yet.


Retire my 700 hour save. Follow the story and build even bigger and more organized than before.


I'll be starting over!


I have at least 3 friends with whom I'm going to start a whole new world. I want to do a challenge where we all go to a different biome and eventually meet up somewhere central.


I'm avoiding the game from the last update until 1.0 It already feels not new/same old. So I'm hoping a break and an update & 1.0 will freshen it


I'm gonna finally get back into the game and disappear from society for a while


Depends on what will be added


It may be the 4th new save I'll start, but this time I swear I'm gonna focus on aesthetics


Hardcore zero to hero for sure!! No money, no starter ship etc. and work my way up. Will only use my pledge ships when I've saved enough UEC to 'buy' them (and I'll donate the money). I got pledge ships to support the dev and skip the grind between wipes but not interested in any 'pay to skip' after 1.0. Besides, I like the early game


Fresh start in a new biome. I want to build a sort of city, one per biome, inspired by real architecture from similar biomes on earth (think desert = Egypt, Morocco, Saudi). That while tapping into almost all nodes (maybe excluding some impure nodes).


Nothing because I don't play the game. No idea why this sub is being recommendet to me lol. Cheers I guess


I don't even know what it adds


Play the game, duh


If you are not Starting fresh you will not get feel of 1.0.


Restarting in the desert (which i’ve never done before) and building a megafactory exclusively in the desert. Importing everything raw (including oil and water) and processing everything in one place.


Giving the game another try and then drop it after two weeks again.


1. Take 3 days leave. 2. Remind my wife 1.0 is out(just yo be safe) 3. Start a new world 4. Wonder for 45 minutes which biome will I choose.


Fresh game and putting on 10kg while playing a lot over a short period of time


Restart. My 1000h+ save with everything on it will have to stay behind


maybe i will finally complete my mega factory....started about 1000 times but all was lost with the new updates womp womp


Same. Only I'm taking it slow with 1.0 so I have plenty of time for mods to update lol. Refined Power and Ficsit Networks mainly...


New save. Reset, deep breathes, full send. Also.. probably more sky trains


just play and discovers, someone have a release date?




Check to see if the recipes changed at all. If they did, update the excel sheet formulae, then find out what I’d need to do to retool the assembly line. If the retool is too extensive, I’ll just go back a few saves and rebuild. And if they really change up the resources, I’ll need to see whether I can repurpose the existing infrastructure. Worst case scenario, start over with a new build.


Start it. Play it. Enjoy it, because I loooovvvveee this game!


Exploring the north side of the map. I have fully cultivated the south side nodes and built a mega factory to get to the final tier, but have widely if ored the north side of the map, there are large swaths that I just sky bridged my way to nodes and otherwise ignored.


I've been waiting on 1.0 to drop for my very first playthrough. Shaking at the knees ready to get building


Start again. The last few updates didn’t bring that much game changing stuff. This one might.


Are we close did I miss news somewhere haven’t kept up with the game too much cause burnout


Once 1.0 drops my SO is going to become my FICSIT partner in environmental crime :)


I want to build a neat and tidy starter base, with lots of building materials Then build a nuclear power plant as apparently the recipe is changing on 1.0


Get outta tier 4 for once 😂