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Haha the sheer panic displayed in the camera shake is hilarious.


This is 💯 me when I face them, adrenaline and handshaking


Even with my sound off, I'm pretty sure I heard words during that attack lol.


Sadly my mic is broken, but I definitely let out some words


It was the continually looking down over the edge that got me. Their infinite jump range just fucks with you SO HARD.


Exactly, I received the message before due to some of those "hogs" thats rams you (dont know the name). I was looking for those for a sec when the popup came, so the stinger was very unexpected


But dna points


This right here,👆. You could have unlocked more, earlier through the awesome shop from DNA points.


I did the opposite, I didn’t do DNA points until I had unlocked nearly everything in the shop. So I was able to get a ton of coupons relatively easy


You mean biocoal


I always wondered why some spawn points where so high the mobs had a fall for a while to reach the floor. Thought it was a bug in their world design. But maybe it was intentional to have them spawn above player creations from time to time. So devious. I hope they implement this in a better way, with just letting them spawn at the highest point at that location.


are mobs affected by jump pads? Place em under the spawns, direct them to a muncher. Mob grinder, anyone?


At least in Update 6 you could just place a constructor with a biofuel burner somewhere and this counted as a factory, effectively hindering further respawns. But I think they did something against that. Just let the factory grow now.


I tend to put an unpowered smelter on a foundation and it seems to work against respawining in u8.


I've had these giant land-whale creatures jumping up and down jump pads in multiple locations already, makes me giggle every time


Jumping beans


>are mobs affected by jump pads? Yes, you can launch doggos.


I'd be amazed if hostile mobs can be easily launched because I haven't seen any tutorials on creating a DNA points farm powered by hostiles spawning into a launchpad network. At least none that have hit the mainstream. There's always gonna be a small group of exploit-hunters in every game community.


I got some mobs spawning on a busy truck road and every once in a while I just get to collect their organs without any hassle :D


Maybe its not the baddest idea for farming to place your roads accordingly. But I assume you have to be near the road somewhere for the farming to work.


Shit like this is why I disabled arachnids in the advanced settings.




i just modded all creatures out. just not my kinda gameplay!


I don't know when they put the option in, but you can set enemies to passive now if you don't want to deal with them.


oh i used that for a while, but then i got sick of building a big factory near some random animal making crazy sounds i couldn’t be bothered to track down to kill lol. i said “i mean, might as well just mod them out at this point!” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hate ‘em, but I have to say their design is extremely effective — terrifying!


Whoever made these things should not be allowed near games.


Absolutely. I am not an Arachnophobe, I can go and kill spiders twice my size in other videogames without blinking. But these fuckers? Just *hearing* the skittering noise gives me the heebie jeebies instantly, and I frantically jump and look around.


Yeah, it's kinda crazy how there's just *something* about they way they look / move / sound ... so much worse than just "big normal spider" ...


This may be a unpopular opinion but just turn the aggression to off, I enjoyed fighting them off up until a certain point, then I just wanted to focus on my building, fighting them just became monotonous.


I turned the aggression off cause I ran out of pants to shit. No seriously those spiders genuinely terrify me to the point of not being able to properly play.


And the kittens ain't no better!


For me they made it bearable, but they became a lot more annoying cause of their constant meowing and the fact I couldn’t hit the pests




I dont like to turn off fighting but my god do i get scared when fighting one of these green guys.


I came to build factories and that is what I shall do, I just need to steal their flesh every once in a while.


Same. I have an "oh shit bunker" blueprint I made for when I go exploring


I seriously dread having to enter areas where these big bastards spawn …


I turned it to retaliate. It's my fault if I die to a fauna that I attacked.


I've played with aggression on up until now, but I think I'm finally switching it off for 1.0. I kind of came to the realization that fighting with the animals just isn't really fun and doesn't add anything to the game for me. Plus, I'm really looking forward to not having to invest time into building weapons materials.


I did the same and now I enjoy chilling with my big spider buddies while building cool factories


I came here to post this. Multiple starts have made me a wuss. I just wanna build. Re-barring those hogs in the face is fun tho.


Whatever update it was that ramped the attack rate made it just tedious. I turned it off too.


Same, swore I wouldn't. I think they serve a purpose early on to nudge you back home to encourage thinking how to use what you have, or to signify the risk/reward of a hard drive, but at hour 650+, 2nd play through, the other day I was alt tabbing back and forth planning / calculating for an age, must have been an hour, no enemies, 10 hard drives in my bag and a fair few slugs, 100 power shards, online shopping delivery came and kid wanted a drink etc, came back 20 mins later, apparently I'd died and auto save had ticked over 4 times (5 mins interval) and id been leaning on those a good few hours (previous manual save was few hours ago). No crate in sight, even via satifactory calculator (to find it for me). So I spat my dummy out - that was the final straw on it, just used satisfactory calculator to unlock all alt recipes (id already got 50+), and edited a container to give myself 100 power shards back, and put peaceful mode on.


I knew it was coming... I knew it was coming... I knew it was coming... And I still fucking jumped.


The enemies pathfinding is actually top tier in this game


“Better have my money next time!”


This kind of sh#t is why all my black powder production is based on bio coal. I WILL MURDER THEM WITH THE CORPSES OF THEIR FALLEN KIN!


Those spiders give me the same shit-my-whole-ass heebie-jeebies as the Leviathans from Subnautica. I felt that camera shake in my soul hahahaha.


I hate and love the fact that you turned just in time to see the stinger RUN to you like a screamer


The real fun is when they clip into buildings with you.


lmao i felt that, i build the same way


Just this absolutely terrible sound makes my blood run cold and fills my pants with an unidentified hot yellow liquid


Kudos to that solid sidestrafe and downward slap. "No, bad!"


the only game where I don't feel safe flying away from enemies \*casually flying through the stratosphere\* \*screams from the 2 giant spiders knocking me out of the sky\*


I have no sound, but I imagine it when something like this. Where is it.... I can hear it, but I don't see it... OMG! WTF! AAAAAH!! WACK WACK WACK... ohhhh loot :D


Unauthorized hostility... but how- AH


And this, children, is why we build high into the sky. So that way we can shoot the creatures, or blow them up, from well above their reach. Only then do we move down to build.


Just nuke the whole planet.


It's the only way to be sure.


You def should turn the mobs to passive, its so much more pleasant


That's why I have arachnophobia mode on, even though I don't gave arachnophobia. At first I was like, pfft some spiders that's alright. Then the big one jumped right on when I didn't expect it and at that exact moment I knew, that arachnophobia mode is the way.


This game gave me arachnophobia


That's why I play on the passive setting: I play the game to build, not fight.


There's a reason why I play without them


One is never truly out of stinger range


Wtf, how is this possible? I am a noob in this game and that's exactly what I fear the most. Aren't you safe in your base?


Yeah you are safe, but I was just on a few foundations in the wild


If I ever see this desert, I'll not forget these terrifying spiders are gonna appear out of the blue for me.


And this is why I switched creature AI to Retaliation


I actually forgot what the spiders look like, so used to cat heads


Even with arachnophobia mode on, especially when you’re minding your own business and you seriously aren’t expecting a giant pixelated cat head, it scares the hell out of you


Did you poo pants?


This is what you get for not just using the... Vertical conveyor belt things...


Yeah, I totally forgot about these


I don't get it. How'd you know it was coming if it didn't meow at you first?


The warning of the attack XD