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Playing with a friend right after the update that made them jump really really far. Hard drive hunting through the swamp. Come up to pod with spider, he hops up on a rock and starts shooting. Seconds later “WHAT THE FUCK, WHERE DID THAT COME FROM (cue a minute of Australian cursing). Me “Oh did you not see the patch note where they jump a lot further now?”


Are you talking about the game or a casual hike in Australia?


The jumping spider patch was a while back IRL


Stingers are 100% the reason I went and automated homing rifle ammo. Takes at least two full mags to kill the big fuckers, but at least I don't have to aim, just hold the button down in their general direction. Then I take their corpse to the Organic Reprocessing Facility where they're automatically tuned into dru- I mean Protein Inhalers for the next encounter of their cursed kind.


LOL. Those are just the regular, boring kind. thisisntevenmyfinalform.meme


Queue me jumping and panic firing on phase 5... it was fun because i was on discord too.  Phase 5.5 is when you go to the swamp and get engaged by a couple of the big ones, or one of the elite poison gas ones 


It's all fun and games until you're screaming and panic pull out a chainsaw for no reason in particular


I'm still disappointed that we can't use the chainsaw Rip And Tear style.






I live in the swamp I hunt spiders for their flesh. This is my swamp now.


I like fighting Stingers, it's fun. They're a challenge. I don't even want to set up shop in the swamp except for maybe a little "hunting lodge" so I don't disrupt them from respawning. On my next world (when 1.0 comes out) I'm planning to put walls around the swamp and make it into a hunting preserve.


I have a hunting stand blueprint mapped to a hockey for quick build. It's a foundation on support legs with 1 belt hole walls on all sides. The "roof" is steel beams with just a big enough gap to jump into. It's jumper proof


My standard design is a Workshop for making more ammo and inhalers, attached to a box with a couple of chests to dump inventory into and a work bench. The door on the back of the workshop is the way in and out and I put a flood light tower on top to make it easy to find. I usually build it on the edge of an area and then run in from there to hunt. Each one is slightly different, I don't have a blueprint for it. I do like the idea of coveror wall "windows", I'll have to try that on the next one.




10. Return to the Stinger lairs armed with multiple stacks of Homing Rifle Ammo and Nuke Nobelisks


I learned the electric bolts are actually super useful for the big spiders. The stun duration is pretty good for dealing with them


When the big ones jump at me and screech, I literally have an uncontrollable physical nervous reaction every single time (just like a minor shudder), it's actually weird 😂


who else here wants nukes in the final game?


One step further. Ballistic missiles. No need to carry ammo, just point at the target and the launcher delivers the big boom from across the map.


While maybe not "really" functional, this does great for my false sense of security https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/s/q4ddNpYUgv


I originally played my first save on passive mode, just to get to grips with the game. I thought they were ugly little shits but they died easy enough. Anyway my current warm-up for 1.0 I've turned passive mode off. I generally get the heebie jeebies walking into any cave now. Just this morning I was surprised by a fluffy tailed hog in the Northern Forest and I was jumping around trying to shoot it with my rebar gun. Suddenly five of the little bastards spring out of the undergrowth and start attacking both of us. I'm jumping around panic firing because they're on all sides. Genuinely heart racing, but damn if it doesn't make for compelling and rewarding gameplay. Once they're dead.


I'm used to strafing enemies with the jetpack and shooting down. It works just fine for most mobs, so you can imagine my terror when the first big stinger I encountered jumped like 50 feet straight up and killed my ass. I actually screamed lol.


I hunt them for fun.


I'm on phase 2 and have no idea what you are talking about... I'm a bit worried lol


Go to the swamp or hang out in some of the caves. You’ll figure it out really fast.


I was in a cave with just the initial zapper, and when the alpha came after me I decided I was too far from base to risk it. I ran through the cave, it followed the whole time. This was the big central cave I think. It followed me out of the cave, killer a spitter and KEPT coming after me. I made it up tool the top of the cliff, and jumped for it with my parachute. It jumped off after me. And as I casually floated down I could SEE it pouncing on a hog and chasing off another one. Those things are insane. And I love the creepy mofos. But they effing terrify me.


Arachnophobia mode only, it's scarier that way. Mee0w.


This is why when going into more dangerous territory I use the hoverpack and rifle. Snipe from far if I can.


I just carpet bomb the swamp with nuke nobelisk. I hate that place


No passive mode. My military factory needs a purpose.


At a point, i grab some turbo ammo and put on the doom eternal soundtrack.


I'm kinda glad I first encountered stingers during update 3 before alpha's were capable of orbital jumping. My first playthrough had a nice line of observation towers and 4M foundations going through several caves and the swamp


I added one more yesterday ... call it "Phase 5.5: THREE OF THE BIG ONES AT THE SAME TIME? Nope, I'll just go around"


I haven't had these stages... there an acceptable challenge just keep running (in my case jetpacking) and shooting no worries