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My SIL after she gets her Adderall refilled.


Bruh I might get ADHD meds prescribed tommorrow after years waiting and I'd legit break down crying if I could force myself to do this much work at once lol Takes me 10+ cups of coffee, waiting all day until 30min before sunset and psyching myself up to just get a bit done. Lost so many fucking jobs because of executive disfunction. I just want to work a proper job again :/ Edit: appt later this week, I'm hopeful. finally switched psychiatrist. Previous one always told me there's only one thing/test left to do then I'd be cleared & can be prescribed something (beyond depression meds), but there always was another hoop, for 2 years -_- low income clinic, apparently others had issues as well


As a fellow ADHD sufferer, I feel this so hard! I hope that you get your medication and feel better soon. And remember, activities like OP’s video are huge undertakings and just the thought of such a massive project makes it harder to even start. I find that if I set very small goals for myself (take out one bag of trash, wash one load of laundry, sweep one room, etc.) it usually motivates me to do a little more once I’m up and doing it. ❤️


I have major depressive disorder so know the paralysis you’re speaking of. I hope you are able to find help tomorrow and start a new chapter in your life. You deserve it.


MDD is rough. But all of us proud sufferers keep going. Sometimes that going is at a snail’s pace or slower, but we push on. I hope you take care of yourself and don’t believe too much of that negative inner dialogue. Obviously I’m in a period of remission, or I wouldn’t have had the energy to write this. Stay strong my brother or sister 💪


You got this, I’m old and just got my diagnosis last year. Working with my docs, the meds have been life changing.


I have adhd. Adderall does not make me speedy. In fact, when I first started taking it, I immediately took a nap!! My head was finally quiet and I was mentally calm. It’s really hard for me to wrap my head around people running around like crazy and getting hyped up on Adderall. If I mess up my timing on my dose and end up with too much in my system, I just get zoney and tired. My productivity on Adderall isn’t zoomy. It’s just simply capable of doing normal shit like brushing my teeth or folding laundry without having to go to mental war with myself.


sounds like me lol ill waste all day thinking about the thing i have to do just to not do it.


I recently got diagnosed with ADHD and my life up to this point makes so much sense. Getting on medication has been a HUGE help. Yesterday, I wanted to clean out my garage, which led to me organizing the shed, fixing a raised garden bed, fixing an end table (which involved wood working), and cleaning out our sun room. I am that much closer to cleaning out the garage lol


Sounds like depression more than anything


Feelings of despair and depression can follow the feelings of helplessness that executive dysfunction may bring. I wouldn't wish executive dysfunction on anyone. The internal screaming to get up, move, do that thing, but a near impossibility to actually do it is very very loud.


Untreated ADHD can often present as depression


And they're often comorbid!


Yeah true I have bad adhd, I could start this job, be fucked if I'm finishing it, probably start and not finish 10 different things by the time she's done this. Plus who gives a fuck about leaves in a garden like meh cba


One leads to the other. I had one because my ADHD led me to fail in school and in work


uhh is your Sister In Law alright? i mean its supposed to give energy but not THAT amount. is she popping 8 at a time or something?


I call it “post-executive-dysfunction zoomies.” when you struggle to do basic things despite wanting to, then suddenly get the ability to do stuff, it feels so nice to have the “energy” to do things again. It’s not necessarily energy per se, but it feels like energy that’s been properly channeled (due to meds), rather than being pent up (due to no meds).


Post executive dysfunction zoomies… that sounds amazing. I highly suspect I suffer from that problem and imagining having the zoomies and getting stuff done sounds amazing


How do I get this medicine? Asking for someone who has a hard time getting around to doing anything including scheduling appointments and really really need to


my guy you just Described Chronic Fatigue thats not a medication thing


Bruh I might get ADHD meds prescribed tommorrow after years waiting and I'd legit break down crying if I could force myself to do this much work at once lol Takes me 10+ cups of coffee, waiting all day until 30min before sunset and psyching myself up to just get a bit done. Lost so many fucking jobs because of executive disfunction. I just want to work a proper job again :/


And here I am procrastinating showering.


The struggle is real.


I’m procrastinating going to bed because I can’t be bothered getting off the couch…


Sleeping on the couch it is


Take the toilet paper out of the room. It’ll force you to wash yourself when you shit and you might as well take a full shower at the same time


Wow why not just shit in the shower while you're at it and save water and time


At least im not the only one


I did something today that took three minutes and that I’ve been putting off for three months.


The trick is to procrastinate showering by raking an entire ranch worth of leaves


She did it in chanclas too


I thought she was barefooted at first and how dangerous that could be for foot health. (RN here, who always had to stress good foot hygiene to my diabetic patients!) 🫤


Would it also be dangerous if she weren't diabetic?


The problem for diabetics is that wounds on their foots don’t heal well. It could take a very long time or even never leading to infection and eventually amputation.


Can confirm. Happened to a family member and it was wildly unpleasant. You’ll end up *wanting* your foot to be amputated.


Yep, happened to my Dad. He lost his big toe and a good chunk of his foot below the toe.


Samesies. He got a pedicure done and the result was the loss of his entire big toe over the course of several surgical procedures.


there are parts of the foot below the toe?


Not anymore.


The bottom of his foot.


Diabetic here (type 1). My understanding this is the case for folks with poorly controlled blood glucose, which leads to neuropathy over time. Folks with well controlled diabetes are not at a significantly higher risk for losing feet than non-diabetics.


Potentially. There are ground-dwelling bacteria (especially from the chickens) that would love to hop a ride in any kind of open skin, and then there's worms, and I'm not talking about earthworms.


Hookworms are frightening and gross and I’m already dumb and lazy enough.


It depends on where you are sometimes when you don't wear shoes you can get worms in your feet or worse something called jiggers


Yes. She could get worms.


Why would it have been a problem if she had in fact been barefoot?


It wouldn’t be they’re being dramatic


She could get worms that can make her dumb.


Lol you are very incorrect.


Hookworms are real and can cause significant health issues especially symptoms that cause people to appear lazy and dumb. . I bet you walk barefoot everywhere.


They also are necessary for a healthy immune system in many people. It’s also not as easy as just walking barefoot. You have to step in feces with lots of eggs and worms. I walk barefoot constantly and never have had parasites when I get tested.


They definitely are not necessary. Idk where you came up with that nonsense. Also, it isn't just feces that get infected. Any area can become infected just from being passed around by other animals. Did you kiss the part where the video said it was on a ranch? If you know anything about ranches then you would know to never walk barefoot in an area where chickens and other animals have been.


I know people use the word ranch in a variety of ways and that this area is likely an internal Huerta devoid of animals. Chickens can’t get hookworms. Look up hookworms and allergies.


You are the dumb one, quit putting your phobias on other people. Most all domesticated animals are treated for worms. If she is raking the entire property I seriously doubt hookworms are there. Let people live


I thought she was barefoot too. Glad she had some shoes on


While I understand ur concern, u guys have been living in the cities for waaaaay too long, lots of people in rural areas do this, there are risks but not as severe as.u make it sound.


I once read that going barefoot on the ground is supposed to have some type of mental/biological health benefit. Something like absorbing “nutrients” from the ground. I tend to believe it could because I’ve always enjoyed being barefoot. I was always barefoot as a kid/teen in Florida and never had any problems.


Not nutrients, but the theory of Earthing/grounding is about balancing out your electrical charge using the earth’s charge. Theres no solid proof of this that I can find but I have heard about it since I was younger. Just wanted to clarify a little, as we can’t passively absorb nutrients from the earth.


I have been barefoot inside and outside most of my life, I haven't had any issues, other than pitch black feet sometimes.


I thought she was barefoot, too, and my first thought was potential parasites from the livestock (chickens and dog) and potential injuries. First time you see a festering foot wound, last time you think about going barefoot.


She doesn’t seem diabetic? Unless I’m missing something


How does a person “seem diabetic?”


Well idk that’s why I’m confused as to why we’re assuming she has poor foot health


lol who knows. Probably because Reddit? 😂


Yeah, I thought she was barefoot too. It really stresses me out seeing someone barefoot outside and makes my feet feel uncomfortable. Can’t help but imagine even a twig puncturing the bottom of the foot.


I was barefoot my entire childhood and am mostly barefoot as an adult. Twigs were less likely to puncture my foot because my callouses were thicker. I wear shoes a bit more often now (and hate every second of it. It’s a sensory thing) and I’ve lost my ability to walk across rocks with no discomfort.


Why do so many medical professionals have ptsd? If you, the kids, and the woman in the video aren’t diabetic; the best thing for the body is to walk bare foot on uneven ground. Walking barefoot on uneven ground is healthy and what humans did for about 6,000 years before modern shoes.


Because we’ve seen what the progression of foot wounds can lead to…and it’s not pretty! 🫣


And you’ve seen it on the don’t control their sugar idiots like my grandpa who ate Little Debbie fudge rounds and oat meal cream pies without a thought of where his insulin was located. 99.9% of the population would benefit from walking barefoot on uneven ground.


Never know when you might have to whack a foo.


It's still "dirt-ey"




You reproduced because you wanted slaves?


Even more satisfying with sound on! Pleasantly surprised at that. 40 years ago, my dad had a big push broom thingy - not powered, not noisy. Swept them into the big bin in back, it was over a yard wide, IIRC.


Thanks for this. It's like the sound effects you'd hear in a stop motion video and I fucking love it.


Thanks! I usually watch everything with sound off bc bad music is bad. You're correct, very satisfying!


I also like that it was the real sounds and not some stupid music overlay like so many others


So much less satisfying with the sound on


The random chickens zooming around make me happy


Abd she needs to do it every day. A task for Sisyphus.


Lucky it only took her 1 minute and 42 seconds to do it though, otherwise it'd be super annoying.


One must imagine Sisyphus happy.




Why does she need to do it every day? You think that much debris falls every night?


I lived in SE Asia and some of the houses I lived in had trees similar to those and my maid would sweep in front of the house every day.


by about the 30 second mark I was already exhausted.


Deadfall is actually really good for soil health


That is what I thinking too.


Yeah me too. Also I just like the way it looks with the leaves. That soil looks like it could use some humic matter and without the leaves it looks like a dirt/gravel parking lot instead of a pretty outdoor area.


The grass is barely even there lol its as much dirt as grass


Yeah that soil looks like it could use all the help it can get


It's the dry compacted soil of a courtyard. Cheaper than paving, less maintenance than managing vegetation. The trees serve for shade. Soil quality isn't a priority for the purpose of this space. Any leaf mulch will dessicate and become...more dusty.


And you cannot see the snakes if the yard isn’t swept.


Are there venomous snake around?


Nope…they like to hide in the leaf litter, which is no longer there. In my area, the Gullah-Geechee community often has swept yards, and I was told it was for snakes.


Important to note that plenty of insects overwinter in fallen leaves.


Don’t think they much of a winter there


Permaculture 101


After the first bin it shows she dumped the leaves in a different area. Not sure why this other area needed to be so clean but it does look like they were using them.


Same thought I had. She is serving the ground of nutrients.


Can have health soil, better water retention, better flood characteristics, no building foundations sticking out, softer ground, future generations or plants and animals, less work......or.....look clean Which one would you choose?


I would choose less debris to step on while playing in the court yard, less area for snakes to hide while the kids play, less rotten fruit to step on, less dusty because of decaying fallen leaves that blow around....and cleaner looking. To each their own I guess


The trade off being it gives pests like mice and bugs a place to hid and harm the trees, assuming this is commercial


This mindset is exactly why we’re in The midst of a mass extinction of the planet’s insect populations.


I am sick and tired of all this motherfuckin organic matter on my motherfuckin dirt! /s


Rob that shit of its nutrients!


Exactly. Whole time I was thinking “but why?”


I cannot believe I just watched a 1:40 video of someone raking leaves and it actually made me feel better.


I’ll never understand why people spend so much time to have bare dirt instead of some leaves


I mean in countries like that it's less places for spiders to hide I guess


I care more about the snakes but yes


The have bare dirt BECAUSE they have no leaves. She’s stripping all the potential organic material off of the dirt so it never gets back into the soil.


No bugs is gonna do wonders for those fruit trees


I mean. It depends on how you look at it. The leaves harbor pests and their predators. If you remove the lurking spots the trees are more likely to acquire an infestation… because the system is out of balance. The predators were never present to begin with that would have initially kept the infestation minimal to nonexistent.


Maybe that place has venemeous snakes or stuff like that. That way the animals can spot em and dont step on em and get bitten.


To make satisfying as fuck videos. Isn't it why we're all here?


Have an updoot, it's why we're here


Because it looks better?


this sounds so ridiculous


She’s so quick 😂


Animal Crossing after you come back to it after not playing for a bit.


Lazy chickens didn't even help.


Grind those leaves up and put them back around the base of the trees.


No-- important pollinator insects overwinter in leaf litter. Don't shred them, and don't stomp them down-- just leave nature to do what it's done for thousands of years before us.


I love how everyone in the thread thinks they know more about what's best for the tropical fruit trees, than the woman who actually lives in / owns the land


I know lmao. Every spot of bare dirt on the planet doesn't have to be coddled with humus. It looks pretty obviously utilitarian. It's packed down and perfectly level.


A leaf blower would save so much time.


You would think! But raking in this way using back and forth passes is quick and easy, and you’re not lugging a huge power tool around with you and causing a bunch of ruckus. I’ve tried both ways and prefer the rake.


They are not cheap in some countries, not everyone can afford them, plus she would need a cordless one and keep recharging every hour or so (so two rechargeable batteries 💸)


Gas powered, and this person has more land than I do. May not be cheap but I don't think they are "poor" either.


What makes you think she owns this land? “Has more land than I do,” yeah, different land value, money-wise.


I'm not trying to be negative in any of my comments, you seem to be trying to bait a debate.


Cost of human labor is cheaper than buying equipment is some countries.


I visited India recently and really got to appreciate that first hand. It makes you think about problems completely differently.


Even so, sounds as non-sensical as Welp....gotta get up and go sweep the dirt........... Welp....Gotta get up and go blow off the dirt.......


Sometimes it's not about making it easier/faster... Doing this manually might be like a therapy thing... Alone, with your thoughts and you're actually able to hear them.


Leaf blowers also blow away top soil, so no.


This is zero carbon footprint.


The first thing I’d buy her is some shoes, then yes a leaf blower.


I spent the whole first half of the video trying to figure out if she really is doing this barefoot and then I finally noticed she has on flip flops which only made me feel marginally better lol.


I was hoping she'd wash her feet at the end cuz they must be nasty


Bro, it's her yard, shed b outside in flip flops anyways...she did some yard work....this is how people live in rural areas....u think she won't shower ok after on?....y should she show u her washing her feet?


She's not barefoot


Thank god she doesnt, so fucking dumb when I see people with gas leafblower. It's like good job! You are not only destroying the microsystem but also polluting!


What about an electric leaf blower?


Also satisfying when you scroll it backwards 👍🏻


You monster


new sport - meth raking.


Grew up with horses. Cleaning the barn and horse stalls is so satisfying, and a great workout!


Needs Benny hill music in the background


Not satisfying. You just removed all the nutrients from the land!


She doesn’t want anything to grow in the communal area anyways and it shows her dumping it in the brush where stuff does grow. Tell me you’re clueless without telling me you’re clueless


The trees that provide them shade and apparently some fruit also need nutrients


Trees looks healthy to me, they’re fruiting and the leaves are fully green to the tips. If you’re an agronomist you might want to pick a different profession. Was she burning the leaves? Was she bagging them up? No and no, sit down and enjoy the video


Yet somehow, they’re all alive still.


Trees don’t die overnight


Trust me, there are other ways to keep trees alive than a layer of leaf litter. It’s a little something I picked up on my way to a degree in agricultural biology.


Leaf litter does a lot more than just add nutrients. It protects the soil, reduces erosion, provides habitats, holds moisture, reduces temperature extremes, and retains carbon. In addition, some leaf litters can buffer pH, increase CEC, and reduce salt accumulation in hot/dry climates. Those are just a few things I picked up on my way to a master's in soil science, plus a few from running a sustainable farm.


You see them doing any of those things?


Did I bear witness to their entire fertility program and all of their cultural practices in that 1.7 minute clip of somebody raking leaves that I saw while scrolling through reddit? No, I can’t say that I did.


Okay, wasn’t sure if you saw something I didn’t, or just decided to try and lazily end the discussion by citing your degree. Thanks for confirming


This was my thought. Mulching it would have been a better idea that removing it.


I believe she is doing that because of the chickens


Chickens would prefer the leaves, they love digging around in them and they also attract snacks


Bro, she just cleaned her yard wtf, ud b upset if it was unkept....gtfo


No I wouldn’t. Fallen leaves provide necessary nutrients to the land.


I know that, but that's not farm land u noticed?......it's her yard space...


all i see is a human roomba


We need to gofundme a blower for her.


Blower? I hardly know her!


I second this


You know,kudos to her because I can't stand this tedium. At all. Cool to see a good job tho.


She stepped in chicken poop.


I wish I could do that to my room, it's a mess


idk how she made dirt look clean


The Benny Hill theme is stuck in my head now


i wanna live here


The ground is so oddly flat.


Her feet are so dirty Quentin Tarentino’s gonna put her in his next movie.


Damn that is some good quality satisfaction


This is also like ASMR


Can u come do this to my life. I'm a mess


This makes me cry because I hate leaf-blowers with the power of 10,000 suns.


Wish my bitch worked this hard. . . . . . *Just a joke guys. Don’t take this comment too seriously.


Someone needs to introduce her to a backpack blower.


if i did this, guarantee wind would come out of nowhere


Wish we could have her take the place of all the leaf blowing bastards over here


The comments are hilarious. “Why doesn’t she just-“, you don’t need a plane ticket to understand how ridiculously sheltered some of you sound. This woman uses an old fridge for clothing and toiletry storage. Her kitchen has a dirt floor. This is a hot climate country, and the “dirt” people want nourished by the leaves during “winter” is the space with the most foot traffic. The trees are for shade. They have land for growing food and maintaining animals, the dirt yard obviously isn’t that area.


Buy this woman a leaf blower already. Dedicated caring person.


The Trees: "Same time tomorrow?"


buy a leaf blower


I was thinking a leaf vacuum instead of a blower. Get it bagged all at once.


My god, after watching this I love my tiny, tiny city apartment.


I know of a machine that can make this job much faster


to think that there are people in the world that play to do this in a video game


I can’t get my wife to vacuum the floor.


Bare dirt is preferable to leaves? Grow some grass. Problems growing anything in hard-pan baked earth? That’s because you raked up all the leaves!


Prob too shady and climate not great for grass, under those trees.


A leaf blower is needed


There is such a thing as a leaf blower but the broom 🧹 will work