• By -


If you are a moderator and you are interested in automating taking your subreddit private, a bot has been created for this purpose. Please see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/142rzna/a_bot_to_make_your_subreddit_private/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Save3rdPartyApps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Im typing this quickly because I want to make sure im not using Reddit on the twelfth , i intended to make a more intricate and better formatted post, but this will just have to be the TL;DR. A simple two day blackout wont work (if you havent heard why yet, this video explains it expertly: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U06rCBIKM5M), and permanent blackouts will more than likely be reopened under new management by the administrators. The solution? A two day (or longer) blackout every month, preferably on days which usually pull high user numbers, this solution would both seriously impact Reddit (they would essentially lose a large amount of their ad revenue for two days per month, which shareholders will NOT like) and leave Reddit in a place where the only way to stop the blackouts would be to essentially declare war on their community. I apologize that this is rushed, I intended to type it out earlier today but my job got in the way. Save third party apps o7. Edit: I forgot to mention, this would also allow mods who dont want to permanently private their subreddits (something completely understandable) to engage in ongoing protests. It would also be important to actively promote not using Reddit during blackout days and suggest alternatives.


This is a great idea, but I do think the massive headache of replacing thousands of mods in a permanent blackout situation would be difficult enough for Reddit leadership that they might have to try something other than the milquetoast, dismissive responses they’ve offered so far. Still, this might be a less risky form of protest.


A blackout for Reddit users that involves shutting down Reddit for those users is idiotic. Sorry.


Yeah punishing those who need access to information is not the way, this seams like a cash grab via more adds unless I'm misunderstanding the "Allowing third-party apps to run their own ads" part.


Are you saying this is a cash grab from the 3rd party apps? Or Reddit?


Yes, it's basically forcing users to listen to their politics, and then cutting off services regardless of whether they agree.


I think this is a great idea. Thanks for sharing the link too.


There is another way of protesting and at the same time fucking up reddit's IPO. And teach spez a lesson. We the users have made reddit what it is and we actually retain a fuck ton of power. If we want to really rock the boat we should all start posting and upvoting shit and mediocre content, drown out the front page with worse content. If enough of us did it, it would make a huge difference to the quality of reddit content. We could literally drown reddit and just sink it with crap and push the average user away from reddit. They would have to make sweeping changes across the platform to prevent it and it would likely devalue their IPO massively, unless they relented. Maybe it's throwing the baby out with the bath water, but it's clear reddit future is going to be about selling us all out. Personally I think this strategy would hit them where it really hurts.


Im about to go off Reddit until the fourteenth but I just wanted to chime in: This is a good idea (especially if they sieze probated subs), disrupting Reddit in any way is a good idea, encouraging people to broaden their social media horizons and use Reddit less is a good idea, encouraging people to quit buying Reddit premium and awards is a good idea, making as big a public stink (think online news) as possible is good, blackouts are an effective tool, but theyre only one tool, we want to use our whole toolbox to disrupt Reddits Cashflow/IPO as possible. Signing off for 48 hours. Save third party apps o7.


Your account is a day old. See this is why we need r/apolloapp


Honestly my thought process is that this blackout demonstrates to whoever is buying that reddit as an entity is reliant on unpaid workers to generate profit, and anyone who buys it is going to be \*hated\* by said workers. Who wants to invest in such a shakey system, where the actions of relatively few people can derail things so heavily, and the only alternative is to pay people to moderate them...further cutting into the bottom line.


If enough people do anything it becomes a big deal. But the keyword is *enough* and that has always been the issue. Unless the changes are drastic and directly affect the user, not many will leave. That’s a fact and the truth is only mods and a very very small % of user care about the blackout. The users won’t even bats an eye when all these subs reopen with new mods. No one would even tell the difference. The users create the contents anyway. Most users don’t even need to touch 3rd party app to use Reddit. If these subs go down forever, that becomes an opportunity for new subs to thrive. All the blackout does is that it removes the amount of available content on Reddit temporarily.


Except for the problem that replacing volunteers is very, very difficult. They won’t open with new mods. They’ll open with no mods.


No one wants to hear any of these unproductive critic (or more like whining) of you :) If you want to criticize the movement that majority agrees upon, either suggest better alternative or use adequate and reasonable justification; not just your mere assumption.


The majority? May I ask how this was determined to be the majority? I stay specific to a few subreddits and knew nothing of this. To me it feels like some bullys keeping me out....please forgive my honesty. I have no opinion on 3rd party apps or the other demands. It sounds like demands made by people with something at stake? Some financial stake?


would it work? really? Reddit don't understand that a platform like this isn't theirs. It is the creation of millions of people and controlled by a few (thousand) dedicated volunteers. Reddit (the company) is an idea. Reddit (the community) are the users. Until they understand that, we can cause all the mayhem we want but I can't them changing. I hope I'm wrong, and if i am, I'll see you in a few days.


> If we want to really rock the boat we should all start posting and upvoting shit and mediocre content, drown out the front page with worse content Sooo... do what we've been doing, then?


This is really smart!


I'm sorry but what about people who don't have Alternatives see my post on this thread please message me


It is sad it has to be this way. Opening up these permanently privated subreddits is just so wrong




I think mods should collectively start taking at least 48 hours vacations once a month from now on, regardless of what happens. Then community members can show their appreciation for their mods.


It’s better then when they got that guy killed in Boston


nah this is peak slacktivism. the blackout should be at bare minimum a week to make a point, but ideally a month.


Love the note /r/unexpected left with their private switchover: https://i.imgur.com/WPuYIO9.jpg


Holy shit, did he actually say that? And just a couple months ago, too? Wow.


That's exactly my response. "Holy shit"


"I think it'd be really hard for our team to do, but that won't keep us from trying"


If that was said 10 years ago it would have been better but that was literally 2 months ago




As at 22:20 UTC, 1450/5563 subs are private. Edit; 1502/5563 as at 22:33 UTC - basically 27% or ~3 of every 11 subs on the site… Some big individual subs in those last 13 minutes (Literature;Unexpected;Piracy), but it’s about collective effort and this represents millions of subscribers.


Is there somewhere where mods can post their intentions to make the sub private? ​ I mod a small sub that I'll be making private. Been a busy weekend, so it might be in the morning. (Technically, I also moderate a private Harry Potter fandom-related subreddit, but we all got sick of JKR's bs and it's all but archived).


There's a thread in /r/ModCoord


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ModCoord using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [An open letter on the state of affairs regarding the API pricing and third party apps and how that will impact moderators and communities.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) \#2: [Incomplete and Growing List of Participating Subreddits](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/) \#3: [Today's AMA With Spez Did Nothing to Alleviate Concerns: An Open Response](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


~~As of 09:15 UTC,~~ **~~76.8%~~** ~~of the top 1000 subs are either restricted or down.~~ ~~For the stats enjoyers I made an~~ [~~auto-updating heatmap~~](https://throwaway8491.github.io/BlackoutHeatmap/heatmap.html) ~~of the top 1000 subreddits. Private subs are in red, restricted in yellow and public in green, and you can hover on the squares to see the names. It gets updated about every half an hour.~~ ~~Hopefully we get to 90% by the end of the day o7~~ Edit : Apparently my heatmap wasn't entirely accurate because it's missing the subs that went dark over 24 hours ago - I threw this together this morning (about 12 hours ago) and gathered the subreddit list from [subredditstats.com](https://subredditstats.com), and private subreddits don't appear on it. It doesn't seem to get updated often which is why I didn't notice (the vast majority of the dark subs were still there as of 12 hours ago), but now that I looked at reddark there are some subs in the 1m range that went dark way earlier and don't appear on my list. I'll reupload if I find a way to get a list of subs including private ones, but taking it down for now since it's off by a few % - we should be around 85-90% amongst the top 1000 subs, not 80% like it showed.


Wow, this is great. Thank you for putting in the work.




I'm confused, are you suggesting that there are only 5,000 subs on this site? Quick search comes up with around 130,000 active subs (1.2 million in total, most inactive).


I think they mean subs that said they would participate


7178/7806 subreddits are currently dark https://reddark.untone.uk/


juggle enter direction groovy tender wipe plough sharp employ tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


plucky afterthought spotted hurry follow scarce knee capable versed badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[NBA subreddit is in - 7.7 million subs](https://old.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1476rje/team_and_community_rnba_is_participating_in_the/)


Wow. They are shutting down the sub during the most important game of the season. They are not joking.


Nugget and Heat subs will not be shutting down understandably though due to the Nuggets about to win their first nba championship


That's the one sub I specifically didn't think would shut down after I saw their thread abut this. Good for them.


I’m gonna go ahead and say that there should be blackouts like this maybe once a month or so. I think it would work out great! Peace out




I love Reddit. This makes me so sad. You guys brighten my day with your helpful comments and also the stupid comments that make me die laughing




Yes, subs are already going offline




Goodbye. And a reminder that they're killing the mobile website too.


I like how /r/popular is completely broken on Apollo because all the popular subs closed. That’s certainly making an impact.


It's 10pm, I wanted to leave one last comment on what will probably be the last public subreddit. I've been here for over a decade, in that time I've wasted uncountable time on this site. It's been a pleasure. Every community has so much knowledge, memes, and culture it's a shame it's all ending like this. I don't know where I'll go next. Probably to go touch grass honestly. Thanks for the memories. Fuck u/spez


>I don't know where I'll go next. Probably to go touch grass honestly. You will not.








You could also flood it with lots of low quality AI generated content if you want to go full scorched earth.


Best of luck to everyone participating, I hope that Reddit can reach a decision that would also include the users' demands


Well Soldiers in 50 minutes were going dark in the UK so it was nice knowing ya.


Did they not set a specific time for blackout? There will be overlap where not everyone is offline at the same time if that's the case


That's what I came here to find more info about lol


I saw GMT mentioned in one sub I'm in, but I'm not sure if that's the official start time. With variations in when June 12th starts due to timezones, there will only be 24 hours of "true" blackout.


Cheers to all the mods working around the clock to make this possible. I hope reddit will refrain from booting all of you. See you on the other side.




https://preview.redd.it/bh77h15rqk5b1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5414fe3dad74a97414f9c77a53f503784374aad the reddit widget is non-functional lmao


I swear I'm having trouble making my sub private lol Edit: solved. r/HalfFlops is going dark indefinitely.


I'm ready. Might be worth looking at doing these blackouts every 2 weeks, on the very busy Reddit days.


I urge all the subreddits to continue the protest until our requests will be fulfilled 48 hours is ridiculous




G'bye for 2 days :)




If you plan on leaving forever, be sure to take all your valuable data with you! If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money? Take your content with you. —posted via Apollo Vive la résistance!


This only the start. No resolution come the 30th and I'm gone. On to the next one.


Goodbye all you, r/BattleForDreamIsland, r/bluey, r/southpark, r/kmart, r/SEARS, r/LodedDiper, and r/okbuddybfdi.


My last comment from Apollo. Thank you to the good ones. Goodbye to the greedy ones.


My personal opinion: I think we should do more tbh, because a two day blackout won’t do anything, i think we need to do something more: 1. Post things that Reddit’s investors don’t like, nothing illegal or depraved, but for example post way more about China’s massacres, as i saw in a post in popular, 150 million$ is in china, this will make Reddit loose money, and as they say money talks 2. permanent subreddit blackouts, this will dissuade people from using Reddit because the platform as a whole will be effectively useless 3. Last one but most important, delete accounts, give up Reddit, go to different platforms that allow for third party apps, or just different platforms as a whole, this will again make Reddit a ghost town and unattractive to any new or existing user I realize this may be controversial, or be lost in new, but if we are to win we have to be as ruthless as the “wholeheartedly amazing genius “spez is, we have to show that if he fucks around he’s gonna find out


Goodbye all. It’s been an honour.


Just to quickly chime in that r/FoodNYC (~66K subs) will be participating for 2 days starting tomorrow (Monday 12 June ‘23) morning. **[Explainer post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodNYC/comments/1479ttw/just_a_quick_reminder_rfoodnyc_will_be_made/)**


just a heads up, i am consistently getting [the site overload page which carries a 504 error](https://i.imgur.com/ZULar3v.png) when trying to navigate to the following link, while the rest of the /r/Save3rdPartyApps subreddit and the site more generally seems to be working totally fine: ``` https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/ ``` this link is posted on at least 1 sub that has gone dark


The top of the post you're trying to link says: >**EDIT: Don't use this post any more: it's been crossposted so widely that it breaks Reddit when trying to open it! It's been locked. Further discussion (and crossposts) should go** [**HERE.**](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/1476ioa/reddit_blackout_2023_save_3rd_party_apps/) And honestly it's on point for this shitty website to accidentally interfere with the blackout due to spaghetti code.


Thanks for the info. The more conspiratorial side of me questions if this is the real explanation.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/ Is anyone else having problems accessing that post. It returns 504 for me. No other comments section does. This has to be intentional.


This is /u/viking84. I've just unmodded myself from all subs I have been moderating, and will now delete my 10 year old account with >80k karma. Fuck /u/spez.


The day old.reddit.com goes away is the day I leave reddit. I will NEVER use the new reddit. It's interface is disgusting.


r/visualsnow will be participating in the blackout (19k) members.


So 12am UTC is actually at 1am so I will be privateing my sub 1 and a half hours early. I will probably come on the 12th once to see what has happened but that is about it. Thank you for doing your part in this by making the sub and making these posts.


[r/Huntik](https://www.reddit.com/r/Huntik/) (sub 5k) has just gone private for 2 days (12th-14th)


r/webkinz is participating (14k) ❤️


honestly this seems kinda cool. i like stuff like this. in hard times like these, its common for people of various backgrounds to come together and help eachother. thats what creates this feeling of comfort for me. even better if things turn out okay in the long run


Uh since r/blind is privated you can’t see their list of apps. Should probably put a list in the comments


a complimentary f**k spez


This needs to keep going longer then 45hrs


The subs I participate in are going for 1 week, at which time we'll vote on whether to continue or not.


I thought it wouldnt be a problem to just delete my account and stop using Reddit after the end of the month, but now ive realized how much i use Reddit for actual useful information. I always look for product/software reccomendations, tech issues and similar things using the "site:reddit.com" parameter on google/duckduckgo, but all the links im getting are to privated subs.. Now i have to read these shitty sponsored and biased articles with a billion intrusive ads- fuck me. I really hope someone archives Reddit and makes it searchable before they go bankrupt from their horrible business practices. Im just trying to find a reasonable way to virtualize Windows on an M1 Mac :')


As just a reddit user, I want to appeal to other users to not get upset with the subreddits themselves. I too was really confused and annoyed when I first noticed all the subs I went to were suddenly private. However, protests like these are important. The changes Reddit wants to make will hurt all of us in the end and I'm not sure what else the subs could do to protest these changes. Apparently Reddit was made aware of the issues the community had with these changes and has tried deflect from them. If you want someone to get mad at, get mad at Reddit the platform that ignored the subs to the point where they felt it was necessary to do this blackout.


Thank you for doing this


it seems like posts are down so i'll say it here: i've taken r/DUOLINGOPOLICE offline in protest of the API changes (i created the sub) and i have a few more subs i'll be taking offline in the coming hours


If reddit replaces entire mod teams because of this, remember to treat them like the scabs that they are.


GabeN speed Fuck spez


Just learned about this now...keep up the good work!


Is this relevant to anything to do with the cause? https://preview.redd.it/jivkkhooko5b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08dd59e2c8038aa7193be06978e16785cafbaf23


/r/FloatingIsFun went private for 48 hours, then reopened, then as of this hour, we are now restricted. [Our users voted to keep the subreddit frozen in time until Reddit's executives change their course.](/r/FloatingIsFun/comments/14baq0o/we_go_dark_indefinitely_on_june_19_2023_what/) I'm also building an downloadable copy of the subreddit's content that will survive no matter what the admins do to us. We stand in solidarity with you. Edit: I'm considering reopening the subreddit in John Oliver-only mode, but it's hard to find any instances of John Oliver floating in the air. Midjourney could make some, but most of the art subreddits hate AI-generated content.


After a community poll. r/coronavirusnewmexico will be joining this protest indefinitely.


i don't even like reddit that much but this is kind of based if more people did stuff like this the world would be a better place. everyone using hybrids instead of pure-oil cars would actually be a plausible idea


In the NSFW content section, can you also include the fact that restricting third party clients from NSFW content effectively locks blind people out from being able to access it? Even if the price comes down and/or exemptions for accessibility apps are specified and reasonable, upholding that restriction means deliberately giving blind users less of a product. Also, stereotypes that people with disabilities don't or shouldn't enjoy this content are bad enough without companies deliberately preventing access.


Yes agree. I had 2 NSFW subs that are technically still open but this is a brand spanking new account cuz I probably won’t be able to participate (much less mod) r/KinkCity and r/TheRedRoomOfKink after the 30. Shame. Imma miss those subs!!!!


Hasta la bye-bye, everyone! Hope karma kicks u/spez's ass one day.


I uploaded a trollge incident on r/trollge called "TNEDICNI ZEPS UOY ETAH I EHT" and it is about what to do if you see spez in real life,it looks pretty good and I recommend checking it out.


Add r/IsTodayThursdaythe20 and r/CatsWhoScream to the list. The decision to go private early was made after Apollo announced its shutdown.


I do think the protest should be longer, but that's due to the recent War Thunder protest which achieved limited goals and were highly propagandized by both sympathetic and unsympathetic parties. I will go without my r/me_irlgbtq memes and posts for 2 days. Probably will continue further until I'm seriously bored xD


Goodbye Reddit! See you all in a few days, maybe longer.


Been an honour ladies and gentlemen, still undecided on if I should delete completely come the 30th, but I'll be watching the news with optimism. Enjoy the productivity this provides this week!


/r/catpranks is down indefinitely. 237,288 users. Fuck /u/spez


I'm a mod on r/SMG4Archive and I decided to join the protest. If r/SMG4 goes private for Reddit related issues, then my subreddit will also get the same treatment. Same with it going public.


/r/googlecloud going private now archive of the discussion with mods and community: - https://archive.is/1dW3E


https://preview.redd.it/8ur9nmmy9k5b1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde7df9121561216b2b14bef2e6fc6918dd4ece0 ❤️from r/Webkinz supporting this!


I reckon it shouldn't have been a black-out but instead non-compliance... every mod stop modding, turn off all the mod-tools and auto-mods. Let's see how the admins like those apples...


So it's been brought to my attention that apparently people on mobile can't see the reason as to why a sub has made private. For example on r/TheWalkingDeadGame we have a message [like this](https://imgur.com/a/QcyUXXz) that appears when you check the sub on desktop, but apparently [it looks like this on mobile](https://imgur.com/a/j8soEdI). This has led to a ton of people not knowing why the sub has gone private. How would I go about leaving in a description for the mobile version?


This is such a disgrace from reddit and the CEO even thinks it'll pass. Dude, you really need a reality check!


/r/Facebookscience extending the blackout beyond the original planned 48 hours.


Not a mod, but r/Frozen is contributing to the effort and has gone dark a couple of hours ago. Don't know when they will be online


Has the idea of blacking out 2 days every week been out there. I can't imagine advertisers being happy at losing profits 2 days every week. The reddit CEO is telling his employees that this will pass. This may be a while to show that it won't.


Absolutely waste of a fucking time (For Reddit mods this is not a problem I guess since they do nothing all day anyways). Mods are no more than middle management demonstrating their abuse of power right now. Enjoy this while you can. All this is doing is inconveniencing majority of users. Pathetic demonstration of "protest"


It saddens me that most of the comments on this post seem to be from a loud minority that's angry at the moderators rather than Reddit.


It’s actually a lot larger than you would think. Some subs (like the larger sports subs NFL and NBA) are very supportive of voting out the mods. A lot of people were eager to join the 48 hour blackout but felt frustrated they were forced to participate in indefinite blackouts.


Bb gg


Goodbye everyone! I will be sure to join the discord servers listed


I will only see this sub, oeta do the blackout guys! Reddit can't wothout us!!!


Woud love a Tildes inviet.


No idea if we need to actually register subreddits going dark on a list anywhere, but r/JakAndDaxter is now private.


r/MarriedAtFirstSight (95k) and r/MAFS_TV (22k) are joining the frey. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarriedAtFirstSight/comments/147aff2/rmarriedatfirstsight\_is\_joining\_the\_blackout/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarriedAtFirstSight/comments/147aff2/rmarriedatfirstsight_is_joining_the_blackout/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFS\_TV/comments/147al4x/rmafs\_tv\_is\_joining\_the\_blackout\_protest\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFS_TV/comments/147al4x/rmafs_tv_is_joining_the_blackout_protest_against/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ![gif](giphy|3oxHQpJKupQXsmU1JS|downsized)


Just now realizing that if you put a message in the community description when your subreddit goes private, the message is not seen in the official app. Kind of disappointing.


None of these instructions make sense for someone using an Ipad. I don’t understand how do to this, make things private, when using an Ipad. All I want is to correct this issue, and understand if the Maura Murray page will still be accessible. Please help me correct this problem.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/chinavisa] [\/r\/chinavisa stands in solidarity with the Reddit protest](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chinavisa/comments/1492sfc/rchinavisa_stands_in_solidarity_with_the_reddit/) - [/r/cusco] [Reddit Blackout 2023 - Save 3rd Party Apps!](https://www.reddit.com/r/cusco/comments/1486q8o/reddit_blackout_2023_save_3rd_party_apps/) - [/r/forhonor] [\/r\/ForHonor is now private. See you on the 15th, Warriors.](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/147byvf/rforhonor_is_now_private_see_you_on_the_15th/) - [/r/fortnitebr] [!! Subreddit Mods !!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1482rb2/subreddit_mods/) - [/r/gachafnaf] [!! SUBREDDIT MODS !!](https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaFnaf/comments/148214o/subreddit_mods/) - [/r/kreekcraft] [!! SUBREDDIT MODS !!](https://www.reddit.com/r/KreekCraft/comments/1482tv2/subreddit_mods/) - [/r/mysingingmonsters] [!! SUBREDDIT MODS !!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MySingingMonsters/comments/1482lxc/subreddit_mods/) - [/r/pokemoncards] [!! SUBREDDIT MODS !!](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemoncards/comments/1482n1g/subreddit_mods/) - [/r/psvr2] [In case you're wondering why this sub does not allow you to post or comment, read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/psvr2/comments/148gdvf/in_case_youre_wondering_why_this_sub_does_not/) - [/r/puerhtea] [We're going dark for the June 12th-14th protest of Reddit's planned API changes for 3rd party apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/puerhtea/comments/147ikia/were_going_dark_for_the_june_12th14th_protest_of/) - [/r/sypherpk] [!! SUBREDDIT MODS !!](https://www.reddit.com/r/sypherpk/comments/1482jhw/subreddit_mods/) - [/r/u_sporad1c_s3x_acc0unt] [#Save3rdPartyApps in Reddit. Save your right to host your video content. Don't let Reddit sell your information as if they were Facebook](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Sporad1c_S3x_Acc0unt/comments/147biv9/save3rdpartyapps_in_reddit_save_your_right_to/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


my small sub r/oobleckcats will be joining the protest and will not reopen until 3rd party apps are saved


/r/partymusic going dark (6.2k)


Is reddit locking posts that tell people about the blackout? Everytime I click on a subreddit post that reminds people about the blackout, the post seems to be locked.




r/Hummingbirds has gone dark. 12k members and ranked in the top 5% by size.


I hope this will be successfull.


Time for me to be apart of this. Going to need to cut down my reddit use, unless Reddit is willing to save our 3rd party apps.


Keep it going until they comply


after 9 years of using reddit. fuck this shit, im out. Aaron Swartz is rolling in his grave.


Seems like the admins have intervened - they just reopened a sub and demodded the top mod/person who closed it. https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/148aw58/radviceanimals_just_had_the_top_mods_permissions/ edit: fuck, was too dumb to screenshot the original. These should do, though https://old.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/148ba7k/the_cia_did_it_first_ulegweed/jnzbcxi/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/148980b/in_protest_against_reddit_being_unwholesome_no/jnz4wjx/


Where can we track the boycott demands progress?


Just move platform? Is groups.io or Discord a better place? Dunno. Most of these platforms get screwed up eventually.


Hey putting this out there because now the time might be appropriate for an open-source version of reddit. Being transparent, I am the contributor behind this open-source project all Glitch: [https://github.com/Glitch-Gaming-Platform](https://github.com/Glitch-Gaming-Platform) It was originally meant for gaming and combines the functionality of both Reddit and Twitch. An example of a Glitch community is this: [https://anamazingwizard.glitch.fun/](https://anamazingwizard.glitch.fun/) Might this be the right time to take the open-source project and see what it can do for larger scale projects?


Edited in protest of mid-2023 policy changes.


This is something that should be talked up and down about here but isnt? https://www.techdirt.com/2023/01/24/how-the-friedman-doctrine-leads-to-the-enshittification-of-all-things/ Enshittification.


I get that the API changes are bullshit, but at least let people view old posts. Blocking subs completely is like burning down a fucking library. So much information now lost...


It's doing more harm than good at this point. I'm trying to access info on r/homeimprovement going back 10 years for my current project and I can't see anything. Kind of a bad protest if I'm more angry at the cause than corporate reddit.


Exactly. I’m in process of closing on a home and so many links refer back to that sub. Just hurting the users at this point


Yeah I can't get behind this. Basically mods power tripping. If they don't want to mod without third party apps they can just stop being a mod. It's autistic to ruin the site for everyone else just because your throwing a temper tantrum against the owners of the site.


If you want to fuck with him if he stays, then go on r/NoiseProtest


It is so sad…


I still can't figure out what this will mean for me. I run the page of our family brand and share what we do. We are from Ukraine and it is very important for us to be seen in the USA. Recently, I really see that there are fewer and fewer people on Reddit. Is it forever now?


my fav subreddit is now down.. ;-;


Can someone explain what all these subreddits plan on doing after this 48 hour protest is over ? Just back to business as usual ? *edit* So this whole thing is just about money ? >Allowing third-party apps to run their own ads would be critical (given this is how most are funded vs subscriptions). Reddit could just make an ad SDK and do a rev split.


>Allowing third-party apps to run their own ads would be critical (given this is how most are funded vs subscriptions). Reddit could just make an ad SDK and >do a rev split. > >Bringing the API pricing down to the point ads/subscriptions could realistically cover the costs. These are really the crux of the issue, from Reddit's pov as far as I can tell. If people have to use Reddit's app, then they get any and all money from ads... which is the only way they themselves make money and I'm not saying they are hurting for money just stating that fact. Reddit should definitely improve their own app, especially when it comes to accessibility for blind people though, that is just a given. It should just be improved to the point where it is the objectively best way to access reddit on mobile devices honestly. Then they wouldn't even have this issue. >Commitment to adding features to the API; image uploads/chat/notifications. This is just being greedy on the community's part honestly. Like sickeningly so. If that is something that Reddit wants to keep as features of their official app to incentivize people to use their product to access their product... that is fine. Companies should be able to have features in their official apps that 3rd party apps don't have.


No. Reddit has had years to improve their app. 3rd art apps exist because Reddit produced a crappy product. It's not greed to want to use a product the world for your needs. Like blind people having apps that actually work with the tools they need to use Reddit. Reddit app doesn't work for them and hasn't for YEARS.


Can you fuck off reddit im trying to research for my trip to florida and all the subreddits are closed because of your shitty decision-making.


Hey, Reddit is back up. What comments and posts did /u/spez change while we were gone?


I've had issues that I can't solve because subreddits are private. I saw one community that just locks new posts from being created, and I'm genuinely wondering why wasn't that the plan? If the demands aren't met will years of information just be forever inaccessible?


I'm sorry, this is a genuine question my part: what is a "third party Reddit app"? Like, I literally never heard of those before. What are they used for? Doesn't everyone use the standard Reddit app? What's the difference?


Apollo/Reddit Is Fun/etc. Any app that is used to access Reddit content, allow users to comment/post/interact/etc. Difference is often in features and usability. The official Reddit app is kinda terrible, and they don’t listen to users when they make their decisions. It’s also horribly invasive from a privacy perspective, not to mention all the ads.


Yo guys can anybody tell me if this worked


I support this protest.


I moderate r/dayz (\~430k members) and the avg user does not understand AT ALL what is going on. Even though our and many subreddits had a sticky post, our mod mail is flooded by people wanting to join the set to private community. We have the blackout at the top of our description even so when you open it up you see a big fat info .... This is not working out folks, anybody who is not immediately affected has no awareness of this protest and they all seem unable to read anyway. People just want some memes they can consume semi brain afk. People continue to use reddit as normally, they just go onto other subreddits that are not set to private. Given how badly the AMA went, this whole thing is lost. Those who relied on thrid party apps need to move on I guess and the rest has to pray to the Reddit overlords to please make the official app less shit.


> blackout at the top of our description The official app doesn’t show a reason for why a sub is private, that’s probably how most of your confused users are browsing. I saw instructions for a [modmail autoreply script](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/147b4n9/heres_a_python_modmail_auto_responder_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1); that would at least deal with the flood of messages and let the users who requested access know what’s going on.


Yep, this protest is doing nothing, and that was very predictable to everyone not living in their own little bubble. Posts and comments are down only about 20% because of the blackout. And the admins have the power to just reopen subs if it all goes on too long. I can appreciate people trying, but this was always futile.


Can someone please ELI5 how this blackout is meant to accomplish its goals? The blackout apparently ends on the 14th. So if Reddit devs don't want to meet these demands, all they have to do is wait 3 days. Meanwhile, this blackout is really just inconveniencing users who are trying to look for communities or look up info. I was looking for information on how to customize my login manager and clicked on a link to r/linux only to find that it has been made into a private community, and that requests to join "will be ignored and archived". So I can't access the information that I'm looking for, and Reddit has no real incentive to take any action at all. Firstly, again, all they have to do is wait three days. And secondly, why should they care if mods decide to blackout their own communities?




Nothing about pushshift being murdered? What a crock of shit these demands are.


I stumbled accross this post trying to understand why 2 of the subreddits I frequent the most were offline. I wish there was more posts on the topic and heads up. They had a message to say only approved members could view content and I was truly confused 😕 Good luck to everyone participating hope it works out.


Just noticed r/news and r/worldnews are staying open. That these 2 big subs are bucking the protest is interesting.


ITT. People who support the blackout. Also ITT: People who don't understand the reason for the blackout.


Man I hope this reddit blackout doesn't happen again....


I absolutely love being locked out of so many subreddits that helped me creatively. A+ protest.