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The tour has brought an influx of new members to this sub who are in for a wild ride of a realization, at least in terms of the core fandom.


They're just trying SO hard to be sexy and provocative. People who talk about fucking so much are absolutely not fucking. It's embarrassing.


Idk they do have a lot of kids


What's embarrassing is that you think Max is trying to be sexy and provocative šŸ˜‚


every time i read a post on this sub and see max defenders getting mad in the comments, they're exactly the fans he deserves


Entire family is a gross mess, not surprising


Max and Sherri sure, the kids have zero control


I see some of yā€™all might be new here


Do you guys not listen to rap? Cardi B is a mom and says things far racier than ā€œIā€™m gonna get myself off.ā€ Itā€™s not the content I have a problem with - itā€™s the stupidity and the bad music.


I'm not on either side of this discussion. BUT, Cardi B has stated multiple times she doesn't let her kids listen to most her music.


I mean she's just an example of my general point of contention with this pearl clutching. Substitute any other rapper, performer, actress, etc. who has children but deals with adult subject matter in their art. I think the song is bad and juvenile, but I don't like the idea that women artists need to become Puritans if they have kids.


I agree so much with this. The Madonna/Whore complex is rampant within female musicianship fans. The song isn't good, it is in poor taste, but Sherri doesn't have to sit and think "what will my kids think when they hear this song?" before writing or performing every song. Of course it's totally okay if she does take her children into account! The song sucks, but I don't particularly give a shit that she wants to be known as a sexual being who is also a mother.


Iā€™m surprised such a blatantly gendered/sexist take is being upvoted tbh. Max has the same exact kids as Sherri but no one is posting that he shouldnā€™t play Wow I Can Get Sexual Too.


There are absolutely people who think that.


I get what you are saying but, come on. Do you really think Cardi Bs kids are on stage with her like Sherri??? We got the baby doing snow angels on the nasty floor of the venue and the other littlest one ON STAGE with their mother. Is that not fucking weird? A mom and a little toddler singing ā€œIā€™m gonna get myself offā€.


Did this actually happen? Because in your OP you talking about imagining it. Like, is there an actual toddler child singing this on stage?


No, it didn't happen, there is a video on this sub of when they played that song in Dallas and the kid wasn't on stage singing it with her.


Word, so I really donā€™t know what weā€™re even talking about then. OP imagined a scenario and now weā€™re all supposed to be disgusted about the fictional thing they dreamed up?


Yeah it's nuts, OP is a **superfan** that knows the kid was on stage for *I Want to Know Your Plans* in Houston and also that Sherri was on stage for *I, Vibrator* in Dallas on two seperate nights. They're trying to mush the two events together to make it seem like they had their kid singing sexual lyrics when, in reality, that never took place.


If you really canā€™t see what Iā€™m saying here then I donā€™t know what to tell you. Sherri, herself, shares it all online via social media. I just have two daughters around the same ages as Lucy and Coraline and I would not want my kids to imagine those words about their parents. And to have to watch them talk about their sex life for a bunch of icky men like you. Just like you have an opinion about this band and family. I have my opinion. And Iā€™m not thinking like a dude fan, im looking at as someone who used to think Sherri was talented and wonderful and cool. Now, sheā€™s just a fucking breeder who does whatever her perverted mentally ill, asshole husband tells her to. Itā€™s gross! This is the real problem here, itā€™s not about imagining the kids singing this. Itā€™s about Max purposefully humiliating his wife. The line about Chris Martin. Itā€™s like he has a deep hate for her. Makes me sad.


I'm not a man.... I'm also not here for the sex talk. My comment had nothing to do with your perspective. You said Sherri and her youngest were on stage singing "I'm gonna get my self off" together and that didn't happen. That's not an *opinion* you can hold because it is on video and didn't happen. You can say and do whatever you want but spreading misinformation just because is dangerous.


Actually I NEVER said I saw this. I said it was gross to think about. Historically, they have always made their tours so family themed with the kids on the bus and coming out on stage. I have seen every single kid on stage with her thru the years. You hear your mom singing ā€œIā€™m gonna get myself offā€ in a pretty voice over and over. You are going to want to sing along. I NEVER said it really happened. Nor was I implying that it did. I simply said it was icky. Iā€™m an adult and it made me uncomfortable to watch her sing that.


Ma'am, you said it in your initial reply to this comment chain. >"...and the other littlest one ON STAGE with their mother. Is that not fucking weird? A mom and a little toddler singing ā€œIā€™m gonna get myself offā€."


That entire Chris Martin line is about how she already had the attention of a famous artist by the time he had barely started a band. It's about how she's out of his league. The only my person with a deep hatred of her is you, who can't stop obsessing over people that don't even know you exist. Go back to your gated community and tell your husband to pay more attention to you or something, because lady, you are a fucking drag.


Actually, the only person I hate in this situation is Max. He ruined her. Itā€™s sad and pathetic that his loser fans donā€™t see that.


So ... Let me get this straight. You hate Max Bemis. And youā€™re expressing that by joining his bandā€™s sub, creating posts, criticizing Maxā€™s family, leaving negative comments, and arguing with SA fans ā€” but *weā€™re* the sad and pathetic ones? Lady, you need a hobby.


Your kids arenā€™t meant to sing every song. They have plenty of songs where their mom sings that are way more appropriate.


ā€¦ā€¦.. you donā€™t make art so your kids can sing along to it. You make art because you want to say something. Should all parents stop being provocative in any way just because they have children? Itā€™s not a good album but this is such a lukewarm and weird take.


...the song is literally a metaphor for something else. It's not about what everyone thinks it is about.


oh well thank god, that just makes it so much better!


Better call the pmrc lookin ass


Another really stupid comment that doesnā€™t get it. Why am I trying to reason with Max Bemis fans!?šŸ¤¤


Get what? You made up a whole ass scenario about the kids singing the song on stage. Here's a few other songs the kids can sing on stage: Wow I can get sexual too Every man has a molly. Church channel. Go touch grass, herb.


On stage. Off stage. I guarantee that those kids have sung that song. I didnā€™t make up shit. Iā€™m disgusted by Max and the disrespect to his wife.


Do you think he held a gun to her head and made her sing it? Really you guarantee it? You are fabricating scenarios based on your opinions of a song explicitly.


No. I am using patterns and evidence.


Why are you even here??


Not defending them as a family or him as a person? But why would he or anyone think about their daughters within a 10 foot radius of this song. Thereā€™s crazy shit on the radio, and all around kids that they can overhear. If they are in earshot I would hope a conversation could be had about how it is adult oriented, to not sing it, and leave it at that.


Wow, this is a very weird OP and thread. You people get way too personal and mean.


Uhhh, how is this a mean and personal comment. Iā€™d say Max is the one being mean to his wife in front of lots of strangers.


Why do you want to imagine a scenario like this? Does he talk about his kids singing this song or is that something you made up?


It's really not a hard scenario to imagine. They bring their kids on tour with them, they're always off to the side singing along. So, outside of not playing the song live, it's not outside the realm of possibility at all


Actually, itā€™s fine not to make a post about this scenario. Even better than fine, itā€™s actually good to fight that impulse and not make the post.


Itā€™s even better to fight the impulse to MAKE a song like this. Max is gross. And you folks are gross for stanning so hard.


Is your justification for this post because someone else is worse?


if thatā€™s what makes you feel better about upvoting pedo (anti)fanfic on Reddit be my guest!


Calm down, Max


Once again, Max is the one creating pedo fanfic. How is the thought of an innocent child wanting to sing along to a song written by her parents?! I have kids and sing songs with them all the time. Are you delusional?


I did not make up the fact that you wrote ā€œimagineā€¦ā€ and came up with your own made up scenario about kids singing along to sexual songs. If this was real you wouldnā€™t have to ask people to imagine it. If you canā€™t see how this post contributes to the issue of sexualizing kids then you are deluding yourself.


He has written about his daughter Lucy (who is like 10) sexually in the past yes


He definitely has a weird thing going on with Lucy. The nurture vs nurture podcast with him and Sherri has some choice comments about how he feels about her (kids names are changed for privacy but Lucy = Jean) ā€œIt's just that I'm pulled in two different directions. Most of me is with Sherri, but there's a small nagging voice that goes, you're betraying your daughter. She's going to grow up and become a prostitute.ā€


In what song?


Not a song. One of his comic books. Lucy Dreaming.


Oh do you know what he says or have a link? I just canā€™t find it


Itā€™s a whole convoluted thing, that essentially boils down to Max writing a self insert character that the character his daughter is based on falls in love with and they take pills and have sex. One of the most unhinged things that heā€™s ever done.




Thatā€™s not what this post is about is it. Itā€™s about imagining his kids singing a song about getting off. Or are you saying that because he wrote about his kids sexually people of Reddit get to come up with new imaginary scenarios to sexualize those actual kids? Pretty disgusting idea honestly


Ummm no. Thatā€™s exactly what this post is about. Pretty sad youā€™re defending this behavior and shows the exact type of person you are


How is singing along to a song written by your parents sexualizing anyone!?! I simply thought, itā€™s a song. Kids like songs. They donā€™t know what they are saying. They just want to be part of what their parents are part of and the tune is fun and catchy. Jeez.


This is the most ridiculous response ever. Do kids not sing along to music? Especially a musical family like theirs. Jeez. šŸ« šŸ™„


Itā€™s so fucking funny lol. Like rappers have kids and all their songs are way, way worse This sub legitimately is just filled with hater gossip queens now. Itā€™s so cringe


Do rappers take their kids on stage with them???


Google might help with this?


Yes? And Max wonā€™t bring them up for this song. You just created a situation in your head and got angry at it


Yeah like why even fucking follow this sub if all they do is bitch, moan and talk shit. Max and his family truly live rent free in these peopleā€™s heads.


The fact they canā€™t even see how unhinged a post OP is, is very very telling lol Just delusional obsessive weirdos


Agreed! This sub sucks ass lol. Life was better when we had MySpace, not this vitriolic cess pool of people hating on people they donā€™t even know. šŸ˜‚ itā€™s laughable how these ā€œfansā€ hate them so much that they take time out of their day to spew bullshit online, shows they have nothing happening in their lives. Get a lifeā€¦ā€¦


Stop sexualizing actual kids in Reddit posts


i did NOT expect the Say Anything subreddit to be full of pearl clutchers but itā€™s been really entertaining to watch the past few weeks.


they're the worst type of hypocrites.


I swear to christ these crybabies have to be younger. No way would they have survived the 90's/2000's with their delicate sensibilities. Marilyn Manson used to drink piss on-stage. Bloodhound gang was a thing. Dont like what Max wrote? Don't listen. But please, stop whining and annoying everyone here. Better yet, make a new subreddit where you can cry to each other about all the music you don't approve of, then leave the rest of us alone.


Marilyn Manson turned out to be a violent rapist. So. The Bemis parent duo have done much worse to each other and their children than write these stupid songs. Just saying.


If they're such terrible people, why are you even here? If you really felt they were bad people, seems you would steer clear of this sub.


Well considering they still owe people I know things they paid for and I used to be a huge Say Anything/Max Stan, I keep up on the chaos of what used to be such an integral part of my life hoping something will change for the better


They've gotta be like 13 bruh


Seriously. "OMG, he's so cringe and so disrespectful to his wife .. who sings on the track and performs it live with him."


Imo Brianā€™s part is the worst part. I sing out loud at work all the time and I donā€™t want my co workers hearing me say ā€œdate rapeā€. So I sing Grape Ape


I feel like this was an ultimatum. Sherri has had enough of Max's shit and said they were caput unless he made a bunch of songs about how bad he wants to fuck her. Okay obviously this is a joke, but it's as good an explanation as I have.


Yeah, I feel like Max in On Cum saying ā€œI only get off to Sherri Dupreeā€ā€¦ā€¦ he did that with like a gun to his head right lol