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I must be in the minority that doesn't really care if they play "Wow" or not


I just know wayyyyy too many people that were upset that they didn’t play it


Yeah, a lot of people talked about that as we were leaving. Personally I'm much happier having heard A Walk Through Hell live.


Omg this will break me if I don’t hear a walk through hell… and I may get attacked for this but man - what i wouldn’t give to also hear a few songs from “in defense of the genre”


I didn't get to hear either of those in philly


I just appreciate whatever I can get at his point, we're not owed anything from max and he has been sick.


Yeah when that song came out it was 100% novelty for me, and when my closest friend didn’t like it, the novelty immediately wore off and I was left feeling like maybe Max was just trying a little too hard to fit in, maybe have his cake and eat it too?


There’s a crap ton of good songs on this album. That song can be fun to sing, but I don’t get the constant posts about it lol.


I was at this show front and center, and it was one of the best moments of my life. Amazing show. If you love the music, it was 1000 percent worth it. Max fought through illness and and absolutely delivered. All the negativity is ridiculous and I don't understand it. I could have gone an another hour or two with the show but it had to end and I look forward to the next show/tour. Wife and i had our first date at the 10 year anniversary, and it was beyond magical to relive that moment.


Uhh 😭 “the show wasn’t bad” is disheartening but I’m so glad I found this subreddit and am able to set my expectations a bit lower and hope I am pleasantly surprised. I saw a statement last night that he retired the song a long time ago but I guess he has played it here and there. I’ve been reading that max isn’t a fan of his fan base, not sure how true that is, I am not up to date on his private life so to me I’m stuck in 2004. Edit: I went to Elton John’s yellow brick road goodbye tour and had a euphoric experience, never rocked out so hard, I looked nuts…he had so much energy and his vocals were fire and he was recovering from hip surgery…. Idk what’s going on with say anything but I’ll ride the nostalgia wave !!!


Yeah, he played it for a few shows during this tour. I was just shocked because it’s such a wildly popular song off of that album so for him to not play it was off. Also, the set went by super quick. Felt like he only played half the songs from the album.


He plays the entire album. The last track on the original release of IARB is admit it.


Could definitely see alot of confusion and mild disappointment when the lights came on. People in here really be on the "🤓🤓 it's a bonus track" train, but like let's all be real: it's the biggest hit yhe band ever had and the reason alot of people discovered the album in the first place.


“Alive” is their biggest hit


they also played it when they did a ten year reunion of this album, so I was expecting to hear it again regardless


it's also a really aggressively bad song lol can't blame em, that shit is mega cringe


But it’s a shitty song


Ya I get it, I’d be disappointed too. I’ve seen several set lists and it seemed pretty thin


It’s the album plus a few for the encore, why are people surprised?


Because most headlining bands play 20-25 songs in a set, not 15. 


Yeah but it’s a reunion tour for a specific album, of which they played all of.


I mean.. I’ve been to four concerts this year including SA. TDWP (headliner of first show) played 13 songs, Movements (headliner for second show) played 15 songs, Say Anything played 15 songs, BVB (headliner for fourth show) played 14 songs. I was supposed to go see Bayside but wasn’t able to, they played 21 songs. It’s not unusual for a band to play a 15-song set.


I swear some of y'all were at a different show. homie killed it


He refuses to play "WICGST" because of the me too movement. https://www.altpress.com/say_anything_max_bemis_song_retired/#:~:text=Bemis%20took%20to%20Twitter%20to,other%20difficult%20and%20delicate%20situations


But if that was the case than why did he play it at multiple shows on this tour already?


I can understand his reasoning but it looks like he played it at each show prior to Philadelphia


I wasn't aware of that. I just remember hearing this a few years back and assuming he still hates it. I hope he got over it, especially for THIS tour.


Yeah he didn’t play it in Pitt, Columbus , or Philly


he abandoned that years ago 😅