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Or the transaction email is fake.


My guess is It’s not a transaction at a literal McDonalds, the transaction is being labeled as “McDonalds” so that people won’t notice it on their bank statements.


That’s what I was thinking, but then it was also weird because I know McDonald’s doesn’t use Square right?




Even some places that don’t use square as their primary will keep one around if their primary network is having issues, or


McDonald’s does not take square. It’s a scam email.


There’s no way McDonalds uses Square. McDonald’s is a massive payment processor that would never give Square a cut of their revenue, and franchises are forced to use the total McDonald’s system. They are not allowed to deviate especially with something this critical to the business. Square is designed for small businesses to accept cards, not massive corporations like McDonald’s. Final red flag is that the card number was keyed in, not swiped. McDonald’s would never do that. This person’s card has been compromised. They should cancel it immediately and talk to their bank’s fraud team.


Yeah McDonald’s processor is insanely fast…prob an in house thing


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted on this comment. I would say there’s no way McDonalds takes square. I used this to process transactions selling Girl Scout cookies in front of Lowe’s. I’ve seen it used at craft fairs and things like that. Plus, the McDonalds company itself says pretty clearly they don’t take it. https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/mobile-order-and-pay.html#:~:text=Use%20your%20preferred%20debit%20or,app%20download%20and%20registration%20required. Email is fake. Do not click on any of the links.


You need to check your credit cards, debit cards for the charges and cancel the card. If you opened an attachment in the email, you could have infected your computer, run your antivirus program.


My coworker opened the email on their iPhone, I don’t think Apple devices can get that many malware or viruses right? I’ve been an iPhone user my whole life and the only problem I’ve run into was that whole calendar thing


Do not EVER assume ANYTHING is malware proof unless its a freakin tennis ball. Also...please explain to your co worker about basic internet security...opened an attachment from a random email...sheesh


I got something like this a while ago. I ignored it since I’ve never been to California. Figured it was some kind of phishing scam.


Like someone else said: call the emergency telephone line of your bank. If this is happening to you and you are sure you neither one of your familymembers have paid at McDonalds, and your first idea is to post it here, there is something seriously wrong with you. In the meantime your whole bankaccount/card could be compromised and you are here waiting for some 15-year old kid to give you advice? Btw: I do big projects for international banks on IAM and cybersecurity.


We both work graveyard shift so getting to a bank or calling them at the time I uploaded wasn’t an option. They’re going first thing when we get off. I just wanted to get other peoples opinions before they go to their bank


What you can first do is block your cards through banking app - unless you already have. Then go to forums.


I thought that was one of the main purposes of this sub. And it seems to do a good job at that, since people seem to answer more quickly here than just about any other internet forum I've seen. And remember - not everybody knows as much as you do!


If nowadays is going online, is the first pavlov reaction people have... this world is doomed. There is something like common sense. Well at least my generation was taught that in school. Something similair happened to me. Don't use my cc much but when I checked it, there were suddenly a lot of unknown charges on it. I immediatly called the bank. Under 3 minutes it was resolved, unknown charges were cancelled, my cc was blocked and a new one was on its way to me. If your house is on fire: are you going to call the firedepartment or are you going to r/houseonfire to ask what to take with you from the house first? And then call the fire department because some 12-year old said it would perhaps be a good idea to do.


Things have changed. Sometimes for the better, some things 🤷‍♀️. When it takes two parents working to create a minimal life the kids spend their days in a group setting with a low adult to kid ratio. Unfortunately, early on kids learn to rely on peers to solve life’s problems big and small. Crowd sourcing becomes ingrained. This was not a choice to be raised this way, it has become a necessity and in my experience, few parents recognize the damage that can be done when kids are in effect raising other kids. They reinvent the wheel often and get little role modeling of mature adult problem solving. I’ve seen older adults complaining about younger folks “discovering” some solution that has been around for generations. The complaint is “didn’t anyone teach you that!?”. No, often, there is no one teaching them that. Want to start addressing these issues? Look to the distribution of wages.


Is it their card?


Yes it’s their card. They got confused so they asked me if it was real but I told them McDonald’s doesn’t use square


Well, just to be on the safe side, it would be a good idea to tell them to double-check their card account and review the recent activity.