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Comments locked. This thread has run its course and recent comments are too often just people mocking/blaming the victims. We are here to help victims, not mock them. **Rule 1:** Please ensure that all your posts and comments in this subreddit are civil and use appropriate and respectful language at all times. Flaming, name-calling, bullying, harassment, or anything else that could break site-wide rules or offend or disturb others is prohibited. Regardless of whether a scam has been posted here once or a thousand times, remember there is a real person behind the screen. We are a landing page for people new to Reddit, and people in crisis. Be kind, not snarky.


Report it to Amazon immediately, don't wait.


1000% This. they’ll give a refund likely no questions asked.


You severely underestimate how bad Amazon has been with returns the last few years...


I can attest to this. Ordered a Legion, got a Chromebook. When I asked for a refund, they kept insisting they didn’t get it back even when my UPS tracker said it was delivered. Took me 3 months to fight for my money back.


I haven’t had to return anything in a while but in my experience their customer service is excellent and they will side with you, since they seem to prioritize customer satisfaction over everything else. Sorry for this being a bit long winded but I wanted to share my experience. A couple years ago I was buying a new TV and when the order was 2 weeks late they suggested I request a replacement and assuming it was lost in transit, I did, so imagine my surprise when 2 brand new 1000 dollar TV’s appear on my doorstep on the same day. I asked them what to do with the second and they just told me to keep it, so now my parents also have a brand new TV. (Well now it’s a few years old but still) I can’t imagine any other storefront that would just hand wave that kind of thing away like no big deal. You’d think they’d force you to return it or pay for it to keep it. Now of course I’m not blind to Amazon’s atrocious business practices but I do think think their customers service is well above average and they definitely deserve credit for that. Of course that’s my experience I’m sure others in different parts of the world have had issues I just can’t speak to that.


> in a while but in my experience their customer service is excellent and they will side with you, since they seem to prioritize customer satisfaction over everything else Must have been a long while.


My package was delivered to the wrong house. Pics were included. All I could get was a chat bot that made me wait a full day to file a complaint. It's like c'mon, I have the pics the driver took


My thought exactly when I read to, “A couple of years ago…”


That’s exactly what I was thinking…I’d be shocked if they gave him a refund at all lol


I got a full refund for over $500 in computer parts a couple months ago because they delivered to the wrong address, I still got the parts and told them that but they wanted to refund me anyways. Maybe it’s just your region or something


This is indeed the most important. The longer you wait, the longer the process/investigation will take. Just go for it immediately, my brother works for customer service and they have this problem every time. Follow the tracking code, delivered 3 days ago, reported just now. They HAVE to ask questions they wouldn't have to ask otherwise. JUST REPORT OMG


Contact Amazon and return that immediately. The seller is breaking all kinds of Amazon rules. Also don't buy shit that's clearly a scam. $1000 off a major tool? That's either stolen, broken or a brick in a box at best.


Seems like such a strange game to play with $2000 on the line. "Well surely we'll be refunded and this won't cost us a penny, so let's get scammed!"


I've seen so many of those in other sub dedicated to tech, like Headphone or PC parts. Someone will make a post asking about a product that is like 50% of typical price and whether it's a scam. 100% of the replies said Yes it's a scam, and then the poster would still went ahead and order it "just in case it's for real, and I will just get a refund if it's fake or scam.". Cue Pikachu-surprised-face when it turned out to be a scam and then have tons of trouble of getting the refund because of some other dumb shit they've done


Somebody on the scams subreddit linked a persons tiktok asking if it was a scam. The TikTok’s were all just a teenager in a ski mask fanning money with a link to pay them so that “you can know how to do it too” I said yeah. If it was so effective they wouldn’t need to be selling you bullshit to make money and what on earth about a teenager in a ski mask throwing money around seems legit to you? OP replied and said, “ok but have you bought from him or are you just saying?” And I said I haven’t, but I don’t need to get bitten by a shark to know it hurts. OP didn’t reply until a month later and said “you were right, it’s a scam, I lost 1000$” Some people just can’t be helped.


One kid asking if the marketplace ads is a scam: “my son died and I just want to give away his X-box to someone who will enjoy it. Pay for shipping and I’ll send it.” This kid said it’s just $50, if it’s real I’ll get a new X-box. Of course he’s just giving a scammer $50. Some people you really can’t help.


I've never heard anybody mention they had a good experience on the FB marketplace. Every time I hear somebody mention it, it involves scams. I don't know how people keep using it without doing any research.


my sister gets great stuff all the time but she’s thorough and not impulsive. she also has some random thrifting magic inside of her that i don’t understand


Does she stick to in person, in cash, in a public place, in daylight? People scamming don't like those rules. People selling sketchy junk in person don't like them, but may still try to get you to buy - but that's where *your* skill in knowing what you're buying comes in.


i think it’s mostly that she asks a LOT of questions beforehand and disengages immediately with sob stories. we’re both tremendous pushovers so she’s careful to look after herself (our father was also and got scammed a few times, so she knows the signs) i don’t know pick-up details, but if she’s getting large stuff her husband goes with. i mean, i’m being honest when i say she has a magic.


I've had loads of good stuff off FB marketplace but I'm buying cheap furniture and old fish tanks, not expensive electronics. I did buy a nice computer for a very good price but I went to the guy's house, he booted it up and showed everything working, he was super nice and nerdy and gave me a free wireless keyboard and mouse that he didn't need. He'd even cleaned the whole thing for me. I would never buy any way other than meeting face to face.


I get so many ads on Youtube during the wee hours of the morning that are the same type of thing: "Don't buy another thing on Amazon until you do this! Pay me to find out how!" A few minutes later, it's another person with the same wording, same clip playing on the splitscreen with their face on the other side; repeat across 5 different people with the exact same ad but different faces. Don't know why I'm being targeted with them (unless it because of Amazon), but I'm sick of them.


And then Google, and bootlicking redditors for some weird reason, gets pissy when we use ad blockers


Does YouTube do different ads based on the time of day? Like the old as seen on tv, hair growth and penis enlargement adds that played on cable tv in the wee hours of the morning.


Like Google and Meta touting their AI and its wonderful capabilities - they can't even spot these daily rinse-and-repeat scammers, or fake ads on Marketplace that hopefully anyone could see are not legit. Use AI to help reduce scams.


It's not that they can't be helped. Some people unfortunately need to learn this lesson the hard way rather than being able to learn it from others. The "that'll never happen to me, I'm smarter than that" mentality is more rampant than ever nowadays. Skepticism and critical thinking are a hard skill to teach. Sometimes you just have to have to learn it by having life beat it into you.


Yet, these very same "smarter than everyone else" perpetual victims happily believe every piece of science-denying, conspiracy, anti-vaxx nonsense to ever appear in front of their eyes. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.


Too be fair, he now knows how he can do it to, make a video holding lots of cash and charge people to tell them how to do it too. Seems like they actually got what they paid for to me. Glad I learned for free tho


Sometimes I wonder how people can be so stupid. Like we’re the same species, how is their intelligence so low?? Like use your fuckin head buddy.


People are desperate and lazy.


It amazes me how in this day and age, people still fall for some of the old, well documented classics, like the "money doubler" scam.


Exactly. People don't seem to know that big companies' buyer-protection features aren't absolute and infinite. They don't always apply to every transaction, and can be taken away if a buyer seems to be using them too much. On eBay for example it's possible to get restricted so that the site's return policy no longer applies. Same goes with credit card chargebacks.


Good one happened to me on ebay.  Got an item that wouldnt fit on my vehicle.  Seller gave me info to return.  So i paid shipping and returned. Seller waited a day to tell me send to a different address.  Umm it's on its way bud.... Contact ebay and they sided with the seller and said this case is closed. So i was out money, sent product back so no product and cherry on top $15 in shipping.


That reminds me of the scene in Arrested Development where Tobias and Lindsey talk about how open marriages never work, and always end the marriage, but then Tobias says "But you know what, it might work for us".




If 10 people buy this product and 9 of them figure out getting refunded, that's still $2000 for the scammer, who will just keep doing this. 


It's like some weird gambling mentality.


Or just greed!! Greedy ppl are the easiest to scam because they think I'm smarter than everyone else....or I'm getting away with something. Like it's 1k below market value.


Before online shopping, con men used to do this over the phone. Before that, it was door to door salesmen. Before that, it was snake oil peddlers traveling from town to town. People just can't resist a "good deal" even when they suspect it's a scam.


You literally can’t fix stupid. They will be like that their whole lives


Literally there were a bunch of those scam GPUs in buildapcsales yesterday.


Seriously, people knowingly getting scammed and then expecting Visa/Mastercard to clean up their mess, like, no bud, you knew what you were doing,


Rich people. /shrug


They won't be rich for long with that attitude. 


If you pay with a credit card there's almost zero risk. Most cards have pretty good fraud protection now and will quickly refund the money.


They might get their money back from the bank but the scammer still gets their £2k. I'd rather they didn't profit from scamming people.


I frequently see people asking about fishing kayaks that typically run $1500-2000 being listed at like...90% off on various sites, sometimes amazon. I actually did once get a kayak off amazon for $900 (normally about $1600). It arrived. With a hole from a forklight arm going through it.


Or… being shipped from china and it’s a cheap counterfeit of a genuine brand item.


I'm in the trades. There's only about a dozen power tool manufacturers in the world and they each have dozens of brands under them. Odds are the knock off brand came off the same assembly line was just given a different color and label.


That is simply not true. There are *dozens* of power tool manufacturers in mainland China, a couple more around SE Asia, and others scattered around the world in both developed and developing countries. You may be in the trades, but I know too many people who have worked in sourcing... including of power tools. There are more than a dozen power tool manufacturers in China alone, that you've never heard of, and that have nothing to do with the major manufacturers.


Or it's going to be drop shipped with stolen funds... (cough gift cards). Even of OP is going to end up with a product, this extra steps buys the fraudsters more time to arrange the dropship.


Nope I've never seen that. But then again I wouldn't buy something I was pretty sure was a scam either.


Like the time my boss bought stamps for 1/2 off on ebay. I told him it was a scam before he bought and it was.


If you are talking about postage stamps, then yeah ebay has a lot of outrageous listings, I saw one selling an old stamp worth about 4 dollars for a 100000 dollars


In this case it was discounted but current production. He never got them.


I actually did the same for forever stamps knowing it was a scam, but that was $20, not $2000 and I actually got a refund.


A local auction house I go to sells discounted stamps (like 10 bucks a book so not a big discount but most of their retail is like that).  So their is a secondary market for regular ass stamps but I have no clue where they come from.


a lot of the time stolen


oh, I thought you were talking about those old stamps which are expensive


Sounds like money laundering to me


How cheap do you have to be to try to get sketchy discounted stamps?


People ask us at the window in the post office whether its a scam or not. They 100% are a scam, but they look like legit stamps. They're usually sold in rolls of 100 for $68 so a lot of older people will buy them at half off thinking they're getting a deal. The post office has a process in the plants that weed out those stamps and in the DMM they're considered abandoned and trashed. This is straight from the USPIS site as well "USPS is fighting back against counterfeit postage. With new changes to the Domestic Mail Manual, items mailed with counterfeit postage will be considered abandoned and are subject to being opened and disposed of at the Postal Service's discretion."


Oof. Hopefully those folks aren't shipping anything too important like a check or an end of life decree of love or smth.


I think .. and this is my opinion, that if USPS has the capabilities to tell which are fake then they have the capability of delivering as a postage due for collection just in case of events like you just described. I am but a lowly clerk with no 10 year plan of failure though, so what do I know.


He bought single ply paper towels from amazon instead of going to the sams club to get regular ones because he was too lazy to drive there. We are a one minute drive away. He did not save money


Oh that stuff is criminal. Nothing like paper you can SEE through and that rips at the slightest pressure.


A lot of collectors sell current stamps at discount. In order to get a block of 4, which is how a lot of collectors collect, you need to buy a full sheet. They then have 16 stamps they don't need, and most try and sell this to recoup some of their costs. Go to Amy stamp show and you will see most booths will have a box of discount postage.


you can actually sometimes buy lots of oldish unused stamps for 75% of face value, i used to do it a lot to send letters to my friends


*Our service has no end*


and no beginning, either.


*We are so happy to be scamming you!*


What does that even mean?


They’ll keep stringing you along forever


Please please contact us


Yeah fake pamphlet for sure. Highly sus


***"We both had a feeling it was fake because it had no reviews and was $1K off the original price. But he bought it anyway . . ."*** Say what???


So anyway... I started spending.


Did you pay the Toll Troll?


Gotta pay the troll toll to get into this economic hole


Right?? Hey op what other items do you need? I can get you anything 50% off. I only take crypto as payment. Totally legit. Trust me bro


Pretty sure this a scam but...


This is what happens when you know it’s a scam but still want to risk it. Ridiculous.


Con games work so well when the mark is greedy. Executed well, in the end the mark is as responsible as the con artist.


To have $2000 just to see if it’s a scam. Geesh.


Contact Amazon chat. You have to push to get to a live agent and not a bot but once you do,  you can show them the screen shots 


Oh my god, being able to talk to a live person on Amazon chat was an immense maze of frustration


They plan to drop ship it from China. Amazon thinks you got your order quickly while the actual order could take several weeks at which point you have no recourse


There's also a chance that it won't be shipped at all. The seller already got a proof of delivery and will get the money from Amazon. The can just fold the seller account and pocket the money. There are a lot of fly-by-night sellers on Amazon now and this isn't the first time the same trick reported here.


I bet the scammer is hoping the "second delivery" will run out the time op has to file a refund and they'll be out two grand.


They would get a proof of delivery if they sent a brick. Why go through this extra step? Is it just to give them a month to wait for the money to transfer while delaying the buyer with "be there any day" without end?


Yes, to stop people from starting the item not received claim


So when OP gets this box, he goes to email and sends the code and they say cool, it's in the mail eta 1 week. Then a week passes and they say they need another. After that they show a fake screenshot of it being out for delivery and so on until the return window is gone and OP is out of luck


Yeah that’s what I guess the scammers plan is


No, the plan is to get you to wait until it's too late to request a refund. As far as Amazon is concerned, *you have received the product* and everything is fine. If the scammers can convince you to wait long enough ("Ok, it's on a boat from China, it will take 8 weeks, here's a totally-not-fake tracking number, just please be patient"), then by the time you finally realize you're not actually getting the product it's too late to fix it.


That probably is the plan, but as an Amazon seller I can tell you that Amazon customer service can choose to refund anything at any time. I have had people return random stuff a year later.


It’s also a possibility that they don’t send you anything at all. They just keep telling you it’s coming, it’s coming… right until you run out of time to dispute the purchase. After a certain period of time from you receiving the item, Amazon doesn’t let you return/refund it. And since Amazon believes you have the item, the clock is ticking!




Thank you for putting words to how I was feeling about this.


They have more dollars than sense.


I have enough money to be this stupid and I would never buy something like that. That's how you end up with no money. 


I'm stealing this. :-)


Make sure you send them a package first with a 10 cent metal dongle first to prove you're going to remunerate them for the quote!




The people who do this are the ones who don't have enough money to be this stupid (because they lost it all being this stupid)  Someone with money would just buy the real thing and not play dumb games to save (what is to them) a few bucks


Same thing happens with deeply discounted electronics, car parts, and other stuff. If the price is too good to be true on Amazon, it's a scam seller. I've just plain quit buying anything of high value from Amazon or Walmart because of their rampant 3rd party sales scams.


Yeah, I tried the Walmart third party sellers exactly once. They sent me an obvious counterfeit Squishmallow. Walmart credited my account right away, but that still will be the last time I ever try that.


You are not the first person I’ve heard of receiving a counterfeit Squishmallow. I think from now on it’s best for everyone to order direct from the company if possible. Sorry to hear you got scammed, I love Squishmallows (I think they make a Grogu one and I’d kill for it haha).


Dude, you just open an A-Z claim, you'll always get fully refunded at the cost of the seller. Amazon screws over sellers without thinking twice about it.


Working on that now


If a seller gets just 2 A-Z claims they get suspended, so they have zero choice but to concede and give the refund. There is a well known saying 'innocent until proven guilty' well in the world of Amazon Sellers it's 'Guilty even when proven innocent'


I've found that calling and speaking to someone on the phone and escalating it from there is the best way for high ticket items. We bought a log splitter for just under $1K and the damn thing caught fire. Of course it was from China and there was a blockade for returns saying you had to go through the manufacturer. Horrible reviews saying they couldn't get a refund. I called Amazon, escalated it to a supervisor and got a refund without returning.


I wish I was so ballin that I could gamble $2000 like it’s nothing 😔


What construction tool was it supposed to be?


The item ID tag is meant to delay the customer from requesting a refund as they wait for the second package, which never comes, and runs out the refund window, but they'll still refund you for a scam. Just call them.


i wish i had a random 2k to spend on a fake item just to see what happens


Am I missing something? I'm surprised no one appears to be commenting on the quality of the pamphlet?? It appears they are going to a crazy length and detail to scam a few people...


" We both had a feeling it was fake because it had no reviews and was $1K off the original price. But he bought it anyway to see what would happened (assuming Amazon would reimburse us if it was a scam)." Um...


Super risky because I've heard too many stories of people not receiving refunds even when they did receive the product they ordered but it was broken or missing parts.




The day is still young.


Never buy anything on Amazon that costs more than $400-500.


Unless it's sold directly by Amazon. No third party sellers.


Shipped and sold by Amazon. Even then, from what I recall, they mix all the packages together if they have the same SKU. At least they used to. So if a reseller sends Amazon a bunch of counterfeit SD cards, they go into the same bin as Amazon's and others. Edit: it looks like policies changed over 5 years ago. They changed it to only approved 3rd party vendors have their inventory commingled, but are not commingled with Amazon's own stock. They have to provide invoices as well for the purchases of the stocked items. I'm sure these policies have been updated since then as well.


I read that same reddit post. Someone later said that wasn’t how it actually works and the person who posted that, who claimed to be a subject matter expert, was incorrect


i’m not sure who’s correct on that debate, i just assume that anything i buy on amazon has a large chance of being counterfeit


That is probably the safest mindset to have. If you want to guarantee an authentic product, the official vendors website is often the best source


yup. even if it’s a little more expensive, the peace of mind is priceless.


This would be the smart thing to do. But with the item being sold by Amazon you know it can be covered by their return policy


true. i just don’t like doing returns, i want to be sure/confident in what i ordered


Thank you for sharing this. I had no idea and was tempted to blindly upvote the person you responded to. It’s thanks to people like you that misinformation is managed. It sucks that people on those platform blindly regurgitate information without fact checking.


Even then, given some of the speculation of how they handle comingling SKUs, if it's available at another retailer that price matches I'll just do that, or if it's minimal difference just order it from that other retailer. There's plenty of mid-sized retailers that have competitive pricing and fast shipping for most of the higher-end products Amazon sells (and even much of the lower-end stuff that isn't just random crap with made-up brand names.)


No, just make sure it’s shipped and sold by Amazon. I have literally never had a problem with any high ticket item over years of buying off Amazon.


Silly rule. I have bought literally countless items over $400 and never had a single problem. Do due diligence about what you're buying from whom and you won't have issues.


Pretty much this. Always investigate the seller and reviews on items. If it smells funny don't order. Generally shipped and sold by Amazon is safe (at least in my country). Anything shipping from China is pretty much a hard no for me.


That's a dumb rule, plenty of legit things on Amazon cost more than $500, how about look at the sellers for products you are buying first.


I've bought several $1000+ items on Amazon without any problems. What's important is that you stick to reputable name brands from first party vendors.


So this is what happens when someone orders one of those 50% expensive items. Retun it to amazon, wrong item recieved.


Why are people still falling for the too good to be true stuff? Why are people still falling for buying stuff on Amazon? Seriously, if it has moving parts, is a safety item, food, brand name that isn’t pronounceable, collectibles, DO NOT BUY ON AMAZON.


Cos too many people are chasing a "deal". it's not good enough to buy something that they want or need, but it has to be a "deal" too. That's why they always fell for stuff like that.


They even stated they had a feeling it was a scam and still fell for it…


But it’s such a happy pamphlet!




Interesting 2FA authentication method for shipping Look in your Amazon account and see if it shows a split shipment, two packages Weird to offer a 10% discount though, if legit why would a discount be offered?


playing on the victim's greed


Yeah. Pretty sure Amazon will refund you (doesn’t have to be within a return eligibility window if it’s a scam). You should read their return policy on the website. Ensure you report this so you get that seller permanently removed from the market place.


UPDATE: Contacted Amazon and they are working on processing a refund with higher approval. We will see if it actually happens…


Is there any reason you did this btw? It just seems like you willingly bought something for over 1K and knew it was a scam. Is there like a market for this? Like the people that pour a bunch of cleaning products into a toilet for views?


“This thing is very expensive and I think it’s a scam.” “I agree, honey. Let’s buy it.”


Yea fuck that shit. That’s insane


Credit card chargeback. Done. Relax with a nice cup of tea.




What kind of disposable income do you have that would make you willingly spend 2000 on a known scam?


LOL do NOT put the USB in ur PC


>to ensure your authenticity as a buyer lol, after you've already paid them? Insanely dumb scam


But we all want to know, what tool were you attempting to buy?


Never skimp out on tools. Quality tools may be expensive, but you won't need to replace them nearly as often


Fuck scammers, but are we supposed to feel bad for someone who has $2,000 to piss away on seeing if something is a scam or not?


/u/sherbeana - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wonder if this is similar to the [ebay coffee pod scam.](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1119606931) Really bizarre either way.


During the pandemic bout 200 dumbell off amazon. It was adjustable pretty cool I thought . When it gets to me it’s a bunch of old weight plates . I was livid now I had to take this to ups and get it returned . Basically can’t buy nothing pricey off Amazon


You will get a second item but it will be drop shipped from China and a clone / knock off. You will have no recourse for a refund because as far as amazon are concerned you have received your item and will be outside of your return window by the time it arrives.


They send a parcel so that the tracking shows it as delivered. Then you can't say you didn't receive the item. Makes it quite hard to claim your money back.


Most likely the scam was not perpetrated by Amazon but by a third-party seller within the Amazon orbit. The question is: Did you buy an Amazon product or is it another Seller? Have you contacted Amazon customer service? That needs to be done immediately so you don't miss your window. They are excellent in my experience, but I never buy from third-party sellers. Go to "my orders" and print or screenshot the order; you also try and screenshot the actual product on their site. It will make it easier when dealing with customer service. I do hope you get your item or your money, but for the future, never buy a product that doesn't have any reviews or if there's just one review that is not from a verified buyer. Good luck 🤞


only buy shipped and sold by amazon. seller info is right below add to cart or buy now also broken English on pamphlet. clearly scammer is not from the US.


Find out the weight of the tool you were purchasing and then compare it to the weight listed on your package. There's your proof to Amazon.


The both of you had a feeling it was fake and still purchased? 😬


You especially know it’s a scam when there is not a single trademark or legal notice anywhere on that pamphlet.


If this is fulfilled by merchant (says Shipped By ScamMan69 on the item page), report the merchant and file an A-Z claim. Even if the report does nothing, A-Z claims can build up and get a merchant removed from Amazon If fulfilled by Amazon, notify Amazon.


I bought something through a 3rd party on Amazon recently and it was garbage and I put in my request for a refund. I got the refund a week later and and apology from the company for sending trash. Do a chargeback through your bank or credit card company if they refuse.


You’re the reason scammer continue to try this bs.


“We bought it even though we knew it was a scam” I mean… that’s kinda on you. Lol


Not exactly in love with Amazon but I fixed my car and motorcycle with parts purchased on Amazon. I returned the cheap parts and kept the OEM grade parts. Never had a problem with returns on Amazon. I only buy returnable items and I don't wait until the return window closes. Amazon returns are a breeze. Drop them at Whole Food and the money is back before the item even reaches the seller. Never been scammed either.


Same, I've done a couple of old bike rebuilds recently and the cost savings on little items has been astronomical. If they suck, they go back, easy.


Does your husband have a gambling problem? Or do y'all just have an overabundance of money burning a hole in your pockets? If it's the latter, I have a beautiful oceanfront property in New Mexico to sell you. Please don't let your husband gamble with money like that. It was very obviously a scam/counterfeit/stolen. That's not amusing, it's outright recklessness. Contact Amazon and try to get your money back ASAP. Then maybe keep your husband away from Amazon, eBay, and other online marketplaces for a while.


You spent your time, energy and risked $2000 to save $1000. I don’t understand why


Your husband is an idiot, plain and simple. If you think it is a scam why would you even entertain it?


Lol “my husband blew $1,000 knowing it was a scam just to see if it really was” Must be nice


I wouldn’t play around with returns if you don’t have too and wouldn’t have made the purchase if I had any doubts personally. I’ve had prime for about a decade and spent tons on Amazon; I had a package of metal collar stays and temperature strips, like a $5 order and had to argue on the phone to get it reshipped.


Wow what an elaborate scam. Have never seen this type before. I'm sure Amazon wil have issues with the use of their branding...


I once bought a luxury watch on Amazon and I received an empty box. Amazon was not easy to deal with because of the high price.


Good job ignoring all the red flags


https://preview.redd.it/k3cw5e9vrg6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6da46613a57eb1163614cdae9c3cb5d9aca9b2c When you realize the scam listing you purchased is a scam


Dispute it on your credit card. 100% chance you win the dispute.


Why would you buy something knowing it’s a scam. Bizarre.


The only thing I experienced close to this was I ordered an Apple watch and watch band from Amazon. Got the package, but the watch was missing from the box (the watch band was there). Contacted Amazon support through chat to let them know. They didn't seem surprised, and basically admitted that some employees will steal items like that before the shipment goes out. The support person said they do have cameras and can probably figure out who the culprit was. They made good on it by sending me another watch and band for free.


The tag is sent to obtain a proof of delivery. Then they can get paid out from Amazon, and by the time you realise there's no second consignment they've disappeared. Depending on where you live, you almost certainly have enforceable rights against Amazon and should be seeking a refund asap.


“Our service has no end” ? What in the translation is that supposed to mean


Are the scammers getting smarter or are the consumers getting dumber or is it a combination of both.


Yeah spending 2 k on Amazon seems like a scam in itself


OP if you saw my original reply to one of your comments I apologize. I deleted it because it sounded kind of like I was accusing you of something which I didn’t intend. I was being stupid via distraction and I’m sorry. I know you got kind of a beating here but I bet a lot of people would be interested in seeing updates about your original item and whether you get a refund from Amazon.


Never buy anything expensive from Amazon imo. Or any name brand electronic that are easily replicated


Never ever buy anything on Amazon that doesn’t have reviews.


Definition of taking one for the team


I'd wager that that if someone is dumb enough to spend 2k on an obvious scam they might also be dumb enough to wait


"Hmmmm suspiciously low price and no reviews" ............."Lets buy it!" I wish I had $2K to risk on for sure scams


I’m a seller on Amazon. File an A-to-Z claim right away. Amazon almost always approves those, no questions asked, plus punishes the seller.


‘We both felt it was fake but we bought it anyway, then we posted to reddit when we got it and it ended up fake’. Gj people giving idiots like these your clicks and views.


We bought a highly regarded chef's knife from Amazon. It wasn't very good and would get dull after cutting vegetables for two salads. About 18 months later, I learned about all the fakes/forgeries - from the real manufacturer's website - that listed all the retailers working through Amazon that sold fakes. We contacted Amazon. They said the window to return the item was closed. We're like, you sold us a forgery and that's a crime - with no expiration date. No response. No way to escalate. Other than small claims court. I will no longer buy anything on Amazon. I suspect other purchases are knock-off's too.