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If he could do a quarter of what he claims he can do, he'd be working for the CIA or NSA. Or Nato. As opposed to trying to scam dirty porn people for Bitcoin.


Could probably get a job in writing copy too, it’s pretty well worded lol


I tend to think this might be a native English speaker scammer. Although he absolutely word salads it. XD


For whatever reason, the masturbation blackmail scams are always *super* long winded and often have a jokey, condescending tone that I don't see in other scam emails. Maybe they think that it conveys a sense of power and plausibility. They seem to be trying to come across as a suave, wealthy Bond villain type.


You’ve probably downloaded malware at some point, give your PC a good malware scan, this template email is used all the time, the actual script is probably well over a decade old now, hence why they’re asking for 28 BTC.


Oh I definitely have plenty of times, I keep my PC pretty clean though