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the meta (and most comfortable team imo) is wanderer, faruzan, bennett, zhongli. you can replace zhongli with a character like layla and you’ll still do great though if you want highest dmg regardless of squishiness you can try wanderer, faruzan, mika/jean, furina. although it’s a little tough playing shieldess wanderer, it’s still really fun and doable if you’re good at dodging using hat guys arrows


I thought Thoma c6 was better than Zhongli


C6 thoma is better than Zhongli , you even up the universal shred with pyro resonance and the 15% NA/CA from this cons. Also thoma shield on scara team if you build him right is actually very close at strength compared to zhongli.


I only have c5 💀


>Also thoma shield on scara team if you build him right is actually very close at strength compared to zhongli. Slightly longer uptime too at 26s to 20s, and he reduces Bennett ER requirements by a lot and Faruzan a tiny bit compared to Zhonglis poor particle gen. The pyro app also gives really tiny pyro swirl AOE damage.


Plus he gives pyro swirl




I think he means off field Pyro


i meant pyro swirl for a1


Ah ok


Why no one talk about Baizhu for Wanderer team with Furina who provides both healing and resistance to interruption?


Baizhu doesn’t provide much buffing compared to c2+ Jean and Mika


I know, however, if player will struggle playing with these healers but he has Baizhu free, why don't he use him to provide any comfort to play with Furina?


Personally, I like to play glass cannon because it’s fun. dps is higher in terms of priority for some people than comfort


Wanderer attacks from 8 miles away. Shieldless isn’t that much of an issue.


Scara furina, bennet, faruzan will give you the highest dmg.


For one rotation.


You’ll only need 1 🔥


Adapt rotation to heal on the second. You lose some Bennett uptime for fanfare stacks. Kinda evens it out even if it feels bad.


4pc NO Mika consolidates healing for the team and gives 25% atk speed!! super high value on no hitlag character


You also get cryo infusion which is more valuable than pyro infusion and make Bennett less desirable if you already have a high base atk weapon like tulahtullah's or cashflow


As a c6 faruzan haver, I'd like to disagree


Who's healing Furina drain? Bennett too slow.


If you build Bennett with a full healer build, he can heal close to 10k, if he can heal you from half to full in one tick, that's more than enough, even if you don't have full stacks all the time, it's still the highest damage team, as for the "only for one rotation" point, with c6 faruzan you won't have any problems with energy or rotations but I agree with you if faruzan was below c6 You can eliminate er issues by simply running fav furina, Skyward/Sapwood Bennett, Fav faruzan


Energy generation wasn't what I said can only be maintained for one rotation, Furina's buff was that.


As I said, Bennett is actually good enough for that with a healer build


Everytime you full heal someone with bennet Furina's passive heals the whole team on the second rotation you can burst bennet before faruzan and healing both wanderer and faruzan triggering furina's passive 2-3 times. Additionally if you have furina's C1 you get a 50 fanfare discount


>full heal someone with bennet Lol. Lmao, even.


If you're talking about highest sustainable damage, then it's gonna be wanderer/faru/benett/yunjin(or thoma) or wanderer/furina/faru/mika(or jean c4)


I can vouch for wanderer/furina/faruzan/mika. Wanderer goes insanse with mika's atk speed bonus and the rotation is smoother for me than my other hyper team with thoma and bennett.


Yeah, it's kinda amazing how good furina made mika


can i ask how much er furina needs in a team like this?


Well i've got 185 er on my furina with fleuve cendre and i'm running favonius on faruzan and mika and I have all bursts up every rotation no problem. My faruzan has 265 er and mika has around 158. Only time I struggled in abyss was in chamber 3 first half when both lectors have their shields up but you can use wanderer as a battery if you don't use his burst to help with any er issues. Also i'll add i've used furina in other teams and she has been fine er wise.


I like to play scara with Bennett C5, faru c6, and Thomas c6 Double Pyro bonus, and Thomas c6 offert 15% atq damage and a Shield Jean C4 IS also a great option to increase damage i guess


scara, benny, faruzan and zhongli/thoma c6. people say furina but it’s difficult to use bennett with her. it gives dmg but you need to work around the hp stuff and no shielder. so imo the classic benny, faru and a sheilder is much better and more convenient


This guy PLAYS genshin, what an impressive line up of characters


Wanderer, Faruzan, Furina, Bennett. But you have to manage everyone's health and keep up stacks. Rotate so that every character gets at least one tick of Bennett healing and Wanderer stays in Bennett burst preferably the whole time. You can also give Bennett 4p Maidens which makes it easier Without managing HP or if you feel uncomfortable with the low HP. Wanderer, Faruzan, Furina, Jean (preferably C4 or at least C2)


With c4 jean you can replace faruzan withh bennet


No, you don't. That would be a horrible idea. There's a reason you don't replace Faruzan with Jean in the teams we have already had, or why Jean isn't actually that popular for the flex slot despite being the theoretical highest DPS option Jean is fine if you're fighting someone like ASIMON who just stands still the whole time but for anything else, as soon as C4 Jean stops working it's an insane DPS loss


I see i forgot about c6 faruzan buff lol, i dont have her at c6....but i thought having jean would enable sunfire


That depends, with Bennet you just stay in the circle and shoot everything around with auto target, with Jean you need the mobs to stay inside the circle, and in the practice this is not easy at all.


I wish they built some crowd control in jean burst too


C5 Bennet does not deserve our respect


Meta / most comfortable team is Wanderer / Faruzan / Zhongli / Bennett regardless of cons. If you have E6 Thoma, you can easily replace Zhongli for a well-built Thoma for more damage. Wanderer / Faruzan / Bennett / Yunjin is pure damage focus but you lose the comfort of your shield, which means if you get hit you lose damage. Depends on how well you play Wanderer. You can also use Wanderer with Furina, but iirc you need a different build / artifact set for that team. I haven't tinkered with it myself due to that restriction since I don't want to rebuild him.


You do not need to rebuild him if you want to use furina. You can just stack atk speed with mika and dpc. Furina is that cracked that dpc is still great on wanderer.


Plus if your running cashflow supervision which is best in slot in Furina teams you don't need 4pc Maréchaussée since you'll overcap on crit rate which means dpc is still best in slot for him


It's just not worth rebuilding him for a small damage gain either way. Better substats are always better, if you got a good dpc set it's still worth running Furina because she's pretty cracked on her own in any team. Plus you can stack atk speed with Mika and even keep using his BiS bell.




Wanderer/Faruzan/Furina/Mika goes shnasty but you have to give up a shielder so if you often get interrupted you still might want to go the pre furina variant of Wanderer/Faruzan/Bennett/Thoma (or Zhongli or Layla, each has their advantages here, Thoma pyro resonanace, Zhongli res shred, Layla gives cr from wanderer's ascension passive)


As a dedicated Wanderer main, even if there are more damaging teams, the one I use 99% of the time is the reliable Thoma/Faruzan/Bennet team. You get pyro and anemo resonance, Bennets buff and thoma shield + 15% attack damage from one of his cons. Also thoma kit fits perfectly with wanderer ad he will be constantly replenishing the shield, his shield is deceptively strong if you build thoma right and rotations feels very smooth comparing to Zhongli. More damaging teams exist and most consist on replacing the shielder which I don’t like because you lose so much of wanderer E uptime if you get hit midair and just feels awful, the highest damage possible team is probably wanderer/Bennet on healing set/ furina and faruzan. Mika is a decent option to use and C4 Jean if you want to use furina with him. The team I liked the most using furina was actually Baizhu with NO set and TTDS, Furina and faruzan but damage wise was worse than my usual team and energy economy was awful because Baizhu needs lots of ER as a solo dentro unit on the team.


(og)scara faruzan benny zhong/layla (furina) scara furina benny Kokomi/layla/faruzan (dmg) scara furina faruzan kokomi/jean


If u don’t have c6 faruzan id say build yunjinmaybe even c2 is good enough but I’ve noticed yunjin is more than capable in filling her spot but her er requirements are weird. But for that it would be wanderer, faruzan/yunjin, Bennet, zhongli


His damage or team damage?


I personally run scara yelan sq jean4 for big tem damage


Run venti instead of benny for the best exploration team. Offeild cc for wanderer and anemo res for speed and cd reduction.


The most dps which is based on every other member but not on himself? Scara, Yelan/XQ, Nahida/Baizhu and Fischl C6.


I’m personally going with Furina teams on him since I don’t have a good set of his signature artifacts but I have some good attack MH Him Furina and Faruzan are given but for the healer I’m between C4 Jean and Baizhu. If you want a Furina team, those are probably the options for your account as well along with Mika Jean and Mika are more offensive, giving you more dmg but it’s a squishy team so adding Baizhu instead can help with interruption and dying


To high and stable dps? Furina, Baizhu, Bennet and Sacara


The actual best is Wanderer, Furina, C6 faruzan and Bennett. Bennett’s own buff outweighs his healing restrictions.


I run wanderer c2, faruzan c6, bennet c5, thoma c6 and it shreds. Give it a go if it’s within reach :)


Faruzan C6 Bennet and a Shielder. That would be his best team. You can play him with Faruzan even if she isn't C6 but you will a shitton of ER.


If it was me I would go Wanderer, Yunjin or Yelan, Bennet and Layla. I say Layla because you don't need to worry about interruption which I find is his biggest handicap. Yun Jin or Yelan provide different things but I prefer Yelan for freeze personally.


i just like using wander, yelan , bennet , kazuha for both abyss and exploration, fun and fast team, no need to use bursts during exploration, you can make it even faster by giving wanderer lost prayers


You can do wanderer Mika furina and faruzan for biggest DMG also


Don't have mika


Wanderer/faruzan/Bennett/flex. Flex slot can be zhong li, xingqui, yujin, or a pyro unit like a shield character.


In the future, i think bennett + zhongli/yunjin/thoma can be replaced with any universal catalyst healer or C4 Jean >! (with the new healing artifact) !< + Furina and produce more competitive damage.


i love scara furina yelan jean


Jean, yelan firina, flex (off field dps)


Can someone try Scara faruzan c4 prototype Amber yanfei furina ?


Wanderer/xingiu/layla/jean is fun if you have sacrificial for xinqiu