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You certainly have a lot of weird takes but I guess everyone has at least a few


My brother in Christ… you have some real hot takes in there


Like that one blue cat from the funny hawaii movie said: I have my tastes. They are bad and stupid, but they are my own Or something like that, idk, i was near a gas leak while i watched that movie


Interesting. I don't think I've met anyone who put Robin Hood that high before.


Really? Huh. Weird. I was honestly just very charmed by almost every character. It has its flaws, but i love it a lot


Agreed its a nice simple ride to enjoy


Please elaborate on disliking Cars 1 and 3 and Zootopia. (A couple months back I woulda asked the same for Bolt but my interest in that movie has been waning a bit as the nostalgia I have for it has been slowly giving way for the cracks to start showing.


Cars 1 and 3 are alright, but pretty generic. I agree with Schaff on most of his points so i wont be long, i just think that they are fine versions of two incredibly common sports movie tropes (Up-and-coming youngling is forced to stop and smell the roses and Retiring sportsman trains a successor) that dont really benefit from everything being a car (A shame, since Pixar tends to be pretty good at this). I dont *hate* either of em just, yknow For Zootopia ill explain later. Its a bit long and kinda heavy, and i dont have the time to yap about it rn. I have to return some videotapes


For Cars 1 and 3, They may follow common tropes, but they do so very, very well. For Cars 3 in particular it actually gives thematic purpose to why the franchise is about cars. Unless you would prefer if the franchise weren’t about motorsports, which I won’t attack you for that opinion or anything but I disagree VERY strongly.


Thats fair. I can see what people like in it and i do not even really hate it, i just dont get too much out of em, yknow?


Pocahontas lowest? Are you ok friend?


Ill admit some songs are ok, it ha a pretty good art direction and i dont mind Pocahontas as an mc... But by *god* i cant handle the way it tackles Colonialism. Its probably influenced by me being latina, but to me? Pulling this sort of "Oooooh the natives were also violent!!!" Shit is on the level of blaming the jews for the holocaust or black people for the civil war. It may be a knee jerk reaction, i'll admit it. But, as far as im concerned? This is pretty damn bad


Lilo and Stitch being at the very top validates this whole list.


How is wish above anything


Because it’s not that bad.


It’s pretty shit


No it isn’t


I like the setting... Uh... Yeqh thats it, idk


Why is almost every comment like YoU pUt "this movie" ThAt "low or high" HoW cOuLd YoU


I might think some of these placements are too harsh but not a bad list by any means


You actually get my vote cause you put my top three Disney/Pixar films high up (WALL·E, Princess and The Frog, Wreck It Ralph). You got a few hot takes in there, but hey that’s your ranking and i respect it bro. Just be careful of the crazed fans, good luck! 👍


Its actually been chill so far. Tought Saludos Amigos would get me hung but its been chill


Me looking at your hot takes I don't agree with "oh haha that's interesting that everyone has different tastes." Me seeing dinosaur at the very bottom "gloves off bucko!!! Dems fightin' words!"


Pocahontas seriously that low? I mean it’s not like its even in my top 10, but DAMN it’s not “Megamind Vs Doom Syndicate” bad


Yeah, it is.


I actually prefer Doom Syndicate over Pocahontas


Thank you for not ranking Toy Story 4 unreasonably low like a lot of people on this sub do.


I tought it was ok. Probably helps that i dont really like Toy Story that much


If you really loved Toy Story that much, you would HATE Toy Story 4.


Damn why is sword in the stone so low?


Eeeh, i just didnt gel with it at any point. I... Kinda like Merlin? Sometimes? And i guess its not awful as a retelling of Arthurian myth, but most of it just felt... Im not sure, stilted? Its weird. I may rewatch it sometime but, for now, it aint getting any higher


Elemental and Onward? F tier? Really? They weren't that bad.


They arent... Awful, but they were probably the most sterile movies in the whole roster. I watched em and the only thing i could remember was that they had *kinda* cool settings. Nothing else.


Honestly really good A tiers




Wdym the sword in the stone is f tier? Are you stupid?


Profoundly and proudly :3 #braincellsareoptional


Ok I know everyone is allowed to have their own opinions but how the hell are you gonna put Turning Red over Treasure Planet


Idk what to tell ya. Turning Red just really hit, despite its flaws, while Treasure Planet just didnt di it for me. It happens


so in other words you have more mommy issues than daddy issues got it


I have neither. Both my parents fell into a comically large blender when i was 5, sparing me of any issues. :)


Go watch the Tigger movie and put that number 1


More like the peak movie amirite Fr tho i do like it, it just wasnt in the list


Finding Dory and Zootopia aren’t below Brave and the Good Dinosaur


If I saw this with just the tier list image and no subject or anything, my first guess would be “what, did this person fall down some stairs?”.


Insults? Heh...Lay off... Before i show you what a true sigma does when she is angry 😈😈😈


Hercules in top 5! Let’s gooo!


Out of curiosity why is Zootopia so low? Is it just because of the twist villain or is it the message? I mean no disrespect with this question its just I'm curious and want to hear another side. Personally I love the film, though I do admit after they "solve the case" when they arrest Cave Johnson the film does drag itself down with the message.


I just really do not fuck with how it handled its message and themes, yknow. And i wouldnt really mind, if it wasnt because its a very important message being handled to young kids in a very weird way. Idk.


Based Robin Hood Fan


Elementals is not that bad


Idk if its... *Bad*, but i couldnt seriously be brought ti care about anything that was happening.


Is zootopia really that bad for you?


The design of the city is honestly pretty cool and it has some funny jokes, but i just cant get over how violently it mangles the message it wants to tell, specially considering what that message is.


Ahh, fair point. Despite being one of my favourites, i must admit they are selling the no racism point WAY too much in a majority of the film. Some scenes are good, but some scenes are just obnoxious despite being a good message


Its less that and more that equating race relations to prey-predator relations is... So fucked up. If i stopped being a liberal soycuck i would probably mind less. Sadly my mom dropped me on a soy vat as a kid, so.


Put Inside Out 2 in F! There’s no way that movie’s gonna be good!


I have hope