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Indifference is not hate


Did you read the rest of the post? I keep telling that to everyone because apparently nobody knows how to read full paragraphs anymore and see that it's all bait used to expose more people to marvel in a positive light.


He doesn't play fighting games.


Smash is one and plus, it's all a joke! Seriously, you guys think I actually care that much about if schaffrillas was interested in MvC? Besides, it'll cause you guys to not like marvel vs capcom as well, and we always want new players.


Oh, apologies. Sarcasm is pretty hard to tell on the internet. Regardless, I always thought James indifference toward fighting games was common knowledge in the fandom. I mean he said he only watches the P4 Arena cutscenes, and since it was made ArcSys who's mechanics are as complex as their stories, it's understandable. As well as how he ranked Terry and Kazuya low in his favorite Smash Ultimate newcomers (in a tweet). And another tier list on Smash franchises that he wasn't a fan of Street Fighter and never played Fatal Fury/Kof nor Tekken. As well as how he never discusses it in his videos. Also, you are the first person I found on this sibreddit that discusses a video game instead of a movie animated or otherwise.


They literally said it's a joke post in their original post though? > "... (This is a joke post I made because schaff's reaction to the MvC fighting collection was unexpected..."


Smash is a fighting game for people who aren’t good at fighting games.


I get where he's coming from, I like Smash and don't like traditional fighting games. Smash is a lot different and attracts a different crowd usually.


Smash is hardly a fighting game, and has a completely separate community from fighting games


Yeah, see how people reacted towards Terry and Kazuya with unfimiliarity. I can understand Terry since KoF can get easily overshadowed by bigger titles, but KAZUYA?!?! He's in the only 3D fighting game that's still breathing with VF not having a game since 5 after Suzuki left, and DoA is on an "indefinite hiatus" after 6's reception and Itagaki leaving.


Especially considering how most Smash players defaulted to calling Kazuya a “shoto” just because he wears gloves and a gi even though his playstyle is VASTLY different from Ryu and Ken.


Didn't Maximilian make a video about that?


We need to take him for a ride.




Did you read the rest of the post?


It's rather interesting how James loves Smash but isn't a fan of Street Fighter-like Fighting games, while I'm a fan of Street Fighter-like Fighting games but not Smash-styled ones.