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No, not at all. *Schitt's Creek* is a classic Greek tragedy type of drama. Not to spoil the ending, but all the characters end up punished by the gods for their hubris. Of course, I am not being serious.


Restrain your mirth for once, David! This is a somber occasion!


Is this comment supposed to be funny? It didn't make me laugh, but it did make me smile a lot. I jumped up and down and clapped at my phone when you said they'd be punished by the gods.


I was hoping it was in the neighborhood of funny.


What a wild take. For me, it’s one of the funniest shows of all time and one of the very few shows that makes me actually laugh out loud. Maybe it’s just not your sense of humor?


IMO, it's a character-driven satire/comedy. We see how many of them change throughout the run of the show; the most notable were Stevie and the Rose family. Moira impressed me with her voluminous vocabulary...and naming each of her wigs...but she grew. John was always a kind person. As for Alexis and David, I won't spoil it for you. It gets *much* better. You probably won't be doubled over laughing. For me, there were several scenes where I replayed them because the character(s) lacked the tiniest shred of self-awareness.


The more times I rewatch the show, the more out loud laughing I do. The first run through of the show it mostly was heart warming. On the rewatches I see all sorts of stuff I didn’t see before.


If this helps, Dan and other cast members said he approached the writing more as a drama and allow the humor come out naturally during the process




It doesn't make me laugh out loud either (also a Brit) but then very, very little does. I'd still class it as funny and as a comedy. Wikipedia, which of course knows everything, has a list of comedy genres. I'd put Schitt's Creek as a type of observational comedy.


Another Brit chip in. Most of it makes me smile and not burst out laughing. But saying that Moira can make me chuckle. It gives me more of a warm fuzzy happiness, a bit like The Good Place and Park and Recs. I’d say it is a comedy, but a bit more of a subtle one in general. So for me it’s along the lines of Alan Partridge or Father Ted type comedy.


See both Alan partridge and father ted would have me litrololling. Other British shows which make me laugh a lot are blackadder, coupling, peep show, the thick of it. US shows I find funny are friends, new girl, parks and rec, WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS (I literally cried laughing), community and the good place. But yeah I would describe my reaction to SC as ‘amused’, but not really laughing. I was trying to drive at whether this was what they were going for or if, as others have said, it’s just not my SOH.


I think I must be just a miserable non laugher, as I love a lot of those shows too and never do a proper laugh! So my tuppence worth wasnt very helpful, sorry!


Also Brit. My autistic son, who laughs at nothing, absolutely exploded when he saw Moria’s outfit at the s6 wedding, proper falling off your chair belly laughing


I find that I LOL more on re-watches than my first watch, if that's any help. Knowing the town and the characters' quirks better makes things land better. For example, the first time Alexis referred to some Mennonites as "farm witches" I brushed it off as a random remark, but now I get a chuckle out of it.


It’s wholesome more than anything. The quotable scenes is what makes it more hilarious for me.


Are you an Owl, or a disgruntled pelican? :)


I think it's meant to be gentle, more than anything. 'Gentle' is not really a genre, so they have to put it somewhere, and it's not really closer to any other genre than it is to comedy.


"Gentle" is exactly the word that came to my mind when reading the OP title. It's not a "comedy" like "I Love Lucy" or "Big Bang Theory" or "Modern Family" or other laugh out loud shows. It's gentle humor that's also thought-provoking and heartwarming. The first season is a little shaky as it tries to find its footing. But, by Season 2, it's well on its way. The closest I could compare it to is "Kim's Convenience."


The first few episodes I found to be agonizingly cringy. It made me uncomfortable seeing this rich people be so mean in this country town. But then… I absolutely fell in love with Jocelyn. How funny she is, her biting sarcasm, the LOOKS she gives Moira. And Alexis and David are hysterical together. And really everything David says. And David and Stevie together. There’s a lot of character work here. It’s not jokes. It’s funny the same way Gilmore Girls is funny - the quips, the witty back and forth, these vivid and completely unusual personalities intersecting in unexpected ways.


If The Bear is a comedy, this is definitely a comedy. Also a show doesn’t need to make you laugh personally to be a comedy.


There are different types of comedies. I think Full House is available on Netflix. They even have a laugh track to let you know where the jokes are. That might be more your speed.


I find the show to be more heartwarming with comedic moments than a real comedy. We get to witness so much growth by so many characters and I find it’s a bit… deeper…? than most of the other shows like it. The growth doesn’t seem to be the same (like chandler and Monica for example in friends. They both showed character growth but by the end they were Flanderized versions of their younger characters and it just didn’t feel as authentic or deep as SC. And I LOVE friends so I’m not bashing it. I cry multiple times and think everyone did a tremendous job. It just feels different than sc). My folks tried watching it and didn’t find it funny so they gave up. My husband watched it and was indifferent. He won’t leave the room if I’m watching but he doesn’t pick it either.


Haha my other half is exactly the same!


Yea, but wouldn't it be annoying, though... if it were like real life and everything everyone said made you laugh out loud?


recommendation: watch the 30 rock episode when Tracy says women aren't funny. alternatively, checkout the accolades section of the schitt's wiki page and see how many times comedy shows up in what peers, viewers and critics awarded.


Something not being your sense of humor doesn’t mean it’s not funny as a whole. Obviously, the show is meant to be funny.


Yeah I wasn’t asking if people found it funny ha. I was asking if what the writers were going for was laugh out loud humour, in which case it doesn’t do it for me, but I sort of felt like maybe that wasn’t supposed to be the vibe anyway. As I said, I love the show and it has made me laugh a few times. Fully prepared to accept it’s just not my SOH but was interested to hear from others.


I think the post would make more sense if we substituted the word “sitcom” for “funny.” I think OP is asking if it’s a “sitcom.” It’s not the typical sitcom formula of “Setup, Joke, Punchline, Repeat.” Instead, it’s witty, character-driven satire that requires building a rapport with the characters. If someone unfamiliar with the show randomly watched one episode in a later season, they probably wouldn’t find it very funny, because they don’t understand the character motivations that make it funny. But anyone could watch a single episode of a typical sitcom and understand the humor because of the formulaic jokes.


Sure, but OP *didn’t* ask if it was supposed to be a sitcom, they asked if it was supposed to be funny. The answer to that is yes. Thanks for explaining sitcoms to me at 9 am, though. Learned a lot!


Okay, then. LOL


I think that this is one of the funniest pieces of television ever made. But, maybe you’re more of a slapstick comedy person versus a character-driven humor person.