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Also Old Men gonna old man.


I would view any stranger approaching the bus as a potential danger to the passengers and myself and refuse to have interaction. It is also illegal for an unauthorized person to enter the school bus, in my state at least.


Same in mine. If a parent need to talk to the driver, they have to come around to the driver's window


I highly doubt that you'll get a ticket. A cop once told a friend that if they don't see you doing it, they can't assume you did it and ticket you. I would adjust your times so that your wait times aren't that long. Kids get way too restless these days, especially elementary kids.


I’d tell the guy the minute he pays my property taxes, I’ll listen to his requests I don’t like idling outside of houses early in the morning either so I’ll try to use a restaurant that’s obv closed or park in or near an industrial park


I would have told him that any questions or concerns could be forwarded to our central office, then tell him the number. If he continued on, I'd tell him the police would be called next


Tell him to call school district transportation department. Done.


Kind of strange to be honest here in California it's a huge law to not idle for more then 3mins and the law is very specific where so it says we can not idle longer then 3mins within 200 feet of a school and at a school zone our buses even have a anti ideling device on it that alarms start going off if we sit more then 3mins anywhere


Hahha omg. We run motor coach charters on the side. I don’t even think our DEF coach would be allowed in that state. Man that must be a pain in the ass to adhere by daily. Good thing you have near perfect year round so heat/AC isn’t a big deal, I’m guessing?


Fantastic weather year round Bay Area San Fransisco lol a light chilly windy breeze the entire year never gets hotter then 75 80 outside and that will only be that hot one week out of the year lol


Wow. I don't think you could get a ticket based on someone's phone call alone. It is perfectly reasonable for you to idle for that amount of time. Does your state have idling laws? What does the law say? From now on, try not to arrive early to that stop, even if it means waiting for your scheduled departure time at the previous stop or waiting around the corner on a side street. This eco-Karen will probably be waiting there everyday for the next week or two to film you, or perhaps with an eco-cop. Some people are just cray-cray. Lol


I once got approached by a cop who told me a lady on the street complained to him that I was idling too long. This was in the city, no houses around. The cop told me to leave the bus running, he just had to make her think he was doing something about it.


He's probably part of an out of control HOA looking to make another person miserable.


Damn. You're polite. I would have told him it's not my problem and to get away from the bus. If I wouldn't get in trouble, "eat shit" comes to mind.


Not to be a conspirist, but someone wanting your bus away from their house when it is idling across the street for *less than five minutes* is sus as hell.


In my state (which shall remain anonymous, except to say that it's in the Midwest and shaped like a mitten) we're trained that anyone who approaches our impedes the bus* can be deemed an assailant and we are authorized to use the bus** as a defensive weapon. *IIRC they need to be visibly armed **Run them over


If this is the state that I think it is, your neighbors to the south need to adopt this standpoint.


Are you round on the outsides and HI in the middle?


No but there are two mitten states. If you think about it.


Please don't take this away from us


Mid-west state and shaped like a mitten. Get your motor running. Must be Colorado. Or Kansas. Lol.


Some cities have idling laws. Where I used to live they did, and it was appropriate because semis often woul park on neighborhood side streets and idle all night. No bueno. However, even in that instance, the law was max 30 mins. If there is NO idling law in your community, then the earlier advice of "call my boss" is best.


Depends on your state if they have heavy duty or commercial vehicle laws. In NY, it’s illegal for any heavy duty vehicle (buses included, small and large) to idle more than 3min (1min in a school zone) with the exception of below-freezing temps to keep the occupants of the vehicle safe. In NY, they actually REWARD people who cell phone record any breaking this law and prove that a vehicle has idled for more than 3min/1min in school zone.




Thanks for the first paragraph. Not happening not ever shutting it off unless it’s in the bus yard. You and your opinion can kiss me where the sun doesn’t shine.