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It's fun to sit in on those conversations. My op manager isn't one to mince words either.


I love it when I'm doing the speed limit and someone passes me throwing their hands up, like wtf 😂😂


I just shake my head at them like a disappointed mom. Shame them lol


Be glad you’re not a school bus driver in RI. We have to do 45 on the highway!


Wow. We're limited to 70


I feel your pain! We’re mandated to go 55 where I work!


That’s insane, it seems legit dangerous to go that slow


It is. None of us agree with it; even the state road test examiners don’t agree with it. Unfortunately our school bus code hasn’t been revised since 1986 so until our legislators do something (which they won’t because Rhode Island sucks) we’re stuck.


Our company policy is no right turns on red. Even though it’s legal in this state our buses don’t do it. Some people just don’t get it.


With respect to all vehicles, not just buses.... Right turn on red is NEVER mandatory. It's "you may" rather than "you shall". People can honk and fuss all they want, but there is zero requirement to proceed.


Lol. We have stickers on the back of our buses saying, "THIS VEHICLE DOES NOT TURN ON RED." Want to bet? I don't do it often, but it happens 3-4 times a year. AFAIK, no one has called in. Occasionally, some driver will call the dispatcher telling them the light won't change, and our dispatcher will basically backpedal and try to not give permission (as if the driver needs it), instead of reminding them to check their tail-swing (which is why we're told not to) and proceed with caution.


Yeah, no sticker here but we should have them. I make the same 3-4 times a year turns, intentionally of course. Our Asst Superintendent of Schools was subbing one day, he turned on a red without thinking about it and a driver who knew about our policy chased him down the street videoing him and yelling at him for breaking the rule.


I’m glad we don’t have that policy! I’m at too many damn lights always going right lol


First Student? Same here. A neighboring school district actually requested they turn on red though because the people in that particular city are that impatient.


My favorite one is when you’re doing the speed limit in the right-most lane and the driver behind you STILL rides your ass. Like buddy, if I have to emergency brake with you that close then you’re going to end up being turned into a red stain on my rear bumper and I probably won’t even feel the impact. The stupidity of other drivers just blows me away sometimes.


\*gasp\* You monster!


People have too much time on their hands


Unrelated but happy cake day!


What color is your church bus? Weird question, I know. Here in Texas, school buses and activity or church buses are regulated by different rules. The only difference between the buses oftentimes is the color and the words "school bus" must appear on 3 sides of the yellow bus. Our (district's) activity buses are white (as are most church buses though I don't know if that's required). Activity/charter buses are allowed (in TX) to drive the speed limit because they aren't school buses. So, if your state's rules are the same, you did nothing wrong, which it sounds like you already know.


It's painted white.


I was running my route one day and one of my coworkers comes over the radio saying "dispatch, if some lady calls complaining about a bus speeding it was me going the speed limit." Come to think of it, her route does go by a couple of churches...