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Absolutely not😵‍💫 my bus at the end of this past year had no working radio... So I put in a Bluetooth speaker and Alien Taped it to the flat part next to the dash (2012 Bluebird). I hate doing local trips without radio- that long, forget it! At my yard, we'd be using the GPS on our phones anyway so why not have some ambient sound lol


Thank you for introducing me to this wonderous product, I'd never heard of Alien Tape before and I can think of so many applications for it!


My though would be, although some music might be nice. I will have plenty to do driving. Not sure about your bus but ours does not have curse control so speed management takes a good bit of thought. Also, I can only go 60 on the highway which means I am constantly being passed and have to watch for...that cut back over too soon. Five hours will blow by. Also, it's all mindset, thinking it's going to be a bad time and it will be. I will be done now before I break out into the power of positive thinking mantras.


Ours do have cruise control luckily and we're limited to 70mph


I wish I could not tell you the last time I drove my personal vehicle with out using it.


Bluetooth speaker with a long playlist on your phone. Get real familiar with the pause button on the phone for emergency listening. Play at a volume where you can hear it but the students can't.


Luckily I can pause with my watch. Phone has to stay in my pocket while I'm in the driver's seat


I listen to music on my phone with the volume just loud enough for myself and maybe the seat behind me to hear. No one has ever complained


Here let me take the downvotes. Consider all that a blessing, you can pay attention to what’s going on around you and do all that other good driver stuff. Occasionally you can enjoy some scenic countryside.


It's all highways until about 10 miles from the camp unfortunately. Not much scenery to be had


I have been known to sing or hum to myself, but jeez, 5 hrs of that? That's intense. I've got nothing.


I guess I can talk to the kids or chaperones on the way up. It's driving the empty bus back that'll drive me crazy


In our state, carrying on a conversation while driving a commercial vehicle is a prohibited practice, just as illegal as fueling with passengers on board.


I'm not trying to be rude, but how you keep your mind occupied on a long trip is to pay attention to your driving and the traffic. You are going to be places you are unfamiliar with. Read the road signs. Watch your following distance. Watch for deer and other wildlife that may spring into the roadway. Keep your mind on the task at hand. I have taken trips to San Antonio, Austin, D/FW. Some are 5-7 hours away. Never once did I want for distraction, not even on rural highways at 3:00am.


I have one earphone, Bluetooth, that goes on my bad ear. Music and I can hear the kids.


Our company says no phones either but for something that monotonous I need something stimulating or I'll fall asleep. I keep my phone in my pocket and one earbud in the left ear.


Better get some earbuds and put them in one ear. My job has to say no phones are allowed for insurance reasons, but they never enforce it. Listen to music or a podcast.


I could legally do that in Indiana and Michigan, but not Illinois


https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/fulltext.asp?DocName=062500050K12-610 If I am reading this correctly you should be allowed to do so


We would be fired if caught driving with ear buds in.