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I mean... I want the right of freedom of movement back. Which we used to have.


I agree with this


Too bad, labour doesn't want us to have it back


Eh, I want it but I don’t like the fact it suppressed wages. I heard pay in London’s service sector shot up because we were plugging domestic labour with Eastern Europeans. I don’t like the idea that we suck talent away from other countries either, especially the students who came to study for free in Scotland under EU-non discrimination laws then never left. It’s wild that Continental Europeans would get a better deal than other British people, in Britain.


Absolutely no way the government would go for this….the next step would be to open it up to everyone and then into single market and boom, EU membership. 


EU could just open its boarders to uk youth and then just wait 15 years and the sentiment would of changed anyway.


I think that’s what little Rishi is worried about, and the sentiment has already changed.


What's more obvious now is the sentiment actually only changed in favour of Brexit for a period of two weeks over the referendum - then people realised they'd been lied to.


Some people wanted to be lied to.




It wouldn’t though… the UK already has deals like this with Australia, Canada, NZ and many more but that’s hardly a step towards the restoration of the British empire.


No, the UK doesn’t. There are travel and work visas. What the EU is proposing is far more comprehensive, and given the EU is on the UK doorstep, more accessible to the population, not just toffs and what’s left of the middle classes.


No offence but bugger 18-30 year olds; I want to see this for everyone. I just want a party to admit Brexit was a mistake and start talking about rejoining but I fear Labour haven't got the balls


I am convinced that (particularly under starmer) that the Tories will U-turn on Brexit before Labour does


I was just thinking this as I was reading. They’ll wait a year until starmer’s gov rule it out then start carping for EU membership and calling him an isolationist commie.


Aye. They won't call it rejoining the EU. They'll call it a 'new trade deal' or something but it makes too much sense not to do it eventually.


The won't happen as long as Labour are chasing the rural pensioner vote.


UK already has similar deals for young people with many countries. That's how I'm in Canada right now.


As they had before Brexit; folk have been going to Australia for decades on the 1 year Working Holiday Visa


How about we do it where people ages 0-115 can live, work or study in Europe and vice versa? We could even do a free trade deal and contribute part of our gdp in to making Europe a better place for everyone?


Damn I just turned 116, what about me?


I suspect if it wasn’t for the latter then we would still have the former benefits. Now we are even worse off.


Doesn't matter as both the Tories and Labour have decided that the people in that 15% that oppose are the only voters that matter.


UK needs real democracy, this winner takes all is not it.


lol at Wales.


That's solely a demographics thing. Since the pandemic, a lot of older English people have moved and retired in Wales.


Eh, some of the most strongly voting leave places were locations like Merthyr Tydfil whilst retiree heavy locations lile Monmouthshire were strong Remain places. Blaming it on English retirees is just apologism for the fact that Wales supported Brexit.


Source: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/survey-results/daily/2024/04/22/4091e/2


Scotland highest support (strongly + tend to) and lowest oppose (tend to + strongly), with London next highest. Subsamples as per, obvs.


Realistically Scotland and London are in a dead heat for support there - 1% difference when the whole survey will have a 3% margin of error, and the margins of error on the subsamples even higher. Though honestly they aren't even particularly significant differences across the board, apart from Wales being a little less likely to want to share their sheep ;)


Yep, Scotland and London often vote the same way when it comes to EU


In psychoanalysis, the narcissism of small differences (German: der Narzissmus der kleinen Differenzen) is the idea that the more a relationship or community shares commonalities, the more likely the people in it are to engage in interpersonal feuds and mutual ridicule because of hypersensitivity to minor differences perceived in each other. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism_of_small_differences


That's weird. This sub keeps telling us that Scotland is ultra different politically to London and that they're closer to Wales and how they wish they could just lose London and then apparently the UK would be super left wing.


Westminster, not greater London.


Nah, it's Westminster that people want to dump not London. Scotland actually aligns with the populace in London on many issues more than the other regions of England, Wales and NI.


As a Scotsman I completely agree. It's Westminster we hate, not London or England.


Or a deal where those people who voted against Brexit get freedom of movement back.


~80% of people interviewed: "yeah we kinda want free movement back" labour's answer: "fuck you and your free movement, we _love_ brexit and so _will_ you"


who do the toryscum party represent?


Better if anyone could go not just under 30


This is the YouGov daily questions, it isn't neccessarily balanced in terms of responses. It is also a question people may oppose despite believing in free movements of people as it is not an option of equality for all.


This annoys me cause I’ll just miss out on it lol since I’m turning 30 this year 🥲 Be great for my sister though, although I wish we had never left the EU to begin with.


The issue is that question had reciprocated part with EU nationals coming here. If it was only way, UK -> EU, damn sure we would see 99% strongly agree.


So insignificant differences across the various absurdly grouped "regions"


People have to see the full nature of it though. This is the problem with polls by headlines. Its - UK citizen can go to one EU country only - ALL EU citizens can go to UK. Now bear in mind the Europeans always got more out of this than a very, very small number of Brits did, bear in mind we have our own Visa system which can be tailored to need, bear in mind that everyone wants to come to the UK to study because all of the top universities in the world are either here or in America and you can see why its not perhaps such a good deal after all.


Or alternatively, of we want to take this kind of reading, EU countries gain one place they can go to from this deal while UK citizens gain 26. Sounds like a pretty good deal when you spin it that way. "People from the continent were more likely to take advantage of opportunities than UK citizens were" has always struck me as an odd reason to take those opportunities away. It's cutting off your nose to spite your face. The fact I cba to do something doesn't mean you should have barriers placed in your way when you do.


Unsurprising that people would come to the UK considering English is a largely represented language worldwide, and widely taught in EU schools, whereas if you want to go to an EU country as a UK citizen, you need to learn their language, of which not a lot of support exists. You can learn French or German at school but its not a solid and represented part of curriculum like English is over there, thanks to being a singular language versus however many are used in Europe.


it's also likely that this system would have quotas I.e. x number of people get to go to EU in exchange for same number coming to UK from EU. That's how it already works with the other youth mobility agreements.


I would strongly oppose this. But due to age discrimination.


Letting young people do this is the first step in letting everyone do this.