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I'd love to feel welcomed by the locals.


Absolutely come n chat with me I’d welcome you with open arms and love to learn about other cultures.


Germans are surprisingly very welcoming towards foreign visitors. Germans were really kind during my time there, Slovak and Hungarian shopkeepers outright ignored us sometimes when we tried to buy stuff, while even small encounters with Germans were great, let alone buying stuff.


Perhaps the Soviet influence still affects customer service in some countries.


This is completely true. It still affects absolutely everything, everywhere, in cultures of the eu countries that were Soviet occupied. Worries about speaking loudly in public, customer service, no small talk, high fences, general feeling of suspicion - what Soviet occupation did is in the genes


I assume they are there for the Euros. Expect a friendly response.


Go for it! It weirdly always makes my day when I have a random conversation with a stranger, but I’m usually not the best when it comes to actually starting a conversation with someone. So if somebody started talking to me, I’d be all for it. Maybe you might get an odd reaction because usually when somebody starts talking to me whenever I’ve been abroad it’s because they want to sell something, but I’ve never been to Germany so not sure how things are there. Realistically though, the worst thing that might happen is them having no interest in talking to you and in that case just go on about your day, on the other hand, you might end up having a really nice chat :)


It’s not striking up a conversation with us Scots that’s the issue mate - it’s getting away once it’s started! 😂


agreed lmao


This 100%, a bus ride in Scotland can make you lose your voice from the chatter 😂


"This guy keeps looking at his phone and then us, we should get outta here" Jokes aside, I'd say go for it


That’s exactly how it must have looked. Except I am a 23 y o woman who couldn’t control her excitement about seeing them 😂


You'd be astounded by the number of guys from Scotland who love having 23 yo old women talk to them. You could break the ice by asking Haben ze Mannschaft?




I can tell you, MANY Scottish men would love a young German girl to talk to them, just be careful though, bad apples and all that....


Can confirm, that's how I got my husband.


Ironically I had to do most of the talking when I met my Scottish husband. I'm definitely an honoury Scot now, been living here almost 15 years ❤️


Depends on where they are from. If they’re Glaswegian, I’m surprised they’re not already talking to you. Edit~extra word removed.


Good opportunity to practice your English.


Is this comment directed to the OP or the Glaswegians 😂 I'm a Glaswegian, Ive learned to tone it down on my trips abroad 😂


I stayed in Glasgow for three months. I was no better at understanding Glaswegian at the end of my trip.


Took roughly the same mount of time to understand the locals when I first moved


Lived in Glasgow aw ma life and still struggle to understand cunts, it's brutal


I lived there for a couple of years and at one pint worked at John Wheatley College, they put me on the phones and some of the accents were so strong up easterhouse way I was totally lost and had never struggled with weegee previously 😅


Aye we ramble at speed to be fair!


Don’t. It’s great-be you to the max.


I lived in Glasgow for 6 years.


If they are Glaswegians it's questionable whose English will profit from the conservation 😂


Excellent opportunity for both groups.




nice set up!!


English from a Scotsman? Is that what they're speaking?


Learning English from the German


Unfortunately it’s already to late and they are gone. Thank you all for your quick and helpful responses. I now know what to do for the next time when I am seeing or overhearing some of your lovely people. :) No we aren’t selling random things in Germany to strangers :D I just came from my workplace and spotted them at the train station


The Tartan Army are notoriously good-natured and up for a laugh.


Genuinely, almost every Scottish person would 100% love to have a local talk to them. Especially if they like Scotland. Next time, just go for it. Hopefully you'll have more opportunities in the next few weeks.


Next time, just do something you want to do instead of asking reddit first because things like this happen, you miss opportunities. If you tried to speak to them when you saw them, the worst thing that would happen is that they would tell you they don't want to talk. Now you can't talk.


If you see a Scotsman in a kilt, he wants to chat! Otherwise he’d just wear normal clobber


If they're in kilts they're desperate for random chat lol


Pretty much no other reason for wearing a kilt on a Thursday evening 😂


In fairness this isn't a random Thursday,  this is Euro 2024s eve :D


Mon the Scotland! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Since when do you need a reason?


Just go for it. If all goes well you’ll wake up tomorrow with a raging hangover wondering what the hell happened.




Me and a couple of friends were at Rock am Ring about 20 years ago when this random German guy came up and started speaking to us walking back to the campsite after Iron Maiden. We told him we couldn't speak German, and quick as a flash, even though he must have been ten pints deep, he started speaking in perfect English. Turned out he lost his pals, this was before phones and he was just looking to join a group to have a few more drinks with. We had 24 warm flat beers and a bottle of Jack in our tent which we went back and shared with this boy. Turns out he was the most sociable guy ever because within half an hour the bit round our tent was party central, he was chatting up everyone that walked past and getting them to go to their tents, get beers and come back for a party. It turned into a brilliant night, one of the best on the trip. People with speakers, crates of beer, and some other helpful party objects and substances all over the shop. All orchestrated by one man. In conclusion. I have only ever known a random German guy to speak to a small group of Scots once in my life and it turned out to be an amazing night. So definitely do it!


Beautiful story. Must have been an amazing weekend. Rock am Ring just took place last weekend:)


The whole festival was incredible. REM played in the pouring rain the first night in front of 100,000 people, Green Day just before them. The camp ground was the best I've ever stayed at for a festival and the atmosphere was fantastic all weekend. We stayed in Germany and went to the Hurricane festival the week after too. You guys love a beer and you love a festival! It was a great couple of weeks!


I am glad that you had a great time in Germany! There is some kind of curse on that first weekend in July when RaR takes place. There are always heavy rainfalls or thunderstorms. This year there was a vortex which ripped up tents…


June of course


I think that they would be happy to chat to you!


I've worked in a few bars in my time, so speaking to strangers is pretty easy for me. But even outside of work, if I'm out for a pint, I love welcoming folk for a chat. I love hearing different cultures and their interests and the similarities between us. As a scot, I'd say we are pretty easygoing people. If someone approaches us for conversation, we'll most likely engage. We're a hospitable bunch. No Scotland, no party.


Is that a common phrase in Scotland? Because one of them was wearing a shirt on which this sentence was printed in German :D


it’s a common football chant here for our national team! usually the only time scottish people abroad wear kilts are for weddings or football matches so i’d assume those people were in germany for the euros as they start tomorrow (the opening match is actually germany v scotland!). fans of the scottish team are referred to as the ‘tartan army’ and our unofficial team song is [yes sir, i can boogie by baccara](https://youtu.be/32wDFCM7iSI?si=ZbsRWymvUC49ArWa) so you will probably see shirts saying that too! bonus advert from [irn bru](https://youtu.be/H4JEFd5CZlQ?si=v52zZT8svxnbVtYL) about scotland and germany at the euros.


We are notoriously friendly and chatty. Go for it.


Lived here all my life, everyone just seems to keep to themselves, it's always me instigating small talk. And usually younger people are thrown off by it. I feel way friendlier than most in person tbh


Aye. This has to be sarcasm right? We're all incredibly dour.


I feel like it's not, I've heard it repeated enough. I think it's because we're helpful to people who are visiting who have questions, but to each other we are closed off


Ah, that makes sense then. I had the pleasure of visiting Scotland about ten years ago. (From the U.S.) I sort of had this stereotype of Scots as very taciturn and reserved. In two weeks there I met maybe two people who fit that description; on the whole I found it a very friendly and welcoming place. You really do have one of the best countries on earth.


Aww, thank you, and I'm happy to take the full credit for all of my fellow Scots 😊


Everyone was very friendly to us as well! Moreso in the smaller areas. Stirling especially was so friendly it felt like back home. We try to give everyone space and stuff, but plenty of people initiated conversations and greeted us etc...




Aaaaw thanks


>I think it's because we're helpful to people who are visiting who have questions I think it's also the fact that people who work in customer-facing jobs tend to be genuinely friendly and helpful for the most part, rather than the fake enthusiasm you see in some other places.


Yeah this is something I’ve been trying to quantify, I think overall we’re a very helpful people. If a visitor was to ask us a question or had a small request and it won’t inconvenience us massively to help, I think the vast majority of us would. Maybe this is where the overwhelmingly friendly sound notion comes into it. However, I don’t think we’re necessarily a friendly people, I’m very used to nobody trying to strike up random conversations, to the point where if they do I’m wondering why they’re actually talking to me. A would genuinely prefer things to be more relaxed btw, a find talking about the weather fuckin hilarious. But because am so used to jus being totally ignored unless am out drinking, the people who do it probably have a reason. And if they don’t am still wondering the reason why they’ve chosen me to start talking to. This is especially true sober, like I genuinely couldn’t imagine even attempting to walk over to a random person the same age as me and jus talking to them for no reason. Small talk about something happening in front of you and the stranger, aye, small talk about football, if friendly, is only limited by how good a conversational match people are. A don’t think it’s easy to become friends here with someone unless the 2 parties are on it in some way, or they’re already in semi regular contact via any of the traditional methods of friend making. Making friends isn’t necessarily hard, but it happening spontaneously sober, is damn near impossible once you turn 18.


Highly likely they'll be very friendly- they're also more likely to ne europhiles. We tend to take the approach that people we meet are our friends until proven otherwise! Doubly so if they're from the West of Scotland. Waiting for a bus there usually involves a good blether with others.


I’ll be over wearing a kilt in Germany tomorrow and I would feel very welcomed if some local took the time to have a conversation with me.


First of all I'm glad we're easily identifiable by the attire. Makes things a lot easier. Secondly, we are very approachable. After all, we are guests in your country, so banter with the locals is always a must. Compliments on the kilts will go down very well as an opener. Even if you miss your opportunity this time, I'm sure you'll find another one without much problem 😉


I took my kilt to Germany on a road trip and had a great time. Excellent chance to practice my German by chatting to intrigued locals! Always bought a drink for those willing to help me practice at the bar, but it had to be translated a few times to men there that buying someone a drink can be just a friendly thing and not an expression of sexual interest. I had more than one guy look really confused and tell me ‘but, I’m not gay?’ When a drink was offered.


We are always happy to chat. If we are wearing kilts we are wondering why you aren’t already talking to us.


Everyone will talk to you ,


I'll chat to pretty much anyone, am a proper friendly cunt and most people are happy to chat back. Occasionally I'll get someone who's a bit meh to a convo but I just turn it down a bit and move on, I can't expect everyone to be a chatty cathy like I am. I'm going to sound a right pensioner but I sit in my front garden and chat to people walking by whilst I'm gardening with my cats. 9 times out of 10 its the people walking by strike up the conversation.


I would too, if I saw a cat gardening!


They will be friendly especially when you tell them you like Scotland


I’m a chatter box! I’d love a chat with you if you approached me when I was in Germany 😊 sitting next to me is either going to make your day or ruin it, I loveeee talking to people, I could “talk for Scotland” as they say. 😅


I'm not Scottish, but I asked two separate strangers on the street to bum me a cig in Edinburgh and they both obliged. One shocked me by giving me a huge grin and saying "Well, *of course* you can!" with zero sarcasm even though I interrupted a conversation with his lady friend. The other glanced at me and said begrudgingly "sure."


We love to chat to strangers. We're a friendly bunch. They'll appreciate you making an effort to talk to them.


I’m a chatty Canadian person with an even more talkative Glaswegian family. If you’re in Glasgow I think you’ll be fine 🤣🤣


Depends on the person.


I hate talking to people that I already know...a stranger stands no chance...unless of course I'm drunk, in which case so long as it's a pointless subject then let's chat!


I would and do love it. It's always good to speak to new people. It puts a smile on my face! Go for it!


Most scottish people do like to chat to people!!


Ask them about their favourite Mannschaft


I'm Scottish and talk to strangers almost every day


Scottish here- will talk to anyone because I love meeting people from somewhere else. Some of the best chats I’ve have have been with people when I’ve been off on my travels 😊


I'm Scottish and I love talking to people abroad and also chatting to foreigners visiting Scotland. Go for it 😊


Ya know they are Scottish so won't offend asking if they are English 😅🤣so go for it most of us love a good ya and we are generally pleasant people


Personally I’m more of an introvert and the way a lot of people around me are, they would think it’s weird also, HOWEVER, there are very friendly Scots. I would say it would depend on their behaviour, they’re already showing their confidence by brandishing their heritage in your country, so they probably want a convo out of it. I would say go for it! They’ll be in good spirits in a diff country anyway. I wouldn’t have replied except there’s a lot of people saying how friendly Scots are a lot and in my experience it’s over inflated, most people are cordial if you’re having a passing conversation, like buying something or asking directions but you wouldn’t be able to just stop someone for a casual chat in Scotland and them not look at you sideways, even if they engage just for politeness.


Here in Scotland, I don't appreciate being approached by strangers. But on holiday in another country it doesn't bother me too much. I doubt even in the worst case you'd get a bad reaction, so it's worth saying hello.


Personally no, but I'm just an introvert and like to be left alone. I'd be pleasant and take part in a brief conversation then would remove myself. I imagine they're there for the Euros and any football fan will yap your ear off so take that risk of you want to xD


i can answer on behalf of german (my mum) and scottish (my dad) people, GO FOR IT! it's not annoying at all and why would it be mean? you show genuine interest, and that's always a good thing! is kein stress, ehrlich. alles cool und so.


Obviously not everyone's the sane but I love talking to people abroad. If you're German and around Scottish people then their probably football fans so there's your common ground. If you're polite about ut (I.e "have you got tickets for the game?" Rsther than "we'll fuckin demolish you tonight") then they'll probably love to have a conversation. Scottish people are especially proud of being Scottish especially right now with the football on so trying first asking where in Scotland they're from


Right now, there are between 100,000 and 200,000 people from Scotland in Germany - about 3.5% of the entire population!


Chatty Scot here! I make random conversation everywhere I go. Chances are if they are wearing kilts they will be happy to say hi! Hallo stranger 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇩🇪


Go for it, we're notoriously friendly


Scots are a buzz.. never had a bad experience


Yeah, love a chinwag when I'm abroad. Unless it's some random racist cunt which has happened to me a few times.


I’d hate it but most ppl would love it.


Depends on your patter by my experience


Were they inebriated?


As I noticed it, not yet 😂


For the most part yes, absolutely! Always exception to any rules but scottish people are mostly very friendly and love a good chat! One of the best aspects of being in another country/place in general is speaking to the locals


A Scotsman started talking to me in Amsterdam and I asked what language he was speaking. He looked at me with bewilderment, “English!” He was cool as hell.


As an Englishmen new to the country, I've had to adjust to strangers striking up conversations with me. The Scots are super friendly.


I saw you missed them, better to keep an eye out for a drunk granny. They are the best.


If they're in kilts it's either for an event (sport) or a wedding, so chances are they'd be up for a chat. I have probably only seen a handful of Scots who wear kilts on the daily with no special occasion tbh.




I think us Scots are a friendly nation and will speak to anyone especially if we’re on it 🍺


As long as you're sound, go for it! We are generally a friendly bunch.


Tartan army on tour for the euros, so long as you catch them before the game you'll be dandy. Honestly they'll be fine, go get a chinwag with them, you'll likely end up on a spontaneous night out. lol


Whatever you do, don’t talk about their man shaft


Doubt they'll mind, good chance they'll be pished though. I know I would be if I was there.


Abroad yes, in Scotland, no.


Having worn my kilt to the Wiesn and other festivals I am quite often approached. Go for it. If you are in Munich you'll have plenty of chances in the next couple of days.


If its Scots abroad then yes, we love it when the locals make conversation with us. Especially if they're football fans and you talk to them about football. You'll make friends, genuinely.


Ask them if they can boogie!


Just start singing “oh yes sir, I can boogie” 😀 ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


As a well-travelled Scottish person, I’m always happy to talk to anyone who talks to me, especially if they’re making favourable comments about Scotland, the Scots or (if I’m wearing a kilt) my appearance.


Id be perfectly fine with that I quite like talking about home


Oh my goodness we were recently in Germany for a holiday and we were dying for someone to strike up some random chat. My boys had learnt some German and were desperate to try it out. But nobody seemed up for it. My middle one commented "they're not that chatty are they!" After trying to engage with the waiter at dinner.


Yes, since they are travelling for the Euros, they will be in very high spirits! Fans travelling for Scotland away games are generally the friendliest in the world


Yes we like to talk to locals when we travel, say hi and grab a beer


Yes especially the junkies


If you are throwing cringe jokes about, no.


We mostly talk to any cunt, to be honest. Humans nat no? :) I didn't claim that we could be understood. That's a different thing all together.


i'm surprised they've no invited you over for a pint already,,,,, go and ask them about there manschaft


Scots love to talk especially if you need help getting around places. I can’t say the same when I went to eastern europe (Switzerland and Italy), most people I approached for directions DID NOT want to speak


Having been part of 3 Scottish people in Germany previously, we will probably talk to anyone about anything.


I would and do love it. It's always good to speak to new people. It puts a smile on my face! Go for it!


If pished yes


Absolutely. Especially seeing as they are probably a bit drunk and in a happy mood due to the football 😂


As a Canadian who is married to a Glaswegian… YES! My husband talks to everyone. It can be quite annoying at times. He strikes up conversations with people, especially when we are abroad. Incidentally, Canadians are also a very friendly bunch, so he is in his element when we take our yearly trip back to Canada to see my family. It does help that the Scottish accent is just absolutely bloody beautiful and loads of people seem to love it too.


Depends if they’re very drunk or not haha


No, but it's not just a Scottish thing, it's a UK thing in general. People don't talk on public transport, especially bad the further south you go.  Lord help you if you attempt to talk to someone that's minding their own business on their phone


I wouldn't mind it but it depends totally on my mood haha I would either absolutely love it or hate it haha


If someone wanted tae chat with me, I wouldn't mind and would chat back. That's pretty much the norm in my view, but there will always be exceptions.


Would welcome it.


Yes we do


I find it is a Glasgow thing, I mean I expect it here in Glasgow from older folk or folk my age just passing the time of day on the bus or in the pub etc.. I had locals one time I was in Barcelona randomly chatting to me in French, folk in Catalunya or Portugal somehow think I am French. It's not annoying but would be unexpected if I visited abroad. I think if you want to have a chat go for it, us Scots are a friendly bunch I think. Also this might make you smile. My teenage daughters school is allowing them to wear Scottish colours for the start of the Euros tomorrow, we are not big into football, but she is borrowing my Kraftwerk Autobahn t shirt as it has all the colours of the saltire flag! And she is a big Kraftwerk fan herself as well! I think you will have an interesting time chatting to the Scottish folk xx


I cant believe she is a Kraftwerk Fan! 😂 thats so lovely! Borrowing your shirt is a cool idea. Reminds me of some kind of inside joke that she is wearing a shirt of a German band


Honestly, yep! We love a good blether, about absolutely nothing and everything at the same time 😊


My father and uncles were all abroad for a wedding, all had kilts on, and all the locals loved it and they were all complimenting this they looked and even took some photos with them, they all loved the attention and chatting to the locals.


I do 🤣


Many moons ago I was in eastern Europe in a kilt with my mates there too. The drink was so cheap in this back alley bar we found that we bought rounds for the whole place every time. It barely cost anything compared to Scotland so we didn't care. Didn't speak a word of the language but once they put the juke box on with the old soviet marching songs that was us all set for the day. Absolute belter of a day, loads of new mates for the day and a hangover from hell in the morning. Yeh I quite like chatting with locals.hah


As a Scotsman, one of the people I talk to most these days is some random German dude I met about 3 years ago. Try talking, you'll get a feel whether they're interested or not. Take it from there. Generally speaking we're all good.


Aye, thae dae reet enough - especially if ye frum England.


Most Scots will be very friendly.




As immigrant in Scotland, I have very pleasant experience, locals are really nice, always happy to chat. In my workplace, everyone is very welcoming and I never faced any discrimination, they always invite me to their gtg and nights out. I found it much better than London where I used to work before. Most Scottish people have great sense of humour and they are blunt, something I really like.




I almost married a Scot and wish I did he was the best & I broke his heart & I regret it to this day … but he’d have spoken to anyone & yes it’s tough for a English female to suddenly find herself in Glasgow but not understanding a word. But I’m supporting Scotland in the Euros in his memory he loved Rangers but loved Scotland more than


Not annoying at all. Wearing a kilt with pride let alone being aware it will encourage a conversation and discussion is a great way to meet people and get to know others. Scot’s people live to mix with other cultures and learn and enjoy the banter with different people.


Fellow German in Scotland here. Scottish people are super super nice, so I definitely recommend to speak to them! :-) Grüße!


Welcome them, Scot’s will love you like their own 💙


Yes when I go on nights out I literally always end up speaking to random strangers.


Always m8. Always.


You run the risk of being chaired around your own place and getting gloriously drunk.


We're Scottish, we're able to talk to.our own shadow if drunk enough.


Wearing kilts unfortunately means very little as a method of identifying someone from Scotland. To answer, it really depends on the situation. In general I’m not really very comfortable with strangers approaching me, though if I’m sat at a bar for example then it’s expected in some degree that interactions can occur. For the most part I’m friendly and in a foreign place it’s always nice to meet locals.


Yeah but I'm a bit socially anxious so I don't really do it much. I more or less wait to be approached personally


It depends on how strange they are.


I’m sure they wouldn’t have minded, I’m actually surprised they never struck a conversation first 😄


Ask them if the tartan is Campbell or McDonald? If they say McDonald then ask them to show you their quarter pounder


Absolutely. Just make sure they're Scottish not English (Should be easy at the moment), as you may get a different reception.


100% go talk to them! ESPECIALLY if they are wearing kilts, we are used to being the centre of attention in other countries if we're wearing our kilts and without kilts we mostly love a blether, but definitely if you see guys in kilts you're good to go, no worries at all.


If wearing kilts and not too roudy or loud and drunk I'd say yes overall.


When I went to Scotland people would hear my accent and come over and chat to me, I’ve never felt more welcome while travelling. So from my experience they love a chat


Not gunna lie speak to me with a Scottish accent and you will almost certainly get my pin number lol


I’ve lived in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and a few smaller places and I never found Scotland particularly welcoming in that regard. It was one of the things I noticed in other countries when people started speaking to me at bus stops, etc. in Scotland, at least in my experience, this would most likely be met with a why the f@#k you talking to me look. England was much the same. The British reserve. It’s not to say people aren’t friendly and it doesn’t happen, but definitely conversations with strangers in public settings are more common in North America and other places I’ve visited.


Stranger Danger


Where there’s no language barrier, friendly chat is usually warmly received


They’ll also sing occasionally


You'd make their day.


We’re Scottish and will take to anyone (even if you don’t want to talk to us 🤣). If in kilts the. It’s fair game. Go and chat v


When I read your post I was picturing you as an older man, and I thought “absolutely, yes”, but then I read you’re a young woman, and I thought “hell yes!”. Men from anywhere are generally happy to talk to young women.


In Glasgow certainly, it's a matter of pride that we are welcoming and friendly with tourists. I'd bet they'd be happy to receive the same treatment.


It took me a while to get used to people chatting whilst in queues. I still struggle to get used to it. It’s nice all the same.


Glaswegians definitely seem to. Complete strangers will talk to you in the streets like they've known you for years. It took a bit of getting used to when I first moved here.


Talking to strangers is what we probably do best ..... Behind drinking and eating fried food


Generally Scottish people love it man. Especially on holiday


Aye next time go speak to them. It most certainly can be situational at times, but on the whole most would enjoy and appreciate the hello. When I visited USA, we found a stark difference at times. When going in to shops or restaurants, the staff where all too happy to speak with us. One was in a shop trying to sell some sort of store card, we explained we didn't live in the States (to be fair this was a mall in Pittsburgh, not often they'd get tourists I imagine) and the spiel was wasted on us. Instead of just moving us along, the woman was all too happy to chat away with us, ignoring the other customers she could have sold to. We noticed whenever you walked in to a shop, the greetings seemed more interactive as well. A week after we returned home, going in to shops, we have usually the young staff at the door "hi" "welcome" sort of one word greeting. To the surprise and almost horror of the poor lass in the shop when we responded, she had no idea what to say or do next. So, situationally, there can be times it's not expected or wanted. But when we are abroad, or in social situations (pubs being the obvious big one), you'll not find more welcoming and friendly folk than the Scots. Next time, pop on over - they'll likely buy you a beer as well.


It’s not Scottish people like talking to strangers, we talk to most expechally if we think someone is lost may look a wee bit unhappy, if u have a baby in a pram most Scottish people would ask if it’s a boy or a girl and say hello ma wee man/lassi I hope ur been good for ur mammy and put a wee bit of silver for good luck in the pram x jst as it’s hard to understand my language it’s jst as hard to understand a lot of other languages for most Scottish people but that wouldn’t stop me or most Scottish people from asking if u had a good day, where as I have been to London for an instance was lost and destress because I had got lost but not one single person seen this and I don’t know how, but not one person asked if everything was ok maybe that’s the way in London but I would rather be a gabby scott any day of the week, I hope u all have a nice day who everyone 🙃


Absolutely!!! Scots love to chat!!


On visits to the States, no. I can't stand those fuckwits. Every other nationality is welcome.


I am a firm believer in, if you think of something nice, you should say it. Absolutely go for it, you'd be more than welcomed by them, I'm sure.


I would definitely love this, go and chat to them, if they're decent folk they shouldn't mind.


I don't claim to speak for "all Scots" but if we're out and wearing kilts. We know we're going to draw some attention. So sure, come and have a chat. Things to keep in mind, our Kilts are traditionally made of Tartan that represents our Family line. Many of them stretch back hundreds of years some over a thousand years. So remember this before you make a comment that if you like one tartan over another. As they are a symbol of family and clan pride for many. The bonus to this, is that if you see people wearing the same tartan it's likely that they are somewhat related. Even if it's a distant relationship. And also since the garments are (usually ) a speciality item, they are often custom made with a specific material, they can be very pricey, so take care not to accidentally damage someone's kilt with a careless spill. Also, just remember to treat the person wearing the kilt with the same level of decency as you would anyone else. I lost count the number of times someone has tried to lift my kilt or look under it. We are humans as well, and if you see someone else doing this, call them out.


We love chat mate!


Say hello, be polite and if they engage then have at it and blab the gab. Hit them with an “alright?” And if you get one back (the standard reply to that by the way) then you are likely good to go.


I've met a Scot in my east-german hometome recently... He is a quite nice dude... And he became friends with a good friend of mine, who is a very "open" person: smiling at you, inviting, giving you a beer, this kind of guy (not gay)... He said it was very weird for him... because he told me: "In Scotland, if someone is so friendly and looking and smiling at you, it only can mean 2 things: they wanna fuck or fight with you" :D I took this as an adivce ;P