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Some people are dicks. I will be taking no more questions at this time.


The real answer is that nothing about sectarianism makes any sense For the vast majority of supporters, footballing rivalries are just footballing rivalries


This. I don't care what anyone says it's more about football than religion or hatred. You see it play out in all aspects of their lives from the colour of clothes they wear, to the their politics. The fact they come together to support the national team and many maintain friendships/marriages from the other side evidences this. The other point I'd make to OP is that the Scottish people who support the Union still feel pride in being Scottish. It's an "and" rather than a binary "or", I think nationalists feel Scottish only whereas the Union supporters feel Scottish and British.


Put it to one side and support the national team.


If only all old firm fans would do that.


Bigoted cunts who can’t see beyond the end of their nose.


Ok nipples pipe Doon son


[Do you get horny on reddit pal?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GWScotland/s/Tu57EgHxFI) ^shamelessly ^stolen ^patter ^from ^phantom ^on ^twitter


https://preview.redd.it/14ws5pxobq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f65340b7afa89e7a56fe4900d58dc180c89f27d I love Reddit so much man


Wow negative karma in the wild. ![gif](giphy|37Fsl1eFxbhtu|downsized)


What you smoking think you need To stop it wee socks


Smash his pussy




Aye mate because absolutely no Celtic fans support Ireland over Scotland eh


I’ve honestly never met one. I know a lot who like Ireland as well for obvious reasons but none actually support them. I have met a good few Rangers fans who support and wear England tops. Also a few who supported Northern Ireland.


Go to Royston 🤣


I completely agree with this statment.


I know a couple of Rangers fans who support England (and the other UK sides) alongside Scotland and a large number more Celtic fans who support Ireland alongside Scotland.


Genuinely never met one, unless they were Irish obviously.


I'm a Rangers fan and support Scotland. Most Rangers fans I know also support Scotland, after all Rangers have provided more players to the Scottish national team than any other club. There are unfortunately a small minority of Rangers fans who don't support Scotland and even some who support England, these latter ones are in my experience invariably knuckledragging sectarian racists who give the rest of us Rangers fans a bad name.


Is it a minority though? I think in recent years I’ve seen way more anti Scottish sentiment from Rangers fans. All my rangers supporting pals are acting like the euros isn’t even on, which I find a bit weird.


I completely agree with every point you’ve made. Having said that, some knuckle dragging Scotland fans do make it harder for Rangers fans to support the national team with their booing of any player associated with Rangers. 


Provided more players to the Scottish national team because in era’s such as 1967 when Celtic were the best team in Europe if not the world, and every player was Scottish, few if any were chosen for Scotland. Why would that be? Not having a go, I’m a huge celtic fan and support Scotland as do all my Celtic supporting mates. Anyone who is born in Scotland with Scottish parents who doesn’t needs to get a grip.


Not supporting England isn't the same as hating it, I'm not supporting France or Croatia, doesn't mean I hate them.


Speak for yourself! There’s nothing comparable in terms of sheer instant dopamine release than an England defeat on penalties in a major tournament. Nothing! :D


I personally find all the anti English chat a bit shit and chippy , I have lived and worked in England and got plenty of pals there. HOWEVER any time England play in a major footballing tournament all of this goes out the window , I hope they get fucking humiliated every time they take the field. Even with a fairly woke manger like Southgate can’t make up for their minging fucking fans.


I’ve known and worked with many Scots down the years, and this man speaks the truth. How do you feel when an Englishman is cheering Scotland on? Your last sentence sums up why I stopped going to England matches in the 80s. I had more than my fair share of that old shite following Chelsea.


The funny thing is Scotland domestic fans are as bad as anyone - I was in Manchester when rangers burned it to the ground - I’m not a fan was studying there , but the national fans have reinvented themselves to a really good group !


They've not reinvented themselves, the 'Tartan Army' has always been like this it's just we hadn't qualified for a major tourney since the late 90s so no one remembered how friendly and fun they are. Rangers supporters on the other hand...


I do keep expecting our great fan representation at this tournament to come to a horrific end with fights breaking out between the old firm fans. Happy to be wrong so far. I’m not being a judgmental prick just to be clear, the reason I don’t get wasted in large groups is because I can be a massive prick ready to go full metal begbie if I misunderstand somebody’s behaviour towards me when binge drinking. Really proud of our fans Glad I only drink nice wine on holiday now.


Our national side supporters are quite well behaved, we seem to save our hooliganism for club level. Not just rangers/celtic, there is also something of a hibs/aberdeen off pitch rivalry


It’s one set of domestic fans who really cause the big incidents. All fan bases have their idiots but only one set of supporters in Scotland have rioted at several European finals.


>All fan bases have their idiots but only one set of supporters in Scotland have rioted at several European finals. I don't think you know what the word "several' means...


Incredible work mate, you really got me bang to rights there.


Happy to have you


I’m completely incapable of not liking where Pat Nevin and Charlie Cooke come from. Edit. And Kevin McCallister obviously.


Back in 2018 when I was living in Scotland I was working with a girl from England. I'm from Denmark myself and we were and international team. One day I was talking to a Norwegian team member about we were slagging off Sweden, as one does. Later that week Sweden was playing England in the football for whatever touney was on. English lass asks me if I'd be wearing and English shirt for the match. I was confused and asked why I'd do that when Sweden was playing. I'd obviously root for Sweden. She got so incredibly upset and started on about how I was always slagging Sweden and it was anti English of me to support them. Like, yes, I'll shit on Sweden any day of the week but if they're playing the football against anyone but Denmark or Norway? I'll obviously support them and cheer their wins. I love Sweden. But fuck Sweden.


I’m not from UK and find it bizarre and ultimately annoying AF how much chat is going on about the english football. Like no reality check, always going to win, top of the world, overanalysing … which makes my feelings exactly the same when they get to penalties haha


I wonder how David Platt is doing these days?


'Like no reality check, always going to win, top of the world, overanalysing …' You don't know English fans at all if this is your take.


You're getting downvoted but it's true. It's coming home is about as serious as all the irn bru ads about how Scotland can do it and win the Euros


Or "were on the march wi Allys army"


There's a difference though, the rest of the UK have to suffer it as well, yet you wouldn't see our adverts. In Scotland, we get it's coming home played in supermarkets when no one up here is supporting England. We could be watching the BBC news and scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland would get a brief mention in regards to sport, only for there then to be a massive 10 minute spiel about how the England team are doing. Even if they lose or get put out of any sporting tournament, and any of the other home nations are still in, England would get a big 15 minute sob story on the news complete with interviews, and everyone else gets about 30 sec of coverage. Combine that with the shite about "xx" years of hurt, it becomes a dopamine hit to see them get absolutely fucked.


Case and point is half time on the Scotland match yesterday they did a bit with Gareth Southgate and England.... This is halfway through our match! That wouldn't happen the other way around


Mate that wound me up to no end. You wouldn't expect the English to be watching the game against Denmark and suddenly a bit with the German team comes up with the manager bigging them up. Why do we have to watch that? That's not even an anti English thing. It's just not relevant in the slightest.


What are you on about about? What supermarkets are you going to that play music at mall let alone English football songs.


Have you ever walked into an Asda? I worked in there for 7 years, and in every football tournament, there were adverts with "it's coming home" on the radio. Nevermind the fact they seemed to just send English football merchandise nation wide that surprisingly did not sell in scotland.


Not in a long time. But definitely not seen it in morrisons, Lidl, aldi, tesco, or Sainsbury's


Tbh I guess it's quite easy to ignore the radio when you're not subjected to it every day for 8 hours.


Whenever you get the tv on, its like some religious cult about football, very annoying to watch


That's just silly. Tell me they don't behave the same in a myriad of other countries.


Its quite different where Im from


Of course you would think that.


Surely you would comment that.


You haven't heard the BBC commentary if this *isn't* your take. 1-0 against *Serbia* and you'd think they were 6-0 against France the way the commentators were chatting. "dominating" the game etc.  Against *Serbia*


Mum! MUM! The English people on TV said something slightly positively about the England team, can you call OFCOM again for me?


I'm sure Shearer was actually wankin himself off while talking about Bellingham.


It's not slight positivity. Slight positivity I wouldn't mind.  It's blind adoration. They were talking like they were Gods (TM) OWNING the match and DESITINED to win when the reality was it was a fairly dull match, they didn't put in the best showing in the second half, and compared to the other opening matches they actually did poorly for a winning team. 


That ridiculous and I think you know it.


I can only assume you either are English or didn't hear the commentary.  I'm not exaggerating, that's just how they were talking.  The contrast with the ITV pundits talking about England is actually quite funny (on ITV when they were chatting about it they were more "yeah wasn't exactly a champion second half", so even other (also English) sports commentators can be more even handed than the ones providing the BBC commentary.


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It's a bit sad though isn't it? Being someone like you.


LOL Though imagine how confusing it is for me. My Mum’s English and my Dad’s a mix of Irish Catholic, Ulster Scots and actual Scottish. I’m torn in two! Half of me would like England to win. The other half would like nothing more than England to lose.


But none of those subs are infested with posts shitting on English people like this sub is.


Some people can be extreme in their attitude, we've probably all met a few of those types if you live in Glasgow or probably anywhere in Scotland tbh, but most people don't care in a meaningful way about any of the stuff you described. Most Celtic and Rangers fans are just regular balanced people like anybody else.


I'm a massive Rangers fan and also a massive Scotland fan. I have friends who are massive Celtic fans and are massive Scotland fans too. It's not a big deal.


Exactly the same with me mate


The really bigoted fans just won’t support Scotland. So they take themself out of the equation. They’ll be supporting Ireland / England and be at best indifferent to England. So they won’t watch it at the pub or go travelling with them.


Typo: indifferent to Scotland


I know rangers fans who have cheered when Gazza scored against Scotland because he played for rangers I also know Celtic fan that cheered as well when the national team was beaten in the same match. She doesn’t consider herself Scottish as well. Not all old firm fans are like that but there is a small hard core element to some of them who don’t like the national team. Mainly because they love Britain or Ireland more. Then some love the national team. What I’m getting at is there’s no one size fits all for either they like or hate the national team. EDIT: tonight I overheard a colleague refer to the tartan army as ‘tartan trannies’ for the upcoming game. The colleague is a racist, LOL member, a bigot hated in work. You can see the calibre of his mental processes right there. Utter scum.


This is like asking how Tottenham versus Arsenal rivalries work in the national team. Theoretically, players on opposing club teams aren’t rivals anymore in the national team and the same goes for fans.


I think Spurs/Arsenal is a lot different to the Celtic/Rangers rivalry


I think the difference is that Spurs and Arsenal, or Liverpool and Man United fans are all the same demographic of people. There is no underlying ideological hatred.


I mean most Celtic / Rangers fans are just normal people and don’t have underlying ideological hatred - signed a Rangers fan, who opposes the monarchy, is pro Palestine and has plenty of Celtic cousins who don’t actually know much about Palestine or Irish reunification. Edit - and none of family have been to church (Catholic or prod) since our grandparents era


Where are you from though? I grew up in the west of scotland, went to a catholic school. Everyone there is a celtic fan, every rangers fan went to a “non-denominational” we went to mass when I was younger. There is and was a very clear divide. I have rangers fan pals but they come from later in life, work etc.


I’m definitely not saying there’s not a divide, we know rangers = prod and Celtic = Catholic and that divide exists, but what I meant was the average fan doesn’t automatically hate each other and have ideological differences. The question is about putting the rivalry to bed when supporting the national team, as though Celtic and rangers fans can’t be civil enough to unitedly support Scotland, when in reality lots of people are friends with supporters from both teams. And to be fair, for reference I grew up in Liverpool with parents from Glasgow but spent most school holidays in Govan and Renfrew with my grandparents. I also went to catholic school in Liverpool (plenty of scouse Celtic fans.)


You’re being dramatic. Most if not all Celtic and Rangers fans have mates who are fans of the other team. They hate the other club, not all of the other fans. When watching Scotland none of it matters (or it shouldn’t anyway).


So are Rangers and Celtic fans for the most part. The sectarian stuff is just a performance.


Big Celtic fan here. Rangers and Celtic players are SCOTTISH. If you can't see that, then you are probably more obsessed with religion than football. More importantly though, do we pay tony ralston to give away free goals to tge opposition? Lol embarrassed for him.


To be fair you also don't play Ralston which is good advice for Scotland I would much rather just have Forrest as a wing back than ralston playing for Hungary on sunday


As a Rangers fan, I celebrate my national team too. I don't care for Callum McGregor, but if he scores Vs any national team I cheer.


So it seems like you can find common ground over England getting knocked out on penalties. Shall we recommend this method to the Middle East? Someone send Hamas and the IDF a Euro 96 VHS?


For most fans of both, they both have friends who support the other team, they act up the rivalry but it's meaningless in real life and they both support Scotland. But there are a group of fans on both sides (probably worse on the rangers side) who take the whole thing far too seriously to a point that despite the sentiment of most Scottish fans about England (note well, this is the football team, not the actual country - we like the country), some rangers fans support England over Scotland. And a few Celtic fans the same but Ireland. It's the few who get most attention, not the many. I'm actually happy to cheer on the other half of the Old Firm when they are in Europe, so I'm probably right at the opposite end to the wallopers.


Hate each other until the international breaks. Then unify into a single fanbase for a couple of weeks before once again becoming rivals.


Some Rangers fans who wouldn't support Scotland anyway will hide behind small section of fans who have booed Rangers players. Some Celtic fans will not support Scotland & follow Ireland. These are minority imo & most will put the rivalry aside & support Scotland


Sorry in advance if I’ve said anything really stupid


Not at all, some Rangers fans for inexplicable reasons don't support Scotland, they support England even against Scotland and some Celtic fans support Ireland.


We don't hate the English (except when it's football funnily enough lol) We're just sick of you all voting Tory because we get stuck with them too. For the love of the wee man, vote someone else in!!!!


Most English people aren’t Tories, it’s the legions of furious pensioners that are the problem.


Yeah I've been living in England for a few years now and I've barely met any tories because I don't really interact with people over a certain age.


The majority don't vote Tory, it's the FPTP system that puts them in. 60% of people vote for other parties.


It’s human nature to have a group and an “others”. It’s literally built into our dna from thousands of years when someone different comes along into your tiny village, it was often bad news. There will always be rivalries between groups. Even amongst supporters of the same club sometimes. The only thing that would unite the human race is an alien invasion as they would then be the “others”. If China did a land invasion of the USA, all the left/right toxicity there would be out the window.


Unexpected Watchmen reference! (Not wrong, though, mind)


Football is football for most people. I have a theory that a good chunk of fans that sing the sectarian songs probably don't know what they mean. (In that they see them as anti-Rangers/Celtic rather than anti-Catholic/Protestant). Ultimately, at times like these, the national team is more important anyway. I do not understand the unionist mindset so I can't comment on this. I can only say that the anti-English view doesn't extend past the football for myself. As a supporter of independence, WM can get fucked but I don't mind the English. I'd just prefer that they be our neighbours rather than our governors. And yes, once we are knocked out in the Quarter Finals, I will be rooting for Germany to beat England in the Final.


There are rangers fans who would support England if it was Scotland vs England


The Tartan Army is made up largely of supporters of provincial clubs. The old firm glory hunters heads would explode following Scotland.


Rangers fans are the largest proportion of The Tartan Army(21%)


Link please?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartan_Army https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/sport/football/who-makes-up-tartan-army-28095875


Fair play to you 👍


They enter into an unofficial and unspoken period of Cold War, side eye hostility but never spoken. Till we get kicked out and then it's all H@! and P@& bastards again.


How does the Man Utd and Liverpool rivalry work when supporting the national team?


This isn’t the same because there isn’t sectarian divisions between Liverpool and Man United


Far Rangers/Celtic Fans - Support England/Ireland over Scotland Otherwise support scotland.


Most of them are normal and put aside their differences. You also have Celtic fans supporting both Scotland and Ireland and Rangers fans supporting Scotland and England/All UK teams in general. You also can find some non old firm fans having soft spots for any those mentioned or instead not liking any but Scotland. Then you get the vocal bigots who are anti Scotland. Have seen it with 2 Celtic fans and 21 Rangers fans online (Looking at my block list on twitter since thats the only reason ive blocked cunts) but they're just sad loud minorities


For the guys I know who are die hard either side and lean on their bigotry, they either couldn't care less about the national team or despise them. Some like England or either of the Irish sides, others pick another European team they're fond of for whatever reason I've always seen the national team and it's support to be a very very different crowd vs the domestic league as opposed to an extension of it under one banner


Same way man city and man united do? I know celtic vs rangers had a more political past than most other rivalries, but it's not that deep


The vast majority don’t care. The rest will be supporting Ireland or England


Most Scotland fans are not Old Firm fans. A larger percentage of Celtic fans are probably Scotland fans than Rangers, but a significant number of both don’t follow Scotland and follow England (Rangers) and Ireland (Celtic) instead.


Rangers fans are literally the largest proportion of Tartan Army. If by "significant" you mean "extremely small negligible amount" you would be correct


Citation needed


I can understand Celtic fans following Ireland as they often wave the Irish flag, but I can’t see Rangers fans following England.


Some do, it’s pretty well documented.


Goes back to the Souness era, with Terry Butcher (amongst others) playing for Rangers while England captain.


They're just dicks about players from each team. Rangers fans seem to hate more the most, a lot don't seem to support the national team.


Rangers support England, Celtic support Ireland


Half support Ireland and the other half support England.


You always blame the Celtic Players when Scotland lose… duuuh


Rangers fans support England, the Tories and the King. Celtic fans wear the strip as a major item of fashion whilst abroad, and generally behave like scum. Hope that helps. 


Celtic fans support Ireland, Rangers fans support England with the Tartan Army being made up by everyone else.