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This is just a Scottish guy getting hammered, I bet


A little white bag, mein Bruder?


(Eine kleine weiße tasche, mein Bruder?)


We did vote to remain to be in the EU but Scottish democracy doesn’t matter to our English overlords.


I'm glad you made the distinction. Every other English person I know would walk right back into Europe with you. On a side bar, you've set such a benchmark in this tournament that I'm genuinely nervous about the average English fuckwit, beer and football combination.


More Scottish arrests than English ones so far.


That's not true, 2 Scots and 8 English fans have been arrested, unless you have other evidence to the contrary?


That's a bit of a surprise 😮




Really where is this information?


The news. 2 Scottish fans arrested in Munich before the tournament even started and 3 arrested after a woman was kicked in the fan zone during the Germany game. Don’t paint Scotland fans as harmless saints and English fans as violent thugs because they’re both as bad as each other.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/euro-2024-eight-england-fans-arrested-in-frankfurt-as-offences-revealed-13156478 That's 8 in just one arrest. England must be higher. Ok we should expect 10x from England because they have higher population. But I think your spreading fake news 😋


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That is not true. You are an embarrassment to everywhere you go and always have been


It’s undeniable facts from multiple news sources. If you’re too stupid to accept basic, objective facts about reality then nobody can help you.


I unwound Brexit by emigrating to Spain. Still possible, but not easy.


I'm applying for an Irish passport.


8 years ago today 😭


Feel like pure shit, just want the EU back x


Feel bad for you scots atleast in the north of ireland we had irish passports anyway for travel but theres been nothing but inflation and worsening services that used to benefit from eu funding and all ireland projects that got cut because of them tory wankers


Thankfully I’m Scottish with Irish grandparents so I’ve got dual citizenship! Doesn’t help the fact schools and the NHS are collapsing but at least I can jump ship if it gets too bad.


Well the unionists over hear think that the republic of ireland has like an american health care system basicly using having an nhs is the best reason to be part of the uk while also voting in the people that are slowly but surely selling off the nhs to the private sector


it's so cringe when people try to make it sound like scotland is an oppressed colony


It’s cringe when people try make it sound like Scotland isn’t constantly outvoted due to its population.


All I'm doing is pointing out how offensive it is to try and act like Scotland is some oppressed country. Because i think you might have the idea that not being happy because you voted for a different party is the same as being oppressed. Take India. Despite us making the decisions about how the country was governed, none of them got a say in who made up the British Government. that's real oppression. But someone in Glasgow has just as much influence in politics as someone in Manchester, we have equal representation! It's not just embarrassing, i think it's offensive to all the people who lived and still do live under oppression.


Nobody is arguing we are a third world country but the argument of “you can’t be upset because other people have it worse” is ridiculous. Scotland has had a government it hasn’t voted for the majority of the Union, that is oppression.


Didn't Scotland vote to remain in the UK? Can't complain about a group decision when you voted to be part of the group.


Scotland voted to remain in the EU but nobody wants to talk about that.


No. We voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU. Sadly, there’s only 5 million of us and 50 odd million of you lot so we always get lumped with whatever the prevailing opinion in England is. As yon Tory adviser said last week: “England is not a country, just a region of the UK..” ;)


The far right have 25pc of seats in the EU now and continues to increase. Surprised you Scots want to be part of that establishment. P.s. how you feel about the UK is how we feel about Europe. Laws made for you. No voice. "Oppressed".


“Democracy inevitably leads to Tyranny” - (Plato)… Left/Right are two cheeks of the same arse, imho, and I’m not a nationalist but a long standing anarchist. We don’t need rich posh cunts or self righteous pinkos to tell us how to live our lives. Peace out, geographically similar chum ;)




We voted to keep the union under the impression we'd remain part of the EU and we were bombarded with propaganda stating it would be a long painful process to join as an independent country. 2 years later england decided to leave. Had we known england was going to vote brexit I seriously doubt we'd still be a part of the UK. I dont even blame england for brexit, Cambridge Analytica did some serious damage


Wales did too


Weirdly Welsh Wales didn't. The counties of Wales that are full of people who identify as English voted Leave. The counties full of people who identify as Welsh voted Remain. Sadly it turns out English folks who bought a house in Powys outnumber actual Welsh folks in Carmarthen/Caerfyrddin.


The highest Brexit voting areas were places such as Blaenau Gwent and Torfaen. Not exactly big holiday home destinations.


Come on this is just being silly. Apply the same logic to areas of Scotland that have a large population with Irish ancestry and you’d have the complete opposite but on a larger scale. I hated Brexit but don’t be daft.


To clarify. Nationalists suggest that the Welsh vote was swayed by English "incomers". The highest voting Brexit areas were not those which have any marked level of English incomers. There was nothing else to my comment


I was replying to the comment above yours - as it happens I agree with your sentiment 👍




What nonsense are you talking about lmao


https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/sep/22/english-people-wales-brexit-research?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Basically it's the reason nobody in the UK can have nice things: retired English people.


Maximum voting age anyone? After all, why let people vote on matters they won’t be around to see the result of?


Same with the Scottish independence vote. Scots actually voted more than 50%. English people living in Scotland voted 85% to stay in UK.


52% of Wales voted to leave the EU 52% of Wales is not retired English people stop with your anti English agenda


9% of the population of Wales identifies as "English." 18% identifies as "British," but not "Welsh." The bits of Wales with the highest percentages of "Welsh"-only identy voted the highest percentage for Remain. On small margins with a turnout of 72% can you really say that 27% of the population didn't have an impact? 38% of Scots voted Leave as well. I'm not saying they're English. I'm sure plenty of Welsh-identifying people voted Leave too. But English people in Wales did vote for Brexit more than Welsh people in Wales. So blaming all of Wales for voting Brexit (as you did) seems uncharitable to the bits of Wales that didn't. https://www.gov.wales/ethnic-group-national-identity-language-and-religion-wales-census-2021-html


what about all the people in England that don't identify as English?


... and Pootin


I don't think the EU was the only factor in the unity vote... there's also the economy and host of other stuff. It's mad that a third of Scots didn't even bother to vote in the EU ref... not sure you can claim EUnnocence 100%. You are right about social media manipulation though, the vote was close enough 'they' only had to thumb the scales in a handful of places.


The Scottish referendum wasn't close enough?


You're right, we should be even more democratic and vote again


"No, not like that"


Won't be at all like that. In another vote we'll get a different result, now that everyone can see the truth - & all the pro-Bwreckshit Farage & Boris bullshit isn't confusing anyone.




Bit like Scotland competing in the Euros, we're going to keep trying till we win the damn thing!


You do… realise this is the entire concept of a general election?


Brother what do you think the concept of democracy is?


An equal union of democratic partners where only the vote of one partner matters and that one partner gets to decide whenever the others get to vote to leave the union? Sounds more like a pseudo-democracy and an example of the failings of unitary systems.


>the vote of one partner matters England doesn't vote! Each individual person does, and there is no special consipiracy of English voters nor Scottish.


Additionally don’t disregard my criticism is targeted at unitary systems like the British one being undemocratic compared to Republican/federal systems. If the vote of one densely populated American state is the only vote that matters, then what would the point of America having different states be. The same logic applies to Britain, if only the outcome of English votes matter then why even bother give us an illusion of political power in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Because there is no power for Scotland, England, or Wales. There are 650 constiuencies. Those are the 'states' that send their representatives. Obviously it's horribly confused because of the legacy nature of the union, e.g. legal systems, sports, etc. But legally and in all practical international matters there is only one 'country' and its 650 subdivisions. The nationalist angle pushes the idea that there is a singluar spirit in Scotland, and someone this is strong distinct from an English counterpart, but this isn't true. Especially when comparing with even nearby nations.


Come on dude don’t use semantics like that. The outcome of elections is determined by English constituencies. Scottish constituencies and Northern Irish constituencies voted overwhelmingly against Brexit, but that didint matter because the majority of English ones voted for it. Just because something “doesn’t exist” on paper doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist in practice.


It's not semantics. You could say the exact same thing about London having no power because 'not London' outnumbers them. The idea of lumping the English and Scottish constituencies together only makes sense with nationalist sentiment driving behind it. And the nationalists are fewer than 50% in Scotland.


I gotta agree with you. We voted to stay in a union then we voted as a union. That being said I wish we hadn't.


If you ever vote to change union, we would accept you as a 17th Bundesland


I'll take a Braühaus over Brewdog any day.


Haha you guys tried that before. No thank you.


Because there's no democracy


You and us both, from your brother's in N.I.


You voted against independence, get over it


I didn’t?


Then stop saying ‘we’ like you speak for Scotland when the majority of Scottish people voted against you!




Yes? Why wouldn’t I think that? A Scottish vote should absolutely decide what happens to Scotland.


And an Aberdeenian vote should decide what happens in Aberdeen, and so on.


Yes? Absolutely? This is what local councils are?


If people in Aberdeen felt strongly that, in general as a whole, their views and political direction varied significantly from the rest of the country, then they should absolutely campaign for stronger self governance and I would support that. There is no evidence that that is the case though, which makes it a bit of a silly argument. You'd have done better to go with Shetland where I believe there are people who do hold that type of sentiment, and again I support their cause.


The point is, the argument above (as with Swinny's "The people best placed to decides Scotland's future are the Scottish") is based on exceptionalism and the implied insidious sentiment that they currently *do not* have the power to decide their future. As I've said before any voter in Scotland has a lot more power than most elsewhere. And I don't think there really is a one true Scotsman whose entire character is shared with the majority of the rest. The same is true in England. Nor are there critical circumstances that mainly apply to Scotland as a whole; it's rural vs urban, rick vs poor, as a gradient across the whole island. Anything to the contrary requires boiling matters down to a single metric for everyone with no nuance (a good example being the Brexit vote, as regularly misrepresented). In the end, the people best placed to deicde on Britain's future are the people living on the island of Britain, and some of those people get localised extra power.




Absolutely, which is why Scotland should have no say in Westminster and be its own country.


Westminster is your parliament.


Neither is Brussels










The fact that your Lords in Westminster seem so hell bent on not letting Scotland go should tell you something about just how fucking stupid your comment was. Dumbest fucking thing I've read so far today. High Five!


Erm…. The Scottish voted to stay in the union.


Yes in large part due o the constant fear mongering and anti-seperation propaganda coming from the government and their lackeys at the BBC. Or did u just think all that propaganda made itself?


To stay in the EU….


So why haven't the polls changed? What can we learn from that?


In Scotland only a Scottish vote should matter (that applies to all who reside here regardless of national origin)..


Interesting , so only if you're born in Scotland? Or are you talking like 3 generations.


I believe his comment answered that pretty clearly?


I think he edited that 👀 He was saying English people shouldn't be allowed to vote.


Nah I didn't, if I did there'd be a * by ma comment which there isnae. Edit; this one i have edited.


Tell us what you've won since the referendum result, lol.


Oooo another nice little self suck, don’t mind if I do !


There is no end to this circle jerk cringe fest


Coming from a scotsman if roi would have been in Germany at the same time as the Scot’s it would bring a tear to your eye.


What's roi? I looked it up and I assume it doesn't mean "return on investment"


lol Republic of Ireland




As opposed to “boi”… “British Occupied Ireland “ ;) 🇮🇪




God this is pathetic


More pathetic that you hate it so much, that it offends you that singing about German bombers doesn’t make people like you


It doesn't offend me lofty, but this whole exceptionalist circle jerk is so sad


Good luck in the rest of the tournament mate


Like you then. Point of joining to say it’s pathetic. Sausages




Why does a bunch of people showing mutual admiration and appreciation for one another make you so mad?


Who said it made him mad? He said it's like a parody.


Sounded a bit angry to me


I'm not even from GB but yours came across more angry than his tbf. Literally just said it's like a parody. Don't see where the anger is in that comment.


It seems to trigger absolute bellends for some reason.


It's a post colonial knee jerk. People should only be united in misery


These posts are getting ridiculous. Yes the Scottish fan were fun. I hung out with a bunch on Köln, had a blast. But these posts are just people farming karma now.


They're actually Russian bots, sent here to sow division to achieve their ultimate goal; dismantling of the UK. 👀


LMAO, those are too busy promoting Farage over on /r/unitedkingdom to say anything nice about either Scotland or Germany. It won't last past everyone's coming home so enjoy it while it does. If you can't take a compliment due to Catholic/Calvinist guilt then take it as ironic.


Or it’s just people bring nice? I don’t get the toxic responses 


It's not toxic, it's just being real.


I mean you could’ve just ignored my post and moved on with your day


Don’t listen to these wee whiney a*sholes. Your kind words are welcome ☺️☺️


Don't be such a Dutch downer... Just let everyone have their fun and cherish their memories.


Jesus Christ. They're like two lovesick teenagers at this point. Give them independence so they can get a room already 😜


Germanys cocaine use per capita is about to get a bump


Pass the sickbag


Bloody hell the faux circle jerk on here is really quite cringe


So on the night of a crucial game for Scotland, 2 Scots sat next to you dressed in German kits to watch the German game?


Maybe couldn't get tickets for the Scotland game but managed to get some for the Germany game in the draw. I know as many Scottish people who had tickets for random games as I do people who actually had tickets for Scotland games.


When does this circle jerkery end ffs


But we were great fans despite not being in the EU, why would being in make any difference?


Single market ?


A single Meerkat would get lonely.


Yes, but you're missing my point. We are great fans whether in or out. I didn't ask what we are/are not part of.




Enough circle fellating. Just wait till they fuck their own electiond up.




We have had a lot of messages like this. There was one from the German version of 'The Onion' which claimed that drunken Scottish football fans had rescued 40 children from a burning orphanage.


I don’t know what that has to do with what i said 


Ignore the idiots. We're all happy that everyone has had such a great time, have been welcomed and in return appreciative of the kind words for our supporters who were respectful and enjoyed the camaraderie


You’re just getting a couple bitter serially online wankers lashing out, the travelling fans and people of Scotland obviously appreciate your kind comments.


I don't know what was negative about what I said. Obviously the orphanage story was bollocks, but the sentiment was that Germany enjoyed the Scottish company. And I'm glad to hear it. That's all I meant by that.


Aye, sorry you got jumped on, I think this sub has just gotten used to the negativity


Ignore any negativity. Thanks for looking after our dudes


Scottish social media is currently being barraged by brigadiers from the British right wing and from bots which focus on misinforming and misrepresenting political issues in Scotland. It’s ramped up a lot in recent months due to the upcoming elections


You’ll find jealous English supporters coming on and trying to take the mood down . Just jealous of how the Scottish are perceived abroad. Just ignore


I doubt they care...


lol just a quick scroll through any positive videos on social media , to do with the recent foorball , will quickly dispell you of that notion . They are rotten jealous


It’s genuinely all over their shitty pages


Well this page does shit on the English at every conceivable opportunity


It’s banter about wanting the football team to lose or having a laugh about crap English banter. The English are going mental because the rest of the world actually like us. Trying to do mental gymnastics to determine why everyone else is wrong. Some of you are actually coming into Scottish subs posing as Scottish people fed up with the credit we are getting from others. It’s like when someone gets jealous of their mate being better received by their other mates. Pathetic. You obviously have a vastly superior football team to us, a superior economy (although both are now shite), and a massive population. There is bound to be banter taking you down a notch. Scotland is a place that hates when people are full of themselves, so consider it a balancing mechanism


Don't agree really, every single person who I know who loves English football is going on about how lacklustre the team is, nobody losing their shit about scotland, however I've noted this thread as being incredibly anti English and hasn't been able to say anything good about themselves without saying how shit the English are, btw more Scots have been arrested than English


I can say loads of good things about England. Used to live there miss all my mates down there terribly 👍


And you haven't realised that UK papers just love to stir up shit?


This is so blatantly a scottish guy its hilarious


One look at his profile tells you otherwise mate, it ain't hard


Yeah, that’s how I read it too. 😆


I’ve just come back from Stuttgart and believe me they do love us. Scottish flags all over the shop, hanging from residential dwellings and folk just really enjoying the atmosphere which was basically Scottish fans having a laugh and enjoying their holidays. Had we beat them mind it might’ve been a bit different. We’re a novelty act unfortunately at the moment, but a good one at that.


I think it used to be generalised to the entire UK. Pretty much every German learns English, culturally and (sadly) culinarily we have a lot in common, almost everyone went on school trips to the UK etc, you're just the closest we get to kin outside of the german-speaking area. But Brexit really soured the German opinion on England. But this doesn't extend to you, you're still our brothers that have been stolen from us.


This might be the most pathetic exit Scotland ever had. Online love in, people claiming they are just there for fun and friends. Why bother playing football guys? just go to the tournaments and have a piss up


Qualifying was already a big win in my book. Kind of mad how people can enjoy visiting a nice country and watching a sport they love even if they dont end up winning - almost like thats not the important part.




Guy online says a guy is too online. Nice one mate


Hahahaha this weapons back again for his evening of replying to anything and everything to do with Scottish footy


Can we change the subject please.


you can just scroll by


You’re in the Scotland subreddit.


The Tartan Solution.


You wouldn’t want them. Mostly poor, alcoholics who have really bad diets. They dress in tracksuits by mckenzie and carry knives, they spend their days avoiding work and being oppressed by the English.


Something very funny about English as second language speakers, with using false expressions that are seemingly English and snuck themselves into other language vernacular, but are taking on an inherently different meaning in the actual English language. Public viewing isn’t a native English expression. You’d say public screening. A viewing as a noun for a happing would refer to something akin to a wake or a funeral in most cases. I am a German native speaker, and English is also my second language only, so I might miss some additional nuances. But I have enough understanding to find the above funny :)


wen juckts alter




These posts are getting too much


What is 'public viewing' row mean? As opposed to private viewing? It's clearly German translated into English but Danglish..just intrigued?


Like a Lidl button upon exit 😂😂😂


Just wait till some wee Ned watches your bag for you


Scotland actually voted to remain in the EU but England wanted out so we had to go with them


go to Glasgow, even friendlier there


![gif](giphy|iCRwwYL4p57MLT6bUb) Especially the Brexit bit ♥️🇪🇺


I wonder where all these wonderful, caring, altruistic Scots go after a football tournament? Are they all expats?


We’ll be independent country once again and vote to rejoin EU and I have no doudt in Germany and Denmark being on our side


They dezerve to be in the EU ..


I'd pass thank you. Scotland is beautiful, I'll stay. It be great if you took everyone else though, thanks.




There is one


Don't want to be part of EU, thanks for the offer.


Speak for yourself mate


all that good its done us n that