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Must we always get reskins? How about the rest of the Nightfall Hunter or the Morningstar set? Hmm Rare?


Nightfall Hunter clothing is all in the game and locked behind OoS commendations. Rising Morningstar was done as drops a couple years ago and they brought back the pieces they did recently just to test the new drop requirements. Sure they could do the rest of it but it seems more likely it'll be their special circumstances drop for a while longer now.


>Nightfall Hunter clothing is all in the game and locked behind OoS commendations. I mean like ship parts, equipments and/or weapons. We don't have those yet. >Rising Morningstar was done as drops a couple years ago So they could bring back the rest again, for those who missed them. They wouldn't need to work on new cosmetic models then. Or if they want less work with reskins, they could add the white Morningstar permanently from the Tall Tale. Or yet again. Ship parts.


Nightfall never will and already has its own items and weapons and stuff. Its just a red hunter set


Not sure what you mean...


its the same way that the stygian admiral set does and doesnt have items. each full set only has 1 set of equipment models with recolors. it just uses the red and black hunter set


Isn't it all reskins though? Everything in this game s cosmetic.


I think they mean recolors of existing skins. Old school RPG noise.


The Nightfall Hunter cosmetics have a different model from the rest of the Hunter sets, yet they stay perfectly in theme. The Rising Morningstar set is basically a reskin of the Morningstar set from the Tall Tales, as far as I know. Or maybe vice-versa, idk.


I think Rising Morningstar is the reskin, but tbf I think the only permanent items from the Morningstar set are the sails and maybe figurehead, the clothing items are lost once you complete the tall tale


Yeah... I think there's a Hull too.


I mean yeah- all sets have at least 3-4 alternate models that stay on theme


i for one am excited for this recolor, i like blue, i like the ashen dragon, and i REALLY like the crystals in sea of thieves style, so blue crystal is spectacular for me


The crystals visible are smaller than a quarter


there will be ship parts eventually theres a whole bunch of ashen dragon items that got colored with the jade winds, so i assume the same will be added of the sapphire


This comment sections is perfect example of an online gaming community. One person super stoked on more free drops, one person complaining free sets take to long to acquire, one person complaining free sets don't get finished and one person complaining about the fact that the free set are just reskinned cosmetics.


You forgot somebody tHeY cAn aDd cOsmEtiCs bUt nOt FiX bUgS


Just missing one person complaining about fomo


I’ve got you covered. *clears throat* “What the *fuck*, Rare?? Seriously, putting out time limited cosmetics while I’m going to be hiking the trails of Cambodia? How fucking *dare* you. This game does not care about casual gamers, and only caters to no life streamers who don’t have lives!!!1!1!1”


FOMO as in Fantasizing Of My Only-pve-servers, right? :)


Fear of multiplayer online


Yeah what's the deal with individuals having different opinions?


Why cant we get the rest of the rising morningstar set :/


This isn’t a bad drop, but honestly I don’t understand how they can’t create new items/ clothing and ship sets. It doesn’t have to be crazy but a little originality would go a long way. Hell it would probably make even more people turn up to streams. And even better, it would give creators the chance to show off some of the designs that weren’t attached to the emporium or the main store. It just seems really lazy to me.


Guys. Yall realize this means we get our first actually good looking orange jacket- aye?


I was hoping for blue eastern winds pants :(


Fair enough. Next best hope is exec admiral. But these ones are probably black


Cool ! More free cosmetics to mess around with :) Thanks Rare, and OP for the information !


Np ;)


I hope they don’t drag this set out as long as they did the Twilight Hunter set.


The obsidian set was supposed to be available to all 4 years ago and we see how that went.


I don't mind the obsidian set that much tbh, some parts of it are extremely exclusive and shows a pirate's dedication


By that you mean watched enough twitch drops or won a streamer 6 pack giveaway then sure.


Nah the 6pack isn't really special lmao


The cosmetic looks clean. They made a twitter post early on that it was going to be available to all soon. This was back when there were shit cosmetics in the game.


I like the look of the Obi Sniper, just wish Rare finally fixed the insider rewards so I can get my Silberblade one... Hopefully I can get a Gilded Pheonix set aswell soon


I took a whole bunch of you one time and tripped crazy hard


That's badass man. I'm guessing it was awful


Ugly as sin reskins at an hour -per- reward. oof


I miss when we didn't have to watch an hour per reward.


I think it's way better this way, it lets me have a stream open for 4 hours on a muted twitch tab and I get all rewards on the same day


Yep it's better but one hour each is too much imo. Half an hour would be more doable for most regular viewers


True, I honestly can't recommend enough just having a streamers tab open and muting the page, not the stream, but the page. You still get your reward added to your account. But you have to claim each reward before progress on the next one starts


I heard you can get a browser plugin that will automatically claim drops. Although I prefer to listen to a stream on my phone and claim them manually. I actually enjoy listening to twitch while I work.


All the power to you ofc, I just have a extension for emotes and auto claiming channel points


I wanted a blue silk kimono :(


"Brand new" pff. Just decrease whatever dubious value Ashen Dragon gear had from the Ashen Chest grinds. Whatever, sure.


Idk why they don’t finish sets before making new ones


This one is really cool! An ashen dragon's reskin is always welcome. I just hope they dont EVER again run for a whole year a lame reskin of an ugly set. Bruh I already hated the hunter sets now they made me hate it more.


More resins yay/ also 1 hour now? 30mins was long enough


Now you can get them all in one day thats why its an hour


Still better than siege at 3 hours Also only have to watch one day instead of tune in four days Better imo


Those look nice! Unfortunately I don’t think I’ve had time to play 1 hour over the last 3 weeks! Let alone, try and watch someone else play.


Sea of cosmetics


They look terrible


Me.. no care




Surely you don't believe graphic designers are the ones responsible for server/network management, right?


Way way waaay worse for me. 50% packetloss go brrrr


These are some ugly reskins.


They’re not the best but they are great, can’t wait to see that eor tho


I really hate this. I get that it's free advertising but I'd rather play the game than watch other people play.


They can put them I'm the shop or I can do without. Either way I'm not watching some loser stream when I could just play it myself


Have you heard of playing the stream in the background?


Thx for the update, I look forward to them!


Finally, cooled down dragon But seriously we will finally get a good model on the ashen D. Jacket model


This is one of my main annoyances; those of us that like to collect don’t want just four items. I want the full set.


I believe this will be the set the continue to release through twitch drops over time as they have done with some previous full sets. So eventually we collectors will have the opportunity for the full set. Fret not friend :)


BRAND NEW!!! Reskins




The bar is so low


I dont like to complain about free stuff, but honestly not very enthusiastic about these. They don't look all that good. Although hopefully future items will look good. I wish some of the obsidian stuff would finally roll back around though. It's been long enough since the last time they dropped it. Not even picky about what items it would be.