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I was like why is it so hazy today...oh.


Global warming is still a real thing. We can distract all we want.


Look, I'm all for fighting climate change, but fireworks a few times a year (even a lot of them) are not moving the needle on global greenhouse gas levels.


Aren't we talking about fires caused by fireworks though?


What fire?


There was a pretty big one in auburn. Had the pleasure of being stuck in traffic for an extra couple hours while fire crews contained it.


Nah that was just a propane tank blowing up at a homeless camp


An area in Wenatchee was evacuated .


That was before the 4th and not related to fireworks.


There were 30 fire calls in king county in one hour last night.




I thought that was as well but then I looked into it and a bunch of fires are burning around us.


There are fires in Wenatchee and Chelan.


an arrest has been made for the fire started last night in wenatchee https://www.wenatcheeworld.com/wildfire/live-updates-boy-arrested-in-balsam-root-fire/article_5bbda6c6-3ad5-11ef-abf5-abcb077ae9ae.html#:~:text=One%20person%20was%20arrested%20Friday,the%20Chelan%20County%20Sheriff's%20Office.


I stomped a small one out kitty corner from me because of all those large and low fireworks last night. I saw it from my window and the people setting them off walked off. Surprised there weren't more fires from them. People have no fire safety skills here it seems


Caused by fireworks?


The one in Wenatchee was fireworks: https://www.wenatcheeworld.com/wildfire/live-updates-horselake-road-fire-sparked-by-fireworks-aircraft-ordered/article_5bbda6c6-3ad5-11ef-abf5-abcb077ae9ae.html Edit: to add, the Chelan fire is thought to have started with ā€œhuman factorsā€ but itā€™s been burning for a while.


Yeah the one in Wenatchee was caused by fireworks.


Check the Gov graph on fires and how much they spike on July 4th. It is tragic.


Convenient of them to light the wildfire right next to the river but holy SHIT 250 acres in one night is horrifying


Itā€™s windy and itā€™s dry. Snow season is a long way off.


Reminds my to get new air filters for the smoke season. šŸ˜ž


Is this from looming smoke from the actual fireworks or is there a fire today?


Two major fires.


If you look at the AQI map, smoke from the Chelan and Wenatchee fires is staying in those areas right now. My guess is what we have is normal hot weather/inversion type of stuff with the fireworks smoke not helping.


ā€¦.caused by fireworks.


I know itā€™s not a competition but itā€™s crazy enough to post, AQI was almost 400 in Detroit overnight


Username checks out


Literally, itā€™s one day a year. Go back to your basement and suck your own happiness. šŸ¤£


What can I say? Y'all means all.


Sounds like a whiner to me.




It means you all. "We all" (w'all?") would include you. Even "all y'all" doesn't include the speaker.


That's when one uses the inclusive "us-uns".


Nah. It means you all. It excludes oneself. Which it really shouldn't in this case.


No it doesnā€™t lmao


Donā€™t bother, Itā€™s going over their head. Iā€™m guessing they donā€™t get paid to think at their job so this isnā€™t surprising.


If it makes you feel better thereā€™s over 30 firework injuries at harborview right now


I hope one of them was the asshole launching mortars at 3:30 this morning in Wallingford


It would if they were all dipshit adults but I know at least some of them are probably just kids with dipshit parents


My neighborhood FB group said a 15 year old lost an eye at Jefferson Park last night. It was loud til pretty late in Beacon Hill.


Holy fuck thatā€™s terrible. And completely preventable. I hate that people just get to play with fucking explosives a week of the year.


At least personal fireworks are illegal here. We're trying our best (especially given a police force that is generally dubious about policing low-level stuff like this).


Someone in Snoh County lost several fingers.


Play stupid gamesā€¦


Really? It seems psychopathic to be happy about the suffering of others.


Yeah, that's why this whole fireworks thing confuses me. People keep gleefully setting them off despite knowing it causes suffering for everyone around them.


Is it really suffering for everyone or are you just assuming everyone has an identical experience to you?


Poor air quality is bad for everyone, even if some are more sensitive than others. For example, asthma affects ~8% of adults.


They are illegal, and people choosing to set them off are committed an illegal act. Why aren't people teaching their kids to obey the law?


Does thatĀ really make you feel better that people are injured?Ā 


It makes me feel better that people who are irresponsible have consequences.


No, but thereā€™s enough sadness in the world for me to waste my empathy on adults who willingly engage in dangerous activities. We warn people every year not to risk it and yet here we are. https://newsroom.uw.edu/video-library/harborview-readies-for-annual-wave-of-fireworks-injuries


I mean these are the type of people that would have long ago gotten lost in the woods and eaten by predators. I shot off fireworks every year as a child and never stupid enough to injure myself or start a fire.




I uronically agree


That's a great typo.


Lotta 'tude in these comments


Came for the 'tude stayed for the rude


Ironic user name


Maybe it's just me but I don't think you're supposed to fuck the fireworks.


It's just you


I just came here to watch people complain šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The pearl clutchers are out in force today!


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.




How about we ban the sale of them?


This frankly confuses the shit out of me. There is a big firework stand down the street from me in a church parking lot, and on the street next to their sign is another sign from the city that lighting them is banned, which went into effect 2 or 3 years ago. Have never understood how or why it didn't also can the sale.


Donā€™t the stands in the city only sell the small stuff thatā€™s legal like sparklers and whatnot?


At least the one by us, which is in Brier, sells just about everything.


Def a weird thing, but starting next year they arenā€™t allowed to be sold where theyā€™re illegal to use anymore.


Are they engaging with the tribal authorities on that ban?


I donā€™t think so, no. https://komonews.com/news/local/fireworks-sales-illegal-snohomish-county-2025-banned-south-county-fire# Youā€™re just not going to see them for sale in city limits anymore across Snohomish.


I wish we would pay the tribes to not sell fireworks the way we pay farmers to not use their fields/crops.


>sells just about everything No, thatā€™s not true at all lol


When I was growing up on the east coast all of the states banned selling fireworks to people from the same state. They could still sell to people from other states. So everyone just drove to the other state.


Exactly how it worked in Colorado. People would just drive up Wyoming and purchase them by the carload and come back down to Denver and sell them.


They are banned from sale, except Indian reservations donā€™t have to follow those laws.


Weird, there are big fireworks stands near where I live. All of them sit in banned areas. I live nowhere near a reservation.


I live 5 min from muckleshoot and it always ends early due to a fire


I seem to remember that it used to be you had to go to an Indian reservation to get them, now there are stands all over the place.


Theyā€™re completely legal in Monroe. Even got a flyer from the city on acceptable hours to set them off (9am-midnight). Not every municipality in the state has made them illegal.


The law banning the sale everywhere they cannot be used goes into effect next year. Just heard from the guy at Shock n Awe.


I thought they were banned and could only be bought on reservations. Which ultimately would be the problem with a ban. You can't stop the reservations from selling and trying to enforce possession or use of fireworks feels like an impossible task and people will just get away with blowing stuff up as long as it doesn't start a fire.


The use and sale is banned in some areas but not others. I saw stands yesterday in Black Diamond and all over pierce county out to Elbe. So while you canā€™t buy them in Maple Valley, you can drive five minutes away and buy them. The real big ones are sold on reservations and despite the ā€œruleā€ that you can only use them there, my neighbors who spend 364 days a year Backing The Blue gleefully give the finger to laws on July 4.


I'm sure your neighbors break all kinds of laws when they want.Ā 


Native Americans don't like this idea.


Like how we banned casinos?


I was driving to Tacoma from Seattle at about 2am. The area around the Emerald Queen Casino was so smokey it was like driving through fog


Youā€™re going to have to go the reservation for that. Good luck.


How dare you enforce laws we don't do that here obviously šŸŽ†šŸŽ‡


Tbf itā€™s very difficult to enforce. Iā€™m a firefighter and work the 4th here and there. The police scanner goes CRAZY with firework calls, 90% of the time the people are already gone when they get there, the other times? Thereā€™s like 20 people on scene and no one will say who set them off.


Most cities do. Where I live, 0 fireworks. Next town over? All night long.


I mean, I live within Seattle city limits and on the baseball field across from my building people were setting off huge fireworks until 1:00AM last night. It's not like they were setting one off and then running somewhere else to do it covertly. Just posted up for hours. It's a joke.


The cops are probably the biggest users of fireworks themselves


The AQI is 80 my dude. Calm down.Ā 


Whatā€™s the AQI of this bong rip?




lmao fucking great comment


It's 134 in Burien right now according to airnow.gov. It looks pretty clear outside, though. Maybe a tiny bit hazy in some places.


Itā€™s definitely worse than that in most of the area. My home air sensor was throwing warnings all night since I had window open Edit: getting better now


But there was no way they could have predicted or prevented this the fireworks came completely out of nowhere this year!


200 in Olympia lol


According to which site? Because I just looked and the air quality is nowhere near that.


Im in olympia AQI is at 94, your just a little off.kind of exaggerating don't ya think


Ok maybe r/olympia then


Legislature working over the holiday?


118 in my front yard.


Iā€™m in Wenatchee with family for the holiday and itā€™s smoky here as well. Many had to be evacuated around 4:00 AM due to fires from illegal fireworks. Stupid people ruin everything.


Get off my lawn


When I woke up and my weather forecast said ā€œsmokyā€ (I canā€™t believe thatā€™s a type of weather forecast nowadays), I knew it was because of fireworks. Itā€™s just irresponsible and selfish nowadays to do fireworks. There should be sever and heavy consequences for anyone who starts a fire.


This is why my sinuses are murdering me


It's probably gonna clear soon. But I suppose I'm in a sensitive group, I've got some phlegm and congestion this morning from the smoke.


Who's out there fucking fireworks?


Anyone who fucked a firework last night is prolly dead big time bro


Dumb question, but how do we know this is from fireworks?


A fair amount is fireworks, no question. You can watch the air quality around Lake Union absolutely tank during and after the fireworks. What a lot of people miss, is that on a nice 4th of July, people are running smokers all day, barbecues, having outdoor fires, etc. All of which are worse than the fireworks. Add all of that into a single day and it just makes the air a somewhat toxic soup. This coming from someone who has outdoor and indoor air quality sensors and filter fans that auto on/off based on indoor air quality. I like my air a lot less chunky, but for a one day celebration, people can deal with it (or get air filter systems).


Don't forget all the extra cars and recreational vehicles being driven because it's a holiday. And high air pressure will keep that smoke from escaping.


AQI does not spike in a couple of hours from traffic. If it did, every morning at 6-7a it would spike all over the region. It doesn't. This is all from woodsmoke, BBQ smoke, and fireworks. Then it looks like the bar fire probably added a ton more starting around 1a.


There was also a massive fire in Eastlake, which is adjacent to where all the fireworks were set off from the barge and happened 30 minutes after they were set off. Some homeless squatters burned down an abandoned restaurant.


I don't know if that is what i could smell, but around 2'ish in the morning, after inconsiderate people decided to have a 30 minute firework festival, (4th night in a row, doing fireworks 1:30-2:30 a.m.) šŸ˜³šŸ˜© , but it smelled like a house by me was on fire. I had to go outside to check. My air purifier was red and going strong. I had to shut my windows, the air smelled so bad. I am assuming it was the smoke from the eastlake area. I sure wish if people were going to do fireworks, if they could at least do them by 10 pm and be done in 30-60 minutes. 1:30-2:30 a.m. really messes with everyone's sleep! See, I am cranky complaining today, from being woke up at awful hours. šŸ¤Ŗ


It was hazy last night before the fireworks even started.


Logical inference It happens early in the 5th, the 4th was lower AQU, itā€™s concentrated in the city, etc.Ā 


We are in a heat wave so the air is stagnant and there was tons of traffic yesterday. You don't think those things might be affecting air quality more than fireworks? Btw, I also hate fireworks, so I'm not saying this because I was lighting them off. My household spent the day recovering from covid and calming our dog.


The air quality getting worse is related to the heat wave we are currently experiencing.


The air quality getting worse is related to the heat wave we are currently experiencing.


It's not, OP is a reactionary looking to place blame based on their own biases


Itā€™s also fires but fires from fireworks šŸ˜‚


The best part was the fireworks that kept going after 1 AM. And I don't mean a pop every so often, I mean, a stream of the larger ones for ANOTHER HOUR. Fuckin' exhausted today...


Holy fuck. Some of you miserable fucks hate any amount of joy and fun donā€™t you?


Donā€™t you know what subreddit youā€™re on?


I was thinking the same thing. People shoot off fireworks for like one week a year. Get over it. Not everyone is as miserable as you guys.


The first summer I moved to Seattle right after college, I convinced myself that I actually didn't even like the summer, or Seafair, or the fourth of july, crowds at parks, etc. and actually strongly preferred the winter and doing things outside when it's rainy and not crowded. Now don't get me wrong, I still love a gloomy walk at Alki in Feburary, but it turns out I was mostly just coping because I had just moved to the city and basically had no friends or outlet besides work. So the people outside having fun we're all actually losers, annoying, idiots, etc. When I actually started making friends and had a life outside of sitting on my computer 15 hours a day, WOW I actually enjoy the summer now. That feels like a lot of r/Seattle posters. Maybe not the day to day lives, but definitely the mindset. TL;DR: mfs need to go touch grass holyyyyyy


Seafair wahh. Fourth of July wahh. New years wahh. People enjoying themselves wahh


Meanwhile, here on the insanely hot and dry part of the state (where you'd think we'd have laws against stupid people and fireworks getting together), we had a rash of fireworks-caused fires, all starting around 9:30pm. Be thankful that the prevailing winds here aren't adding to your problems over there.


My gf and me had a wonderful night laying in the grass watching the fireworks display in Tacoma last night. Iā€™m sure you were probably at home on Reddit, so I guess I canā€™t blame you


I think people are more upset at the private fireworks than the city made events.


"Rules for thee, not for me."


Is that why it was so freaking hazy?? It looks crazy going across the bridge today. That sucks




That was 2023, my dude.


No, itā€™s not. And even if fireworks did contribute, it wouldnā€™t be THE reason.


The amount of money spent by people in the surrounding couple of blocks on fireworks was staggering.


This is what Iā€™ve been thinking about. So many people complain about the cost of things and inflation but seem to be able to drop a lot of money on fireworks.


And many of those asses aren't going to clean up after themselves either. The main side street that my housing set and the other housing set meet at is layered in a warzone of cardboard and paper and ash and bits of plastic. I'm sure they had fun but I already have been having trouble getting adequate sleep and them blowing off cannons and shit to some time fucking close to pre-dawn this morning sure as fuck didn't help. I'm generally a pretty chill person even when I'm short on sleep but both the people I work with who someone how had the energy to give a cheery "Good Morning" got a "Yeah, No and fuck you" type of response.


Yes, I actually love fireworks but the way people are with them is awful. I canā€™t even enjoy them anymore because I think about what dicks the person setting them off is, and how much trash they leave and crap they are putting in the air.




Wahhh wahhh I can't handle fireworks one-night a year. You just know all these people commenting don't even go outside and are just looking for a reason to complain...


As someone who lives by the water, it's not just one night, it's almost every night - and mostly after 1am. Would be nice if home-use fireworks weren't a thing.


Well yeah that does suck being every night


It really is hilarious


Username checks out


Everyone *claims* to support America's veterans. But it's been common knowledge, for decades now, that the noise of fireworks exacerbates PTSD. Yet twice a fucking year, everyone feels compelled to detonate their *Made in China* arsenal. There might be no greater proof that Americans don't truly give a rat's ass about veterans than our addiction to fireworks and that our claiming to care about veterans is performative bullshit.


I would say itā€™s the complete lack of necessary VA funding and the decades-long lack of recognition of major war injuries (eg agent orange exposure)


Maybe, but the veterans and active duty folks where I live seem to be the most enthusiastic users of fireworks.


Where I live, it seems to be a much younger crowd. But I don't doubt what you're saying at all.


I live in Kitsap so it's all Navy active and veterans. It was mostly kids setting them off, but with Navy dads supervising and setting off the really big stuff. Personally I hate it, but there isn't shit I can do about it. If you want to feel better about how many get set off on the Seattle side, take the ferry over here, it's a whole goddamned thing.


The veterans setting off the fireworks probably arenā€™t the veterans with PTSD.


My uncle called 30 years ago to complain about the treatment of veterans and cheap Chinese junk in the 70s. He wants you to know he still agrees.


That's a damn nice lowkey "ok boomer." +1


> Americans don't truly give a rat's ass about veterans Veterans are just one of many subsets of people we don't care about.




I am a veteran, so my post is from a personal perspective.




Lol. Just say youā€™re high strung and donā€™t like fireworks. No need to trot out a strawman to hide behind. Do you really think thereā€™s not an ā€˜armyā€™ of military members, veterans, and their families lighting off fireworks on the 4th? Have you not been down around JBLM?


It was like a warzone around Bangor, just like every year.


1. Not a strawman. 2. I didn't mean to portray *millions* of veterans as a monolith. 3. I haven't always hated fireworks. It's only been within the last decade that I've realized that this form of "personal freedom" has an outsized and detrimental effect on others' personal freedom ... The air pollution, the debris, fires, effects on humans and pets, etc. Customs and traditions change, given time. I think this one should also.


Really? Fireworks are the proof that Americans donā€™t care about veterans? Not the boundless homeless veterans in the streets that we donā€™t help? Calm down and go do something about it if youā€™re so passionate


I would bet most veterans like fireworks, and for those who do have ptsd, they understand sacrifice for a greater good and are more than willing to let others enjoy fireworks. Im sure there are some who do not, but of my colleagues this is the sentiment they seem to share


America: FUCK YEAH! *Eagle screech*


*eagles donā€™t screech (actually sound like tinkerbells)


Red tailed hawks do!


'Merican eagles screech, you commie!


My favorite neighborhood restaurant burned down last night because some idiotā€™s firework landed on it. Funny how this doesnā€™t happen when the official displays are done. Itā€™s almost like letting untrained morons drink and set off explosives is fucking stupid. ā€œFrEedOom iSnā€™t frEE!ā€ Has precisely fuck all to do with it.


You must be fun at parties.


Hell yeah brother


Iā€™m curious, why do people complain about fireworks for a holiday that is synonymous with fireworks? Get over it. I swear this city has the most passive aggressive people out, that shouldnā€™t be living in a city/ community


Public fireworks are one thing. Private fireworks are a different thing (illegal). Private fireworks continuing for many days before and after the 4th, and through until 4 AM on the 4th are just unnecessary. If people were celebrating and did it on just the 4th during somewhat reasonable hours (stopping by like 10 or 11), I don't think there would be as much disdain. If we didn't live in an area prone to wildfires, I don't think there would be as much concern. Put it all together, it's just a pain in the ass.


No everyone wants it to be synonymous with fireworks. Why canā€™t it be about a community picking up trash, or BBQ together, etc. Many of us hate fireworks, they are illegal, and yet we are forced to deal with law breakers. Many of us canā€™t leave our homes, because animals are terrified, etc. Why canā€™t some people at least acknowledge that fireworks are not the unifying ā€˜goodā€™. People who illegally shoot them off are doing so with no regard for anyone but themselves.


Two people were burned to death minding their own business in an apartment very near my home last year, that and wildfires are one of the many reasons it's a dumb idea. Find some more productive way to spend your time.Ā 


> Iā€™m curious, why do people complain about fireworks for a holiday that is synonymous with fireworks? Are you too dumb to understand that just because something is associated with a holiday doesn't mean that's necessarily a good thing or that people have to like it?


Duh thatā€™s why it was smoky this morning. Lol šŸ˜† I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t put two and two together


I was up at mucleshoot, I can personally guarantee they helped a lot, smoke was thicker than oil, I have a few videos too! Haha like a damn war zone it was.


Didnā€™t see this complaint when there were improvised explosives and burning store fronts across your city. Or maybe there still are idk


Itā€™s not firework fuckersā€¦ nothing wrong with celebrating our independence. Be mad at the irresponsible ones.


lol, come to the netherlands OP, this is nothing compared to our fireworks on new years eve.




I fucking hate all the fireworks. They are illegal where I live (Yakima) for a good reason, but I was up all night listening to them, followed by sirens. I can barely breathe today.


Yakima's air quality index [seems pretty good to me](https://i.imgur.com/Z9MrBkI.png). Could it be allergies?


I see a lot of sensors in Yakima that show very bad air quality yesterday and in the early morning. [https://map.purpleair.com/1/mAQI/a10/p604800/cC0?select=121627#10.91/46.5929/-120.5246](https://map.purpleair.com/1/mAQI/a10/p604800/cC0?select=121627#10.91/46.5929/-120.5246)


This is similar to the one I used. There are a few fires in the area that aren't helping. We watered all day yesterday to make sure our neighbor didn't burn our house down. My very nonconfrontational partner shared some words about them lighting morters off a few days ago. It wasn't the holiday, it is illegal, and it wasn't even dark outside. He reminded him that they take our power grid offline for all fires, there is a burn ban in effect, and shooting range (or range practice) outdoors on personal property is currently banned as well.


I was getting progressively more stressed out as the night went on. Idk why we have a fireworks holiday in the middle of wildfire season? Time for an update.


Fireworks = fun You = anti-fun


I like fireworks. They are fun, pretty and relaxing. So you are just really fun at parties.


Your complaining about the smell of freedom?


The irony of your username and this post.


Another post another comment section full of people assuming that every person with PTSD has the same triggers, or that triggers can't be managed through therapy for vast majority of PTSD cases.


And the rockets red glare with people gasping for airā€¦