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OK can someone ELIF - how do these folks know if someone is Jewish? I watched a video earlier of a student at UT Austin getting blocked by the crowd and not let into class. How did they know he was Jewish? I mean, if they are wearing a kippah, sure, that seems a reasonable assumption. But how does this work?


This particular person is head of a pro Israel student group


Gotcha. Thanks for a rational answer.


I believe the dude you're talking about did have a star of david necklace on. If it's the same video I'm thinking of


I see, ok that helps but jeez if I'm just walking around I can't believe people can see that tiny *pendant*t....unless it's like giant pimp bling size.


I think you meant "pendant".  Autocorrect gets another one.


>that tiny pregnant womp womp


Sometimes they see if the person wears a Star of David necklace. Some Jews are wearing T-shirts with slogans such as “Bring Them Home.” And then there’s the old-fashioned profiling that happens where people just straight up assume based on how you look. If you look at r/jewish from time to time you’ll find people saying “I experienced antisemitism as a Christian.”


Yep. My ancestry is ridiculously isolated to north western Europe but because of curly hair I've been called a Jew many times.


Stereotyping, racial profiling, and not falling in line behind the "group think" will likely get you there. For people who say the Israelis are fascists, radical islamists ideology is essentially fascism. It's just the socialist version of it. Even the rhetoric involved from these people is meant to incite violence against certain groups of people who they claim are the so called rightful recipient of the violence. If some one is poor, it advocates they're justified in killing the rich. If they're white, it advocates PoC are justified in killing the descendants of the people who engaged in past oppression. Sometimes they combine the extremist ideology all into one Like how these people think "the jews control the media and world and are rich, and they've supposedly persecuted Muslims before so we are justified in wiping out the jews" When you start engaging with these people you realize EVERY single argument is one trying to justify violence.


Social media has 100% been turned into an information weapon and no one seems to give a privacy about it.


Last name, common Jewish surnames end with, which most UW students and employees are wearing all the time. *Berg *Schwartz *Man(Friedman) Etc


Cohen, Kirshner….


Many Jews wear Star of David necklaces. Edit: also if she’s the president of SSI then there’s a good chance that the protesters know who she is.


They rely on good old Nazi propaganda caricatures


They probably get it wrong a bunch so it’s a matter of just saying it to anyone who gets in their way and eventually someone will be Jewish… also the fact that a lot of people who are counter protesting are naturally going to be Jewish. That being said if you live and work around a lot of Jewish people they definitely have a some obvious generalizations about how look and this woman definitely fits them (dark curly hair, glasses, etc). There’s not that many Jews in the world and the less mixing there is the more obvious certain features become for a given ethnicity (obviously being Jewish is a religion but it’s also a religion that comes from a specific part of the world and a lot of people marry within the religion even outside of Israel).


> That being said if you live and work around a lot of Jewish people they definitely have a some obvious generalizations about how look and this woman definitely fits them (dark curly hair, glasses, etc). There’s not that many Jews in the world and the less mixing there is the more obvious certain features become for a given ethnicity (obviously being Jewish is a religion but it’s also a religion that comes from a specific part of the world and a lot of people marry within the religion even outside of Israel). Bruh, we’re not all Ashkenazi, walking around like it’s the shtetl in 17th century Lithuania speaking Yiddish. I’m a pale blonde guy with Sephardic background. We ain’t all walking around with dark curly hair with glasses. We’ve been living in the diaspora for thousands of years on 6 continents. We’re not all the same.


Obviously not everyone, but that stereotype wasn't pulled out of thin air. Woody Allen, Rick Moranis, Larry David, and Tony Shalhoub would all get profiled hard on campus. You, Paul Newman and Harrison Ford would probably get by without grief.


Tony Shalhoub is Christian Lebanese


Huh! Harrison Ford. TIL


Obviously we’re not all the same. I’m BIPOC, my parents converted a few decades before I was born. I haven’t got a smidge of Jewish blood in me. But the toxic and generalising stereotypes of Jewish aesthetic are real and people are being profiled based on it. Kind of like how black men get called thugs for donning street wear, people are apparently getting told to get back in the gas chamber for having features such as glasses, prominent noses, and curly hair, whether or not they’re actually Jewish.


There’s only 15 million Jews… relative to the population of the world, that’s nothing. It’s not like Muslims or Christians. If you talk about how Koreans look different than Chinese or Japanese people and the respective ethnicities can all mostly tell there’s absolutely cultural and sociological reasons for that and it’s not particularly controversial. The fact that a minority of Jews don’t look like the stereotypical Jew in Israel isn’t the deeply insightful point you think it is. Obviously of 15 million people: some will be black or biracial or blonde or fucking albino but the entire point is directly answering what was asked which is that plenty of Jewish people *are* able to identify each other without wearing some religious identifier. That is not to say every Jew is identifiable - but when someone looks like the stereotype, odds are pretty damn strong.


To quote a famous Yiddish phrase: “Oy vey.” >The fact that a minority of Jews don’t look like the stereotypical Jew in Israel isn’t the deeply insightful point you think it is. Most Israeli Jews are not Ashkenazi. We’re Sephardic and Mizrahi. The Mizrahim literally built the country whilst the Ashkenazi political elite dominated. There are literally millions of us. Our ancestors are not from Eastern Europe, but northern Africa and broader Middle East. Your assumption that the “stereotypical Jew in Israel” is Ashkenazi demonstrates a basic lack of awareness, and isn’t the deeply insightful point you think it is.


As someone raised Jewish who is also multiracial (Chinese/white) and also a student at UW, I have been able to see what’s going on from an interesting perspective since I don’t look jewish at all. While I understand why the protestors are doing what they are doing, I can’t help but think they are going about it in the oddest of ways… like screaming at students during their finals, vandalizing and writing antisemitic stuff from Nazis in student art in the HUB, etc. they are just making themselves seem extremely antisemitic. Regardless of whether or not this student is telling the truth, there is evidence of what I said earlier. I don’t understand why they don’t bring their protests somewhere that isn’t getting in the way of peoples education. I have a Palestinian friend who has family in Gaza and they have been so stressed out and the last thing she said she wanted to hear was protesters screaming during her chemistry final.


They are going about in “odd” ways?… they are going about in f’d up ways!


On this last day of Passover, a donation was made to the Holocaust Center, Seattle. [LINK](https://holocaustcenterseattle.org/). To my Jewish neighbors, I’m sorry.


I'll remember to eat a bagel in your honor tomorrow morning and say the Shema


I walked by the "camp" yesterday and it seems a bit more of a joke compared to other "camps" elsewhere in our country. It's a few dozen, mostly fat white women may I add, people who don't even look like they go to UW lol


At asu there were 72 arrests of protesters, and only 15 of them were actually students, it seems to be a recurring theme with these protests


When I was at Cal is was ever thus--lots of progressive has-beens always hoping to relive some of their activist dreams.


I got downvoted to all hell for saying this while the people in the comments were saying all the cops are uneducated. Here’s my issue with this: I don’t care about the cops, I don’t know them - but to assume to few cops in a video on a Reddit post are uneducated is laughable. So I asked: “how many of these protesters are actual students?” And boy did the keyboard warriors GO OFF. fuck em, don’t try to put yourself and your cause on a pedestal while making the same exact ignorant remarks the people you’re protesting say. Like I just can’t anymore…


Liberals are VERY reactive and judgmental, they won’t listen to a word anyone says if they find a way to position their views as a moral high ground.


These aren't liberals. They're progressives, and communists.


The progressives have all but taken over liberal politics in our area ( especially on local levels)


This is SO not true. There is a liberal majority in almost every neighborhood in Seattle. Progressive politics is more vocal in their messaging, but to say they’ve taken over is an extreme mischaracterization.


Must be that loud minority voting in the progressive nutbags on the Seattle City Council.


They're largely " libertarian socialists" progressives aka anarchists, the end goal is to collapse the State, make the country ungovernable so they can take over.


Libertarianism and socialism goes together as good as lamb and tuna fish.


They're the children of liberals. Liberals that should cut off the funding and force these little children into the real world. Also the same liberals that don't have enough guts to stand up and fight against this nonsense because they're afraid people will think they're on the other side. If people judge you for taking an opinion then those people were never actually your friends.


People are just people, friend. Standard political leanings don't make anyone good or bad by default. Not sure why you think that's a thing. There are plenty of people I disagree with politically but I'm definitely not gonna go around acting as if they're all one entity and not individual humans.


I’m a centrist, and I face more intolerance from the left. There are also studies about it.


Less than 1 in ten of those arrested at Columbia were students. It’s not a student movement.


Didn't they have to postpone a walkout due to lack of diversity since basically no Palestinian/Muslims showing up?


Lol. No one can out rage the outrage of progressive white women.


My favorite so far was a PWW carrying a Feminists for Palestine sign in a downtown march. I'm sure they'd welcome her with open arms over there.


It's Queers for Palestine for me. LGBTQ people throwing support to a group of people who *will literally kill you for being LGBTQ without a second thought and then brag about being right to have done so*. Not just Hamas, the civilians too.


Lol I just love how the gayest person I've ever met is on Facebook constantly shilling for Palestine. Like dude, if you were over there they'd throw your ass off a rooftop.


Exactly! They appear ignorant by siding with them. Values don’t line up.


They shill for Palestine because if they think if they side with Israel they must be conservative


This! It baffles me how TF they want to align themselves with people that actually hate them. Get a clue folks.


This was years ago but we met up with a group heading to Zimbabwe to do some charity work and infrastructure support. We were doing a safety briefing for them that they’d requested. One of the dudes was wearing a Gay Pride pin. I politely informed him that he needed to remove it as soon as possible. He gave me the what for about how it wasn’t right to discriminate against someone for who they loved, and added some color about people “like me” and how we should leave Zimbabwe alone lol. I told him that I personally agreed that people shouldn’t be discriminated against for that. I also told him that the nation of Zimbabwe, however, did not and that it was illegal.


> and how we should leave Zimbabwe alone lol. some things cannot be taught and must be experienced.


It's the liberal white woman's burden.


That is the truest thing ever.


It always amazes me that there’s always some white woman at every protest regardless of what the cause/protest is for. And sure enough it’s usually that person that gets interviewed by the local news and has not a clue to what’s going on.


Fat white women with purple hair and nose rings. They are in abundant supply.


they're all trying to start poly communes lately, plan is to outbreed the attractive humanoids and form a new subspecies. That's where the online sperm donors make their bread and butter ... 🧈


Yeah, but if they don't have brown people to use as shields the optics look bad. Hey wait, that reminds me of something...


Probably had more to do with the fact they had to walk.


Honestly, I would not be shocked in the slightest if the % of people in that protest is higher in non-students than it is actual UW students. Sorry, I’m all for peace and equality but COME ON!


Maybe. Also be aware that the UW ditched SAT scores as a requirement of entry, setting a lower bar for idiots who end up in non-competitive majors but cause 99% of the problems on campus.


They are the new MAGA, misinformation spreading, hardline, hate mongers. This is the kind of shit that happened right before the Nazi invasion in Europe. Most of these kids could care less about the issues, but like MAGA, they want to be a part of a movement.


Academic Student Employee contract bargaining is happening. UW administration and students have bigger fish to fry


With pink / purple colored hair


>... mostly fat white women Mostly **ugly**, fat white women. Dang!


With purple/pink hair


How does one “look like they go to UW”?


Generalizations obviously but be in the age bracket of 17-24 and not look like a burn out, Gen-X adult with tattoos from the 90s and metal studded belts surrounded by absolute slobs LARPing as social justice warriors I don't doubt some were students, but there were absolutely people there who never attended higher education lol


The accuracy lol


Wow can’t wait to be told that these calls to gas the Jews are actually legitimate criticism of Israel’s government and not at all antisemitic


It is wildly antisemetic to make calls to gas Jews. It is not antisemetic to criticize Israel’s actions in Gaza. ETA: I’d love to respond to the comments I’m getting but reddit is not allowing me to respond. FTR “a curse upon the Jews” would be antisemetic.


Nobody here said it was antisemitic to criticize Israel. This is a thread about a Jewish student sharing her experiences with antisemitism on campus, so we are talking about antisemitism here. You don’t need to All Lives Matter this


It's not antisemitic to criticize the Israeli government and its actions. It IS antisemitic to say the state of Israel doesn't have the right to exist.


Shit man, no one criticizes the Israeli government more than Israelis 🤣


Well unfortunately it's the gas chamber comments that are happening at the moment


Wow, that was quite the astute statement. Tell me, is it raining when it rains, or is that a myth?




Why’s there gotta be so much hate amongst Americans due to a war going on thousands of miles away from us?


Bordedom and privilege


\^ This


I call it Karenism


Because they make us pay for it.


And how do they all go about picking the same issue out of all of the issues in the world?


It's heating up now because it's an election year so the Russians are targeting liberals with propaganda to split that voter base since it works in their favor to do so.




Full disclosure: I consider myself to be a moderate left leaning person. But it's been disturbing to see how many leftists are willing to say conservatives are influenced by Russian propaganda but don't have the self-awareness to realize that they are also being manipulated. Reddit has been particularly bad with what is clearly their influence lately. Downvote and ignore it.


The Iranian regime is also heavily involved in a misinformation campaign via their proxies (like Qatari government owned Al Jazeera)


I used to think this was the crazy subreddit and don't get me wrong, there are a lot of idiots on here, but the r/Seattle one is equally bad if not worse. The holier than thou attitude from people on there and encouraging blind hive mind thinking is blatantly rampant there


We're considered the bad sub because we allow people to challenge Seattle Approved Thinking


It's gotta be tiktok. Both sides are posting videos and it gets intertwined with pop culture.  I mean, the US has been doing similar things (selling arms to warmongers) in regards to the Yemen conflict for almost 10 years and it's never been a real hot topic. 


A destabilized US also benefits China, and China controls TikTok and the sentiments that get promoted. Hence why the vote to ban TikTok was pretty much Bipartisan.


Chinese and Russian $$ and execution (TikTok as an example, but surely there are reddit accounts and bots, plus activity on other platforms as well) funding social division campaigns. The more at each others' throats (and the less we agree with each on around basic ideals or shared understandings) Americans are and more distrustful of the rest of the world, the weaker we are and relatively stronger China, etc. are. This is form of digital warfare and it is the same shit all the alphabet agencies accused Russia of back when Trump was elected the first time.


I wonder if it has to do with the billions of dollars we are using to fund it. Nah that can’t be it can it?


Israel has been fighting Arabs hell bent on destroying it as a state from long before the US even supported Israel politically, let alone gave money to US defense contractors on Israel's behalf. Ask yourself this, if you were an Israeli politician post October 7th, would a slight reduction in your defense budget change the need for a military response to an outright invasion and civilian slaughter? American military aid is irrelevant to this conflict, and people who think cutting that aid would change what is happening on the ground in Gaza are deluded about the nature of this more or less inevitable war.


Uhhhhh probably because our country is deeply involved in said war and are the primary arms dealer for it? Y’all will really be like “um if I can’t see the war crimes happening then do I really need to care about them?”


Are you not aware of how much of our own money we've pumped into this war? Also, I don't like the implication that people shouldn't care about anything that isn't happening in their direct vicinity.


Personally, I find it rather ironic that the useful/less idiots throwing these performitive tantrums were just a few years ago were bleating about wanting to punch nazis.


They're still calling everyone who disagrees or argues with them nazis on reddit. It's pretty ridiculous


Everyone's a Nazi these days except the people that say they want to eradicate the Jews and take back their territory they lost after a world war.


They just want to be front and center in whatever current issue will get them Virtue Points.


Exactly, gotta wear the t shirt first!


Jewish and was at this encampment, was welcomed, loved, accepted.


Yeah no. I have spent several hours in the quad studying while they protest to get an idea of what it is like, and only witnessed one antisemitic remark from a PRO ISRAEL BYSTANDER. While we were protesting, an older man clearly upset by the protest remarked "send them back to Germany" then walked away. The protesters at the encampment gave him no reaction whatsoever. Show me a video, or at least describe what the person who made the remarks look like. There really aren't that many people over there, it would be easy to figure out who did it if you didn't just make this up. I totally believe that some pro Palestine protesters make antisemitic remarks. I do not believe these particular protesters have made those remarks because they had plenty of opportunity to do so in the time I have seen the protests. I also know some of the Students Supporting Israel people personally, and know many of them to behave dishonestly, but this is just heresy from a stranger on the internet so take it as you will.


Unfortunately, none of the 100s of cameras present caught any of this, and no description of the individuals was provided.


I don't think Hamas wants support from these pink/blue/green/purple hair, septum piercing Trigglypuffs


I suspect Hamas is cynical and opportunistic enough to not give a shit where they get support; and would be equally happy to curb-stomp any of this crowd were they visit Gaza wrapped in a pride flag.


Actually no, they have said they don't even want those types of people's support interestingly enough.


They do as long as they're useful. Once they have what they want they'll murder them and install a theocratic dictatorship. Iranian Revolution playbook


These protests are fueled in no small part by agitprop from countries trying to influence our elections. Its not just MAGA susceptible to misinformation, you see it rife here on reddit in liberal/leftist spaces.


Bingo. These same people would be 100% in agreement that Russia influenced the 2016 election through social media, causing Trump's win, but will somehow not understand that the social media accounts pushing the "Genocide Joe" narrative might not be legitimate...


Genocide Joe, apartheid Israel, intifada pushing accounts are 100% pushing foreign country propaganda. Why are these protests bubbling up right now? Its solely up to Hamas to agree to multiple rounds of ceasefire and they haven't. The protests are without a point, except to potentially dilute attention from Trump or Ukraine or to astro turf opposition to our current government.


Election year, time to get spicy!


Trigglypuffs….thanks for that belly laugh I just let out, I need that.


Can you imagine a mindset where people don’t support Hamas and don’t support IDF? It’s clear that Hamas is horrible. It’s clear the IDF is horrible. Why has this become a sides thing when we can just agree that this entire conflict is horrible for humanity?


Wait. Hamas doesn't want to be visually supported by Trans for Palestine? Maybe it's a religious thing. /s


1. Claims of being spit on and told to go back to gas chambers. 2. Doesn't have any proof


So fake


The cognitive disconnect between the holocaust and this genocide is unreal. Like Jews are just entitled to it. Who’d a thunk jews would be the new nazis


lol what a circus of clowns. Love the added neck scarves, really helps with the role play.


Funny, all these crazy white liberal woman, dressed up in scarves and Hijabs. If they only had a clue about how it is for women in the middle east... Lets just say, women don't get acid thrown on them, or beaten up because they didn't wear a hijab in the US. And do you think women in the middle east are allowed to be so bold and loud? Doubtful.


Don't forget getting stoned. That still happens, too.


True, I read a story, not too long ago, about a woman who was stoned to death for adultery, because she was SAd.




>Funnily enough it also explains why so many of them claim to be LGBT. They desperately want to feel like they are an oppressed minority of any kind. My theory is that they are losers and are looking for an excuse as to why they are a failure. If you (and everyone else in your generation) have been taught that being born white in this country is such a tremendous advantage over others and makes success practically guaranteed in life, and you still can't make something of yourself and be successful, why not look around for some way to define yourself as a member of some supposed oppressed group? "It's NOT my fault, you bigot! I'm being oppressed!!!"


Yeah, it’s so stupid. They preach acceptance but can’t offer that to themselves.


Crazy how fast the left is ok with racism as long as they agree with.


They always have been.


We aren't. unfortunately, because the Palestinian protest is what it is, it's going to draw in some nazis who hate Jewish people instead of protesting the genocide


I wish we could just ignore these pro hamas fucktards. They clearly aren't serious people, and their childish ideas should not be taken seriously (other than arresting them and anyone else who is breaking the law).


Nobody is “Pro-Hamas” at these rallies. They’re pro-Palestine. Or maybe simply anti-war. There’s a huge difference.


The real Nazis were amongst us the whole time!


These kids are all entitled and dumbasses.


A Jewish student *claims*. Not saying it didn't happen, just saying there isn't direct evidence of it. 


False flag?


Students supporting opressors


Man progressivism got so crazy in the last few years people are jumping off the runaway train everyday


Let’s get some speakers up and play some loud ass music at 4 in the morning


I hate everyone here


Any proof or just talk? Legitimately curious


This is a legitimate question. Don't be shy to ask it. It's Fox news though so probably not. Just hearsay (from the president of the Israel support group at UW no less).


Part of me thinks she's lying.


I thought antizionism wasn't antisemitism tho


It always is, it’s known as disguised antisemitism


she said "it's a visceral feeling for me when someone tells me to go back to the gas chambers" yes, understandably so, but that doesn't mean someone at the demonstration said that to her....where's the evidence? I've seen MANY videos at these campuses of Jewish students supporting Palestine and denouncing antisemitism.


Exactly this. That’s what I came here to state.


Totally Pro Palestine. Americans protesting and rallying FOR the captors of fellow Americans is something I never thought I'd see. I guess Jew hate is deep on the left.


And yet, if they were captive, they'd want a division of Marines to come and save them.


lol yup you're absolutely right. Everyone of these protesters should tell their local officials they don't want to be rescued if they're ever kidnapped by terrorists. I can't even imagine what the family's are going through seeing this. Or the family of that UW Alum that was killed in his home. Watching your own country"men" chant the slogans of your family's killer or captors. It's sick the more I think about it.


They went so far left they became far right. Guess they forgot the world is round.


Chef kiss, the progressives are imploding.


Horseshoe theory in effect. Can't stand the left or right at this point, they are one in the same.


Astroturfing lol.


FR. Thanks for calling it out.


Is the newscaster that comes on after this clip rolls an actual human being or is ‘he’ AI?


I have 3 boxes of matzoh left over from Passover. Can I donate them to these starving protestors?


They cling to the H card so tightly. No one buys it anymore


You know who is easy to pick out in a crowd? Those colored “do’s” are a dead giveaway. 😂


Must be a bunch of right-wing nutters down at UW, AMR?


The anti-Semitism inside activist circles is vast.


I'm very very skeptical of this. The president of this Israel support group has an agenda for sure. There have been plenty of attempts at faking attacks at Jewish people. Not saying that antisemitism doesn't exist but certain stories, like this one, seem very likely to be fabricated. The propaganda machine will keep trying to discredit the Palestinian cause in any way possible. No one promoting freedom and peace for innocent Palestinian people can in that same breath and in their right mind tell a Jewish person to go back to the gas chambers. If anyone is \~THAT\~ hypocritical I can tell you that they are morons who don't represent the vast majority of pro Palestinian protesters. Please be skeptical of these stories. First they called pro Palestinian supporters anti-semites. When that stopped working they called them terrorists. Now they're calling them Nazis. The propaganda machine will keep doing whatever they can to denigrate and defame the cause. I strongly urge you to evaluate these stories with a critical mindset and a healthy level of skepticism.


You’d think the great-granddaughter of a holocaust survivor would be vehemently against trying to wipe an entire nationality off the face of the earth, but I suppose the irony escaped her.


I don't believe a word of it. Do she is claiming left wing protestors are using neo nazi language. What nonsense. Now interview one of the 3 palestinian students who was shot by a gun.


Still have yet to see one attractive person protesting..






Her word? Really? That's all it takes? Ridiculous. Genocide supporting students have been crying wolf for weeks claiming they're being discriminated against. It's laughable desperation. A minority of bad actors from groups co-opting the anti-war protests is not indicative of the greater movement. Meanwhile peaceful protest across the country are violently broken up. Counter-protesters violently attacking peaceful encampments.


Thank you <3


Jewish UW students at UW being told, "go back to the gas chambers" to be a bit more accurate - in this clip from a Fox News interview, this is one Jewish student at UW claiming she was told to go back to the gas chambers. it's a segment about the pro-Palestine protests at UW. besides there being no evidence (other than her word) that someone shouted at her, there's no evidence connecting the person who shouted to the protests. it could have been some neo-Nazi asshole who shouted at her. it could have been some random asshole who thought it was a funny way to troll. saying "go back to the gas chambers", if it happened, would definitely violate the hate-speech policies of UW. did she report it to the campus police (assuming it even happened on campus, which also isn't clear)? they have cameras and should able to identify the person who shouted.


Oh no some random student's completely unverifiable story has invalidated all anti-zionist positions, well I guess we better go back to letting Israel do whatever the fuck it wants


As though the protests are keeping Israel from doing anything?


If they are UW Students, Expel them. Make them ineligible for Student Loans, and most of all make them ineligible for loan forgiveness! If they are not willing to pay the cost, they are not that dedicated to their cause afterall! If they are NOT UW Students, Trespass them... and I don;t mean catch and release... catch and prosecute.


That’s public property. Whether you agree or disagree with their position, it is their right to be there and should face no legal repercussions for peacefully protesting.


Pretty sure it is not legal to set up camp on campus


It's not.  And the source is literally the WAC cited on the sign at the beginning of this video clip.   https://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=478-136-030 > (9)(a) No person may use university facilities to camp, except if permission to do so has been granted in accordance with the provisions of chapters 478-116 and 478-136 WAC or except as provided in (b) of this subsection. "Camp" means to remain overnight, to erect a tent or other shelter, or to use sleeping equipment, a vehicle, or a trailer camper, for the purpose of or in such ways as will permit remaining overnight. Violators are subject to arrest and criminal prosecution under applicable state, county and city laws.


Did you miss the part right at the beginning where they had vandalized the No Camping sign that cites the specific statue that prohibits them staying there overnight?


If Charlie Kirk is allowed, there are clearly no restrictions.


I 100% agree, that American Citizens are granted the freedom to peacefully protest. PEACEFULLY being the operative word. Trying to block off buildings, hate speech, vandalism and violence to others makes it a "not peaceful" protest. Therefore the school has the right to trespass anyone who takes part in that. More importantly, if those students deface the campus with antisemitic visuals or attack jewish students, it could be prosecuted as a hate crime. So yes, they have the right, BUT those rights are limited to within the boundries of the law. And anything could be an offense. Simply leaving garbage on the ground can be considered vandalism, which is against the rules, and could be grounds for expulsion and trespass. You can be trespassed from a public venue if you commit a crime in that public venue. Littering is a perfect example of that.


I highly doubt anyone actually said this.


Is there any line to cross that gets kids kicked out of college anymore? These are our "future leaders." What a disgrace to human-kind.


When the next terrorist attack happens and people stop all the Muslims from entering campuses and such because if we blame all jews for Israel, we can blame all Muslims for terrorism. That's how it works, right?


…Hamas , Palestine ..can get fucked .


To be very clear - I am all for protesting and the first amendment. However, these individuals protesting are actually not part of any Palestine or Muslim association at UW. In fact, these individuals organized the protests without contacting these organizations. When told to hold off on advertising this protest on social media by students who are actual stakeholders in this conflict, they ignored them. Students of these associations have told UW students not to participate in this protest as it’s organized by essentially white people who do not have stake in this issue. Had it been organized by SUPER UW, it would be a lot more organized and bigger. Edited - changed organization name


and not a single shred of video evidence was shown that day...


The antisemitism in this thread is insane. There is no other minority who this many people would rush to call a liar for sharing her experience with discrimination. Nice to know where Seattle stands with regards to the acceptability of hating Jews for existing.


Yah we should believe anything she says and stop conflating Zionism with Judaism, this card has been played far too long now and it pisses Zionist off that people can see through this


Absolutely. Jew here. Anti-Zionist. Anti-war. Anti-Netanyahu. Israel does not represent the Jewish identity while it’s obliterating entire generations of people.


No no you stupid shitlib. When we say "gas the Jews" what we *really* mean is that Netanyahu should hold new elections.


He said she said. Get it on tape then. Free speech is still protected


I have a general question regarding the coordination of these protests.  Why is all this violence and disruption breaking out in a coordinated fashion all across the country, beyond the message that the war is bad, why the attacks on infrastructure?  We saw airports seized one weekend.  Now we are seeing campuses impacted at a time that school is wrapping up and we have a population of kids with a few months off ahead…  How have these people become so radicalized against the US? Is one specific social media directing them to commit violence?  Where are the calls to action coming from?  Do you all believe this is a form of foreign interference with useful idiots fucking shit up on US soil and creating an inflammatory wedge, similar to BLM riots and the subsequent disintegration of police forces in cities across the country?  Or do you believe it’s an organic response to war in the Middle East?  And do you think this is happening because it is an election year?


Supposedly protest organizers have been hired to lead this all across the country.


There is research to support that: The Ford Foundation, the Open Society, etc.


[George Soros](https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1785333405980164185)


Sure, Jan.


These protesters are disgusting pigs.


Julia was well-spoken and composed. She is much stronger than those shrieking protesters


Solution is easy. If the protesters attack jewish students, charge then with hate crimes. It would be funny as hell to see onbe of these students that have created thousands of dollars in student loans, not being able to get a job that doesn't involve cooking french fries, because a hate crime conviction carries more weight than a degree.


That’s funny because the UW protesters I know are Jewish. It’s almost like one person can’t speak for a whole group.


Jesus fucking Christ. We LIVE here. What is wrong with these antisemitic fucks?


We should offer these people an all expenses paid flight to Gaza. They’re gonna love sharia law, it’s much more equitable than our terrible system.


No one's complaining about "our terrible system". They're complaining about supporting a war against innocent people. Are you saying people who have specific cultural laws that aren't in line with yours, regardless of innocence, deserve to die?