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I think we're really only one, maybe two, Community Conversations^(TM) away from solving this. Pass the talking stick, brother, and let's stop caging our babies!


Average Sunset Hill resident… you’re hilarious!


>When is the south end crime going to end? Every week there's a new one. Sick of it!   As long as youths think being a gun toting gangster is cool and entertaining it *never will* end. Also, as long most people in the black community only approach this subject with platitudes (increase the peace) for fear of being labeled an "Uncle Tom" it will never end.


In previous professional life, I spent a lot of time with people in the Black community who were leading, in various ways, efforts to combat the violence caused by people with guns. Unfortunately, my takeaways from that time were predictably banal: \* There ARE people in the Black community trying very hard to end this shit, but they can't create a critical mass that effectively drives sustained improvement for several seemingly intractable reasons (broken families, lack of economic opportunity, glorification of violence in the culture, etc). \* There are a ton of guns out there, and their easy accessibility makes gun-involved violence by criminals almost guaranteed. \* Young people don't think about tomorrow, and in a family life where too often there is no one powerful enough to mete out authority, they do not learn accountability for actions by magic. Which is to say, they never learn it. From these three observations can come policies and programs that seek to correct social rot. Instead we remain mired in anger, finger-pointing and prejudice. Whatever the dynamics behind this may be, Black community violence and, to some extent, violence in American society as a whole, continues to fester in our country. My two cents.


It’s not just black people in these gangs, it’s all races if you’re actually paying attention. It’s not about “the culture” American culture glorifies violence in general.


The personal experience with this issue that I felt qualified to share was with the Black community specifically, but of course you're correct - gang violence is a rainbow issue to some degree. And you're also right that Black culture is a sub-set of American culture which is why I called out the broader violence in America in my comment.


Perpetrators and victims of gang violence in the US are disproportionately black. This is a fact. There's no way to get around it. The causes are many, but growing up in a single mother household with no father involvement has been shown to impact boys much more than girls and for the black community there's something like 70% out of wedlock births. It's not racial - the same pattern of shittyness is happening in many predominantly white enclaves in the rust belt and has the same outcome: violent young men.


Here’s a fact: a Majority of the homicides in the city of Seattle aren’t even gang related.


Im speaking on Seattle specifically & that’s not the case here.


Oh? Go ahead and look up perpetrators and victims of gang violence in Seattle - let me know how many are black vs. asian.


It doesn’t matter lmaoo why are you trying so hard to make it about race ? You people only prove how simple you any moment you say anything.


Your FAKE STATS are BS. you know how many Hispanic gangs there are?? foh "expert"


Especially in music. A lot of youth, including myself back in the day, used music as a tool to combat anger. The more music I listened to that talked about robbing people, killing people, I’m the best, chains on my neck, cars I drive, selling drugs, using drugs, etc etc made me feel GREAT! Now that I’m turning 31, I’m definitely scared for our youth and young adults. What I found comforting all those years ago terrifies me and it’s gloried, not only through music, but EVERY social media app I’m on.


And this is my problem, Seattle is so damn white washed that people openly blame all the crime on black people😂. I only been here for a year and I can say it’s the whitest place I’ve ever been..like even the black folk are basically white😂. So there will be no solution untill yall approach the problem with a realistic view on it which is 1) it’s not a race thing it’s an economic thing. People are broke and the cost of living is expensive with lack of good opportunities. 2). The cops are not allowed to do shit it seems..like yall legal system is way too loose. 3) Basically restating point number 2 but the homeless drug attic problem is not cute😂. Like stop acting like “they’re not harming anybody” yes they are..you have mentally Ill drug attics just roaming around harassing people 24/7 I promise a good majority of crimes can be connected to that right there…and the prostitution? Like bruh just lock em up tf are yall doing?


Exactly, most of the people on streets, on the drugs, killing/ assaulting people, & stealing shit outta stores are white.


https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/Police/Reports/2022_SPD_CRIME_REPORT_FINAL.pdf#page5 This refutes your assumption. The SPD is probably too afraid to post perp racial breakdown, but we can glean from the victim data on gun homicide, that the highest % of victims are black, which is consistent with gang violence and general trends nation-wide of black on black violence. (Check out fbi crime data by race/victim) While Seattle is mostly white, that doesn’t mean much when we have high poverty rates, single parent households, and other issues that drive higher rates of crime within other communities. Based on your comment history you seem unable to see any type of racial component to violence/crime.


That’s not an assumption, it’s a fact.


How is it a fact if i presented the factual data that says otherwise lol. Taking a page from Trump?


I don't disagree with that. There are a lot of good people in the black community.


Maybe some old fashioned boots on the ground gun sweeps


Just walk around with long guns problem solved


guns are only 1 tool in the tool box to kill. humans been killing long before guns invented


Oh course the black community is to blame. What a novel idea.


As opposed to who or what? The vast majority of perpetrators and victims in that area are black. Who else should be accountable? Side note: before you accuse me of being racist I am actually black 😂


there is no point in arguing with these types of people. The vast majority of CRIMES IN GENERAL are same people against same people.


My brother in Christ you can be black and also be racist 💀 if you perpetuate a system of oppression against a racial group or ethnicity using your voice or through your ideology, that is racism. Your comment very blatantly ignores an entire side of history, and highlights how the socioeconomic issues I'm about to talk about affect education as well. The physical violence we are talking about (behavioral violence) stems from structural violence (where social structure harms people by preventing them from fulfilling their basic needs, or granting them basic rights). There have been thriving black communities forever, but we always target them economically. We allow drugs to flow into those communities, and then disproportionately police them for the same crimes. Black Americans living in these communities do not have access to the resources they need to thrive, people in black communities with high poverty rates are less likely to have access to food pantries, child care, transportation, job training, and are more likely to live in a food desert. They are also less likely to own housing, which limits their wealth + tax benefits and contributes to the generational cycles of wealth disparities. Black households typically have less than one fourth of the average wealth of white households. Mass incarceration of black Americans building upon those wealthy inequalities is also what perpetuates the cycle. Mass incarceration started during the 70s and 80s, where 5 times more people than before (highest incarceration rate of any developed country in the world). This was caused mainly by Nixon's war on 'drugs' and the Reagan administration during the 80s. The Reagan administration during the 80s, (Oliver North) used the U.S. backed contra forces who were then fighting against the Sandinistas (revolutionary forces in Nicaragua fighting to keep their democratically elected socialist leader) to funnel crack into the United States from South America in distribute it to impoverished communities in order to fund their civil war. If you're wondering, our incentive was our "anti-communist" agenda, we took out a lot of democratically elected socialist leaders back then. Oliver North also distributed weapons to Iran in exchange for Contra funding.


>There have been thriving black communities forever, but we always target them economically Dude, in MD there are a huge % of middle class and wealthy black professionals. They don't have kids outside of marriage, they value education and their kids do well in school - who is targeting them economically? Why does the black middle class keep growing in these states if they're being targeted? How are they being held down?


Dude. Read beyond that highlighted sentence and your question will be answered. Please if you have a less general question that I didn't already cover, I'd be happy to answer it. I believe your points about the black middle class are irrelevant considering there's barely a middle class in the United States at all. Our economy is supposed to work like a bell curve, but instead it's an inverse bell curve. Systemic oppression does not make every single member of a racial group incapable of success as defined by the American dream, but it absolutely creates substantial roadblocks along the way.


Psst did you know that most of the middle class "shrinkage" in the US is due to people joining the upper class? Anywho - black Americans who finish college and don't have children outside of wedlock have success rates similar to white americans who do the same. Unemployment is the lowest its been in decades, tech firms go out of their way to hire black candidates (ask me how I know!)...anyone who wants to make it can make it.


I can assure you that this wealth dispersal is not a good thing. Growing wealth inequalities make it impossible for the economy to grow. Simply far too many people at the top, and far FAR too many people at the very bottom living in poverty. This is simply just due to how our system is run. The corrupt merger of state and corporate power that allows them to exploit the working class and keep wages low while costs of living consistently go up. 'The American Dream' used to be considered 'The American Dream' because you could come here, work, and provide for your family. The minimum wage laws were put in place specifically for this purpose. Now, rent on average makes up 50% or more of people's incomes, and they are not left with enough to live, let alone save for retirement. College cannot solve this no matter how much the older generations think it will. People with degrees also live in poverty, they just have debt on top of it. Besides, it's fundamentally un-American to say people should be stripped of their freedoms through poverty just for not going to college.


There has never been a better time to be a human being than to be a human in a 1st world country right now. Wealth inequality has been far, far worse in the past and some of those civilizations lasted for thousands of years - there's literally never been a better time or place than right now in the US. You have the most freedom and opportunity that any human has ever had and millions of people from shittier places still stream into the US because they know what your political ideology prevents you from admitting.


You wrote all of that social justice stuff and yet couldn’t resist throwing a racist dig at me lmaoo 😂 I have nothing to prove to a faceless coward on the internet.


I’m not reading all of that. Good luck!


That's why you don't have an education


The vast majority of perpetrators are poor and poor people are more prone to commit crime and get affiliated with gang. The reason so many black people are poor in America is the compounding effect of generations of racism including segregation, redlining, and outright theft of wealth. You can’t just unring that bell by being “woke.” Sorry if that offends your delicate idea that everyone starts equal in America, they don’t.


Jews, as a group, endured generations of segregation, redlining, and theft of wealth. This was even before the Holocaust. Yet, somehow they are not killing each other like its the auditions for the Hunger Games! Why is that?


Literally the ability to visually assimilate and be perceived as white, plus the racially disparate effects of the GI bill: https://www.history.com/news/gi-bill-black-wwii-veterans-benefits Sorry if you were looking for some magical cultural factor. My grandfather grew up in a tenement building sleeping on the floor with the oven open in the winter to keep warm because they had no heat, then was able to use GI bill benefits to go to a public college for accounting and became wildly upwardly mobile. Black veterans were systematically denied the same type of opportunity. Prior to WWII there were huge, vicious Jewish organized crime rings because there was no other means of achieving anything close to real wealth. But I suspect you're not looking to be told about actual history.


Why is it that the impoverished Chinese communities of NYC (poorest communities in the city) have such low crime rates and such high academic achievement? Of course there's cultural issues - the out of wedlock birth rate for these same Chinese communities is almost non-existent, meanwhile black and white communities with similarly high out of wedlock birthrates have similarly high crime (inner city black and methbelt whites). Single motherhood is very cultural.


You clown: #1 Asian on Asian crimes go mostly unreported, because #2 Asian chinese gangs are powerful and have ties to China and access to victim's relatives. #3 no one talks about the high level of HUMAN TRAFFICKING, SEX TRAFFICKING and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in the Chinese community as VIOLENCE, it is all swept under the rug by the Chinese. #4 that Asian model minority bullsh-t is RACIST AF.


It's VERY difficult to hide murders - why are black Americans \*disproportionately\* the victims of gang violence that results in death? Asians have the lowest incarceration rates, the highest education rates, the longest lifespans, the lowest out of wedlock birth rates, and the highest incomes. There's exactly zero in common with inner city black communities where most victims and perpetrators of gang violence are.


Yep. My grandpa became a psychiatrist through ww2 and so generational wealth began


Jewish mafia doesn’t exist ?


These guys? https://preview.redd.it/2cnfiv11uc9d1.png?width=260&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccf8460f593611ea6953358614bb8692a498561a


Jews aren't committing Genocide either.


Crime is a financial risk


Jews commit crimes every single day and kill people slowly. Also, GENOCIDE in Gaza...right now


Chinese in NYC are incredibly poor, but they have very low crime rate and their kids do really well in school. There are entire countries with lower violent crime rates than the US whose populations live in total, abject poverty. If poverty causes crime, then we wouldn't expect that to be possible. Why was the mining village my mother grew up in so devoid of crime? Everyone was dirt poor, had to salvage bits of coal in the slag heaps for house heating, had poor nutrition in post-WWII Europe where rationing was still widespread. My mom and her siblings grew up wearing literal rags. Where was the crime?


I don't know why you're being down voted. You're completely correct. An explanation isn't an excuse, we need to understand a problem before we can fix it.


Every minority has its struggles. Most latinos are just as poor and discriminated against and yet they somehow find a way to work and live in society with a civic sense. Shit they don’t even speak the language. Black people use racism and discrimination as excuses to keep perpetuating their hood culture. Laziest people I have ever met in my life are hood black people. I guarantee you nothing would make them want to go to work instead of thuggin. We need to start saying things as they are


gangs in Seattle consist of immigrants from all over the world & different races of people born right here. This is not a “black community” issue.


Exactly there's no Black American community in Seattle, those are immigrants that took over and are emulating what they see on television and the internet.


Well by your logic you should be held accountable because you are black and it’s the “blacks” fault. Such sound logic you have.


Don’t be a dumbass. I’m not a gun toting wannabe gangster in south Seattle


Ahh so you admit it’s not about race then?


More than one thing can be true at the same time. America's policies created very poor outcomes and situations for black Americans that continue to this day. On the flip side there's a black American sub culture (emphasis here that most black Americans are not like this) that encourages criminal behavior from a very young age. It's this particular bit that is the problem On that note that's my last response on this thread. ✌️


I agree you can be black and not a criminal. And a crime can be committed* more often by black people and YET it not be due to their blackness * (determined by data on those caught for committing crime)


They are if they're gangsters. You know who else is to blame? *You*. You're not doing people who live down south any favors by coddling criminals.


I blame you. You should be out there wearing a Punisher mask being a vigilante and solving all crimes.


I have no desire to fight anyone.


Yes, it’s my fault people commit crimes. But, you are correct I do protect them from the government’s abuses. Hopefully you’ll never need my help, but I imagine you will one day.


Why would they ever need your help? I presume they aren't running around with illegal guns acting out of pocket.


Guns must be illegal now for a crime to be commited? Tell me more please I must have missed that CLE


I'm not against defense lawyers.


stats are stats


ohhh so this sub is actually just racist


10 persons murdered in the south king county end is correct. You won't find this in any one report anywhere. You have to follow reports as they are happening. They were in Tukwila, federal way, Kent, Auburn and renton.


Where are you getting that statistic? I looked on the SPD crime tracker and it lists 2 for the year in south Seattle. Edit to include source: https://www.seattle.gov/police/information-and-data/data/crime-dashboard


I can't tell where he got it either - I've been googling trying to figure out. He's from Kenmore, maybe he thinks Federal Way is SS.


I think by South End, he might be referring to South King County + maybe including Pierce County.


10 persons murdered in the south end king county is correct. You won't find this in any one report anywhere. You have to follow reports as they are happening. They were in Tukwila, federal way, Kent, Auburn and renton.


I just moved here from living in Baltimore for the past nine years. On Thursday I was cleaning out the car at 4 pm and I heard gunshots a couple blocks away. I’m in a nice neighborhood in Columbia city right next to families with young kids, and I was just baffled. Never in Baltimore have I heard gunshots like that in broad daylight and in close proximity to the Main Street. Why am I more scared of getting shot here than I was in Baltimore ? Make it make sense


I am from Baltimore, trust me when I tell you this. You're good-good here. This is nothing like "home" those getting caught up are generally "not" staying out the way it's really really really easy to stay out the way here and you know what I mean. The crime here is rising, true, but I feel like a refugee in a peace camp here compared to home. In fact I had to go to Philly last week for business and 7 kids were shot, I think 3 adults killed and a cop was shot in the neck. That was just 1 weekend. Glad you made it out, live your best life. Former York roader here dummy :)


I grew up in Baltimore and I agree. 😂 Bmore 10 yrs ago would have more murders in 1 month than Seattle does all year


my parents are moving to baltimore and I’m terrified they are going to be in some kind of situation. any tips I can give them?


Stay out the way. That means mind your business, don't be a hero, don't go where you're not familiar or welcome. Use common sense and be vigilant. Baltimore is wonderful city with wonderful people and the love Baltimore has for Baltimore is close to unrivaled, there's just some really fkd socio-economics that have taken place and has been locked in for about 30 years. Like abandoned homes, there's a generation of abandoned kids who became adults with no education and no job market. Slowly being corrected. Oh most importantly, no matter what the news tells you. Do not go swim in the inner harbor!


Baltimore is not as scary as you think it is. It’s actually an amazing city with bad areas but also good areas. They will be fine and you should make a visit to try some crabs


Lol. Since you just moved here maybe you don't know, but as recently as a decade ago Columbia City was a rough part of town. There may be "nice" parts of Columbia city, but there are still definitely parts that are rough. 


Seriously - Rainier runs right through it, and sure there are pockets of nice spots of it in Columbia City, they aren’t the norm.


Just because your house cost $900k doesn't mean you live in a nice area, wild times.


Median valued house is in median area 🫢


>I’m in a nice neighborhood in Columbia city right next to families with young kids Welcome to the neighborhood, friend! But...uhhh...little bit of bad news for you. Columbia City, while being a great neighborhood to live in, is still a ways away from 'nice' if your definition of that is "doesn't experience random gang crime." Couple years ago we had a drive-by assassination at the basketball courts in Genessee Park. I remember when I first moved into the neighborhood back in 2017, the chalkboard Empire Coffee used to keep on the corner of Rainier and Edmunds had bullet holes in it. We're a nice neighborhood, still subject to the same kind of assholitude which is more common on the south end than the north. Reminds me in some ways of living in Hyde Park in Chicago.


At least Baltimore kinda prepared me, I just kept on cleaning my car cause I knew I wasn’t involved


There ain’t no nice part of Columbia City lol. It’s nice as in we have PCC, access to light rail and a tiny strip of restaurants, but it’s by no means a nice and safe neighborhood. It’s far from the worst and also very far from the best.




Case in point, Baltimore is #2 in the list of cities with the highest murder rates. Seattle is.... nowhere near the top 50, haha


You make a point. But I least I knew what areas not to go to in Baltimore. I was just followed by a woman calling me skank down the street while I was trying to go to Trader Joe’s. And not everything has to be a discussion on race. I’m talking about the act of people getting shot not anything about their race.


We lived in Columbia City for over a decade. It was a regular thing to hear a barrage of gunfire while walking our dog. Yes, even during daylight hours. On two occasions we had SPD in our street, weapons drawn, searching in formation for someone who had fired on them from a parked Camry in a parking lot on Rainier and then fled up our street to get away. Once the person was hiding in a window well down our block, the other time they had climbed our neighbor’s white pine. This was a “nice” part of CC near an elementary school.


Crazy bc I moved from Seattle to Baltimore and feel the same lol . Here it’s much easier bc you know what to avoid generally. In Seattle it “seems” safe so it’s always shocking to realize you can get shot at a high school .


wild you think columbia city is the "nice part of town"


Not sure why everyone is commenting acting like CC is a hellhole. It’s really not bad if you’re not looking for trouble. Especially from a place like Baltimore, a lot of people here see anyone struggling or in a really bad place and think it’s the sign of the apocalypse. Take it from someone who’s out on the street every single day for 10 hours a day you’ll be fine and will be surprised how much friendlier everyone* is than you think. Just an initial defensive wall to break through really


Yet Maryland was the 9th state with the highest murder rate per capita in 2023, and the majority of these murders occurring in Baltimore. Washington state had the 36th highest murder rate last year. I’m from the east coast-I lived in Philly, and I’ve been to Bsltimore many times. Both those cities have neighborhoods that are extremely dangerous, no way you’d want to be in them. Cops didn’t even venture into them unless absolutely necessary. There’s no place in Seattle that makes me scared for my life. Were you living in Baltimore with noise cancelling headphones on the whole time? There’s always gunshots there.


Well ever since I was sentient, the south has been a shithole. I recall a quote from my mother, circa 1993, “she will absolutely not be bussed to the south end, she can wait another year for kindergarten!”


Better increase bike lane spending


It's strap season


There has been a gang war going on in that area for a while that no one is talking about. The Holly Park gang is feuding with a gang from the CD. What does this mean? What it means is that children are killing each other on a regular basis.


For those in Seattle complaining about crime, hang out in California for one hot summer for perspective. Growing up in the Bay makes Seattle feel like paradise.


ah yes the "this shit pile stinks MUCH worse than that shit pile!" argument. 🙄


When young men have good fathers in the home. Or if they're fatherless, good mentors, then you'll see positive changes.


When I can tell the genie that *I'll have a Coke.*


Silly Rocco


Should get back on those meds then


I tried, but my dealer is out of town for a while and the stuff off the street is not good enough.


How many of those were gun deaths?


Reddit is cool until you come across uneducated people who'd rather blame a whole culture and demographic of people instead of cleaning up the nasty shit in their own backyard. Gangs come in literally every color. The cartel and white supremists have been a problem in Seattle/Tacoma for years now. The 2 biggest gangs and GANGSTERS there are. They will continue to do what they do and get away with it as long as mindless, biased people, like this thread consists of, consistently blame black people yet again. Curious, what's your stats on school shooters, serial killers, and pedophiles? What does that demographic consist of? Can't blame black people for everything. Even though you'd really, really like to.


There’s been two high ranking military personnel who have been caught right here in Washington trying to pay kids for sex within the last few month’s but we barely heard anything about that.


2? I've only heard of 1 (Capt Meneley) and he was killed during arrest and it was all over the news. Who was the other this year?




I personally know one of the deceased victims (3AM) and one of the convicted (hit and run). Most of Seattle doesn’t understand how these incidents work but if you are openminded, feel free to DM.


South side


This summer? You mean like, in the last 7 days?


I thought they said crime was down and the murder rate was low in Seattle.😄bs isn’t it? Vote better Seattle and it will get better.


We are in the pits of hell because of the 'soft on crime' bullshit.


Leschi here and hear gunshots all the time. Seattle was already soft on crime but was further hindered by socialists and blm. Sadly government only pays attention to loud vocal minority groups. It's all a play for votes. I honestly don't care who is triggered by police anymore. The city isn't that big but the balls of the elected officials are very small


No one’s triggered by police lmaoo


When will these polite Scandinavian PNW residents stop killing each other? Let's build more houses for them and encourage more "diversity". Let's focus on bringing more tourists in to view our beautiful downtown area..


When the economic and race demographics of the South End changes.


wow mask off huh?


When the region actually begins to care about addressing violence and holding people accountable for their actions. 


Don’t worry everyone, remember, crime is down overall in the state. 


Violent crime is also down in Seattle!


It’s never going to end.


this was all by cops, right? /s


Have you heard a single law maker say anything about gangs? Nope? Then it continues


Every big city has this problem! /s


Not enough … been to the south side?


Poor liberals are absolutely out of control. Avoid living in any areas that they make up the majority.


Wild place you guys have.