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I thought this was a joke at first, but reading some of the comments….


I think this is definitely educative though… mainly on the comments I made on situations like managed IRAs. EDIT - I agree with everyone posted to sell and move on, disclose to investigators to tell where to write that info, may be in the big comments box at the end. I don’t see a section in SF86 or SF-85P to list the financial interests like this one. SF86 has but it’s only covers foreign investments.


Holding pot stocks is not allowed, but it doesn’t count as being involved in the sale of a controlled substance! Sell the stock, move on with your life.


I definitely was at a lower clearance level, but I did the same, I had some random investment in a fund that included medical dispensaries and sold as soon as I started getting referred. I think as long as you’re 1) small time, and 2) sold as soon as you would reasonably feel warranted by federal service, youre good.


Government TSPs invest in Marijuana, Cannabis, and cultivation stocks so I don't think it's really a big deal anymore. They realized how stupid it was when every single government employee with a TSP and a clearance has to report it.


This is very good to know. I guess time to check IRA managed account if one has. Hope those guys don’t invest in dispensaries stocks or international stocks tied to any countries which will be red flag.


I don’t believe foreign investments via a US fund are an issue. I’m not sure that’s even reportable? I have some mutual funds with small foreign components and honestly I never even thought about it before now! The pot stock restriction is dumb, IMO, but it is what it is.


Found this in fedweek, summed it up. [https://www.fedweek.com/issue-briefs/guidance-issued-on-marijuana-and-federal-employee-security-clearances/](https://www.fedweek.com/issue-briefs/guidance-issued-on-marijuana-and-federal-employee-security-clearances/)


I'm rather certain the foreign country in funds scenario would not be an issue. You could research if a fund solely dedicated to China is a possible issue, but any other situation would be a sizable portion of US clearance holders would be in violation if they hold a worldwide international index or basically any emerging market fund outside of the TSP. In fact, otherwise since the TSP until very recently held investments in Hong Kong, almost everyone in the military and federal government with a security clearance would conceivably have to report this which would get pretty silly. The exception would potentially involve individual ownership of stocks and holding them directly in a foreign exchange instead of through a US market would change the picture quite a bit and turn it into a real issue.


What if I hold VTI and it holds a marijuana stock?


That’s fine, arms-length through a second, non-pot-stock-specific fund is okay.


That’s enough Reddit for today


Imagine the investigator reading the message at 9am on a Saturday and having that to look forward to on Monday....


Owning stock and distribution are not the same.


Not to give you a scare, but I reported the same thing; marijuana stocks in college, reported it in my initial interview, sold them immediately (it was a loss anyway), and my clearance was held up for two to three years.


This has to be some kind of a joke.


This is peak autism


To clarify, since a LOT of the answers being provided are either opinions, misguided, or hopeful... Owning pot stocks within a 401K/IRA/Mutual/Other Retirement Fund ***that you do NOT control the selection of the contents*** is perfectly legal/fine. Owning [pot stocks](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/best-cannabis-stocks/) directly is viewed by the Federal Government as being financial involved with/profiting from a Criminal Drug Enterprise. If you are hoping to get a clearance (or already have one), you should divest yourself of those stocks, and Yes, report it at the proper times. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the SF-86: Section 23 - Illegal Use of Drugs and Drug Activity 23.2 - In the last seven (7) years, have you been involved in the illegal purchase, manufacture, cultivation, trafficking, production, transfer, shipping, receiving, handling or sale of any drug or controlled substance? 23.3 - Have you EVER illegally used or otherwise been illegally involved with a drug or controlled substance while possessing a security clearance other than previously listed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simply answer yes to the questions, then in the comment block, explain your ownership of $XXXXXX worth of ABC/XYZ stocks, and how, as soon as you learned that owning said stock was also considered illegal Federally, you immediately divested yourself of the stock. If you somehow take a loss in the process, adding that as well might be a good touch. Expect to have to answer a few questions with the investigator... when and how did you buy?, how much money did you make?, does your organization NOT properly brief all it's cleared personnel that owning pot stocks is against the Clearance Rules? You are not the first person the investigators will have seen with this issue, nor will you be the last.


What part of that statute would holding stocks relate to it? Holding stocks isn't purchasing, manufacturing, cultivating, trafficking, producing, transferring, shipping, receiving, handling, or selling as far as I can tell. Realistically if they say it is you could say I'm not a lawyer but I interpreted it differently.


As the DCSA reps I've spoken to explained it, holding stocks covers ***ALL*** of that, as it provides the FUNDING for the entire criminal enterprise.




Problem is, you are stating your opinion of how you'd *LIKE* the law interpreted, while I'm explaining how the people in charge **ACTUALLY** apply them. If you disagree with that, give your Congress-critters a call and express your desire for them to end the Prohibition and legalize pot. I know I have... Personally, I'd Love to be able to invest.


Holding stock means you own part of the company, however small that fraction may be. Those marijuana companies certainly do all of those things you listed and more




Please read Rule #3


So the question is since I’ve already had my interview with the dcsa representative about a month ago, who do I report to? My supervisor? I have the phone number of the dcsa representative. Do I text him?


Just leave it alone, you're going to fuck yourself listening to this dude. He's clearly trying doing to fuck with you. He actually doesn't know, he's trolling but using some truths to fuck with you.


Aren’t they just talking about illegal sales, like narcotics distribution? This feels like saying, “I hold stocks in Pfizer, since people sell pills illegally I am also a narcotics distributor.”


It's different because Marijuana is federally illegal. Holding stocks in Marijuana is not allowed while having a clearance


Bro bought 3$ of stocks and became a drug lord


This is not an issue. You don't need to take any action. If you physically owned a weed shop, then it's an issue. Pot stocks are fine. I own Chinese stocks, ADS (American Depository Shares). Totally legit. If I had them transferred to the Hang Seng Exchange, then I'd have to report it, since it's now a foreign asset


What about owning cigarette company stocks like PM, or Altria?


I see your further edit. If the meeting is done, I am sure you have the contact information of the investigator. You might as well just give them the details in the email and mention that it did not come to your attention until now.


Forgot to add. Marijuana is being reclassified to a schedule 3 substance. So if you own Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson (and so on) then your security clearance is at risk? Get real. That’s easy litigation.


Just leave it alone, you fucked yourself now


You guys are already hired? My email said "Tentative hire" Right now I'm just waiting still working my regular job and applying for new ones.


What if the stock is in Hemp? Since hemp has been federally legal since 2018 under the Farm Bill


ok so I'm selling my pot stocks lol


No worries. The Supreme Court just vacated the DEAs ability to ban anything. You’re in the clear! 


Definitely report this.




Medical marijuana dispensary stocks


I am not expert but interested to hear people’s perspective. You are trading stocks legally but not marijuana right? I am not sure how that equates to selling a controlled substance. But if you have any doubt you can let the investigator know when you meet with him. I do believe this is not a deal breaker. EDIT - lot of us have 401K and other IRA accounts, sometimes managed by the financial advisors, most of us don’t care where the money is being invested. what is they invest in internationals stocks, and they are related to china. I am just speaking it out loud to see where the end is.


If you don't directly own the stocks it's fine. Most 401k is invested in a etf or something where a different company manages stick. If you own stock on robin hood or a brokerage then it's not okay


No offense, is this not obvious?


Either option is federally illegal. There isn't a lot of perspective needed.


if it is federally illegal, why would the government let the companies trade the stocks?


Marijuanna has become the new "don't ask dont tell" it's only a matter of time before investigators won't have to worry about this


Politics. Still investments in an illegal trade. If you can't comprehend that my guess is a clearance isn't going to go well for ya.


I am just commenting, I am not OP.


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