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I had the same wording when it happened to me, and I had failed suitability.


How did you fix it ?


I didn’t. I cried for a few days, then kept applying. The security office didn’t tell me exactly what killed suitability although I have a pretty good idea. They aren’t obligated to tell you for just suitability. If you failed clearance you’ll eventually get an SOR that outlines why. THAT you can appeal. Suitability gives you no recourse.


Why do you think they killed your suitability


I made a really dumb mistake. They asked me about tickets and I had a few from an incident in 2007. One of the tickets was for hit and run (I fought it and got it tossed) and the investigator asked if I had ever hit and run. I said no because I didn’t, and I fought the ticket and won. But tickets and court proceedings are forever and they don’t reveal the outcomes of anything. So I came across as lying. I had some pot use over a year prior, and a social media post they REALLY had a problem with. Honesty is more important than literally anything. Even though it was from 16 years ago it looked like I lied. In short, I fucked up. I wasn’t given the opportunity to mitigate it or explain it.


How was that lying if you won the case????


Public records don’t indicate the outcome of a case. So it shows I got four tickets, and paid 468 dollars in fines. I got no points on my license so you’d think it would be obvious they threw it out, but 🤷🏻‍♀️. Had I explained it in the interview I might have been fine. Although I personally think they used it as an excuse because of other aspects they didn’t like, like my anxiety and that social media post. Neither of which they can use to fail you for clearance but they can certainly cover them up with some other innocuous reason. I can’t say for sure about the real reasons. They never did a background investigation, I had only done my security interview. All they would tell me was the “usual” reasons it happens. I had pot use over a year previously as well, but that agency has a standard of six months so that shouldn’t have affected anything. Who knows though. This process is not for the weak of heart.


I dont know why you think they never did an investigation. That usually starts as soon as you submit your SF-86. By the time of your interview, the basic automated checks have been done. The obvious issues are flagged. They don't start the manual process until you've had a chance to correct any "fixable" issues and talk about any mitigating circumstances. The investigator (often a contractor) is not the only part of the process. There is an adjudication team that works on the electronic stuff and asks the investigator to get clarification on things. You can bet they have access beyond what's available to the public. They know the outcome of your cases and even have minutes from it. The purpose of the clearance process is to make sure that you can be trusted and not have to be watched. The second that they get a gut feeling that you're untrustworthy, the process is done.


I know they didn’t because the investigator personally told me it didn’t. They did the credit check, and the public records check, and that was it. When the offer was rescinded I emailed the investigator and he said “the investigation was never started”. I am aware of everything you pontificated, except no, at that point it had only been public records.


You’ll also notice I said I made a dumb mistake. I fucked up. Had I described the entire situation I may have been fine. It looked like I was deliberately being dishonest. It’s entirely on me. I wasn’t given the opportunity to explain after, unfortunately.


Can you go back for another position and try again r do you gotta wait for anything ??


I wasn’t blacklisted, I can apply to that agency again. I’m in the process for a position in the same department, different agency now. Idk if that agency will give me another chance but it’s possible.


How did they find out you smoked weed ?


Edibles not smoking but I disclosed it. Be honest about that shit and unless it was extremely recent it doesn’t matter. But my friends knew and it was likely to come out in an investigation anyway. You got something to hide, they’re going to find it. Unless literally it was done without anyone knowing ever.


What level of clearance?


I thought they can only find that out through polygraph?


Nooooo. I didn’t have a poly. There wasn’t one required for the position, which was a surprise given the nature of the agency. In the security interview they ask you “have you ever” questions beyond the scope of the sf86 when it’s for TS. And you need to be honest. The poly will ask all that shit again but it starts with disclosure in the interview. The investigators will find out anything you lie about, and even little lies can cost you the job. Polygraphs are junk science used as a tool to test reactions to stress and conflict, and also as a neat way of weeding out people they don’t want. (In my opinion, but I think it’s a common opinion) It’s so subjective it’s silly. You can fail and have told the 100% gods honest truth. In some cases you can lie your ass off and pass with flying colors. It’s less about getting facts and more about behavior.


Because they hit someone/something, and drove away?


I was parking in my college lot that had really narrow spaces. It was pretty crowded and full already. I hit a car parking and didn’t want to try parking in that spot again so I moved my car to a few rows over that was clear. People say me do it and even though I absolutely wasn’t fleeing the scene, the cop threw like four tickets at me, h&r and reckless parking being the worst. I fought those two in court and they were thrown out. I got no points and just needed to pay a fine for the other two tickets and court costs. This was SIXTEEN YEARS AGO btw.


The social media part is why mine is private. I don't really use it anymore but I don't remember what was posted when I was younger.


It was so stupid. I had privatized FB and I hadn’t used Twitter in years. But I forgot that for a while my FB was hooked up to my Twitter so a petition was shared on my Twitter feed and he took great offense to it. It was a four year old post. I have since deleted Twitter completely, don’t post anything on FB that isn’t a joke meme even though it’s locked up like Fort Knox, I privatized TikTok but I don’t make content, and my instagram is only about my art projects. My social media is sanitized now lol


Thank you for your honesty and sharing your results here. I appreciate it, as do many others. I currently have a secret, but hope to get a TS/SCI next year if I get picked up for a position I plan on applying to. I graduated college about 15 years ago. I believe my SF86 only goes back 7 or 10 years. My question, will they question college roommates from 17 years ago about drug usage? I never got in any trouble, but I would like to give my roommates from 17 years ago a heads up that the feds are going to call them. Thoughts?


Of course! I learned a very valuable lesson from my mistake that first go around so I like sharing my experience. I’m hoping the process for my current TJO goes much more smoothly! 17 years ago? I really can’t imagine they would. You don’t have to list anything on the sf86 past 7 years. Depending on the investigator they may ask about it- I was asked about pretty much my entire life, including the one time use of shrooms in 1995. They asked if I ever shoplifted, even as a kid, or downloaded movies or music illegally. (Downloading movies is actually a pretty big deal, from several accounts. Music not as much) I’m 44 so that’s quite a bit of life to go through lol I actually thought one of the difficulties was remembering things that happened 20, 30 years ago. So be prepared for every aspect of your life to be examined. TS gets super invasive, and SCI must be like getting a year long colonoscopy. Even though the paperwork only goes back 7 years, they will ask “have you EVER” questions quite a bit in the interview. But no, I can’t see them contacting college friends about it, unless you are currently close friends. Even then they’re not going to care about 17 year old drug use.


You probably should prepare anyone close to you personally or in your work life that they might be contacted by the feds. Neighbors too. They will definitely talk to neighbors.


Thank you for your detailed reply. The position requires an SCI, but not a poly. So, I feel very fortunate that things I can't remember, but make me nervous, won't be a part of their evaluation.


if you failed to get a clearance, you should receive a statement of reasons no? If you don't receive it by default, you get it by asking for it.


How long have you been in clearance for? It sounds like you didn’t fail clearance, you should receive information on why you failed if so (unless it’s coming), but that you were not processed quick enough.


I was in it since Feb of this year. So not even the average. This agency was trying to get me to start in May but I couldnt due to some life constraints and so they pushed my start date to july and legit the day before i started they said they would need to delay and then i got this email legit 3 hours ago.


I think they were not willing to wait any longer for the clearance to be completed. It does not say you were unsuitable.


Got more news. This was the case! I wasn’t denied the clearance or really found unsuitable. Just more or less they didn’t wanna wait any longer. Sucks but guess it is what it is.


Ask the HR person for the phone number to the Security team / FSO / SSO... they will be able to tell you which


I did. They just said they didnt know and dont have access to that information. I called SSO and they basically told me the same thing that I was actually still processing and didnt see anything. Im not sure what the f--- is going on anymore tbh.


If the SSO told you are you are still in process than I n all likely they just didn’t want to wait any longer.




Lmao. I admitted to all my red flags / wrong doings in my life there my friend.


Go to FOIA and find your sponsoring agency. You can get records of investigations and adjudications so you know whats happening. No users in this group wanna tell you that. Idek why. But do yourself a favor and save yourself from headaches


Failure of suitability- happens at the local agency level and some things can be waived by the hiring manager at this level (ie past job terminations) while some things are required to go through the adjudication process (ie DUI) if management doesn’t want to pursue if something is flagged they can choose to end the process and rescind their offer, they do not have to provide you a reason nor does the SSO. Failure of clearance- this was determined usually by DCSA after an investigation. They have to provide you a letter explaining why. This is beyond local management control.




HR won’t know what your clearance status is. Ask them who the FSO (facility section officer) is for the company. And contact them.