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He’s gonna scream at Guardian Ape And he’s gonna scream louder at Mist Noble


Modern day streamer + screaming ? What else is new


Yeah, but this guy SCREAMS


70-80% of the highlight clips from him have ALL been him screaming. Either at a boss that two phased or a victory. All this mf does is scream


Like a eight year old stuck in a Chuck E. Cheese ballpit


Fool! There is no ball pit there!


There was at mine


What madness lies in yours?!






You're forgetting he also cries he does that too


He's basically a slightly less braindead version of ishowspeed


Oh. Friede is gonna be something else…


He's basically that character from the police academy minus everything redeeming. Edit: zed


Fr man, no hate but this guy is so freaking irritating. Why tf these gen alphas watch him and adin ross?


no, why do grown men and women watch streamers tho?? i mean, if they’re streaming a play through cool. most times these bozos just be screaming and saying dumb shit like they got 2 brain cells


because some streamers are actually entertaining and make good content? you just watching the wrong folks


It's so annoying lol I'm into terraria, which may or may not fly here, I love Waffletimes produced stuff, I can not watch any of his streaming or playing with friends videos, it's out of control lol


back in my day the streamers weren't so dog darn loud


He's not reaching Mist Noble...


Even if he does, Mist Noble ends him.


The bull will end him


I kinda want him to play Sekiro off stream ONLY because I know someone in his chat will spoil it. Everyone deserves to experience that


I just recently started playing this game. And it has given me ptsd, when I kill an enemy and they don’t have a second phase after exhausting their health I feel such relief.


On one hand, guardian ape spoiled On the other… Mist noble


I'm wondering if he'll scream louder over everybody trolling him, or from the rectal wrecking that would send Headless running in terror lol


Recording sekiro is also a good option.


I got spoiled. Sadly.


I loved these fights and wish I could finish the game but I took a big break and would need to start from the beginning to have any chance. I'm stuck at the true corrupted monk now and just don't have the skill anymore to fight them


Get your skill back, just as wolf did. Kill them all 🔥🫵🔥




I rebeat guardian ape for the first time in over 3 years, easy, just make sure your always running and at most get 2 hits off him and run around, you HAVE to be patient


Idk, Elden Ring is way longer and more frustrating. Sekiro is more straight forward and precise and much more responsive. I think he will get through it.


Not only this, sekiro is generally harder if you are a souls veteran, as the souls combta formula is generally ingrained in your muscle memory, he has only played ER, so he may come to sekiro more of a fresh player, which generally tend to have easier times in sekiro as it's more similar to modern action games than the souls games which are more of an oldschool adventure RPG that demands a more defensive gameplay. I had played DS1-3 before sekiro and had a hard time getting used to the combat and even struggled vs the guardian ape, true corrupted monk and isshin, on the other hand, aside from duo and malenia, ER felt more like home so it wasn't as hard.


This is how I started, Elden ring was my first game I played created by fromsoft. It took me less time to get good at Sekiro compared to Elden ring. However I think that’s only because I was not a souls veteran and very fresh to the genre. Sekiro did not feel difficult because parrying came quickly. Not to say I didn’t die hundreds of times. However Elden ring was harder since it was my first ever souls like. I also will mention I played my first play though of Elden ring blind without summons. That definitely made things more difficult. I also played Sekiro on mouse and keyboard, I didn’t find it hard to parry with a mouse vs controller seemed more difficult.


This perfectly applies to me and my sister. Whilst I've gotten pretty far in Elden Ring, I'm not at a skill level anyone would call decent. However, I ended up taking to Sekiro way faster (and whilst I still struggle) have beaten the game twice now. My sister on the other hand has beaten both Bloodborne and Elden Ring and has gotten pretty good at both of them, but has ended up struggling way more with Sekiro than I did.


Hell, if you just try to dodge everything like a regular Souls game and don't get used to parrying, you'll struggle with Gyoubu


As someone that really only played Sekiro, Souls games are so fucking hard. I can parry the fuck out of Genichiro and as someone that hasn’t played it in a few years I could probably beat guardian ape under an hour. Put me up against really anyone in a Souls I’m kind of fucked.


Played sekiro as my first soulsborne, can confirm, the deflecting is only hard if you’re used to dodging everything but for someone coming from ghost of tsushima it honestly was way less difficult than Bloodborne and ER


If you start with ER or DS, Sekiro will definitely be an incredible learning curve.


But you’re forgetting how much Elden ring holds your hand as far as direction and cheese items. You can legit pick the uchikatana as starting weapon and bleed kill about any boss early-mod game with no upgrading. And there’s fast travel from the gate


Not the case for Asmongold


yes he is lol, yall said the same about Elden Ring. Sekiro is not that hard once you understand parrying (like 2 hr mark), and there are practically 0 runbacks and 0 confusion about what build to choose, no souls like elements that require learning and the skill tree is very easy to understand. he will probably rage many times but I would argue it is much easier for a newcomer than a game like Elden Ring. Seen countless people in the YouTube comments of Elden Ring videos saying that understanding all the game mechanics is like learning a new language and others saying that guides are absolutely necessary. In Sekiro there's none of that


I don’t think I have ever seen such a beautiful take on the difficulty of Sekiro vs Elden Ring before, let alone in THIS place of all places. I always try to word it like this though, having to figure out building a character without leaning on Google is at least 30% of the difficulty in any Soulsborne game. Then consider maybe half of the game is just a ton of scripted encounters where mobs snipe you from offscreen, jump out of nowhere and try to push you off of a cliff, and tons of other typical Soulsborne shenanigans lol. Also there’s the map size, and navigating Soulsborne maps in general. Elden Ring especially is massive and there isn’t a real clear indicator of where you should and shouldn’t be for a new player outside of getting your ass kicked, but that can also be attributed to a bad build and/ or spamming dodge and it can be hard to see the difference. I also think that unlike parrying, dodging comes with a psychological factor to it. Some folks just perform horribly against bosses and especially massive bosses because they don’t trust that the dodge animation doesn’t care about any of that crazy size or fancy attack BS. Roll through Fire Giant, Placidusax, Elden Beast, whatever. Don’t overthink it.


tbf I always had to stop and internalize that I could parry heavy attacks (ogre, fat sumo looking guys, apes, etc). For some reason I always default to rolling, die a few times, then convince myself a razor sharp sword can parry a 700 lbs fire bull lol.


Every build can become overpowered in elden ring. You just have to commit on something (alongside vigor) and not spread out too much your stats and you are good. The very beginning (until you reach Godrick) when you have no stat and the very end (starting from Maliketh) when boss hit so hard that your stats don't matter are the hardest parts. But in between, it can be achieve by anyone if the person is willing to commit enough time. Although, Elden Ring is much harder when you try to be fast and when you are not exploring (not going to weeping for example cut you out of many seeds and tears). I do agree with the lack of indication. There is a natural path that the game push you to take (Godrick -> Rennala (-> Radahn) -> Capital) but it is by no means easy to follow.


The problem is knowing how to get there. Most default to looking up builds and these guides are usually pretty bad because they don’t explain what each stat does when you raise it and people don’t always notice that you can mouse over these to get a breakdown. Knowing soft and hard caps and where scaling fits into the whole thing, plus you can miss the corresponding whetstone you might end up benefiting the most from depending on your build since exploration isn’t guided. There is a lot of quality of life and stuff like that coming from previous Souls games that make this one seem easy to vets, but for a first timer it’s honestly harder than Dark Souls games. The amount of stuff you have to concurrently understand far outstrips Sekiro, isn’t a bad thing because they play very differently.


I chose wretch, went to the cave by the beach then got teleported to caelid (swamp chest) and had a very interesting time getting out of that before I could even level up. But the less direction was one of my favorite parts of the game.


Sekiro's fanbase has a lot of folks who feel like they need to talk about how overpowered shields are, or how in other games you can level up and make things trivial, or how magic is too strong, and they like to talk about how Sekiro has none of that, and is a game of "skills." Nevermind that Sekiro's deflect is stronger than any shield, any level advantage, any spell, or what have you in the other games. Sekiro only has one build, and it is as strong in its own game as the strongest builds in the other games. Pushing "deflect" instead of "roll" is not more skillful. Memorizing attack patterns rather than managing spacing is not more skillful. It's frustrating how insecure this fanbase is, that somehow Sekiro being excellent and having that excellence recognized (Game of the Year!) isn't enough unless they can convince themselves that they're also more skillful than players of other games.


Nothing is as strong as Sekro parry. But shields in Elden Ring make every nonboss a joke. Block, counter, execute.


It is hard, but people forget that the average person can do anything if they are willing to do it however many times it takes to work.


2 hour mark, are you sure? I’ve seen tons of Let’s Plays of everything Fromsoftware has made, never seen so many people quit as Sekiro. I’m sure he’ll be fine but it really is, for a lot of people a very hard game that never clicks. Also a bunch of DS players try to play it like a souls game which makes it very fucking hard until the last optional boss. I assume he won’t do that either.


you are right but I still found sekiro way harder than any of the other souls games, and I’ve finished all but the PS exclusives. I couldn’t even finish the game, left on ishin. maybe this was just an isolated case though, seeing as alot of people agree with you


Isshin was one of the hardest bosses for me at first. After about 100 attempts, I was able to start really reading his moves. I found it best to stay a medium distance away from him and try to bait him into doing his slam attack. Super easy to read, parry, and punish. The umbrella tool works really well, too. I'm stuck on young owl on my second playthrough. Dudes insanely difficult.


Good assessment & I agree, tried elden ring. Gave me more frustration than joy, tried sekiro & loved it from the jump.


Yeah sure Sekiro is more straight forward, but 2 hours? After 2 hours u might've understood that youre supposed to parry stuff but that doesn't mean shit.


Maybe I was quick but yes, after two hours I beat the third mini boss (one after chained ogre, forgot his name) and finally started to understand the basic mechanics (such as deathblow) and more importantly parrying.


People act like a souls play through is the most difficult thing ever, literally all u need is to not give up lol. Still difficult but I hate all the elitists acting like it’s impossible for someone like Kai


He's shown the one and only quality you need for these games: Not giving up. If 100 tries on the Tree Sentinel didn't stop him, nothing else in these games will.


for real, sekiro is so straightforward its basically a rhythm game too. 


It should be a testament to how well these games are designed that an outsider can come in and overcome the challenge


Yeah sekiro was my first fromsoft game


Where Demon's Souls?


Honestly wholeheartedly I truly feel like demon souls is the undisputed easiest souls game.Like after elden ring kai will not struggle at all playing it since it being the first one in the genre the enemies movesets is beyond simple to read & the bosses healthbar melts in seconds.The traps & falling would be his only difficulty😭


Yeah, honestly, I'm playing the PS5 remake rn for the first time and I'm not that far in but it's not as tough as Elden Ring, Bloodborne or Sekiro so far (the three games I already played). The only troubles I have sometimes are large groups of enemies and the controls feeling a bit clunky.


I think it has a lot to do with what you play first, OG Demon's Souls was my first and overall I had a lot easier time in all games that came after because I was already adept at the gameplay and generally knew how to approach things.


It's also the most annoying. As a souls vet, I beat most of the bosses first try by the time I tried Demons Souls, but the ones where I didn't, I absolutely fucking hated running thru almost the entire goddamn level again to get back to the boss. It got to the point where I would literally Google the boss attacks before each level because I would have rather had the fight spoiled than have to die and run back to the boss


Is it a marathon if you take a break? Isn’t that just two mini-marathons?


I think it just means for each game he's doing a marathon playing the game from start to finish without stopping stream the same way he did for Elden Ring.


How many hours was his ER stream?


about 160ish


He never slept for that entire time??


he slept a lot, marathon meaning that he wouldn’t do anything besides eat sleep shower and stream elden ring


I will say it's smart that he's doing Sekiro before Souls and Bloodborne, if he even sticks to this whole regimen.


Nah he’ll stick with it. I will admit that Kai rarely gives up and that’s best shown with his Elden ring playthrough m


I don't know who that is, but I hope he enjoys the games.


Haven’t heard of him until recently, but based on what I’ve seen other people saying, he was the type of streamer who played mostly FIFA and stuff like overwatch. Then he tried out Elden Ring and it completely blew him away. Described it as cinema. I’d love to catch some of his videos, but unfortunately, I don’t have the time or attention span for ~160 hours. I really hope he hires an editor to make a supercut closer to 4-5 hours.


Currently one of the biggest streamers on twitch


He died to Malenia 500 times. He'll survive Sekiro.


I feel like people are overhyping Sekiro difficulty.


Bro's gonna take a break by bullying some fat teenagers


Sekiro is hard as shit don’t get me wrong but I feel like it has less curveballs or just not as much annoying ass bullshit lmao. If he can get down the rhythm he’ll get through.


Why? He finished elden ring. Why would he be incapable of finishing sekiro? Sekiro fans really love to stroke their own ego. "Sekiro is the hardest game in the world and i beat it, that means i'm a god gamer and every other game is baby mode" Grow up.


it’s not the hardest, it was js harder for souls gamers like me to adjust to the combat


I played sekiro, bloodborne, nioh 1 and elden ring and i thought sekiro was the easiest personally. I'm also playing nioh 2 at the moment and yeah, way harder than sekiro.


Bro sekiro is not this impossible game u think it is.


i‘m glad he‘s getting more people into these games but my god he is genuinely one of the most annoying people i‘ve ever seen. literally every clip i have ever seen of him is just him screaming at the top of his lungs. like what is this obsession people have with people just screaming and being loud the entire time?


I remember a streamer saying he felt trapped in an obnoxious screaming persona. The more he screamed the more engagement he got, and the more engagement the more demand there was for explosive, clippable, short-format reactions. I bet it's the same for Kai Cenat.


It's content for childreen and teens. Have you seen how children and teens behave? They like it when someone acts like them.


Yeah, sometimes it’s funny in the right context in short clips but mostly I can’t stand him.


its crazy cuz he acts completely different when hes streaming alone and when hes with a friend or celebrity when hes alone he tries too hard to entertain but when hes with somebody he just acts like himself


That's what moves America now at least, it basically won the 2016 election


I love seeing people's first time through games I liked. It's like reliving all the wonder and fear of that first experience vicariously. I kind of gave up looking for new videos to watch a while ago, though, because every one of them would seem to be a shrieking manchild that gets on my tits before the 10 minute mark. Considering the ridiculous number of views that they get, I guess that's a format in and on its own -and a profitable one at that-, and I don't think I've ever felt older.


I think he'll do ok at Sekiro. His ER playthrough got so much attention because he refused to come back to Tree Sentinel later and Sekiro has a lot more linear scaling.


Sekiro is a top 3 FROM for me. BB and ER are the other two. If homie can beat ER, he can beat Sekiro. Watching him get past Genichiro will be a hoot though.


He is, sekiro difficulty is exaggerated a bit, the only big obstacle for me in sekiro was Genichiro, because I wasn't used to the combat. Personally Elden Ring gave me a bit more trouble than Sekiro, especially in the late game post fire giant


Imo if he can do Elden Ring, he can do Sekiro. But he will be struggling on Mist Noble for sure.


I don’t watch this guy but I’m pretty sure he beat malenia so I don’t see why Sekiro would be so hard? A lot of Sekiro is pattern recognition so you can’t get most bosses with enough attempts.


Agreed. He beat Malenia naked with 2 katanas. He can definitely beat sekiro


he fought malenia for basically 27 hours straight, he was fighting her for like 6+ hours at a time 😭 once this game clicks and he has the right mindset he’s going to decimate the game


None of sekiros bosses is harder than malenia




Idk either, I barely have time to play my own games much less watch another.


Bro spent the first 100+ deaths on the tree sentinel


As you should. It's a birthing rite, if you can't kill tree sentinel with a fresh character time to git gud


Can't wait till he encounters monkey... and then double monkey...


Idk why so many of you guys here gatekeep Sekiro like it's the most difficult game in the world. It's significantly easier than Elden Ring and he just beat that. It's a difficult transition, but he'll get there.


It's the "i'm a pro gamer because i beat the hardest game in the world" people. They just like to stroke their ego and put down other people so that it makes them look better. Truly pathetic if you ask me.


Please stop with the over-exaggeration. Sekiro isn't that difficult. Is it a difficult game? Yes. Impossible? No. The most difficult? No. FromSoftware's most challenging? No. The only way you'll struggle and feel like it's impossible is if you can't get parrying down. And I have to say that parrying is easier in Sekiro than in their other games. It's easier than in Lies of P, too. It's just a pattern per boss that you have to learn and follow per move set used by said boss. I can no hit all bosses on Sekiro, charmless or with the charm. It took me a few days to adapt to the game after not playing for years. Someone like him who doesn't give up at all and has an insane work ethic will no doubt beat the game. I'm willing to bet that it will take less for him to beat it than Elden Ring. If I don't have a work ethic like that and can adapt well, I'm sure that he'll come around. Sekiro isn't as difficult as many try to say that it is. I like it a lot, too but come on.


Anybody can beat any souls game as long as they have the patience. If he beat elden ring, he can beat sekiro. We gotta stop acting like fromsoft games are that difficult.


If he survives sekiro then he’ll be fine in bloodborne


Is Bloodborne regarded as the harder game?


Who is this person and why do we care


sekiro is the most intuitive and forgiving souls game imo


I heard around he likes to put his time into the attempts countless times, I don't think he will struggle until Orge, when a new player can be potentially one shot.


Isn't he the guy with the lightning


If he can do Elden Ring soli he cab do Sekiro. He loved the feeling of accomplishment Elden Rong gave him and Sekiro is quite the badge of honor. Love this game.


He will, but Sekiro will almost certainly be a learning experience, since you can't really import a lot of skill from the other souls titles.


Love to see him play though. Who knows? He might actually beat it.


He’ll be fine for Sekiro. He did Elden Ring with no summons and basically blind. Sekiro will be a breeze for him in comparison. Even if it’s harder it’s much shorter so you don’t spend as much time learning everything.


I'm not a fan of this dude at all, but I believe in him! Watching his absolute joy getting the radahn kill (after 500+ attempts) made me so happy lol, that's what these games are all about.


Oh I love how bully is in their


Bully is the greatest souls like game to have graced gods green earth.


he’ll be fine


He'll get through Sekiro, stop glazing the difficulty of the damn game, Sekiro isn't even that hard


Who tf is this guy?


Elden ring bosses are exponentially more difficult, it just so happens that there’s a lot of good weapons and spells in Elden ring that help combat this.


Why do people always say sekiro is hard?


Who the hell is this and why do people care that he's doing a fromsoft marathon?


Who's that guy and why is that a good/bad thing?


Kai is being disrespected so much for no reason. He did smth most Elden Ring players didn’t even accoplish which is beating Malenia without summons or extreme cheese. He’s a respectable player and can definitely beat Sekiro (or any other Soulsborne game). Honestly I have no idea where this hostility towards him is coming from. Hes shown these games and theor community nothing but respect and love.


This guys a bitch, regardless


Honestly, Sekiro destroyed me. I've played every soulsborne game and Elden Ring and beaten them....but with Sekiro I can't get past that fat drunk boss dude. I just can't. I come back to it every now and then and get stuck in the same place.


Keep trying, I believe in you :) Some advice: go around and try and kill all the regular enemies in the area WITHOUT triggering the npc who fights the boss with you. After they’re all dead, run back through the water where you came from and reset the boss’s aggro. Then, sneak back in, get your free death blow, and get the npc involved to fight with you. While the boss attacks the npc, beat his ass. Hope this helps!


sekiro next… damn…. he gonna get to the others and realize that sekiro is peak


And I should care because...?


Who is this guy? Why is he related to this subreddit?


Who is he and why is it so important


Kaicenat big streamer, can fill like 3-4 stadiums full of people. expect a ton of "I'm stuck, help me" on this sub this month or so due to all the new audience he brings to Souls like. Whether this is important or not, it's up to you.


Why? Haven't watched his ER stuff because he is insufferable. Did he cheese or level with trash mobs?


nope, he avoided almost everything the Elden ring community considers cheese.


Thank you. But why wouldn't he be able to beat Sekiro then? Dude seems to have the tenacity it would take.


Idk, he will honestly find sekiro easier. Ig It's just a classic case of sekiro fans stroking their own ego.


Haha, for real. This weird take that Sekiro is the hardest Myazaki title when it's actually the most forgiving.


People actually watch this bozo?


Sekiro is easy as fuck, you just parry everything. He might die of boredom but thats about it


A bit of a hot take but sekiro is the easiest souls game I have played and it's the only one I have actually beaten but it's probably just cause I play ALOT of rhythm games and sekiro basically is just a rhythm game honestly


Imo elden ring is harder, so i would beg to differ


Yeah, and he beat his head against melania for 20 hours until he beat it. Dude has dedication


That alone proves he’ll be fine with sekiro. It just takes some dedication / effort and then it clicks.


In what way? I found ER much easier than sekiro and I didn’t use an OP build or magic etc to beat the game.


I think he'll have a harder time with Sekiro because there's no "overleveling", but things clicks differently for everyone. Bloodborne was by far the easiest fromsoft game i've played.


Idk man. I beat Sekiro in like 40-50 hours and that was with a hefty amount of suffering. He'll make it.


He proved that he has the willpower to sit there until the end. Even if he dies over 1000 times.


I think he could do it, it’ll be rough but he might even fair better than ER if he gets into the swing of things Until he gets to Isshin 😂


Even though I'm not really a fan, I'm happy to see souls games being promoted by successful streamers in 2024! And maybe I'll check him out and become a fan. Watching people lose their minds on these games is always a good time


I personally couldn’t beat Sekiro so will be interesting to see


There’s no cheap tricks in Sekiro, Elden Ring there’s all sorts of stuff you can use to make the bosses more approachable. It’s much more raw, I’m sure eventually he’ll adjust his approach but he’s gonna have a really rough awakening


lol not 2


Yeah he should probably do bloodborne first 😂


He went from one of the most accesible to the hardest in a single move


I played all Souls like except ds2. But I don't understand why Sekiro's fanbase considers the game different than other souls in terms just because there are fewer cheese bosses. They are almost the same. Moreover, he made Elden ring pretty hard for himself by avoiding everything the Elden ring community considers cheeses (except maybe the fact he did bleed run). If he does not make it harder on himself, I'm pretty sure he will find Sekiro wayyy easier.


He might catch the learning curve who knows 🤷‍♂️


He's cooked. I'm sure he will beat all those games but damn, he will suffer. Especially with Sekiro and DS2


He could actually be the first personen ever to hit a wall at mist noble 😂😂


All I’m gonna say is Demon of Hatred


At least 2000 deaths and half of them are gonna be at demon of hatred


Yes he will, his tenacity is impressive


come on, he beat Malenia solo, he can do Sekiro.


Why not i mean he got hands and a brain what's stopping him ???


I think he will. Ds2 on the other hand…


I believe bro will manage


My guy roughly has less than 5,000 hrs to keep his word. Lets see how this goes.


What a dumb take.


Should I stream how many times I can beat it. I lost my disk tho


Personally my only difficulty with sekiro was purely because I came right out the gate off of the souls series and couldn't mentally figure out the necessity that is the parry. I just tried to run and dodge for about the first 5 hours lol.


The problem is not that the game is hard, it’s that he’s playing it right after Elden Ring lmao


I think he’ll be fine. I watched the ER playthrough and he really commits and doesn’t give up




Bro is about to have 1000 deaths by the ogre alone 😭😭😭. This is one game where souls muscle memory works against you. Isshin is going to steamroll this guy


Who is this guy?


Popular twitch streamer


I'm really hoping he goes got the diving ending so he fights inner isshin


He should really either begin or end with Sekiro, otherwise he's just going to rage at changing playstyles so radically


Crazy how so many comments in here are about Kai being annoying because they saw **CLIPPED** vids of him screaming. Yall think he’s doing that for entire streams? Edit: Also as someone who’s beaten Elden Ring, BB & Sekiro, Sekiro is the easiest by a long shot yall are crazy.


Wonder if he’ll do the gauntlets


That’s gonna take longer than a year


Sekiro is honestly not that hard. The only roadblocks in the game for me were Genichiro, Owl, and Isshin


bully like the ps2 game????




Bro thinks he's tough because he beat Malenia.. little does he know... Butterfly Lady and the Guardian Apes will be a rude awakening lmfao.


Yeah he’s gonna burst a brain aneurysm (I hope)


He can beat it.


It's a wrap for him when he go against the bull


You all can have fun watching him, but I do not give the slightest fuck about him.