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I bought it for 60$ on day 1 and would do it again without hesitation (because it would mean defeat) so I'd say big yes, it's worth it


I bought it for $60 on day 1, got my ass handed to me by Chained Ogre, shelved it for a year because I didn't have the time to "git gud" with this one. Then the pandemic hit and I finally had the time to play through it and get all but two achievements (I'll eventually go finish my platinum)...................still worth every penny.


I see what you did there


Hesitation is **DEFEAT**


I just bought it for the $29.99 on Xbone and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Frustrating as hell…even as a veteran DS3 player…but immensely satisfying. I almost feel like my DS3 habits hinder me a bit in Sekiro. It’s a totally different combat approach than Dark Souls..


You are correct, so hard breaking that muscle memory.


This is the way!


I bought it on PC 3 years ago @ $60 and bought it on PS4 a year later @ $60. Planning on buying a PS5 when Elden Ring comes out and if Sekiro remastered costs $60 for PS5 I will buy it again. This is by far the best game ever.


I'd say it's worth it, awesome game.


So worth it. Sekiro is one of the best games of (now last) generation imo


one of the best game of... ever.


Well, I mean compared to the MASTERPIECE that is Superman 64 it’s okay I guess.


lol, Superman 64 reference out of no where...


I was trying to think of an old, pretty much unanimously shit on game and it was the first thing that came to mind.


Got it day one for full price. Worth every penny. $30 is a great deal.


BUY IT. I got it for Free, and would’ve paid $60 for that bih I promise. It was so good I’m buying Elden Ring the DAY it releases, I don’t care. The only issue I had was that playing Sekiro, made me not want to play Ghost of Tsushima. It’s been a year since I finished Sekiro and I still don’t care to touch Ghost of Tsushima just yet but in the next couple years I’ll check it out. But def get Sekiro out your system before touching any other Soulsborne game bc it trains your muscles an brain to fight a certain way that’ll counter the other souls game combat. I felt it with going from Sekiro back to DS3.


Definitely play Ghost of Tsushima it’s completely different and extremely beautiful. Everything about that game is amazing and it makes me sad my ps4 broke since i won’t experience it again


Sounds like you need a ps5! I played ghost a couple times on the ps4 pro and just recently started playing it on the ps5 and honestly it’s so much better, with how much it’s concerned with looking beautiful and playing smooth I think they should have just made it a launch title for the ps5. It’s like playing it for the first time again


Everything???? What about the boring errand side missions?


not to mention the stupid story, still a good game tho imo


Yeah I’m not saying it bad but don’t tell me it’s perfect


Got bored with GoT after 10 hours of playing. It was beautiful but it was very repetitive. The writing seemed very cliché to me. Sekiro’s combat system is a looot better, however GoT’s combat system is actually pretty good too.


I feel exactly the same about every statement you wrote lol


You can pre-order Elden Ring, and if you do there’s bonus stuff you get.


I felt the same, but recently tried ghost, its amazing and different from sekiro, it will definitely be worth it bro, try it out.


Shit I bought ghost a while back and just started Sekiro today. Should I play ghost first? Both seem amazing but Sekiro is obviously harder. I’m coming from bloodborne so either one is different from my current play style


Play Ghost for the story/scenery, Sekiro for the combat. Both are great in different areas


Definitely try got it’s fucking next level, I can’t decide which one is my favorite ninja open world game they’re both amazing af


Ghost of Tsushima is literally nothing like Sekrio. Completely different games. Wolf is a ninja Jin is a Samurai. Other than the fact that you can stealth kill and block (which pretty much every game has) the only thing they have in common is that it's set in Japan.


No sekiro is not worth buying at 29.99$ It’s worth the whole 60 bucks


Sekiro is amazing. One of the best games I’ve ever played. I’ve found rdr2 to be boring. Two very different games.


To be honest, I liked RDR2. The story, the atmosphere, the open world is awesome. The characters are well written and Arthur Morgan is one of my favourite protagonists ever. However, the gameplay is very slow, and the main story is long, definitely not for everyone. Also the controls are very clunky and the mission pattern is so goddamn linear, and no replay value. But yeah Sekiro is one of the best games I've ever played, hands down.


I think you nailed it. The slow and clunky controls are hard for me to get over. They’re so unresponsive, it feels like you’re always walking through quicksand. When the story’s progressing I stay engaged, but as soon as it slows down I lose interest in playing.


Honestly, aside from everything else great about RDR2, the gameplay feeling "slow and clunky" was perfect for the game. You're not supposed to be fast, mobile or nimble, it felt somewhat realistic with how weighty it was. I guess if you don't like it, it feels "slow and clunky" but if you do, it's "realistic and weighty". Just thought i'd voice my sentiment on the gameplay, considering it's really divisive and a matter of preference, in case OP or others are interested in the game.


Rdr 2 is beautiful, but so linear - no choice and no challenge(my perspective). The story is great and characters amazing, but it's no from soft game. I played rdr2 once, I played dark souls more times than I can count. I've only recently started sekiro, and it's much more engaging than any Rockstar game ever could be


Woah I thought I was the only one who didn’t like RDR2


I couldn't complete RDR2. I was not immersed at all in the game. Noticed that nothing really matters, the same with GTA. The game plays itself and it makes you believe like you are doing something important but the truth is you're not. Type of games I liked as a 10 year old.


Mate, I bought it at full price near launch, still playing it. In terms of sheer gameplay time, this game is worth ten times its original rrt, especially if you want to see it through to the end.


I bought it for 60. WORTH. EVERY. PENNY.


worth it, its one of those games that arent overpriced even at full price in my opinion


I waited 2 years, that is lowest I seem it drop to.


Yep. It won't go back on sale until spring and it'll probably be $30-$35


No, you have to pay at least 59,99$ - its absolute minimum price for this masterpiece of gaming


I bought it today. So far it’s easily worth it. It’s 50% off. How much more do you expect it to go down? Lol


I love both games but I'd say Sekiro is better for gameplay and for a challenge, and RDR2 is better for story and an easier time in general. Can't really go wrong with either.


No wait the offer to ends then buy it for the original price. it deserves more


I would say they're both good games, and absolutely worth it at 30e. Completely different experiences though. That said: RDR2 has already been on sale a bunch, Sekiro less frequently. So if you pick up Sekiro now, you'll likely get the same deal or better on RDR2 later on. Buying them in the reverse order, you might not see the same deal on Sekiro for a while.


50% off is the game's historical low; Activision (the publisher) is not fond of putting their Steam games on sale. It's absolutely worth the full price, and you are very unlikely to find it at a better price than this for the next six months at least.


Considering it got GOTY I doubt it will drop its price, not in the near future that is. It's worth the buy.


As a guy who is fond of soul like games and have played Sekiro start to finish way more times that I would like to admit. It’s definitively worth it, it’s one of the most well developed and polished games I have ever played.


You have already played it. You can answer this question.


Rdr2 has more content and is just a bigger game in general but online is ass. Both are amazing so its really just cowboy vs shinobi at this point. My recommendation is Rdr2 and thats coming from a fromsoft fanboy. Neither will be a waste of money


Yeah Sekiro ist obviously not as stuffed with content as RDR2. But I invested over 300 hours playing Sekiro over and over cause it's so damn fun and addicting which is imho more important than the sheer size of the game. Still both games are worth way more than 30.00, so nothing to worry about for OP.


Unless you buy used discs, that’s as low as it could get, so go for it.


29.99 is a pretty decent price for this game.




So you're willing to wait another year?


I’d say it’s worth it. If you are looking for pure time investment that will last you I think total I’ve played more rdr2. But personally I enjoyed Sekiro more. Rdr2 is just SO massive I ended up spending more time with it


I bought RE3 for 60$. Comparing it, I'd buy Sekiro for 120 no problem, maybe I'd give it even more.


Yes! I bought it on sale in late Oct for $40. I’ve enjoyed it so much I don’t care that I could have waited a bit longer and got it for $30.


That game is still easily worth more than $30 if you ask me. Hell I might even say the same for Bloodborne. I say go for it but only if you don't mind a game handing you your ass a bunch lol.


It’s worth 59.99 It won game of the year for a very good reason.


it’s one of the greatest games i’ve ever played. so worth it. it’s a steal!


Do it. It's the holidays. You deserve a little suffering.


Sekiro is worth at even $200


Sekiro is worth buying for $100.


Sekiro has my favorite combat system in any game ever, 30 bucks is worth


Hesitation is defeat. That being said, please do.


Both solid games. I had rdr2 for a while now, still didn't complete it. It's more of a quest type game with great story. Sekiro as a game is familiar to dark souls games. It's about training ur skill to beat bosses. It can get boring if u don't enjoy getting killed over and over again for that one time u manage to overcome the challenge. Anyway if u want to relax playing game - rdr2, if u want fast paced action - sekiro. Also sekiro is rarely on sale (at least on Xbox).


That one time though. FUCK I’ve gotten the bug. It’s priceless. It’s like no other gaming experience I’ve ever had. So satisfying. The best thing since playing through half life for the first time as a child.


What is an unofficial copy?


Downvoted because this is the dumbest question ever. You’re on a sub dedicated to Sekiro. What answer did you think you were gonna get.


Sry for bothering you and hurting ur feelings. I wish u a great and happy christmas🙏


Get rdrII If you want bang for you buck get the bigger game.


Bigger doesn’t mean better. There were a lot of part in RDR2 that are really meh


Didn't say bigger was better. Just said bang for your buck


Well, it’s not a bang if it is not as good


For your opinion yes. In terms of literal game time, RDRII would be a better bang for $30. 20-30 hours for $30 = $1 an hour 150-300 hours for $30 = this conversation is over, any further attempts to argue with these facts will leave me questioning alot about you. Sekiro is a great game, one of my favourites, but it's put down by the sheer game time of RDRII


quality is better than quantity, and you can also replay the game as much as you want. Looks like you would rather eat at a cheap fast food than have a good meal.


Bigger game, but less actual gameplay. And zero replay value imo, didn't even finish the story, although I enjoyed it overall...


There's 100% replay value and without a doubt, more gameplay then sekiro Sekiro is a good 20 hour game where that time comes in from fighting the same guy until you finally win, and doing that until you reach the end of the game.


Meh, get a 2nd disc. At my place it's around 25$


I'd say so but if you can wait 63 more days you probably can get it for 20


It’s worth the 58 dollars that I paid for it at Best Buy.


29.99? I think that's a good deal


Buy it now


Yes! That’s a great price and for me at least Sekiro is one of the best games ever made. It would be worth it for twice that. Treat yourself and enjoy!


Bought it day one. It’s an amazing game!


Yes you will get your money's worth, and I doubt it's going to be on sale for less in the foreseeable future.


It's worth it at full price. Fucking masterpiece.


I never understood if asking if a game was worth it on a subreddit full of people who love a game, since the answer is always gonna be yes


Sekiro worth full price even now after 2 years !


Yep, I reckon the price has never been this low for Sekiro so now is the perfect time


It’s worth it and also this is one of those games that doesn’t drop in price very often and when it does it is isn’t usually lower than 29.99 anyway


Its worth 60 bucks Best game of 2019! And better than anything else released this year Its great (Play with controller)


Historical low was 26.99$ so I don't think it's worth waiting for better price.


But it


It’s been out for over two years and is still 60 bucks. Take advantage now while you can cuz I bet money it’ll go back up


I have struggled with this games since day one (finally think I'm getting the hang of it). I paid full price and I do not regret it one bit.


I would not bet that there will be a better/any sale soon. Sekiro was full price for nearly all the time since release. From Soft ist not known to sell their games on a discount deliberately


Its worth buying at full price


I got it for £30 and I played the hell out of it. And then again, and again, and again, Sekiro is such a worthwhile game with a lot of replayability I can’t even say.


I would buy it for 100 dollars


I put 160 hours in, so I’ll chime in with everyone else and say go for it.


Hesitation is defeat! If you don't like it just refund it, but give it a serious try before you do because when I first bought it I refunded it immediately then gave it a second shot and loved it. Now I have 100% completion


Totally worth it especially for $29.99


My friend just lent it to me on Monday and I'm 20 hrs in already.




its worth full price. any lower is a steal. go for it


Buy it, I’m about to go through ng+4 and I think the game lore only gets better through each consecutive play.


Bro that’s a deal hop on that shit


I got it for 20 second hand, the game is amazing but has less replayability tha other souls games, so keep that in mind.


Do it


If you're buying it on PS4/5 you can get it even cheaper given you can buy gift cards for less than they're worth, I bought a £35 card for £30.80 meaning for me the game was effectively £26.40 instead of £29.99. Not much but definitely adds up if you buy a lot of stuff on consoles.


It is worth 100$ easy


I’d spend 100$


Lmao imagine going into a subreddit for the fans of a single game and asking "hey guys, is this game good? Should I play it?"


Even buying it full price is worth it


One of the only games in recent years that I bought full price, didn’t regret it at all. It’s one my favorite games of previous generation (plays even more amazingly on the ps5) . Spend over 200 hours with this game and still keep coming back for more


I have bought this game 3 times already at full price, worth every penny.


Game so nice, I'd buy twice but then again that would be a waste. Just buy it and enjoy.


I mean if you’ve already played it go for red dead for sure


Hesitation is defeat. Buy it.


One of the few games ive paid 60€ for and don't regret a single bit. Even went for all achievements which i usually never do so yes absolutely buy sekiro.


It won't likely go lower IMO. Get it!


That's the lowest price ive seen foe it yet, so go ahead


Might not be the right forum for unbiased opinions but I think it is worth it. A game you can play years from now and still get enjoyment from.


Might not be the right forum for unbiased opinions but I think it is worth it. A game you can play years from now and still get enjoyment from.


Worth it, i dont think sale has ever dropped lower than that


Buy it.


The game’s worth buying at full price


You are asking on sekiro subreddit...what kind of answer did you expect?


Go ahead! Regular price is still $60 I believe so that's a deal


Yeah, you should. I've bought Sekiro for 13 dollars and 60 cents. Discounts, happy.


As someone whos been waiting for a decent discount to get Sekiro on ps4 (played it on release and then again 1 year later cause a friend lent me his copy but never bought it myself), id say definitely get it, the game is more than worth it and thats one hell of a price


Sekiro is worth 80usd


Both are excellent games and in book are one of the greatest games of all time, my personal top 5. Buy them both.


totally worth it, specially if you played other soulsborne games


I would buy it for 60dollars again


I’d say yes, but then again I really love the game so I’m kinda biased


Very much worth $30 👍🏻 scoop that shit up!


Man from where I am around that would be cheap! Atleast if you are on ps4. For whatever reason finding a copy of sekiro for anything less than 60 bucks is impossible yet on xbox finding it for 25 bucks ez. Veryyy weird. Short answer yes!


Half price worth it. Full price, definitely not.


I paid full price and I still think I didn’t pay enough for the enjoyment I got from the game.


It’s worth buying at 70$


I bought it for 60 and to this day its still paying back dividends. A really well made game!


Worth it get it


If you’re asking if you should support the devs then, really, that’s up to you. Coming here and saying you played a pirated copy and asking whether the community agrees in the idea of supporting the devs is just dumb. The game is EASILY worth 20, it’s EASILY worth the $70 I paid for it when it released. From software is an amazing developer, they’re known for making quality games.


Having beat it 3 times is buy it at 100


It was worth $60 when I bought it. $30 is a steal tbh.


I think there will not be better sale than this so go for it. I bought it as well and it was worth it.


Asking the sub of fanatical people if its worth getting is not going to tell you what you need to hear. If you like Dark Souls, Demon Souls, and Bloodborne... this game is similar but they changed the core gameplay to be even more skill based. It's harder than those other series in some ways, and easier in others-lets just say if you have the finger memory of rolling a lot done it will be counter productive. If you did not find any of those previous games fun enough to stick with it and beat one... Sekiro is going to be a hard sell because even the tutorial level soldiers will cause angst. The game is one of the hardest, fairest From Software games and also one of the most satisfying when you do progress. RD2 is a AAA game with some terrible ideas for time wasting mechanics, but aside from that is game most people like and put hundreds of hours in. Sekiro first play through can take 30-80 hours depending on how quickly you adapt to the combat systems and are completionist. Getting platinum with a few NG+ play throughs will probably only take you another ~40 or so hours.


For sure. It’s still worth full price IMO; great game.


It's a steal at $29.99. Love that game. When you first play it it'll feel like you wasted money and you'll hate it like I did. Then one day it all clicks. And you realize how you're actually supposed to play the game and you see it for the beauty of what it is. It's a great experience.


worth it


I paid full price for it and have NO regrets. I'd do it 4 times over if it means I'm supporting From Software to continue making games at the caliber that they do


Gamestop has it for 20 dollars used.


I’d say that it depends on what you’re looking for in a new game to add to your library. Just about everybody here is going to say it’s a good buy for $30 and I’d have to agree. But i guess it also depends on how much $30 is to you and what you’re looking for in a game. If you could get it for less that’s great but $30 for this game is worth it all day That being said- For me personally I have to be in the right mood to play, which can suck sometimes. I want to spend money on games that I can enjoy anytime and for me this just isn’t one of them. Though I’m not saying that makes it a bad game and it’s important to note that this isn’t everybody’s experience. There are sections that will be easy and others where you’re getting your ass handed to you for hours. It’s DEFINITELY worth it though. There’s also a point where it finally “clicks” or you finally beat a hard boss and that feels so damn rewarding. Like fuck yeah I just did that! Another thing, plenty of folks end up putting the game down for a period of time out of frustration, since getting used to/good at this game is often a long uphill battle. I’ve had the game for three years and I just recently finished the “first real boss.” Don’t let that intimidate you, it’s not like that for everybody. Also, I generally suck at these types of games. Still love it though. I just want to be honest about my experience. Unfortunately, even though it basically comes from them, money doesn’t grow on trees and I want you to get the biggest bang for your buck. If you’re looking for a more relaxed open world where you can chose if you want to focus on story, hunting/“stealth”, exploring, fighting then RDR2 wold be the better choice. I’ve played both and I think that as individual games Sekiro and RDR2 are just great games. There’s still a lot of action in RDR2 but it’s not very challenging. At least, not in comparison to sekiro. Though you can mess with the settings to make it more difficult it isn’t designed to be. The goal is to make you feel like a bad ass rootin’ tootin’ cowboy and it accomplishes this quite well. Sekiro is a hard fought upward battle and in that sense it’s much more rewarding but shooting the fuck out of everything is fun too lol. I don’t think there’s really a right or wrong choice between the two, they’re both great games. It just depends on what you’re looking for. They both have high replayability (imo) and I’ll also mention that while sekiro isn’t a walk in the park, there’s a big community here and it’s full of people who are helpful and more than happy to help you when/if you get stuck.


Sekiro is always worth it


It’s worth $1000.


The game is worth it but Bandai refusing to lower the price on their games or even offer regional pricing makes me reluctant to buy some of the games purely out of spite For example, DS3 is 80 dollars for me, no joke EIGHTY


I've waited for a long time for the price to drop and bought it with the 40% discount this summer. Imo it's unlikely to drop much more below 30$ in the near future. Also, this game is absolutely worth it. Finished with 4 playthroughs in a row and I haven't done that, well, ever before. Just remember: parry and don't hesitate.


You should play RDR2 as well if you can. Arthur Morgan is one of the best main characters I’ve ever seen in any type of media. But you will never regret buying Sekiro


$30 is a good deal and I do not seeing going lower in price honestly.


Easily worth full price.


It doesn't get much cheaper honestly. I got it for $25 on black Friday 2 years ago. But 50% off is about as low as it goes regularly. At that price it's absolutely worth it. It's such a good game. If you're in the realm of the souls games or not.


It good


Yea buy it


Honestly is the hardest game I've ever played. But it's also top tier, it looks awesome and plays awesome. It's definitely worth $30.


I bought it for the same price and I would've even paid double for it. It's fantastic


I'm nearly ashamed to admit that I got it for about £14 via a digital download from Argentina. I didn't think I'd have the time to get into it but over 3ish months I've got the 100% and only yesterday beat Inner Geni. It's possibly my favourite game of all time (and I'm an old geezer). If they make another, it'll be a day one purchase!


I've paid full price on steam and never regreted. It has the best sword combat system i've ever played


It’s worth $60


Worth 60 yo so def grab it!


i'd honesty still pay 60 for it if i had to


It's definitely worth it


It’s my favourite single player game of all time and I would gladly pre-order a sequel or dlc for full price I usually don’t buy single player games because they don’t have much replay-ability (I was gifted Sekiro) most of the time but Sekiro is phenomenal. Was game of the year for a reason Especially if you like Dark Souls type games you should pick it up. I still play it from time to time and will definitely do another run through in the new year


30 quid for the best game of all time...hmmm


30 is a great price, probably the lowest you can get it on pc.


*goes to videogame subreddit Is this game worth 50% of its initial value?


Buy it.


I loved this game so much that I bought it twice- at full price


Got it for 30 and I'd do it again.


I’d happily pay 30 for some dlc


I bought it about three weeks ago at full price and still have no regrets. Although I am slightly miffed by this excellent sale. For goodness sake buy buy buy!!!


Got it for 50$. I NEVER get a game over 45$! Worth every penny, even full price!


I bought it for like $40 on eBay and after playing I’d legit pay $100 if they made a sekiro 2


Lol, do it, it's really worth it, I got sekiro like 1 month ago as a PS4 disc and it cost ~50 pounds


The game is just great. I've sinked hundreds of hours and I'm still having fun! P.S. Good luck (:


Best price I've seen since release! I bought it at $45, and it was so worth it.


You already played sekiro, the game is amazing and you should support the creators but i think it would be better to play rdr2


Bought it at around the same price, totally worth it


Id pay $100


How far is my 3 months out there came out and it was on sale for $49 on Xbox Live. To be honest I would be satisfied and I would give them an extra $20 for a DLC.