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These people would be hilarious if they weren't also so fucking dangerous.


It would be fine if they were just like weirdos on the street. But the fact that some of them hold public offices is nightmarish.


Once we all innocently thought our families were unique because had some kooky family members. Then we got the internet, and found out literally every family has a kooky member. Oh well, they're just kooky. We shared stories. Funny things they insist on talking about at Thanksgiving. Then Trump came, and COVID, and we all learned that they ain't just kooky, they're dangerous idiots. And they'd been weaponized.


You mean like how everyone joked about having a racist grandma or a bigoted uncle, and then you just laugh at people stuck in the past? And how scary it is that they no longer have a reason to bite their tongue at thanksgiving dinner because "half the country sides with me"?


Unfortunately we all have to face the fact that we enabled the “kooks” and openly racist relatives by continuing to tolerate them in the name of “not making things awkward.” It’s come back to bite us all in the ass. Hopefully we’ve all learned our lesson and stop tolerating it under each and every one of our roofs. Want to use racist slurs? You’re not invited to Thanksgiving. Want to troll everyone with baseless conspiracy theories? You’re not invited to Christmas.


This is correct. I remember my grandma (would be 106 years old now) telling her son to leave Thanksgiving dinner because he didn’t “approve” of his daughter dating a black man (who was at Thanksgiving dinner). He made a veiled racist comment. She told him to GTFO. Best Thanksgiving ever! Keep in mind, I’ve seen photos of my grandma and grandpa in fucking black face for Christmas when they were 30-40 yrs old. They changed and became better human beings. As did my uncle. My cousin married the dude and they have two kids.


Blarg, the radical left has stolen my family from me. I guess my REAL family is the web forum full of patriots up that keeps getting shut down and rebranded


Also I have to keep sending money!


something has definitely made us conflict avoidant (i pin in it on law enforcement, i could be wrong). god forbid things get messy even if the aftermath is a net positive!


I'm young but I never put up with the bullshit (as soon as I hit the age of independence in my own country because it would've been extremely unsafe for me to do it earlier). Mother's side of the family got not contact in my teens, father's side shortly after. Nuclear family got no contact from me in my 20's. I doubt my actions changed them at all but it's saved my mental health from misogynistic, homophobic, racist, and generally shitty people. If they get better due to my actions great, if not, at least I don't suffer from their bullshit anymore.


The only thing that stops crazy Uncle Fa is not pumpkin pie. It's Antifa


Working hard for that "weirdos on the street" vote!


scared of a color palate


*palette - it even used to be pronounced differently from palate


Nah, I think it was right the first time. It's color palate. The only thing these morons know about school is eating crayons.


If they're tasting the crayons, then yeah that's using the mouth palate so I'll give you that. Edited for readability


Their views are so incredibly fragile that no possible other views, no matter how tangentially associated, are allowed. But their views are totally right and unchallengable.


Seriously thought this was satire at first


Apparently this guy has been kicked off a school board meeting for repeatedly yelling about anal sex. These people are beyond satire.


These people wouldn't be so fucking dangerous if their useful idiot component wasn't engaged in an utterly unfettered domestic arms race.


So true…. So true….


Even sadder than that is the reason why they're dangerous in the first place.


I love to see conservatives freak out about how the gays "stole" the rainbow. Like, you guys can use it. The problem is y'all are a bunch of insecure babies.


That’s why they’re only capable of thinking in black and white.


Black, brown, yellow, and white....they tend to favor one, but I just can't quite remember which one....


I’m pretty sure they only think in white.


I wish I'd been alive when my fellow gays broke into Heaven to steal the Rainbow from God. Shame it was before my time.


Children like rainbows because of all the colors. Hell, even straight adults like rainbows. It's an amazing display of light refraction and reflection.


Mom, what is that beautiful arch of colors in the sky? Shield your eyes son. Every time a child sees a rainbow a bigot loses his mind.


# It's too late, mother. # ❤ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 # I have seen everything.




7 year old account, this was your moment to shine


I’m pretty sure we all get 10k comments every once in a while 11y old account.


Another innocent child lost to Big-Rainbow propaganda. Won’t somebody think of the children!


Gotdang rainbow industrial complex!


Big Skittle is behind this






[Original](https://i.redd.it/1fprj60gx7461.gif), for those who haven't seen it.


(Demented screaming as a flaming pickup truck crashes thru a fence and runs them both over)


The rainbow's long than you think, mother! It's longer than you think!


Billy's been sucking an awful lot of cock since the day we saw that rainbow. Hmmmmmm


Put THAT on a bumper sticker.


PUT that on a bumper stick her.


Bumper sticker? I hardly know her.




Holy shit, put that last line on a bumper sticker.


Rainbows aren’t real. They are faked by the same studio that did the moon landings.


Apparently they only do rainbows because everyone laughed at them for doing the moon thing in black and white, implying they can’t do colors.


That makes it all come together for me…


God faked the moon landings!?!?


"Give me those crayons! Here, from now on, you are only allowed this white crayon!"


"Mommy, why does this white crayon say 'the good skin color'?"


Wait till they find out that rainbow is white, just smeared out.


Wait THAT'S what he's so scared of? This class looked so normal that even with the arrows I was struggling to figure out what was wrong. None of those even resemble the pride flag. Not every rainbow is gay ffs. I had rainbows in my gradeschool classroom in the fucking 90s.


This guy doesn't remember Lisa Frank and the vibrant horror she wrought


Came exactly for something like that. Maybe Shawn likes to cancel natural rainbows.


I mean, the vast majority of lgbt people have seen rainbows. Is that a coincidence? That's for you to decide. (just because this is the internet I'm going to include /s but I really hope it wasn't necessary)


Oh no rainbow... Must mean the teacher also has an operating room for performing surgery to change the children's genders as well.


It's offensive to them, that's God's sign and a token he won't brutally drown almost every living creature on Earth because he didn't like how some humans behaved.


Sounds like they are the whiny snowflakes.


Oh no! No one can use a color spectrum for anything ever because my imaginary sky friend says it's all for him!


The Bible is so weird. Every rainbow isn’t a promise of God’s love…it’s a *threat*.


No no, he promises that it won't happen again. This time he'll be better Anyway it was all our fault really, we made him do it It's weird how much god sounds like a crazy abuser in these stories huh


Omg I only just realised what it was in the picture that triggered such a ridiculous reaction, how colours and letters could possibly = indoctrination. Duh! ALL kindergartens are into displaying the colours of the rainbow! It's always been a thing, what the hell is wrong with this guy?


I may be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure god flooded the earth because the gene pool had been tainted from angels interbreeding with humans creating the Nephilim. The flood was to cleanse the bloodline.


Met a guy who claim schools give drugs to kids to make them trans. When i was in school i got a tiktac for asprin. We were fighting to have tampons and condoms on class. So believe me i say they make shit up just to make shit look bad. Create a need and you got a problem to solve.


There was a story a while back (weeks? months? time has no meaning anymore...) where someone was claiming that they got fired from their substitute teacher job because they addressed a student using words instead of meowing at them. To cut right to the point, the person who posted it on TikTok was indeed a teacher but she admitted to just making up the story. Still, that one story is all it took for there to be countless breathless headlines about how antifa furries have taken control of the schools or whatever nonsense. As it turns out, if your understanding of reality is heavily informed by the febrile rantings of random individuals chasing clout, it starts to become really easy to believe just about anything. The one that really gets to me is how seamlessly it went from making hideous accusations about teachers one week to being extremely in favor of teachers spanking children once the news broke about the Missouri district bringing corporal punishment back. Like I know it isn't necessarily the same people making the same points in all cases, but the whiplash in messaging is still insane to me. So far that messaging is, "Teachers can't be trusted to mention the existence of queer people without providing lurid sexual details, but they can be trusted and should be encouraged to enact physical violence on your children."


I'm not supposed to let my high school students know that I'm gay, but they expect me to take up firearms against a school shooter.


Don't forget they're going to strapped like they're invading Omaha Beach too.


The only colors allowed [in the classroom](https://imgur.com/a/yEqOTwg).


Are you trying to indoctrinate children into learning about black people? The only color allowed is white obviously. /s


Lmaoooo you didn’t have to turn her into an Oompa Loompa


Also, kindness. The horror! If I found out a teacher was encouraging my child to be kind, I would be literally shaking....


''operation to change the gender''... The mistake makes it even better (or was it intentional?)


Well, teacher DOES need a second job to make ends meet ya know so.....


ohhhh legit thought they were mad bc the teacher had walls for a sec


???? These be the same dudes telling everyone else to not be sensitive snowflakes.


His profile pic checks out


It would only be more fitting if it was a shot of him in his pickup truck cabin.


If I was able to watch He-Man when I was that age in the 80s and still turn out straight then I doubt a picture of a rainbow will do anything.


You mean the ripped dude in the fur speedo and bondage harness? Or his altar ego in the purple tights, bulge accentuating briefs, and pink vest?


He had a really powerful sword, tho.


[Just men being men…](https://gfycat.com/deadlyafraidglassfrog)


Just a couple of guys joshing around


And I said, hey ye ye ye yeah. Yeah, yeah yeah. Hey. What's going on?




Don’t worry. A gay conversion team is speeding to your house to correct this egregious oversight. Please stand by.


They're not afraid of the ABCs. It's the ABCs they want. What they are afraid of is that someone, God forbid, is being kind to their children.


This. What he says is that the class is for colours and ABCs, not for kindness and learning how to not be an asshole to others.


Which is funny, since kinder and other ECE is almost entirely focused on socio-emotional learning.


It took me way too long to catch onto that, but you're right. I think it's because most people probably assume that the arrows are pointing to the rainbow colors, not the text that says "Class is a family" and "Putting the **kind** in kindergarten." They're expressing displeasure at how school has an element of "Try not to be a piece of sociopathic shit to everyone around you" instead of allocating every possible second towards writing in cursive. So now I basically wish that it was just homophobia, instead of whatever batshit idea they're trying to espouse.


In this case, the "ABCs" he's trying badly to dog whistle about refer to "The Alphabet Mafia", a derogatory term for the LGBTQIA+ community.


That’s not what I think he’s doing, I think he’s saying that teaching the alphabet is what school is for, but also the wording is so bad that this could mean no a lot of tgings


In his defence, he probably didn't learn his ABCs /s


No. They are afraid of kids learning their ABCs, too.


The kids are gonna be 10 steps ahead of their parents if they learn the alphabet


These people have lost their fucking minds




I don't have nearly enough alcohol in my system to put up with this bollocks.


Well don't try to put enough in there, you have so much life left to live.


There’s not enough tequila in Mexico


Triggered by a symbol of love and acceptance. What a twat.


I feel bad for this teacher being called out. This dumb image tied to her name will be around forever.


I honestly don’t know why anyone would want to teach now. I wouldn’t be surprised if this poor woman is getting threats after this.


That's the point. Make education intolerable and kids lose interest.school becomes training for following directions. If instead they have someone who gets them and is kind, as well as qualified, they might become enthusiastic about learning.


Exactly! The reason for the teacher shortage isn't because there aren't enough teachers. It's because there's not enough teachers willing to put up with this kind of b*******


Seriously. I work in education, and I wish I could laugh at fucking imbeciles like these, but it’s just so dangerous. It makes my blood boil


That was my first thought, wtf? And publishing her name, too! How can anyone think this is OK?


He doesn't. I'm willing to bet that he knows this will make her a target for the dipshit brigade. He's counting on it. He gets off on hurting people and knows that naming someone in this manner is likely to provoke harassment and possibly violence.


Ironically, the teacher is conservative and posted against vaccines, and a bunch of "blue lives matter" nonsense. https://twitter.com/jhforfl/status/1564985339483136001?s=21&t=BCS-gEbnqqghOrKzQ4u3Fg R/leopardsatemyface material. (for the record, I disagree w the linked tweet & feel bad for the teacher. No one deserves to be doxxed like she was.)


Curse you for introducing internal conflict to the mix.


"her class is not a family" coupled with "Parents are the family" pretty much equates "If they're not family, £u(k'€m." LOVELY(/s) members of any society, amirite?


> £u(k'€m I truly don't know how I feel about this unique and almost artistic censoring.


Including the apostrophe, even


His father should have pulled out


Shawn, you little squirt


Okay I assume that they are upset about the rainbow hearts because they feel it promotes tolerance and acceptance and they aren’t down with all that. But what’s the other arrow for? I honestly can’t figure out what it’s pointing at


I think it says "The class is a family", and you know how touchy they are about 'family' being redefined as anything except hetero whites with 2.5 kids.


Which half is that half a kid, though? These are the important questions to ask.


The gay kid. /s


It's a whole kid, just the half are the flaws and differences they didn't expect and don't accept.


The other arrow, I think, is pointing to the word 'WELCOME' which is laid out in rainbow colors.


Who’s gonna tell these water heads about light?


That's not going to work. I remember trying to explain rainbows to a guy in my flight back in my Air Force days and he just did not get it. As far as I know, he wasn't an idiot "anti-woke" chode like the guy above. If he couldn't understand, I doubt chowderheads like the above would.


At least we can quietly acknowledge that all the stars in the universe are taunting them.


Rainbow is god's promise not to drown all the children and pregnant mothers again.


What a merciful god. /s


Who’s going to read them the end of Noah’s story when God put a rainbow in the sky?


Which God? Iris? Manzat? I mean, there are so many rainbow dieties..


It's only a matter of time until these terrorists inspire someone to attack one of these "evil" teachers or doctors. They are actively putting targets on people's backs and unleashing their insane followers on them. Fuck these people so hard, they must be held accountable for anything that happens to someone they call out like this.


It's not a matter of time, it's already happened to abortion providers (George Tiller, attacks on clinics) spurred on by these same people.


Is it "rainbows=gay" or "the gays can't take rainbows from us" you can't have both


They can't but they sure as hell are going to try.


My brother has gone hard right in spite of being raised by two parents who have been in labor politics on the left for my brother and my whole life. What I have learned from watching his transformation is he’s always negative. Always angry. Always assumes the worst in every person and every situation. What sucks is he used to be funny and enjoyed discussing movies with me. Now, it’s being a petulant ass, either obsessed with trans people indoctrinating his daughter (he and his whole family doesn’t know any trans people), that everyone is trying to steal from his family (the only people who do are his wife’s conservative family), and that everyone is lying. I honestly don’t know how anyone can live like that but I get to watch him disintegrate in front of my eyes.


My BIL called my wife to complain about a book on gay people in the classroom. He asked her what age he thinks children should learn about gay people. He called my LESBIAN WIFE to ask this question 🤦🏽‍♀️. I have been around this child since this kid was born. She informed him that it was unfortunately just too late for his kid… Its just sad what’s happening. People who seriously are not bad people are becoming stupid as they’re becoming brainwashed. Like fear is so activated common sense is being thrown out


What?!?! They're teaching colors and letters in kindergarten? This has never happened before!!!!11!!1!2!


Now riddle me this, what sort of person wants children to grow up with no sense of kindness or belonging to a group that they aren't blood related to?


So fucking triggered.


Literally every elementary school classroom I’ve ever been in is decked out a la rainbow like Lisa Frank decorated the place. What the fuck are these people on about? Do they *want* classrooms to look like soul sucking office spaces? It’s bad enough they don’t open the fucking windows for natural light.


Mobilizing the proletariat one letter at a time


I mean the refraction of light is PROOF positive that God has a gay agenda.


Guarantee the person who wrote that has labeled others as being a “woke snowflake”


This is the same man that spends his free time yelling at kids about [hardcore anal sex](https://mobile.twitter.com/HeemanFragbard/status/1524033906680414209) and has a podcast with a [known convicted child sex predator](https://twitter.com/HeemanFragbard/status/1524715684780982272) while blaming everyone else for indoctrination. Irony is dead


It’s always projection with these scum suckers.


It's a rainbow, you dumb fuck. Everybody loves rainbows.


Let me tell you something. That lady fucking paid for every goddamn decoration in that room to make it a fun and safe place for other peoples kids. Fuck every GOP fuckface defaming the teaching profession, they’re selfish, indignant hypocrites. Fuck


All I can think is that those are some tall chairs for reception. Does Maine have really tall children?


Yes, all we feed the children here is potatoes and moose meat...It's what Mr. King wants.


This loser seriously needs to be punched in the face.


How did he tweet this if he is afraid of the alphabet?


Don't you know? If kids learn about the alphabet, they might learn how to read. If kids can read, then they can potentially learn things. And if kids start learning things, they might have independent thoughts! Thoughts like "this whole christianity thing doesn't seem right to me," or "I don't think being gay is wrong," or even "I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with the gender people see me as."


I'm genuine confused. The arrows look like they're pointing to colorings done with different colored crayons. Are people now afraid of even Crayons mixing?!


I mean part of school is teaching kids social skills and how to be kind to others, and viewing others as if they were your family is a good first step for kids to understand that. Schools have been using that kind of language for a century now chill out that weirdo needs to chill


Yes please god pull their kids. That way the other kids won’t have to be pulled down by the low borne inbred fucking idiot that their kid surely is.


This type of shit is absolutely, no joke, going to get people killed, and I now know that that’s the goal.


How dare this woman……… create a welcoming environment for her students!!!


"It's not about being kind" yes, nobody wants kids to be kind to each other at school. That may lead to making friends, the highest of evils. His logic is truly flawless, a modern Socrates.


Yeah. Rainbows were never ever used in classrooms ever before. Lol


Yeah what was this teacher thinking. Kindergarten kids would feel much better, and regularly want to attend an all white classroom with only black letters that spelled "Don't tread on me" in Comic Sans.


This kind of singling out needs to be criminal. This asshole is intentionally painting a target on this teacher's back to their extremist base.


Why can’t her class be called a family? I just don’t get what that’s negatively implying? Edit.. just checked his Twitter, and it’s full of similar shit posts


Wait, hold up, is this dude actually upset about rainbow hearts and a sign that say “class is family”??? This is a totally normal looking classroom… I hate this timeline


Apparently this absolute clown was banned from school board meetings for being disruptive earlier this year lol. Constantly a victim. https://darik.news/maine/hampden-schools-ban-activist-after-making-obscene-recording-of-meeting/569456.html


My father in law wanted to make sure my daughter’s school wasn’t pushing some “woke agenda” on her. She’s starting kindergarten lmao


They don’t want their kids to be taught…kindness?


All this unnecessary harassment seems like it will come back to bite them in the ass in the long run, it seems like such a lose-lose proposition to request working class people to harass teachers, harass schools and then pull their kids out of the school, like where else are they going to go anyway, who the fuck has the time anyway for all this shit. These people are delusional…


Do they even know what they're so damn scared of at this point?


Literally, boko haram


It's rather funny how easily they gave up the rainbow and are now afraid of it. I wonder if there's other minor Christian symbols that can be as easily co-opted. Hell, take the cross; and when they throw a fit quote Romans at them (1:21-24 work nicely.) Or Isaiah 5:8-25, any of which is grossly pertinent.


Don't look at the rainbow! Focus on the flag salute. Which totally isn't indoctrination. Can't wait till kids can pray in school again...


Gozer couldn't make that classroom look scary to any sane person.


He can’t even spell plural right. It’s ABCs, not ABC’s. Probably needs to go back to school or something.


I thought there was no way this wasn’t satire. Then I looked this guy up. [And holy shit is his twitter insane.](https://twitter.com/shawnmcbreairty?s=21&t=V8ShmQkdiuztmTvIf4nqsg). He’s against Public school indoctrination centers, teachers unions, and hiring Catholics as teachers. Ffs


What the hell is that dude's problem? That appears to be a welcoming class room with a nice teacher. Everyone needs more kindness, apparently buddy didn't get enough growing up.


That looks like an awesome classroom. If I was in kindergarten, I would be so excited to go to school everyday!


These “our schools are full of groomers” crowd really have to twist themselves into a logic pretzel to sell this narrative to themselves


For fucks sake now we can’t let kindergarten kids enjoy rainbow colored decorations. Good grief.


Gigantic German word above the chalkboard. Obviously a socialist.


I support funding for a government program to teach conservatives how to position arrows on a picture.


Lol yes Shawn. I'm sure the rainbow heart could only mean that the kindergarten classroom is a lib paradise. Anyone else have rainbow hearts in their childhood classrooms? They were everywhere growing up, that way everyone's favorite color got represented


he has a youtube video doxxing a school teacher, justifying it by levying accusations such as "she supports social justice for all people" and "wants to dismantle white supremacy" as of this is incriminating evidence he found. He includes a graphic suggesting school should be teaching "love, kindness, and compassion" instead of hate. Weird how fast he changes his mind.


Is this just stuff that people post on r/Maine ? Like is this normal shit for y’all to post?


Yes, this is what it's like in rural Maine right now. I live near Ellsworth and am not surprised by this at all.


Damn. That sucks. r/Michigan is so tame by comparison—like at least I’ve never seen anyone approve of Tudor Dixon.


To be clear, the story about how a rural-conservative-posts-some-conspiracist-ridiculousness is a frequent r/Maine thing.


I think you misunderstood. The image (screenshot) was posted on r/maine for awareness of this chucklefuck.


He doesn’t want his kids to be kind, he wants them selfish and competitive. The others are not possible friends/family, the others are just competition that must be annihilated, not loved. Typical neoliberal. I’m going to puke now.


That's not even close to being the LGBT rainbow! The gay pride flag has clearly defined color blocks, those hearts have a gradient on them, most likely because the manufacturers wanted rainbow hearts while being visually clear that it's not meant to be a gay pride thing.


My brain hurts trying to complete the mental gymnastics required to get angry about rainbow things, especially in a Kindergarten room.


Profile picture checks out


I will never understand why so many people care about what other people do in their homes to each other.


Oh, the horror of it all! ABC’s? How could they?!


Imagine getting upset over colors. These Republicans are the biggest, frailest snowflakes of all time.


>THE PLEASANTVILLE CODE OF CONDUCT: 1. All public disruption and acts of vandalism are to cease immediately. 2. All citizens of Pleasantville are to treat one another in a courteous and “pleasant” manner … 3. The area commonly known as Lover’s Lane as well as the Pleasantville Public Library shall be closed until further notice. 4. The only permissible recorded music shall be the following: Pat Boone, Johnny Mathis, Perry Como, Jack Jones, marches of John Phillips Souza or the Star Spangled Banner. In no event shall any music be tolerated that is not of a temperate or “pleasant” nature. 5. There shall be no public sale of umbrellas or preparation for inclement weather of any kind. 6. No bedframe or mattress may be sold measuring more than 38 inches wide. **7. The only permissible exterior paint colors shall be BLACK, WHITE or GRAY, despite the recent availability of certain alternatives.** 8. All elementary and high school curriculums shall teach the “non-changist” view of history–emphasizing “continuity” over “alteration.” I knew I remembered why they hated rainbows!


And these are the people calling everyone else snowflakes. Just wow


Fellas, is it gay to observe the visible light spectrum


Snowflake man-child offended by colours and that people exist.