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Ryan Serhant has a built in fanbase from Million Dollar Listing: NY. He used to be a realtor for the #1 brokerage until he left to start his own. Don’t think the #1 brokerage is gonna let there be a semi-scripted reality show invading their business.


Exactly, he was already a realty TV star.


I didn't realize that when he was on MDLNY that he was with Nest Seekers (I'm only rewatching on S3, haven't gotten to the end of my rewatch), which is Selling the Hamptons brokerage.


What’s the #1 brokerage?


Compass Group. They are the top dog and own I think 500 smaller brokerages under them which helps inflate their numbers.


Woah, the same Compass that Maggie Wu jumped ship on to start The W Group at? No wonder.


Scripted and planned for sure.


the show is really good! absolutely insane and better than selling sunset


I agree! Season 1 of this was way better than season 1 of SS


It's both interesting in nature and so annoying in reality TV interpersonal seemingly-scripted conflicts. Most of the agents are borderline intolerable. 


I love that they are focusing on properties and drama in appropriate proportions and the whole vibe is much more relatable and believable.


My thoughts are it’s probably 80% scripted/manufactured BUT it is really well done and the show is shot very well. The Ryan guy is kind of douchey but kind of grows on you by the end. I was thoroughly entertained.


First impressions are that he's a douche until you realize he's kind of a dork.


Agreed!! I couldn’t stand him on million dollar listing at first. But then he grew on me over the seasons. And seeing him with his wife and daughter kind of changed my opinion too.


this was me; I hated him at first on MDL, then slowly grew to like him. People can change!


Same for me. He grew on me and I really liked him on Owning Manhattan. Some of his agents on this show are horrible and had to fast forward through their parts.


Once you see him in his crazy costume I think you realise lol


The douche dork: A Manhattan Classic


lol too true


He’s very likable upfront imo. Is there an episode discussion thread? I need to hear thoughts on Jonathan 😂


I just really want him to blend his concealer better


Ryan is hilarious and goofy . He could have a giant ego if he wanted to because he has the track record to back it up but he’s not a jerk. He’s really excited about real estate and comes up with the coolest or funniest ideas to sell properties. I haven’t watched this new show yet I didn’t realize it was a thing but I’m a huge fan from Million Dollar Listing.


So he genuine? I can't figure out if he's really adorkable or just very good at pretending.


I've been a huge fan since Million Dollar Listing and I rarely like anyone on these reality shows. I think he's adorkable, don't think it's an act. There were times when he was 'serious' and having the tough convos in MDL and you could tell it made him uncomfortable. He doesn't strike me as snake-y or adversarial at all.


Good to know 😊 I'm terrible at reading people, so I generally seek out a second opinion.


I think we can like him :)


I also find him very likeable, a total G when it comes to selling, and kind and caring towards the people that he works with. I never saw him treat anyone poorly or talk negatively about anyone on the show. He hams it up for the camera but I find it to be endearing and fun!


Probably 95% scripted. Firing Johnathan at Hudson yards roof deck was planned. Ryan leaving the party early to speak to the developer to sell the entire building, planned. Ryan almost getting fired for not selling the penthouse on Central Park Tower for $250 Million dollars, scripted.


Right? I was at least expecting a scripted emergency for why he had to leave the party. But there wasn't even a fake emergency. Just urgency for the sake of more drama.


Correct, that's how the producer wanted to end the season. Rather than setting up a phone call with Ryan and the developer to sell the "entire building", they went above and beyond to film it in a rooftop penthouse as an emergency during a party.


It\`s stupidly scripted


Nothing is ever real. This is how they produce 10 seasons or more on these kind of shows.


Many have answered this but Ryan Serhant is a legend. He has an audience and is just such a delight on camera. I'm only on episode 3 so far but everytime Ryan is on Camera, I'm hypnotized. Now, I have a lot of the season in front of me but all I keep thinking so far is that Selling Sunset is unbelievably dysfunctional compared to Serhant. Not saying there's no drama in Owning Manhattan but I don't feel like they're all monsters at least... so far. :P Excited to keep watching where this goes and again, I am soooo glad to see Ryan back on TV. What a legend - There's no way he's not gonna climb to at least top 2 in NYC.


I was kind of weird to see the boss actually lecturing employee who miss behavied or complian that this is not a "Kindergarden".


This is my first time encountering and I feel like he's so cringe! Hate to disagree with you but I don't think I'll like him! Only on ep.1


Because Ryan was already famous. And part of the storyline is him growing the brokerage.


Anyone not fake and 2 faced in it, on 3rd episode


I binged watched Owning Manhattan and have also watched all all released seasons of selling sunset . From my personal opinion , Owning Manhattan is much better than selling sunset .


They’re both scripted 💩


Not true :)


You must love the drama 🎭


No I just work in television.


Check out "The Parisian Agency". This one is my favorite of all the Selling/Buying series'.


it is really the best show out of them all




Parisian agency is The very best, no scripted storylines. These people sell, no bs.


And the drama is all with love, not spite and jealousy and hate. They are a real family, not like these brokerages that claim they are all "family".


On another note has anyone seen Buying London? Just saw that show I never heard of before and I was wondering if it’s worth watching?


Apparently it’s no good 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because the houses are lame, the cast sucks?


There’s some beautiful London homes but many of the mansions are wayyyy out of London in Surrey or Sussex they even go right out to the Cotswolds for one house!! The agents don’t actually sell ANYTHING during the entire season. On the subject of the cast they are quite dull. The manufactured drama is cringe to watch and they don’t have any chemistry at all. It feels like they were cast and don’t actually know each other. It’s watchable but nowhere near the quality of Owning Manhattan


The guy that runs it I can’t remember his name. He’s so forgettable. His acting is so so bad lol it’s cringey


Daniel Dagger. Yeah he’s pure cringe. The whole thing feels like a cheap knock off to be honest. Apart from Ladies of London I have never seen a UK reality show that isn’t done on the cheap. Even really popular shows like Made in Chelsea and TOWIE are badly produced and very staged. The cast are always very wooden and the scenes are poorly set up. Buying London isn’t terrible but it’s got nothing on the American versions.


The Real housewives of Cheshire is good. But yes most aren’t


Haha Cheshire is my most disliked of the entire franchise and the only one I don’t watch so we can agree to disagree there 🤣


I have watched Buying London and comparing it to Owning manhattan and Selling sunset , it is by far my most boring of the three . selling London shows agents showing potential buyers through luxury properties but there’s no coverage of when a deal is closed or when an actual sale is processed .Showing when a luxury property closes or is sold makes it more believable and interesting . Otherwise it makes one wonder what the purpose of the show is as no one buys anything in those episodes that have been released apart from the showing of the properties . Maybe they’ll show the closed deals in future seasons? It’ll be good if they do show some real sales in future seasons .


Thank you, that’s definitely interesting feedback and I agree the main point is to see the houses and who sells the most with a hint of drama!


I don’t believe ANY of those properties are actually for sale. I’ve seen almost all of them I other real estate shows in that last 5 years. I was actually looking up the shows and documentaries for my husband because o was so annoyed. Brokers also.


It's the crappiest amongst all the real estate shows, total let down. Weird because one of the cast members was in Made in Chelsea. The style is just so off and not Netflix-esque at all, and the houses are so ugly imo lol


Oh em gee, who from MiC is in the show?




Loool I really did not expect her… but now I kind of want to see it 😂🤣


Damn it I just started with the first episode and now I realise I got the wrong Rosi! You meant Rosi Walden and I thought you were talking about OG Rosie Fortescue 🤦🏾‍♀️




It's scripted.


Yeah no shit lol they all are. This one is just the worst quality


It only gets worse and worse.


Definitely the most boring of the 3…it just comes off as a try-hard SS wannabe


Which is already telling a lot because SS does try pretty hard already...


YUP…when I finished the latest season of SS it went back to S1E1, and my word - I didn’t realize how much they’ve all changed


I got 2 eps in and stopped. There just isn't enough rivalry between the cast, the boss is kind of that rah rah rah sell sell sell vibe but tries to be their friend as well. It feels very produced and aware of itself.


So so boring; such a disappointment


London: First episode they’re putting women against each other with scripted bs, I checked out.


I watched it and it's meh.


That’s the general consensus!


Binge watched Owning Manhattan in one evening and loved it. Also love NYC so it was perfect to see all the listings. Does anyone think Jess M (polish) looks a bit like Nicole from SS? After Nicole rearranging her face.


THIS IS ALL I CAN SEE!! Lol…I seriously thought it was Nicole for a little bit.


Me too omg! In the first scene in episode one, I was like “?!?!? NICOLE?????” 😂😭


I like that they still dress sexy but way more appropriate than selling sunset. They look like real agents lol


That’s so true. Their styling is so much better than the costume party at selling sunset.


I have a lot of respect for a boss who fires an employee for trash talking other staff on a podcast. This is what consequences look like, Alex Hall.


I really liked it. Granted I liked Ryan on his previous show, but I enjoyed actually SEEING deals get done, the cast having drama but not outrageous, normal clothing, and of course the amazing NY reality. I hope for many more seasons.


I have been really impressed by Owning Manhattan! I wasn’t really a fan of Ryan on MDL as he can be extremely cocky and annoying, I feel like he brings his sense of humour out more on this show and I am enjoying it. It’s actually better than Selling Sunset in my opinion.


Im on episode 3 and I knew I was going to love this show the second it was announced because of Ryan. Ryan is such a pleasure to watch, he was my favorite from MDLNY, I’ve been missing him so much on my screen. He’s entertaining, he gives the right amount of sass without coming across as mean… he’s a delight. This show also has a lot more real estate while keeping some of the drama so it’s a lot more refreshing than SS. I’m on ep 3 and it’s soooo good.


I think making a series about an agent who is already famous from another real estate show who left his agency to build his own brokerage and trying to climb the ladder is more interesting than making a show about a massive national brokerage (Compass is #1 in NYC) who is already at the top.


I'm so happy they made it on SERHANT. Ryan really has built a very interesting business from the ground up, and I will always respect his hustle and merit. If I'd ever move to NYC, I would 100% choose to work for him. Also, just from a purely neutral perspective: the show is really well made. Say what you will about Ryan, but he knows how to engage the audience.


Anyone have ideas/guesses on Jesse T"s secret client buying home/apt downtown?


Does anyone know who is the mysterious buyer for that $22 mi property?


They announced the last episode that Bhad Bunny rented it. Music artists make stupid money decisions.


This is some serious entertainment. I could care less if it's scripted, it's just ridiculous. I also love seeing all the shots of New York (more exciting to me because I'm going there in November). The listings are amazing and I love seeing them all. I just finished watching the Toronto Luxe Listings (can't remember exactly what it's called) on Prime and those agents act a million times more pretentious and snobby than Ryan and they're only in Toronto lol Ryan really grew on me, I expected someone with a huge ego but he seems pretty level headed for who he is.


Currently going find. Do I need to set my VPN to Canada to watch?


Probably? It was on Prime Canada


Jonathan the guy with the tats, what a kebab, can’t stand the guy, probably the arrogance at that age but like on steroids, couldn’t stand any screen time with him. Chloe is not loyal and has narc tendencies, the way she made her friends broken marriage about herself; absolutely nauseating. I think the Australian agent and the Brooklyn Queen were awesome as well as Ryan and his other top tier agents. His former assistant is hilarious, deffo added a lot to the show.


I just binged it and loved it! I truly think its what selling sunset was supposed to be.. Also loved selling London.


I don't believe this is the series from SS. It's called "Selling Manhattan", not buying. That's what I've heard anyway. I've watched the first couple of episodes, it's okay. That Penthouse tho! 😳


What's that one Agents name with the big eyes!? Her wardrobe alone is worth watching! Dayum gurl!!! 😳🔥


Very scripted


In loveeee with this show. I wish the London one was as good as this one.


Hooked on it. Hope for a season 2


It’s nice to watch Ryan’s business growth, but the scripted drama is a big turnoff for me. 2 out of 4 stars 🙃


The people in this show have their heads to far up their asses that I'm starting to actually think its satire.


It was entertaining but everyone seemed so stressed and harsh. Maybe that’s cuz they’re New Yorkers. But it was like watching a bunch of used car salesmen fight with each other over their next meal and everyone went right for the jugular.


Why did Chloe say that her husband was more likely to cheat on her than jades was?


That’s why we say she has way of making everything about herself. Somebody’s husband cheated? Oh! Mine would definitely do.


Honestly I've never seen such a group of self serving  expectant children in my life. Just another bunch of all about me greedy Americans lol. Cant watch anymore of it. Just the most horrible selfish people.


It just makes me think thank god I'm british abs never have to live in America lol