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Normal people can survive one minute exposure to space it won’t be pleasant, lifelong disabilities and all that, but if you’ve got Force powers and a bacta tank waiting…


It wont be pleasant, but there will almost not be any long term efects


I suspect there would be vision problems but don’t really know and hope to never find out


Me neither






wELl iM nOt rEaDInG tHAt


No true redditor would


But it's in the headline, so every Redditor should take it as fact without needing to read it.


My favorite part of The Last Jedi was when Leia swelled to resemble an inflated goatskin bag, then used projectile vomit and diarrhea to propel herself back to the ship.


.... I would watch the fuck out of this


I have no problem with her surviving, I just think the effects is that scene are hilarious.


Hilarious to watch, but probably actually how it would go.


I didn't really have a problem with it, but in the theater I just knew "Okay, this and Holdo's existence are going to be the two things people never shut up about." Didn't realize A FARMER knowing how to use the breast milk of animals for sustenance something we pay farmers so that we can all do would be at the top of the list people gave it shit for.


I didn't even make that connection but yeah, Luke *not* milking the local population is unrealistic. Also Holdo/Leia 5ever.


I dunno who complains about Luke being able to milk something with an udder, but him being a farmer has little to do with it, because he was a MOISTURE FARMER on Tatooine, which translates into taking care of water-collection devices, not milking anything whatsoever.


Moosture cows maybe




It doesn't, we already had the scene where Luke has a bsod moment upon realizing there's only one reason why the Falcon and Chewie would be here without Han


While I think it’s realistic enough (well, insofar as Star Wars). Please don’t? The fandom needs less hate, more mutual understanding. There are a LOT of us. It is impossible for everyone to agree about anything in this saga. People dislike or even hate parts of it that others love. But we can try to understand where others are coming from. And even if not understand, accept it. Hate isn’t necessary


I just want to jump in and recommend to anyone who hasnt, you need to watch Star Wars sometime. It preaches a *ton* about what hate does to people. Its pretty great series.


But I'm only here to watch people talk about how a fictional character would "really" act. It never gets old.


It is kinda strange. As if people are always really consistent about how they act in all situations


So is the force lol


But more importantly, human can in fact survive in space for a couple minutes


How much money would it take for you to give it a try (serious question)?


He not wrong though. It would give you the worst case of the bends you can imagine but humans don’t instantly freeze or implode while expose to a vacuum. Here a[video that has more on the subject.](https://youtu.be/Jy0299W67cU)


Interesting, but that doesn't answer my question. How about you, what would be your price?


As someone who went though a mild case of the bends before, your have to pay me millions in order to willing go though an much more extremely painful version of that




It’s just not.


why. not. you stupid bastard


It actually is... look it up I dislike the sequels a lot but it actually is possible to survive in the cold vacuum for a short time


What if it's immediately after an explosive decompression after an advanced HE missile explosion?


Double it and pass it along to someone else


THAT wasn’t what I had a problem with, humans can be exposed to a Vaccum and survive for about a minute maybe two (it depends on the person), the problem I had was with her suddenly manifesting Force Powers that there was no indication of her knowing how to use until that point! Leia has the same potential as her Father and Brother so you’d think it would be a big and important thing if she had actual training (and in Legends it was) but NO her flying through Space like Mary Poppins comes out of fucking no where and is completely forgotten literally seconds after it happened! The one good thing I will say about Rise Of Skywalker is atleast it tried to fix that by revealing that Luke trained Leia in the Ways Of The Force but that just brings up even more questions like why did Leia send her Non-Force Sensitive ex Husband after Kylo if she is a trained Jedi? Why did she let her twin brother go out to face Kylo and the First Order alone?


Saying it's unrealistic is super dumb in a series with space magic. I'm not saying I like the scene. I think it looks weird, and it would have been better to let Leia die here than how she did in TROS (in my opinion of course.) That being said, it, just like all of TLJ, are massively overhated for what they are. I actually quite like most of TLJ.


Star Wars and science don’t mesh well


They also like Starkiller and he survived for way longer with a puncture wound through his abdomen


Realistic or not it looks fucking dumb as shit and ripped me right out of the immersion, which is the ultimate failing of a movie. I don’t get why people defend this. Like, Kanan already did it in Rebels but it looked cool and natural and nobody had a problem with it. Leia looked wonky and weird. It’s the same way Grogu could Force heal and it felt impactful and mysterious while Rey doing it felt cheap and unearned. It’s all in the presentation.


So to recap: Not sequel do it = good Sequel do it = bad 🤔


No not at all. Completely out of the blue = Bad Built up in the story = Good Clambering back to a ship = Good Flying like Superman = Bad


Pulling oneself towards a large object using the force in the vacuum of space is very different from flying like Superman. The scene looked weird but also space magic. I would say it probably required less force than Obi-Wan using force jump after his first fall in the battle with Darth Maul.


It's the fact that she looked like she was flying like Superman. It's only the visuals and complete lack of build up to it that bothers me.


What if you say a Leia death fake out was distasteful because Carrie had just died?


I'd say that scene likely was shot ahead of time, before she passed, and the rest of the movie was likely too far ahead in production to change that.


And you would be correct


Top 10 ways to lose my respect FOREVER


The real problem is that It's a Deus ex Machina pulled out of the ass of Rian johnson.


Well maybe the force is strong in Leia’s family or something.


lol maybe


I had never even considered this possibility


The Deus ex machina of a force sensitive character using the force in a life or death situation?


That's not how the force works




Guardians of the Galaxy literally did the same thing and no one batted an eye.


Who asked


It's not that it happened. It's that there was zero build up to her being that powerful.


It’s not that it the Mary Poppins shit that she does and then passes out.Like space was rough but that floating man will kill ya


So, surviving being bombed and being exposed to the vacuum of space aren't enough reasons for her to be in a critical state and passed out? She just woke because her survival instinct kicked in but that doesn't mean she's at full HP.


You proved my point survival instinct doesn’t kick in when you are out cold.She’s unconscious in space and suddenly wakes up knows exactly where to go floats over because Jedi’s can fly now.She’s not indestructible at least she’s not supposed to be.Ryan Johnson just did this crap for female empowerment.


It is tho but ok




The scene just looked absolutely ridiculous lol.


Its not that its unrealistic. Kanan survived being out in space too. Its just that it looked stupid as fuck


Expanse’s Naomi does that and the show’s sub explodes with accolades about how well it’s done and how scientifically plausible. Leia does that and all of the SW subs are losing their minds over a thing that’s totally possible, even for a non-Force user.


Does This means leia part droid?


thats a bit over the top emotional reaction to such a sentence


And prequel fans think Padme landing on a Reek from that high in Episode II without feeling any pain on her butt is


It's only unrealistic because she was never previously trained in the force. Jedi have been doing that since the Old Republic.


It _looked_ cheesy af. But it was pretty damn cool. Wanna fix it? Have her pull the ship towards her. Wouldn’t take a huge change, it’s space, all movement is relative anyway. Just have the camera stationary relative to _her_ and frame it as her Force-pulling the whole damn ship.


Yeah cause you can only survive for 15 seconds


Leia surviving in space was never the problem. People don’t like the scene because (a) it looks stupid, and (b) Carrie Fisher was already dead. So everybody watching knows that this is the end of Leia’s character arc even if she survived, because the actress cannot return to carry on the story.